Enchiladas are made differently down in Mexico | Enchiladas Rojas

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enchiladas have been one of my favorite foods since I was little and it's one of the main reasons I've always loved Mexican cuisine tortillas stuffed with chicken beaver beans slathered in enchilada sauce and topped with cheese and bait that's typically how most recipes are done in the US however since being in Mexico the authentic enchiladas are a completely different experience and that's what we are making today hey everyone a bit in Mexico City for just about three weeks now and I think it was time to tackle one of my favorite dishes and gelato so for kind of traditional enchiladas made down in Mexico I would say they're kind of three main differences compared to most recipes that we make at home in the US and this is it ooh say that one's better than the other they're just quite different experiences and they can both be really tasty in their own right first main difference is that in Mexico you're almost always going to make enchiladas out of corn tortillas now most recipes in the States and in the states in general we tend to eat a lot more flour tortillas and the corn tortillas have a different flavor obviously they're made with corn and actually I do prefer these and this is what I buy in the States most of the time as well the second main difference is the enchilada sauce now down to Mexico you're going to see an enchilada sauce that is made with dried chiles and really that's all there is to it you're gonna make a chili puree from these dried chilies maybe throw in a little bit of spices or like an onion or something but that's it there's no tomatoes or anything of that nature now if you contrast that with in the US I feel like a lot of times it's a tomato based enchilada sauce again nothing wrong with that it's just a different approach and then the third main difference is actually how they are prepared so for most recipes in the US they're typically you know all rolled up and thrown in like a casserole dish and then baked with cheese on top but in Mexico that's really not how they do it at all so first we're gonna make that enchilada sauce and then what you do is you actually fry your tortillas in some oil and kind of get them just like firm and just 32 crisp then you dip them in the sauce on both sides roll it up with whatever filling you have and then you just serve it like that it's kind of like a made to order and shilada as opposed to kind of like the casserole dish that I feel like a lot of recipes you see in the States so now that you have all those differences to consider I think it's time to do a little ingredient breakdown of how we're gonna make this dish and it actually comes together fairly quick so the first thing we got to talk about is our filling so I just have some chicken breasts right here and basically we're gonna set a pot of water on to boil and we're just gonna add some aromatics I've got two bay leaves I've got some epazote leaves which if you don't know what these are go check out my refried black beans video and you'll learn all about it and then lastly we're just going to throw in some onion and some salt and this is a really typical filling that you'll see down in Mexico actually just last night I had enchiladas Verdes combed poyo and that's exactly what it is you literally make your filling ahead of time and then once you're ready to actually make your enchiladas you just pull it out throw it in roll it up serve it and you're good to go but this is a great basic recipe that you could really use for anything I mean you could use this chicken and tacos enchiladas throw it on chilaquiles or you know make a sandwich or something like it's it's super versatile so let's quickly make this chicken let it rest read it up and then we'll talk about the chili puree and making the enchiladas [Music] chicken on the burner just cooking away now we can make that chili pure ray anyway I've made chilli purees on the channel plenty of times before and the basic process is you need to rehydrate your chillies then you blend them with water and then you use it however you're going to use it so today I have ancho chilies and I also have some chipotle chilies that I have leftover so I've got two regular Chipotle's one Chipotle meka which is smoked a little bit longer and has a different flavor profile and then I have three on Cho Chili's which are sun-dried poblanos and I'm not sure what would be most typical in a red sauce for enchiladas I would assume it would be on shows and maybe guajillos or pasilla but feel free to use whatever kind of Chili's that you'd like to use for me I love the smokiness that Chipotle's provide so that's why I'm gonna include them this all I'm gonna do is clean these up and then soak them in water and then after I have them soaked in water and they're kind of pliable we're gonna throw them into the blender with some garlic some onion and some water and just a little bit of salt and that's it it's as simple as that and that's gonna be our enchilada sauce for these enchiladas [Music] so all the Chili's are nice and hydrated it's as simple as throwing them in the blender