Quick & Easy Nova Scotia Seafood Chowder Recipe | The Canteen Cooks

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today we're gonna make chowder everyone has been requesting it we sell a lot of it at work and today we're actually gonna make my chatter that i make at home super easy super simple very time efficient let's get started chowder it doesn't get more east coast than chowder doug how long have i been living here now if you know this i'm gonna be very impressed i think you said the other day uh almost 16 years that you've been in dartmouth right 17 years going on 17 years and then but then you also spent two summers in prince edward island so you have to add those if you're talking 19 19 on the east coast and everybody on the east coast since i've been here now for 19 years has their own version of a chatter a fish chatter with either just fish or with just seafood but this is the one that i've been making dug here at home um for how long since we've been together probably yeah we always have it on christmas eve though this year we had torts here but for my chowder here at home and this is actually really easy most of us have these ingredients at home and you can sort of mix and match according to what you like always butter i've got some double smoked bacon from olton's i like what do i like in my chatter doug smoked oysters smoked oysters because i use the oil from the oyster to begin sauteing and then i put my oysters in at the end potatoes leeks celery and i love putting smoked haddock in here because it gives it that wonderful smokiness we're also using lobster and scallops but you could use haddock you could use what else doug what else could you put in here some shrimp what's the one thing i don't like in chowder you're very averse to things that are orange or pink i believe or i don't know i definitely know carrots and salmon are not carrots salmon and trout to me are should not be in chowder but it doesn't mean that they're not good in cheddar it's just not in my cheddar so what i'm going to do to start off doug is i'm basically going to saute um i'm going to melt my butter and put in the oil from my oysters i'm going to saute my bacon until it starts to render which basically means it's pulling out some of the fat i don't want it crispy but i just want it to start rendering then we'll add our celery with the celery leaves and some leeks and our potatoes and we're going to get this bad boy started because we had a winter storm last night it's cold outside and i'm pretty sure you want a bowl of chowder today i know i do nothing more comforting on a winter day i don't find and if i'd had time i would have made some of the focaccia that we made in the last episode yes anyway we'll link to that though so people can give it a try for themselves as well all right i'm gonna get started doug i'm hungry all right so i've got a little bit of butter and some of the oil from the oysters in my pot just to start melting i'm gonna add a little bit more butter and i'm gonna add my bacon now you want the bacon to cook and render meaning that it's pulling out all that fat you don't want it to get crispy so while this is cooking i've started to cut some of my leeks doug what is your one pet peeve with leeks the one thing i hate about leeks is when they're not cleaned properly it draws me absolutely nuts because they have all these beautiful layers and often dirt gets trapped in there and one thing that you and i both hate i know i do is when you eat something and it's got the grit yeah nothing worse nothing it really draws me nuts and that's when you have for example muscles in your chowder your muscles have to be scrubbed properly because the same thing can happen and there's it's very off-putting and i really get angry and i sometimes start to cry there you go he cries he's a man that cries so i'm just going to dice my leeks that i've already washed don't worry doug there's no grit in these leeks and my bacon my butter and my oyster oil are just cooking away oh it smells delicious doug do you like my cheddar that i make at home or do you like the chatter that we make at work even though they're both my recipe i mean they're quite similar i do find adding that a bit of oy smoked oysters with the oil does give it some sort of complexity that um you don't get with the recipe at work but i mean the one at work people absolutely love and it's won awards and it's been featured on tv and everything so obviously that one is pretty great too true all right now for my celery and i don't know if you noticed but i do use my celery leaves there's lots of flavor and celery leaves doug right all right so my bacon is rendering beautifully i'm just going to let this cook for a few more minutes while i chop the rest of my celery now that my bacon has been rendering i'm going to add all of my beautiful leeks and celery leeks always remind me of when we started dating doug because he used to always make potatoes with leeks for me on saturday morning remember that i did when you used to let me cook for you that's true um so in go my leeks and my celery and this is going to cook for about like three to four minutes you just want it to sweat i'm gonna season it with a little bit of salt i go easy on the salt on this recipe too just because there is the bacon and while that is sauteing i have some potatoes that i've cut up and they're sitting in water and why is that dug well you don't want them to turn brown while you're waiting to put them in your chowder and you know what i do because this cheddar is also what gluten-free it's gluten-free it's awesome we get that question all the time at the restaurant and people are always very happy when they hear that so obviously i've scrubbed my potatoes i don't have any of that dirt and grit but i use my potato water as part of my stock which is really great because i don't use a thickener so there's no flour no cone starch nothing this is actually just full chock full of like vegetables and fish and that's what gives it its thickness now that my potatoes my vegetables have been simmering i'm going to cube up my smoked haddock right doug what does smoke haddock do for our chowder well it gives it a nice smokiness i mean it's also haddock so it's another beautiful seafood