How to Make an RTX 3060 Better.

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last week we finally got our hands on an rtx 3060 and this week we're gonna see if we can make it better for free stay tuned do you like saving money of course you do you need to check out today's sponsor slick deals slick deals has a free browser extension available to make saving money online even easier when you're on a website just click on the browser extension and it shows you all the deals available for that website this browser extension will automatically search through all of the most up-to-date coupon codes to find you the best savings based on what you currently have in your cart check out this deal i found on foster and grant glasses i love these glasses but end up breaking a pair at least once a year maybe i should buy two so follow the link in the description below and get the free slick deals browser extension and start saving money today unless you don't like saving money who doesn't like a free upgrade in our last video i mentioned that we're gonna try to make this 3060 as fast as a 3060 ti and that starts today but that may be a hard feat because according to the 3060 ti is 34 faster than a 3060. we definitely have some catching up to do if we're gonna match the 3060 ti we're going to start by simply overclocking it and seeing how close we can get to that for free so let's turn some dials and see what we can get this card to do okay so there's going to be a few programs you're going to need to do this and the first one is going to be msi afterburner now i've gone over this program before but i'll show you how to use it again real quick here but this is a really powerful program for overclocking gpus now the next program that we're going to need is something that can put a load on the gpu while we're overclocking it and for that i use the heaven benchmark it works really good for this now the reason why i use heaven in the background is for a couple different reasons the first one is is that it will bring the gpu up to 100 and it'll allow you to see boost clocks in real time as you're overclocking the gpu but the second reason and even more importantly is that once you hit a boost clock that your gpu can't handle it will crash the program so it makes it a lot quicker to be able to find a stable core clock by using heaven in the background while you're overclocking so let's get to it okay so the first thing that we want to do before we start overclocking is go ahead and increase the power and temperature limit now the reason why we need to increase the power and temperature limit is because we need to have more overhead to be able to overclock into keep in mind we're going to be pushing the gpu beyond its original specs so obviously it's going to take more power and it's probably going to get hotter so we increase the power and temp limits all the way so we can overclock into that and then once you increase the power and temp limits it's also a good idea to increase the fan speed as well because if it's going to be running hotter then we're going to need more cooling as well so once we do that as soon as we hit apply you'll be able to hear the fans in the background start to ramp up i don't know how well my mic picked them up but they're loud trust me now that we have everything set up and we're ready to overclock we're going to go ahead and fire up the heaven benchmark by hitting the run button it's going to take a minute for this benchmark to fire up but once it does we'll be able to start messing around with the core and memory and to do that we go ahead and click on here and just go ahead and start increasing these in small increments now this isn't really a rule this is just the way i do it right here but normally a gpu can handle 100 megahertz on the core so if you start out at 100 you can go ahead and hit apply and you'll see right here i jumped up to 2025 and typically any gpu will do 100 megahertz but like i said this isn't a rule this is just what i've found to be the average at this point what you're going to want to do is increase this by small increments so go from 100 to 120 hit apply and as you can see this will jump up a little bit more and continue to increase it by 20 megahertz each time until you reach a point to where the gpu is no longer stable now i know that point for the heaven benchmark on this gpu is 200 megahertz and it will run that pretty solid for essentially ever from when i tested it however you don't want to stop there at this point it's a really good idea to fire up some of your favorite games and start playing them for a little bit and see how stable that overclock is in game because typically in a benchmark it's not necessarily stressing your computer in the same ways that a game would now what i found is when i was running at 200 megahertz over stock it would crash pretty often so i ended up having to lower it down to 180 and the cork became pretty stable so once you find a stable core clock now it's time to move on to the memory let me show you how to do that okay so this my stable overclock for the core is 180 so we're going to set that hit apply and now it's time to start playing around with the memory overclock and for that i find the memory overclock to be a little bit easier to do than the core because of what you'll see in the screen here and let me show you how to do it so i know for a fact that this gddr6 will do at least a thousand megahertz over stock so we're gonna go ahead and do that and hit apply and that should be pretty