and I'm gonna that was close then I'm gonna add in the garlic and the onion and toss that in and then to control the consistency we're gonna be adding in the water from our chilies and then you kind of want it fairly runny so it cooks out and kind of slathers in and it's gonna work really well when it soaks into those tortillas so just gonna toss our chilies in here I'm gonna add our two garlic cloves and that whole piece of onion and then let's blend this thing up [Music] so we have our chili puree but it's very bland right now because we haven't added any salt but that's okay because what we're gonna do is fry this up in some oil and that's kind of kind of hard help everything like caramelize a little bit and then I'm gonna add in some salt at the end to give it that nice taste and bring out all those flavors in the chili peppers I will say though this is this is a pretty spicy enchilada sauce definitely from those Chipotle's adding it in a little bit of extra lecture a little extra I actually touched my eye up here don't know burning right now so I got to be more careful around the chilies but let me quickly fried this sauce and I also have to spread the chicken and then I'll meet you guys and show how I'm going to set up to make this the most efficient way to actually prepare these [Music] chicken it nice and shredded I've got the chili puree on the back burner and they've also got the oil so basically I'll show you guys what the process is gonna be like step number one is get your tortilla I'm gonna warm these up just in the microwave you gotta be a little more pliable real quick but basically it goes oil then you fry it on both sides like shallow fry you don't need too much oil just to kind of get it nice and crispy and puffy and then immediately goes into the sauce and then sauce both sides then immediately put it on your plate that you're gonna serve it on and then I'm gonna throw in the chicken wrap it up just fold it over and then we'll do that like I'll probably make like 3/4 a plate and then we're just gonna top it off with like pickled onions and crema basically whatever you want to add but super delicious super simple basically like I was saying it's like it's like made to order enchiladas it's pretty sick but let's make it [Music] to say that I'm excited to eat these would definitely be an understatement pretty happy with how they turned out one thing I definitely ought to get better at is judging the crispness of the tortillas I could kind of just fold them over a little bit and they kind of it kind of broke a little bit could because they're like a couple day old tortillas now too but let's give this a taste test I don't know if you guys heard it but that little bit of crunch that is what that different experience is so good and then that chili puree for enchilada sauce so simple but so good making sure we added in enough salt to bring out all those flavors it makes it a little bit more savory in and then I love that basic chicken recipe like useful for a million different recipes and if you wanted to use any other type of filling you could do so cheese enchiladas are pretty popular down here beef enchiladas would be like shredded beef I'll see bean from time to time whatever you choose I mean you're gonna have something delicious also then for toppings you'll almost always see fresh crema and then cotija cheese I don't have any cotija cheese but I do have the crema and then I added some of the pickled onions habaneros and cilantro that I made from my poblanos con queso video definitely check that out if you guys have it but and like I said it's really not that hard honestly like if you make the chili sauce ahead of time you make the chicken ahead of time it's as simple as just frying your tortillas throwing them in sauce and rolling it up like it's easy as that you don't have to wait for the oven - you know preheat and bake them and I feel like this is a great method for you know like one person two people maybe up to four we're like you don't want to necessarily make like this huge like casserole dish worth of enchiladas maybe you've like have the components ready and you're like okay I'm gonna make some enchiladas you whip all your stuff out and you're ready to go but overall hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video hopefully you've learned a little something about MSHA laws and the differences between you know how it's really done in Mexico versus in the States like I said earlier make it however you enjoy it like that's that's all cooking is at the end of the day but that's gonna wrap it up for me I will catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 317,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cook with E, 4k Cooking videos, traditional mexican enchiladas, enchiladas rojas, enchiladas, how to make enchiladas, enchiladas recipe, mexican enchiladas, authentic enchiladas, enchiladas in mexico, fried enchiladas, mexico, mexico city, mexico city enchiladas, street food mexico city, enchiladas rojas de pollo, chicken enchiladas, authentic chicken enchiladas
Id: eQt5QBSg-x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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