6 Tips To Schedule More Appointments On The Phone | #TomFerryShow Episode 74

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for over 20 years I dedicated my life to bringing you the very best selling marketing and business building strategies to keep your business thriving get ready to experience the success you've been searching for welcome to the tom ferry show hey everybody welcome to the tom ferry show episode 74 this is the second session on helping you become a lean mean appointment setting machine today I want to reveal six tips to help you communicate more effectively over the phone getting a better result with even more confidence and impact for the customer and I've got seven things I'd recommend you doing inside your environment to create the ultimate appointment setting environment so let's jump in we all know at the end of the day communication is everything how you feel on the inside radiates the people on your outside through your words through your tone through your energy and what we want is we want customers to feel good when we're on the phone think about it I want my customers to feel good so what do I know I got to feel good I got a message good I got to bring the energy to cause customers say wow Dan's infectious I want to work with this guy like there's just something about him I bet a hundred real estate agents but you know she's the one how do you create that over the phone that's what I want to talk about today I want you to win you ready so number one is you got to know your customers pain and know their problem we know that we solve problems for a profit that's what we do there's no inventory so you're a buyer I'm going to go find you a home I'm going to solve your problem you're a seller who wants to sell for top dollar in a marketplace that isn't demanding it so you're looking for me to solve that problem to market your home to the most you know effective number of buyers in the market place and the ages of represent them that's what we do so every time I get on the phone I'm thinking about what's their problem like what is their issue how am I going to help them super effective that you frame your mind before you pick up the phone what's their problem how can I help number two you got to know your dialogues you got to practice you got to practice I mentioned Chuck daily last week I don't know if you watched ESPN's 30 for 30 but there was a wonderful wonderful deal on allen iverson right AI and remember the big controversy over him right he got you know busted basically talking about practice practice you're complaining about me not practicing and and even though that soundbite went made for wonderful news it had nothing to do without a I got to become the basketball player that he was this little six-foot dude who dominated the NBA universe because he practiced his faceoff he had done it his entire life and yet the whole segment you know that whole little thing in the news actually sort of twisted that whole thing the reality was everyone that's great practices I was watching shark tank recently I don't know if you've ever watched Shark Tank I think it's a wonderful television show there's not many things on TV that you know I think are educational and interesting or I can learn something and I was sitting with my family or watching shark tank and you've seen this right if you've ever watched the show you've seen people get other hi my name is and I'm looking for a 10% investment for $100,000 and here's the problem that I solve and you can see when they practiced it's obvious when they practice and it's obvious when they don't know what they're talking about don't know their information don't know the numbers and the Sharks are attack wealth at times exactly like you if you get on the phone and you don't know your dialogues and you don't know what your question you know the questions you're going to ask you don't know how they're going to respond right if you're in that situation you're putting yourself in harm's way so to be common appointment setting machine what does that mean you grab your script you read it like 10 times in a row before you get on the phone so the words sound like you so you don't sound like you're reading a script at someone or worse you're thinking about what to say remember the human mind can only have one domitor thought at the time so do I want to be thinking about what I'm going to say or do I want to be thinking about what the customer saying do I want to be listening intently for the subtle little nuances like have you guys have any thoughts of selling well and if I don't know what to say then I'm like well do you know anybody one following verses you hear the well and you say I noticed you paused a little bit it sounds like maybe you have had some thoughts I'm just curious you know if you were to this home for top dollar let's just say hypothetically where would you guys move to see when I know what to say and I don't have to think about it then I can focus all my energy on the customer and that's how you win that's how you book more appointments number three you got to get to the point more often than not you've seen this right you're falling up on leads you're following up on opportunities or people are following up with you right put it put it yourself as the customer for a minute right when someone calls you like hey so you know I just wanted to follow up and you know how are you and how are the kids and what's going on in house business get to the point we none of us have access amounts of time so when you're actually reaching out to customers looking to book more appointments get right to it right hey I'm calling to schedule an appointment I'm calling to schedule a time to meet I just found you a house I just found the perfect buyer for your home what would be the best time for you to come down and list your house one of my old sales managers big shout out to Tommy wish right seven-time Black Belt champion who became an NLP sales trainer essentially and then became my sales manager he and Robert Stover were to my early mentors in sales and and Tommy would say to me look Tom play a game get on the phone call a prospect and just close like don't beat around the bush just like you know just call and say hi I'm calling to book an appointment and I thought wow that's startling like that would be really awkward he said just try it so a couple times I would just try it and I was shocked like what I learned was especially like let's just say I'm calling an expired listing as an example right so I call an expired listing so Dan your it expired I want you to roleplay