How to Make Authentic Red Enchiladas

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna show you guys how to make some delicious red enchilada so in case you guys know how I make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and I'll show you how alrighty guys so let's get started with our ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need seven wahiao California or New Mexico chili pods - chili Pasillas for chile de árbol two garlic cloves 1/2 of a white onion for spices we're going to need 1/4 teaspoon of cumin 1/4 teaspoon of oregano and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper your choice of cheese I'm using queso fresco corn tortilla oil and salt so these are ingredients now let's get started are you so friends are going to start by the potty and de-seeding arm Chili's you just pick up the seeds if you want to leave them on and if you want to leave them in then you can leave them in that's just optional try not to break your your chili pot still and then for my chili de arbol I'm just going to leave them like assitive and just throw them in with the pot in our pot - chili ancho's or sometimes a little tricky just remove the top and this ones are soft so you're if you're having a hard time taking out the seeds just crack them open just like that okay so now I'm just going to rinse my chili pot and add some water so just add enough water to cover our chilies so now I'm just going to put it on our stove on medium high heat alright so after 10 to 15 minutes your chilies should be done do not over boil them otherwise you're gonna have a bitter sauce so now you're gonna lift your water and your chilies cool down for a little bit select like that we can use two cups of our water when we blend our cheese's it's a limit you let cool down for 10 minutes and now I'm just going to transfer them into my blender and I'm going to add one cup and a half of the water along with our two garlic cloves half of the onion and all of our spices I'm going to blend them till we have a very smooth sound all right but now depending on your blender you're going to strain your chili it's in a medium sauce pan I'm going to add about one tablespoon of oil and I'm going to set it on medium-high heat once are always hot we're going to strain our chili into the saucepan I'm just going to pour my sauce you're going to add half a cup of the same water into my blender just to get all the leftover cheese I'm going to add a little bit of salt and salt it's going to be to your liking give it a mix and we're just going to wait for it to simmer and then after that we're gonna let it simmer for about ten minutes alright so once your sauce is simmering we're going to lower it down to the lowest setting on your stove and just let it simmer for about ten minutes you want to try it for salt for me this is good and you also want to see the consistency of your sauce this is perfect so now we're just going to let it simmer alright so once our sauce is done we're going to turn it off remove it from the heat and now we are ready to roll our enchiladas alright so the other half of our onion we're going to cut it into small cubes we're going to use this onion for our fillings and of course if you want to use me then you're more than welcome to use me and like I say your choice of cheese I'm just going to transfer into my bowl I'm just going to grab my cheese and crumble it break it down with our onion not just mix it with your onion and just like that we have our filling ready I say medium frying pan I'm going to add a little bit of oil we're going to set on medium-high heat and after that our we're going to dip our tortilla into the oil all right so I'm going to grab my tortilla and I'm going to dip it into ourselves so make sure that the sauce is make sure that the tortillas cover them with the sauce and then throw it with your in your oil we're only going to let it fry for a few seconds just until they get soft enough to for us to roll them all righty so once you see little bubbles in a dress - yeah we're going to grab we're gonna drop it and remove it from the oil we're going to repeat the process you should write down with ourselves all right so whatever we observe I'm going to top it with some cheese on top and of course you can always add more sauce on top of your enchiladas me personally I like this is how I like them and I'm gonna serve it with some rice going to a survey with lettuce and tomatoes and I like to put lime juice on top of my lettuce and we are ready to enjoy our delicious enchiladas are you given number the best part the taste test so delicious they aren't spicy but they're so good are you yes and may you have it at home make super easy and delicious ranch laughs you know Big Ed you're watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias and if you get to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video oh yeah [Music] it's perfect except me who didn't answer pecan the labor market around my symmetrical you naughty girl telemarketers are moving my symmetric Akinori tell me Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 434,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red enchiladas, mexican food, red chili, delicious food, easy recipes, enchiladas, newsly weds, arizona vlogger, arizona food, cheff, grandmas recipes, un pedacito de mexico, recetas faciles, recetas deliciosas, red sauce, chile colorado, chile de arbol, comida facil, deliciosa comida, arizona cook, cooking easy meals, easy meals, easy dinners, grandmas kitchen, abuelitas kitchen, enchilada, recipe, how to make, how to, authentic mexican recipes, authentic mexican food
Id: zGy3qrj_M8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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