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hello i'm so glad you can join me today if you're new to this channel welcome if you've been here before welcome back today i am making beef patties beef patties beijing style i love a beef patty every once in a while and i'm sure a lot of you do too and you know sometimes you only get a beef patty if you buy it from the store the supermarket wherever you may buy it from but i'm going to show you how you can make your beef patty at home you can make some beef patties you can freeze them and whenever you want to move for patty you just take one out taro and voila you can have that so today i am going to show you how to make beef patties first i'm going to start here with four cups of flour now to my flour i'm going to add here i have two teaspoon of sugar i'm gonna add that i have two teaspoons of salt add that in there i have here um one tablespoon of lemon juice you're gonna put that in there over here i have two tablespoon of turmeric and i'm putting the turmeric in because that nice golden color that the patties have sometimes people put food coloring or they put um turmeric i'm using turmeric instead of food coloring it in there i know i have let me use this and now i have my butter this is half a cup of butter that i'm going to add to that softened butter so now we're gonna combine this all together just combine everything and once you combine everything together make sure all of that um turmeric is mixed in really well then i have here a glass of cold water and we're gonna we're making a soft dough so you're gonna put some water in and um you're gonna until you get to the consistency that you want as i always say just put a little bit of water in until you can keep adding the water you don't want to put too much in at once i have my hand mixer and i like to go in with my hand mix and use my hand mixer to help to create my dough i find it easier to do it that way so let's um blend it a little bit and you mix it until your dough starts to come together autumn i'm going to put the dough onto my counter space and then knead it knead it a little bit with my hand but before i do that i'm going to put a glove on the reason i'm putting this glove on is because um the dough the the um turmeric gets stains your hand i don't want to walk around all day with yellow fingers so that's why i'm putting the glove on so that i could um knead it that way so now i'm going to empty my dough on my counter space but i'm going to put a little bit of flour down so i can roll my dough on that flower i can knead it a little bit there we go get rid of this and you want your dough to be nice and soft you're going to knead it a little this is my door right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to wrap this up and i'm going to put this in the refrigerator and i'm going to let it stay in the refrigerator for an hour okay now we finish our doughnut put in the refrigerator but we also need to make a butter that's going to go inside the dough because we want that nice we want that nice flaky dough so in order to have that nice flaky dough we have to put our butter and salt on the inside of our dough what do we have in the patty that goes on the inside meat yummy meat so now that our dough is finished let's get started on our meat here i have my meat that i will be putting in my patties and this is all natural lean ground beef and it's about two and a quarter pounds so come over to my stove put my meat here in a pan and this is lean meat so it really should not have a lot of fat inside of it but i still like to kind of brown my meat a little bit and and get any fat or anything just like to drain it off before i get started to put my get my seasonings and stuff together all lean meat so as you can see it doesn't have any fat it just have a little liquid in there but that's not fat so i'm just going to leave that i don't need to drain it because there's no oil in there so what i'm gonna do right now is i am going to get my herbs and vegetables together so let me show you how i do that okay guys so let's get started on putting our meat together so i have my meat that just brown and i um turn the stove off so now i'm gonna put my vegetables together but what i'm gonna do instead of adding my vegetables right directly to the meat i am gonna put it in my food processor and blend it all up together i'm also going to add my meat to the food processor to make it really nice and fine so in the meantime let me show you what i have here i have some onions and i'm just going to drop the onion in here that's a lot of onion as you can see right here over here some celery i'm going to add the celery to that too and i also have some tomatoes so let's just add the tomatoes in there and this is a good set so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to blend this before i go on to the next set because this is a lot so let me put my top on let me dry my hand good so what i'm gonna do is i have a bowl over here i'm gonna add this pureed mixture to my bowl i'm gonna add all that to my bowl and i'm gonna repeat the same process with the other stuff that i have here so let me show you what i have i have in here some this is some dry thyme i dropped that in there i have like two parts of garlic put all that in there and get that we need our garlic good for us i have here some scallions this is about four scallions i'm going to just drop that in there and this is all some red pepper some green pepper mix together i'm gonna drop that in there and over here is some funny chopped carrots so i am gonna put that all in there guys all of it and i'm gonna do i'm gonna repeat the same process right now of pure in this so now this is about done here so i'm also going to empty empty this in here so this is what we have so far so this is what i have in here so far that we just puree so now i have one more thing to puree put my meat in here now you have your ground beef your beef patties and meat is usually nice and fine you don't have these big chunks of meat so we don't want chunks of meat in there so we're going to puree this as well put that all in there very good and then i put my cover on okay and that's it that's it so this is your meat and what your meat look like so now i am going to empty my meat in here get it all out good and i'm going to mix this up together i said mix it up like this well i'm just gonna let it sit for a few minutes and just kind of marinate everything together meat is not cooked yet but i just want it to sit here and just marinate with all the onions and scallions and everything that's in here the pan that i had saute the meat browned the meat and earlier i added about two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of butter now i am going to add my meat mixture my meat mixture that i made earlier i'm going to add to that i'm going to add to it is some black pepper