How to Season a Wok and Maintain at Home | What Wok I'm Using & Where You Can Buy It Too

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how to use the carbon steel wok from finally from seongyeon longest hi guys today i'm finally showing you how to season a carbon steel lock you guys have been asking me what type of work i'm using what brand of work i'm using um i actually went to do a bunch of different walks in my life and i actually settled down with this one for now um but you don't absolutely have to get this brand i will put the link down below where you can purchase amazon because i purchased from amazon just make sure you get carbon still wow it will last too long and it's a very similar way taking care of like a cast iron so yeah carbon steel is absolutely my favorite pan so let's get started so i actually ordered one more this is quite a price walk so i must really love you i wanted to show you from the package and what it looks like super fancy package like this look at this my work has its own bag so this walk has a lot of plastic around it but it is what it is this guy right here one of the guy been heating this wok for 36 thousand times since i got the proof of uh the rock quality so let's get into it the first thing what you need to do is put the handle you can just start washing it without attaching the handle but i like to have a handle on and then start everything that's how i prefer so jacob come on over [Music] this is actually exactly the same brand dua my original one is a little smaller size and i actually got bigger size because i need a little bigger size walk than this so i will show you guys how to season this wok right here to look like this are you guys excited i'm so excited we need to wash this wok wash this wok really well with soap and this is only first time in the last time you will wash this vlog with a soft so yeah coming into my sink dry it with paper towel or kitchen towel whatever you prefer now we're going to turn the heat to high heat and this is the most important part of sitting the wok for carbon steel we are going to heat this wok this is silver color to turning into radish color to pinkish color to purple to bluish black yeah you will see all the transition it's actually quite cool to look at it now you see the this little blue ring doesn't go any farther than where it is so what i'm going to do is just start moving the wok to heat it up all evenly i usually do this on my stove like actual my guest stove so my guest stove is like all like really nice and bulky and strong so i can just leave it however but this little tiny portable stove i don't trust it and so i'm gonna just hold it like this if you have on the electronic stove you can purchase already seasoned oil look at this guys beautiful beautiful blue color all around on my wok i actually got a little help from my real stove because i didn't want to hold the whole time but anyways now we can turn off the heat and let it cool and then we are going to season with oil get your paper towel and we're going to turn the heat to low and then add some oil and wiping paper towel all around the wok make sure you use tongue i could use a hand and show you guys how badass i am but safety for safety first so make sure you heat all over the spot even little edge of the wok like this a little bit and you will see a lot of smoke coming in from the wall and it's completely fine that's what you want to see when you're sitting in the walk so actually a lot of people recommend you to do this step outside because if you have a smoky dictator in your house you absolutely do do not want to do this at home i mean inside of home you want to do this outside and we're going to do this over low medium low heat about 3 to 5 minutes and i'm keep swiping it because otherwise the oil will actually burn and stick like a little sticky kind of texture to the wok and you don't want that happen it's some kind of a satisfaction of like you know what i just did i sit in the log and looks this beautiful it's like some kind of satisfaction in that oh by the way the most important part i'm using avocado oil because the smoke point is very high it's actually higher than peanut oil that's why i like to use it so i highly recommend avocado oil or you can use a peanut oil i'm going to actually turn the heat to high heat now and add oil about a tablespoon more now we're going to do this same step over high heat uh about two to three times repeatedly so we're gonna do like this go around the wax with the paper towel be careful because the wok is super hot if you cannot see what's going on down there you can turn up the heat and see what's going on i cannot see anything right now before the smoke and my paper tower now coming off pretty clean other than some of the burnt parts of oil i'm gonna turn off the heat let it cool and bring out your bad vegetables that are dying in your pantry or in your refrigerator that like it needs to be thrown away but you know you spend the money for it so you cannot really throw it away you feel bad but in this video way kind of vegetables bring it out we're going to wash them well and stir fry in this wok so it causes like a vegetable seasoning you can do this actually with animal products animal fat but i like to do it with vegetables it actually seasoned really well so we're gonna start fry this as the first one because the first stir-fry will have this little irony taste in the food so you wanna do this step otherwise your first if you just start cooking in this wok that's something you're gonna eat you might not like it all right turn the heat back on and oil same thing swirl to coat the oil all around the edge of the wok and we're gonna add these potatoes and guys this will be the last step of the seasoning raw so i'm super excited looks like right now it looks like the potato is eatable [Laughter] so about three three minutes or so couple of minutes and it should be good and this rock after i dump the potato out this wok is ready to rock and roll whatever you want to cook just remember just because you did a stab and season dua where you purchased a seasoned walk doesn't mean that your food is never going to stick maintain the wok is what's really the key of using your wok seamless seamlessly and i'm actually going to stir-fry plant-based tofu and broccoli and i'll show you how i clean it and re-season it like everyday seasoning not what we just went through but every day season as soon as you put any salt like soy sauce oyster sauce or any sodium contain the salt to the wok the swap will become sticky okay or anything exceeded goes in like a tomatoes or lemon juice or vinegar the wok will become sticky so after you cook doesn't mean you cannot cook those stuff in the wok i always cook them just you need as soon as you cook it you need to wash it under hot water with no soap no soap very important just on the hot water always have the scrubbing thing that's only dedicated for your wok or carbon steel highly recommend you need to wash the wok right after it's done it takes no time because when it feels hot the water is hot and hot water heats and just scrub it right away it takes like not even a minute to clean up dry it immediately rubbing really tiny bit of oil just coat it as a thin layer as possible and store it otherwise your wok will either rust or go bad or keep absorbing all the salt and exceed it to the wok and it's just a big no-no okay so maintain the wok is the most important part and this wok will last forever and it will definitely page off all the cares and love and time that you spend on this walk so guys if you liked this how to use the carbon steel walk from finally from san ganlongas give this video a thumbs up and i will see you next time bye don't forget to subscribe you
Channel: Seonkyoung Longest
Views: 627,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wok, wok meaning, wok definition, carbon steel wok, best wok, wok amazon, how to season a wok, how to season a carbon steel wok pan, how to season an old wok, how to re-season a wok, Seonkyoung, Seonkyoung longest, Seonkyoung longest recipe, Asian at home, asian at home recipe, Plant based, vegan recipe, vegan, asian vegan, plant-based recipes, plant-based diet, easy vegan recipes, vegan recipes, lazy vegan recipes, vegan recipes for beginners, How to clean a wok
Id: b5iSoR0Wt78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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