protein to throw in there as well true and i love smoked addict it basically what makes this cheddar at least that's what i think so i'm going to put my smoked haddock in because i want it to give off some of that flavor and the beautiful thing about smoked haddock especially on the east coast is you can find it pretty much in every grocery store and i'm going to add some milk doug you asked me like how much but i yeah the recipe is always in the description so it's probably better to look at that than to ask me that question and i'm using whole milk use 35 cream which is the heavy cream because anything else will kind of like split and curdle so that's one question i know doug a lot of people ask me that sometimes it's like can i not use coffee cream but use like the biggest thickest cream because remember we're not thickening this with anything so a little bit of 35 cream goes a very long way add as much as you like as little as you like you can do all milk you can do all cream it's all up to you and now all you want to do is let this simmer gently for about 25 minutes until the potatoes are soft and then we're going to add in all of our fresh seafood because you don't want to add it in the beginning because it does what the scallops will get rubbery and some of the stuff will just not taste good at the end that's true so we're gonna let this cook all right the cheddar base has been simmering for about 20-25 minutes you just want to make sure that the potatoes are soft nothing worse than a hard potato so i've got some beautiful lobster meat so i'm going to put in a good handful of this i love lobster i'm going to put that in all we basically want to do at this point is heat through the fish i'm going to put in my smoked oysters there we go stir that in quickly and today i'm actually going to put scallops in as well scallops i love i love them seared um but today instead of searing them to garnish we're actually just going to chop them up and put them right in but the first thing we have to do is remove this what's this it's like a tendon or a mussel i guess i guess we i call it like the little foot so we remove the little foot because when you cook it it basically just becomes a rubber band not all of them have them sometimes you can get them cleaned but always check to see if there's the little foot so i'm just going to cut these into big pieces the same size as the rest of our seafood and this at this point all you want to do is heat through the scallops don't take long to cook the lobster is cooked these smoked scallops are cooked what do you think doug oh man are you going to continue to tease me with this or am i going to get to eat something all right almost we're almost there i swear dill i love dill feathery dill quickly just chop that up and i put mine at the end as well because i don't want it to just sort of die in the soup but i want it to give it a beautiful brightness and then what is my usually my special ingredient doug you like to zest lemon into everything but i love it too i think it's amazing that's actually a trick from les fujia where i used to work in chelsea quebec charlie and jennifer put lemon orange and lime zest on everything so this adds just a beautiful brightness i can't wait snowy day seafood chowder oh man i'm gonna just taste it quickly doug to make sure it's seasoned properly and then i think we're ready to serve it up oh just a little bit more salt that's it all right doug you ready for some lunch i am i cannot wait let's do this all right all right doug you ready for some chowder so ready all right so ready all right i love chowder and i love seafood so this is awesome we're going to share bo okay is that all right sharing is caring as we've said before this is very exciting can i put a little bit of dill on there a little bit of are you okay if i put a little cracked black pepper i like pepper on mine rene probably doesn't like it as much as i do but um this chatter smells incredible it looks really beautiful well done once again all right chef lavalay come on all right here we go so we are just days away from reopening at the canteen after being closed for close to two months from the lockdown and then a little extended closure um during january but we're very excited to be back in business very excited to be serving people chowder again um truth kids are going to love this tonight they're all gone sledding so this will be their reward for getting outside but i want to see how many people have their own chatter recipes that they might want to share or differences from their recipe to our recipe because chowder is one of those things that i feel like everyone has a difference but i said it it's all about the base the base of the chowder and then you add what you like oh man this is so good right yes i have a suggestion for a future episode too what one of my favorite things with no one well we can do that too but one of my favorite things to have with chowder is one of our amazing buttery biscuits well we need bailey for that true so battery biscuits equal bailey yeah so bailey who's our baker extraordinaire at the restaurant he makes the most amazing buttery flaky biscuits that we serve with the chowder and it's such they go so well together it does dip it in the chowder it's just amazing well thank you for watching again let us know what you want to see in the future and if you have any comments i do read them she does i do that's why we're doing chatter today so please yeah please subscribe like and comment and we will see you very soon happy eating happy eating happy winter leave some for me whatever
Channel: The Canteen Cooks
Views: 140,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood chowder, seafood, how to make seafood chowder, seafood chowder recipe, chowder, easy seafood chowder recipe, nova scotia, seafood chowder recipes easy, recipe, chowder recipe, nova scotia seafood chowder, seafood chowder soup, irish seafood chowder, fast seafood chowder recipe, seafood recipe, recipes, best seafood chowder recipe, creamy seafood chowder recipe, gourmet seafood chowder recipe, Renee Lavallee, The Canteen Cooks, lobster, lobster chowder
Id: HRRUyV229dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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