How To Make The Authentic Ghana ASAANAA | Ghana’s Favorite Local Drink | Street Food In Ghana

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[Applause] hello sweet team welcome back to my channel this is sweets ageless i am so excited to be with you all today as i take you to the volta region of ghana with this refreshing leeha i bet you didn't know it was from the volta region because you only know it as a fana well it is and we all love it let's get right into it we begin by germinating our corn and to do that i'm going to go right ahead and soak this dried up corn for about three days you can use any type of corn that you prefer in ghana we use the white type i couldn't get it so my sister got this one for me from amazon and it is just for presentation purposes just to show you all how to germinate your corn for this recipe three days in and this is what our corn is looking like i'm just going to go ahead and spread it onto this plate that i've lined with a kitchen cabinet liner and we will water this every morning and every evening until it sprouts beautifully and we have enough gemination okay so once you spread it out i'm going to water it for the first time right now and then i'll go ahead and cover it up until tomorrow all right yo let's see how our corn is doing it is looking beautiful i see some sprouting already happening at this point just look at this one it is perfect so i'm just going to go ahead and water it cover it back up and keep it in a nice warm place all right this is the final day and our corn have sprouted beautifully we have enough germination so it is now time for me to spread it out onto a tray and we are going to be drying this usually in ghana this is dried in the sun but i don't have any sun right now or even if i did i don't want to keep this outside because of everything going on in the world so i'll be drying it inside okay our corn have dried up beautifully and like i said i dried it inside so it took about two weeks so let's make some asana i'll be using the condo method all right i'll leave a link to how i make this in the description box below i'll add it to some water i'm using about a cup mix it well and then we're going to strain it into a separate bowl once i strain it i'm going to add the amount of water that i need to make my asana to it and will allow it to ferment for about two days this will help give us a nice flavor instead of using just water this will take the flavor to the next level [Music] we are back it is time for us to make our asana so i'm just going to add my corn into the blender and give it a quick crush up you don't want to blend it completely because it'll help us to know when our asana is ready because when the corn is cooked the liquid is cooked i know it's a long process so on that note the next time you buy asana on that hot afternoon be sure to leave the lady a tip because they go through a lot to bring us this delicious drink and this is the one that i brought from ghana i still have some my auntie made it for me you can use a mortar and a pestle to achieve the same purpose just crush it up beautifully and add it to your pot and we will be ready for the next step all right y'all we are ready to proceed and this is our corn looking good now when making this try to use the biggest part in your house that way you can add enough water to it to cook it until it is done otherwise you may have to add more and here is our fermented corn liquid you can see our condo settled on the bottom of it so we're just going to decant the water into our pot add enough water to cook our asana until it is done my pot is on the smaller side so i will be adding more water to it as i cook until it is done okay so i'm gonna add the water cover it up and bring it to a boil right before it boils though we want to open it up because we don't want it to boil over so it is time for me to open it up you can see where it is if i leave it it'll boil over and now i'm sprinkling some flour onto it you may be wondering why it is a secret this will help us get that foamy bubbles that comes on top of the asana to make it look like coca-cola and this is the secret at this point it's about to come to a boil and it looks like it's gonna boil on the side and if it does it will boil over so i'm going to redirect it into the middle so that is what i'm doing right here now adding the flour is optional adding the fermented corn water is also optional but it takes the flavor like i said to the next level and it gives you the best asana in town there are other ways to get this to be equally delicious you can ferment your crushed corn for about three days before cooking it and you can also cook it and allow it to ferment for about three days before proceeding to add your sugary syrup to it and it is boiling beautifully and the foam is white the moment the foam turns a little darker and it's a little less you will know that your asana is ready also check if your corn is completely cooked if you don't cook it well you may have runny stomach and we do not want that so we'll just allow it to keep boiling and now add water like i said if it boils down too much and this cooked for about 40 minutes okay so let it cook let it cook and there you have it the foams have reduced a whole lot okay and it's more brown than