and so you're a person that tried to sell and it didn't work out and now I'm calling you so ring ring ring hi I'm looking for Dan Dan Tom fair your new real estate agent I'm calling to book an appointment I saw that your home was listed for sale and it didn't work out and I'm calling to get it sold what would be the best time for us to get together Tuesday at 4:00 or Tuesday at 5:00 now he just said Tuesday at 5:00 now guess what my friends I know one of my coaches Lisa Doyle is watching this and she's saying Tom you're giving me one of my favorite scripts away that's how good it is but here's the deal you ready sure you might get rejected sure someone might say well I don't want to book an appointment what are you talking about like here's my point my friends people don't have a lot of time we live in a texting culture and email culture a social culture our phone is dominating our life everyone no one is saying they have too much time when you want to be effective get to the point early when you're on the phone I'm calling to schedule an appointment I'm calling to get us you know a meeting I found the perfect house I found the buyer let's go number four to be effective in terms of your communication stand up why because your body controls your tonality and your emotional state so if I want to be powerful over the phone right if I want to be powerful over the phone I want to move my body in a powerful way right so here's the deal stand up when you stand up you and I both know 55 percent of your total communication is the way you move your body right people hear you over the phone when you're moving your body and they also hear when you're on the phone like this hello right they hear that too so you stand up you move your body 38 percent is your tone and remember your body controls your tone so for example if I say to you have you any thoughts of moving like doesn't it just sound skin have you had any thoughts of moving because nobody thought to selling vs. have you guys any thoughts of selling have you had any thoughts of selling and just the head nod impacts my tonality and by the way if I'm standing with you face to face have you had any thoughts of selling vs. have you guys had any vibes of selling everything about that makes me nervous no one's going to respond yes to that so you want to stand up because it controls your tonality it also gives you power and you want to be powerful over the phone and bring that positive energy to cause customers to say yes number five speaking of standing up when you're over the phone got your headset on OTP here's the bummer we have five senses what I'm over the phone how many senses are working for me think about it only one out of five right I can't say you know mr. prospect can you smell what I'm talking about can you taste what I'm experiencing can you see what I'm saying maybe they're visual they might be able to create a visual picture in their mind but the reality is what I'm talking over the phone I've only got one over the phone hearing so guess what want to be clear I want to be articulate I want to be well rehearsed and practiced in my dialogues because every word matters and a subtle little adjustment talk a little bit louder even though the telephone is extraordinary today we've all been on the phone with someone when you knew clearly it was a bad landline or a bad cell signal or a bad headset that made him sound like want want want want like the old Snoopy's parents right so talk a little louder over the phone because remember energy is infectious and people want to do business with people that they like that they think are passionate about getting the job done so we want to stand and we want to remember we're only 20 percent effective over the phone so talk a little louder and be very clear in your dialogue and the last one number six is one of my favorite so you'll want to jot this down I'll say it a little slow my experience is over the phone face to face in all forms of negotiation whether I'm trying to book an appointment or close the sale people don't take action when there's too much fear in the way or their fears have not been addressed so several years ago I started using three questions acknowledging that again people don't move forward unless the fear gets removed so question number one I want to ask every prospect if I'm struggling to get the appointment if I know that they want to move and they're just not certain if they want to meet with me yet or I'm in the middle of negotiating and and I'm saying look this is the highest price the buyers are willing to pay mr. seller what would you like to do right like there are three questions you can ask that help take that customer through the fear right to get to a state of neutrality to then get to a state of possibility and when you do that with a prospect you get them to acknowledge and remove the fears you get them to a state of neutrality and then you get them to get into an inspired state that's when they take action when they see what's possible when they realize that they wanted that they understand that you're the gal you're the guy then they take action in book appointments and say yes so what are the three questions what's the worst-case scenario of having me over I mean mister mister seller I know you're you know you're talking to lots of different agents and I know you got a friend of the business what's the worst-case scenario and meeting with one more trusted expert in the marketplace what's the worst-case scenario and they go well you know time and I wouldn't want to hurt my friend's feelings and and I'm not going to negate it I'm not going to argue the points super important I just want him to express it and get it out and then I say I hear what you're saying let me ask you a different question what's the most likely scenario I I come over you've got a friend of the business you've got other people you know but to hear another trust adviser what's the most likely experience what's going to happen they're like well you know maybe we'll get a different point of view you know we might hear something different maybe you know maybe I don't know maybe it's maybe we got the problem of no problems maybe we don't even know like who we should be talking to and in that moment and this is what's so great about these questions I use these all the time and I hear those kind of answers all the time I hear no well I guess there's probably no downside to it so maybe we should get together the moment they go from no to open to the possibility the sales process has begun then I ask the last question so let me ask you we