How to make authentic Sichuan Chili oil and Mala Beef sauce( 3 recipes 香辣牛肉酱)

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hello hello if your first time here my name is vivian i'm from china originally from sutra so i make a lot of chinese food and other asian food i love so today you can see us three jars here we are making three things so first one sichuan chili oil this is the one we actually use at home you might see a lot of chili oil recipe here on youtube but not the one we actually use at home in such one this is why we use only two ingredients chili powder and hot oil second one sushi and pepper corn oil no garlic no dry spicing here because we want to taste the pure chili oil taste in my food i don't want to start anise or cinnamon taste in my noodles every day so we add the other spices in the food not in the jar last one this is a special one this is mala beef spicy sauce watch to the end how to make this spicy beef sauce first me so why i use canola oil you want to pick an oil there's no flavor so when i interfere the chili oil tastes you want to taste the pepper put your chili powder in the jar i always fill my jar about halfway some of you like the exact recipe so i have recipe down description for this bigger jar of chili oil how to make not trying to heat we heat some oil around the 400 degrees i usually don't measure the temperature i just watch a little bit smoke i use a chopstick to see if a stump bubbles around the chopstick the tip that means they're hot enough and we will turn it off let it cool around 325. we are going to pour into this measuring cup first easier to pour if you pour hot oil right in your chili powder that will burn also make another jar of string purple corn powder now i'll do the chili oil first you just chopstick to not mix those up this one we are mixing the fragrance next let's start making a spicy beef sauce soaking the dried pepper first the pepper soaked a few hours or you can do it the day before look at them now now put the peppers in in china when i grew up my grandma used to just chop them by hand everything even grown pork i grind the pepper in the crisco making them into very small pieces okay i think they're done look at that [Applause] so now we put the pepper in this bowl take a look at this pepper they actually from sutra my dad brought me this last time when he came here i put on side next step for the spicy beef sauce you can sieve it in the jar [Music] we chop the ginger small i don't like the ground beef because it's too small too fine you won't taste the texture in here so i'd rather just cut it by hand that's how small i chop them ready for hot wok cold oil canola oil that's what we always use in citroen first we stir fry the meat until the meat kind of dry hope i won't flip on your face my watch is kind of heavy so dangerous and hold [Music] so that's my exercise done for today now we put this on the side heat back and we add some more cooking oil here we're doing the dry spices star anise cinnamon and some bay leaf and my favorite ingredients chopped peppercorns roast them and the green onions we got this great regular oil next we take the spices out then we add the chili peppers in oh smell this so good next we add chopped ginger and sweeping paste we stir fry all the ingredients together mix them then next we add a beef yen add some sugar to balance the taste then last we add some sesame seeds mix mix i love sichuan peppercorns so last i added some sichuan peppercorn oil i just made so good this is optional you don't have to add the salt and peppercorn oil just taste this i'm going to put in the jar then just wait i'm going to put it in my fresh made noodles so good you have to try this with noodles or rice please subscribe look at the noodles i will give you some right now if you subscribe thank you so much for watching i will put some the spicy sauce on your vegetable too
Channel: CookingBomb 袁倩祎
Views: 272,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, chinese food, recipes, asian food, sichuan chili oil, Szechuan food, Szechuan chili oil, chili oil, spicy beef sauce, spicy sauce, sichuan spicy food, spicy food, home made chili oil, easy chili oil, how to make sichuan chili oil, Chinese chili oil, cooking recipe, chili oil recipe, best chili oil, authentic sichuan chili oil
Id: 1hKknUKbgOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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