My EASY, CREAMY Classic Butter Chicken made #athome #withme | Marion's Kitchen

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rich creamy this is like the ultimate restaurant version of butter chicken but i'm going to show you how you can make this at home this is my version of a creamy classic butter chicken [Laughter] do you like that chicken do you want to do some stirring no just want to watch are you being shy now [Laughter] bye honey she does like butter chicken just not on camera obviously butter chicken at home i have made so many bad versions of this dish it's taken me a long time to perfect this one and i really love it so i hope you guys can try it at home as well there's a couple of things i think you need to do to really get that like restaurant style quality of butter chicken at home so we're going to go through all of that right now the first thing is we're going to start with the chicken now i'm using thighs because do i even need to say it i don't feel weird about saying it now i've said it so many times i'm a legs and size girl that's right um we do need the t-shirts i'm working on it uh but in all seriousness the thighs because there's a double uh double cooking method that we do here we grill and then we also simmer in the curry the thighs do maintain the juiciness a little bit more so they are a good option here now what you need here are just some like biggish kind of chunks i don't want the chunks too small because as i said i don't want things to dry out just pop those chunks in a bowl [Music] now we're going to get some like seasoning and flavor straight on here i want some lemon first of all and now these next two spices i really use for both heat and color so the first one is kashmiri chili powder so this red chili powder is the classic chili powder that you would use for a butter chicken it's got a beautiful red color i'm just gonna do a generous sprinkling of that one now this one is spicy so what i like to do with my butter chicken at home is i tend to add a little bit of the chili powder which is spicy um but then i also add some sweet paprika totally not traditional but the sweet paprika adds a really beautiful red color without adding too much spice so if you're making this for your kitties like i usually am you can add more sweet paprika and use less of the chili powder so it's just a bit of a cheat for the color without the heat now if you can't get a hold of the kashmiri red chili powder do try and search it out online has a really lovely flavor but if not you could use korean red pepper flakes the gochugaru flakes they're actually a really good substitute here i also want some salt here and just give this a good mix so this is looking good i'm going to add in some natural yogurt now or greek yogurt definitely unsweetened yogurt just want that kind of tang tanginess and the creaminess and you also want some ginger it's really convenient to use a microplane for this rather than having to like blend up a ginger and a garlic paste this makes it way easier less cleaning up [Music] and some garlic and some more spices here i want to use some garam masala which is an indian spice blend pretty easily available these days and a little splash of oil as well [Music] now that gets mixed as well [Music] now i'm going to thread these chunks onto some skewers now one of the really special things i think that makes restaurant butter chicken really amazing is that the chicken itself is typically cooked in a tender oven it's really hot the chicken kind of gets a little bit charry a little bit smoky and that's where i think you kind of go wrong a lot of the time with butter chicken at home is that you don't get that extra bit of oomph from the char grilling or the charred kind of chicken so this is why i devised this version for home so we chuck everything onto skewers and then you want to use whatever cooking device you can get the hottest so if your barbecue at home gets really hot definitely throw these skewers on your barbecue get them nice and charry i'm using a cast iron pan here on a really hot gas stove top that's good once you can start to see a little bit of smoking there that's when you want to get this chicken on now the idea here is that we're not aiming to cook the chicken all the way through what we want to do here is just get that really lovely char on the outside so keep this super hot and we'll finish off the cooking later on so don't worry too much about the middle of the chicken now that's literally only been like two minutes or so but because my pan was so hot i'm gonna flip it over now ah perfect see all of that color [Music] and now i really just want to add things up even more here i am going to recklessly slather these chicken pieces in some extra butter here and now these guys are pretty much good to go i want to get my sauce going next though so we start off with more butter it is butter chicken after all now i don't want this pan too hot i don't want the butter to burn or brown it's just like a vehicle for us to add a whole bunch of flavor and in saying that i'm going to add some cardamom pods here and i do want to just crush them lightly first get the best out of them i need a cinnamon stick here and garlic [Music] and now i want some more ginger here [Music] now just give the garlic and the ginger like a bit of thyme in there to get all nice and tasty it's really starting to smell good i'm going to add now some tomato puree now you want tomato puree or tomato pasada here and you can use chopped tomatoes as well but i find you don't get as smooth a texture in your sauce and now we want some more spices so we're going to go in again with our kashmiri red chili powder a little more of the paprika okay so i do still want to add in here some sugar and obviously sometimes with little ones a little bit extra sugar than you would normally do is kind of good a little bit of salt and now what we need to do here is just let this simmer away kind of do its thing get all those ingredients making friends in there about five minutes or so oh wait one more thing i forgot um depending on how thick your tomato puree is you might want to add a little bit of water so this has been simmering for a couple of minutes now it's looking a bit too thick to me so i'm going to add in some water here [Music] all right as you were simmer away [Music] all right so it's been about 10 minutes here my sauce is looking decidedly very delicious it's not finished yet though we obviously want to get our chicken in there so just grab your chicken skewer and slide those pieces straight in there now just mix all of that through and then i really want like the chicken to become part of the sauce the sauce part of the chicken i also want the chicken to cook through so what i'm going to do is pop the lid on just turn the heat down a little bit and let that simmer away for about 10 minutes now things are currently smelling amazing [Music] looks so good we're not quite finished yet so i'm going to go in with a little bit of cream [Music] i just love that color amazing and now here's where you always just need to check for how you're going with the salty the sweet all that kind of thing so just grab a little spoonful oh that is good but you know what just a few little things i want to add here i think a little bit extra cream kind of want it creamy but a little tangy a little bit of extra sugar here just a little bit more salt now that is going to be amazing so what i like to do here is serve this out into a nice bowl i like to do a little drizzle with just some yogurt i've thinned it slightly with a little bit of water so it has a nice kind of drizzly texture so here's another little secret of mine so in a good restaurant for a butter chicken you would get a final sprinkling of fenugreek leaves um but obviously quite hard to find uh when you're at home so i like to use a little bit of dried mint which is much easier to find but adds a really final extra bit of special [Music] and to serve it i do like to serve it with a little bit of like finely sliced red onions some chili and lime kind of squeeze that lime over and then you can add onion and chili to your individual bowl to make it more spicy uh particularly if you're in my case and you like it extra spicy but there you go guys that is my version of a restaurant style butter chicken let's get in there i mean it just looks i just it looks so rich and luscious and amazing i can't wait to get in here it smells so good you know what i love butter good butter chicken is it all at once it's creamy but spicy and complex and luscious and a little bit like you know that charry smokiness from the chicken and all the things it's like a dish with all the things so delicious oh my goodness [Music] if you've got any comments or questions pop them below and if you enjoyed the video why not hit that subscribe button plus the little bell one that way you'll get notified every time i release a new video
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 508,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butter chicken recipe, butter chicken, marion grasby, marions kitchen, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, easy recipe, chicken recipes, marion’s kitchen, chicken butter masala, creamy butter chicken recipe, chicken curry, how to make butter chicken, how to make butter chicken at home, easy butter chicken, indian butter chicken recipe, indian butter chicken, marion grasby recipes youtube
Id: t_rojFn25V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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