get together what's the best-case scenario what's the best-case scenario and they say well I mean we look we like you we figure out a way to do more business together we you know maybe we saw our home for even more money exactly so what would be the best time for us to get together Monday or Tuesday at 4:00 I acknowledge their fears I get into a place of neutrality and then I inspire them or create possibility for people to move forward and that's how you book a lot of appointments so please write down the questions what's the worst case scenario what's the most likely scenario and what's the best case scenario now I know I'm giving you a lot but I've got some tips now I want to transition away from these points around communication to seven easy things you can do in your environment to make it more conducive to be effective over the phone so let's take a look number one it's good to have an appointment tracker so I think having a visual like year at a glance calendar and every day you booked an appointment you write the name on it you don't have to give all the details so all the other ages in the office know you're going after I mean I get you but no instead you just write down Joneses or you write down you know banana right it's banana Street who knows what it is or you just put the number one but here's the point ready when you start to visually track it you start to see momentum the more momentum you get the more you want to do it you with me on this it's really powerful number two you want to create an appointment setting shrine so watch this years ago I created and continued to create like the the black wall over here guys like that's my business shrine if you will by shrine I mean imagine you're at your desk and you go by from Staples one of those presentation boards it opens up like this and when you open it up in the middle you got all your most important dialogues here's my questions from my past customers here's a few objection handlers here's my open house follow-up here's my online lead follow-up all your most important dialogues right there in the middle of your appointment setting shrine and when you open it up to the right maybe there's a photo of your family and your top three goals for the year and how much money you want to save as an example a visual representation of why you're doing this and maybe you're on the other side you've got that mirror because we're all reminded to smile over the phone and that it's FEX infectious when you smile now here's the deal like I would make it a ceremony I'd be like okay it's nine o'clock this is my hour of power appointment setting time I'm standing in my environment i light the ceremonial candle in the name of the Father the Son of the Holy appointment setting goes and I oh and I open up the shrine and I see all my scripts I see my family I see my goals you with me on this there's a mirror there or a reminder or something visual that gets me inspired but what I'm really doing is I'm controlling my environment I'm not letting the outside distractions distract me right get me off track instead I'm right here Scripps family goals mere phone let's book some appointments does that make sense number three eliminate all distractions which we just discussed but consider also if there's paperwork everywhere right if I'm looking down at my voicemail light bleep bleep bleep bleep if the internet is in front of me if email is up if the stock market's crashing or going up ah right that's all going to be a distraction and stop me for being powerful over the phone number four stand up versus sit which we've discussed in depth number five a little bit of music man Depeche Mode your own personal Jesus right when it was the line but he says pick up the receiver and I'll make you a believer I can't tell you how many times I I get goosebumps thinking about it how many times I've booked appointments to that song or I'm going way old school my brother Matthew and I used to have a VCR remember VCRs we had a VCR in our office and we would play Star Wars films and all day long we'd be on the phone like someone would give us an objection we'd be like like I can appreciate that and let me ask you a question and as silly as that may sounds I cut my teeth in my career making phone calls seven eight nine hours a day you had to make the environment fun or it became a grind does that make sense and I fell in love with a phone because I created an environment that was fun that was conducive to high performance now having a plant is always a good idea a living plant you don't name it client relationships name it appointment setting and if I see that plant dying inside your office I know you're doing metaphorically and of course physically inside your business and then the last one is you got to have a good headset it's so funny even just taking this off now I can hear everything better because this is such a good headset it kills all the noise around me this helps the distractions does that make sense so I would ask you of the seven things you can do inside your environment what's one or two changes you're going to make I want to see some comments what are some changes you're going to make maybe posted this you're watching us on Facebook send me a photo of your environment I want to see what it looks like so put it on Facebook put it on Instagram put it on Twitter wherever you want but I want to see what your environment looks like and then maybe in the next few days I'll do have Facebook mentions and I'll walk around my office and you'll see all my sales people standing up goals in front of them headsets on doing all the things that we're discussing and it's no wonder that they're all high producing very powerful high performance over the phone sales people just like you so thanks so much for watching remember always your strategy matters and now more than ever your ability to control your environment and communicate effectively absolutely rules thanks for watching what you're seeing here then click the button below to join our online Hannity absolutely free thanks so much you
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 143,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #TomFerryShow, Tom Ferry Show, real estate coaching, real estate sales strategies, real estate listings, setting phone appointments, appointment setting, sales techniques, effective communication, remove customers fears, real estate trends, create a positive workplace, help customers, increase sales
Id: hCoTT_W_Tfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2016
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