now one thing that is added to um this meat is pepper they got habanero pep a habanero pepper or some kind of hot pepper is added to it i don't have a hot pepper so i'm not going to add a hot pepper to it but i don't but i'm going to add some pepper sauce along with some peppers and some black pepper to give it a kick that some this is red pepper and guys i am adding this is probably about a tablespoon of red pepper that i'm adding and i have a lot of meat here but you may be cooking for maybe two people maybe yourself you're not using this amount of meat which means that you would you would use less i'm gonna use some salt and as i said a little paprika seasoned salt my molasses and this is just going to give it it's a little sweet it's going to give it a little color i'm also going to add a little bit of bronzing because that that's going to give it a color but i still need um to be a little bit darker so i'm going to add a little bit of bronzing i'm going to mix it in to see what it looks like i'm going to lower my stove you want to have your stove on medium because um you wanted this to take its time and cook you don't want to rush anything you want to cook slowly so medium is good ground beef does not take that long to cook but we're going to cook this a little bit longer because of all the stuff that i put in here i want everything to come together well add some more ketchup my bottle my bottle is empty my ketchup bottle is always empty [Music] i use a lot of it so it goes quickly i'm also going to use some worcester sauce maybe about two tablespoons i would say so now let's take a look at our meat we see our meat has a lot of liquid there that liquid is from the the onions and different things they put in there that has created that because they haven't put any water in it and see this is the color the meat that i wanted it's not too dark it's nice and brown and look at the texture of that meat you see that that's how it's supposed to look so my dough here is getting a little big so um what i'm gonna do is cut it in half and i'm gonna work with half and leave the other half for a little bit because it's getting too much to work with at one time so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna rest this back in the refrigerator so i'll continue to work on this okay so now i think i finished rolling this out so now i'm gonna cut my patties out so i have a dish here that has some flour in it so i'm gonna cut this my patty out here this one that's two probably get about three more from here one more and i will put this all in the refrigerator and this will give me a patty another day so right now i'm going to put this in refrigerator to rest for a while okay guys so now we're ready to assemble our beef patties i have my beef over here that is already finished cooking and cooled a little bit and i have a pan over here that i put some cut right paper in where i'm gonna put my patties so i'm just gonna rest this pan over here for a minute so i can get started on this so these are my patties i was able to get nine patties from here and what i'm gonna do with my patties is i'm gonna take one scoop of meat from here i have one scoop and i'll put my scoop right here and what i'm going to do is i have here a little bit let me just bring this a little bit closer i don't have a lot of room here so it's hard for you guys to see oh that's not going to work but anyway i have um this is some egg wash egg wash that i have here so what i'm going to do is i am going to this is going to help it to seal so i put some egg wash over there and here i bring it over and fold it let me move this from here so you can see me folding i fold it here i give it a full and i just mash it down like that give it a fold and mash it down like that and then i am going to just place it right here on my tray and then i'll do the same thing again over here i take one scoop of meat put it right here i'm gonna take my egg wash and just go around to seal it very good then i am going to close it up and then i'm gonna put my hand in the center and mash down that meat like that pick it up and put it on my tray and i'm gonna do the same all the rest exactly like that and what i'm going to do is i have a fork and i'm going to go around and just make sure that they seal because we don't want that nice meat running out of there so i'm just going to take my fork and just go around and pinch it a little bit you can dip your fork in the flour is i'm going to take my fork and i'm going to put three little holes in them and this is to help the steam to escape is i'm going to give it an egg wash and then after the egg wash it is free to go in the oven i have my oven set at 400 degrees i'm gonna put these in there for um 25 minutes at 400 degrees when the 25 minutes is up i'm going to just turn them around when the 25 minutes is up i'm going to turn them around and then i'm going to put it back in for another 10 minutes and when that is all done i will come back and show you the finished results okay beef patties they're all done the egg wash is on and they're ready for the oven so i will be back okay guys so here are the patties they're out of the oven they look really good but right now they're very hot so i am gonna let them sit and cool for at least five or ten minutes and then i'm gonna come back and test them for you so our beef patties are all done all this hard work guys is all done i cut them in half so you can see what the inside looks like and guys they are so look at all the flakes they're so flaky look at it look see all those flakes so i'm going to go ahead and taste it for you i'll start with the flex i usually like this part that part is good so let me taste it it's good hmm it is so good it's nice and flaky i gotta take another bite guys it's good this was worth it this was worth it yeah it is really good so guys i hope you can make these for your family they're really not that hard to make it's just time consuming everybody know how to make the meat in the pot i made it a little bit different by putting it inside my food processor but you don't have to do that but i just thought that i would do that don't forget to subscribe to my channel give me a thumbs up if you like what you saw and press that bell icon that way every time i put up a video you will be the first to be notified that a video is up until next time bye bye
Channel: Tinaraine
Views: 7,372
Rating: 4.8962965 out of 5
Keywords: beef patties, beef patty, meat pie, puff pastry dough, puff pastry recipes, bajan beef patties, bajan food recipes, bajan cooking recipes, bajan dishes recipes, jamaican beef patties recipe, jamaican patty (food), patty (food), jamaican beef patties, tinaraine beef patties, tinaraine recipes, tinaraine patties in oven, barbados beef patties
Id: O3eZpymfuAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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