it was when we began so i'm just going to turn the fire off because it is ready and i'll allow it to cool completely this looks perfect [Music] at this point my asana have cooled completely so i'm covering it with a chiffon cloth you can use any kitchen cloth because you don't want any dust to get into it but you don't want to cover it with the lid you want this to be able to breathe and will allow this to sit for about 24 to 48 hours and this will intensify the flavor while our drink is fermenting we will be making our glassy i want to make everything so when i'm ready to add everything together we have it all so glassy is pretty much cooking our sugar until it is a dark rich color oh my goodness it have to get really dark because we're not gonna use this to sweeten our drink we're going to use it to help get that dark color so once we add this then we will add our choice of sweetener which in ghana is usually sugar that you're gonna add to your taste so you don't want this to burn they say so you have to keep stirring it until it is cooked when i look at it it looks burnt but it is so good it gives the asana that toasty flavor behind it although it is very sweet you can taste it toasty not bitter so we don't use a lot once you make this the right way you don't need a lot all you need is a little bit just to color and flavor your asana so let the burning begin we are outside so we have no worries except the bees they smell the sugar and they came running but hey i didn't get stung so we thank god you know young lasse is ready when it begins to smoke and bubble away like this it is ready it is perfect it is now time to add in our water and this time i opted to add room temperature water and you will see what happens the sugar just crystallizes immediately and that is why i prefer to use warm or hot water because that will loosen it up without making its cake up like this but it is okay i'll keep stirring and also if you leave it alone it'll melt into it anyway so yeah our lassie is ready so i used one cup of sugar to one cup of water to achieve this just look how nice and rich the color is it is just perfect so this way you don't need much you need just a little bit and the rest you can store in your refrigerator or even outside until you make your next asana or medan pour it into your choice of container to store it and this should be able to make you about three batches of asana or maida it is finally time for us to mix everything together so i'm just going to go ahead and get out all the corn and then we'll go ahead and strain it very nicely [Music] in a separate bowl with a strainer and also a chiffon cloth we're going to strain our asana for the final [Music] time sushi and pastries [Music] all right my sweets let's put this together our lasse is looking beautiful i am in love so we're going to just add it little by little until we have reached our desired color and it's also going to leave a bit of a toasty flavor after you drink it you taste that toastiness but it won't be bitter now if you pour all this in it will it will become very bitter and you will end up adding way too much sugar and we do not want to do that although i'll be adding sugar you can absolutely add your choice of sweetener i know people that think that asana originates from the gar tribe of ghana but that is wrong it actually originates from the away tribe and its original name is liha i guess gas you know kidnapped it and changed it to asana but it is not ours ours is so many things in common the process everything is the same i will leave a link to how i make the madam in the description box below so that you can watch and differentiate but i can understand why people think so gas and always are the same for instance i know a ways that are named ajili and ajoko so see i told you we're the same people i'm now adding some sugar to taste in ghana they add a lot more sugar because they will be selling it over lots of ice and they do not want to sacrifice the flavor so they add a lot of sugar so that as the ice melts it still maintains a very sweet and toasty flavor and there we have it this is absolutely beautiful it is just perfect and when walking on the streets of accra this is exactly how you will see it it's open they have lots of eyes over it and when you are hot and thirsty you have no choice then to have them bag some up for you so you'll be enjoying it while you walk and i'll be enjoying mine today with some wheat bread also known as brown bread so hopefully you can get some corn and you can make some of this no matter where you are in these parts of the world yes yeah thank you so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give your girl a thumbs up thank you share and subscribe if you have not done that yet if you're new subscriber welcome to my channel this is sweeta jelly thank you so much for subscribing and to the sweet team i love you all so so much until i see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of god and family is life's greatest blessing and guys [Applause] bye sushi and pastries you
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 950,603
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Id: WpZu-seZKus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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