stable now that's not going to be the same for every card but for this card right here i know it can do it and i've played around with this thing for quite a bit and i've found the most stable overclock that i can get is at about 1300 but just like with the core you want to do this in small increments so for instance if we were at a thousand you would want to go to say one thousand one hundred then if it's stable at one thousand one hundred go ahead and go to one thousand hundred and then from that point continue to increase your memory clock until you find that you'll start to see different visual aberrations or different artifacts within the screen let me show you how it does that so like i said i can get up to thirteen hundred just fine without artifacting but if i go over that i start to see a lot of artifacts so we're just gonna jump it up to let's say 1400 go ahead and hit apply now keep an eye on the screen here and wait and see if you see any artifacts or anything and what they'll look like is on mine they'll look like these little starbursts that'll just appear out of nowhere and typically they appear over 1300 megahertz it looks as if maybe it's making a liar out of me now so let's go ahead and jump this thing up to let's say 14.50 that should hopefully start to show us some artifacting all right let's try 1500 hit apply and there we go now we're starting to see some artifacting so go ahead and look at the screen really close and you'll notice these little kind of like starbursts that'll start showing up out of nowhere and they'll start showing up pretty often in most cases now obviously this one they had little lights but you can still see those starbursts kind of just appearing at different random intervals within the screen and they tend to get oh there's one right there okay so you can see what i'm talking about so i'm gonna go ahead and lower this thing back down to 1300 where those artifacts disappear so the artifact test isn't perfect i've had circumstances in the past where it hasn't worked but for the most part most of the time it works pretty good but in order to find out if you have a stable overclock you got to get the thing into games and just start playing and if you start crashing then what you can do is one tip that i can give you to help you in a situation like that is go ahead and decide to just eliminate one either the core or the memory typically i start with the memory drop the memory down to stock then play your game and see if it continues to crash like it did before if it does then drop down your core overclock a little bit and as long as it gets stable then you should be good however if eliminating the memory overclock stops the crashing then you know it was the memory overclock that was causing it in the first place and in that case just bring the memory down a little bit more and see if the crashing continues but now we need to find out if this overclock actually helped us any so for that we're gonna have to take a look at the benchmarks let's do it now the first benchmark we're looking at today is heaven since we got it open we might as well take a look this is going to be the only synthetic benchmark that we're using today in heaven without an overclock we averaged 131.9 fps this gave us a score of 33.24 now i remember a time when this system couldn't even average 60 fps in this benchmark it's definitely come a long way hasn't it once overclocked we were able to reach an average of 143.7 fps that's an 8.6 improvement over stock and so far a pretty good start if the other benchmarks see improvements like this then we should be doing pretty good the next game we're looking at today is dirt rally 2. this is a fairly demanding game and tends to depend a lot on the gpu so we should see a pretty good improvement with that said before the overclock we got an average of 135 fps the game ran pretty consistent with a one percent low of 111.6 and a 0.1 percent low of 109 this was on ultra settings also once overclocked we were able to score an average of 146.2 fps that's an 8 improvement over stock the game just like before held a very consistent frame rate with a one percent low of 120.6 and a 0.1 percent low of 114.8 i was happy to see a consistent improvement in game as we did in the heaven synthetic benchmark because typically synthetic benchmarks tend to show exaggerated improvements that you don't necessarily see in games but this overclock seems to be pretty consistent so far the next game we're looking at is red dead redemption 2. this game is extremely hard on hardware and it's the only game that we're testing on medium settings without the overclock we were able to average 65 fps it's not uncommon to get lower frame rates in this game because of how demanding it is but with that said the frame rate was pretty consistent with a one percent low of 48.1 and a 0.1 percent low of 40.4 once overclocked we were able to average 69.2 fps that doesn't seem like a huge improvement but considering where we started at the lower frame rate it accounts for a 7.8 percent improvement over stock the overclock also gave us an equally stable frame rate with a 1 low of 51.1 and a 0.1 percent low of 44.7 seems like we're starting to see a pattern but we're gonna have to look at the rest of the benchmarks to see if we continue to see such a consistent improvement across the board the next game we're looking at is cyberpunk 2077. this is the first game we're testing that supports ray tracing so i tested it with and without rt however for these tests we left dlss off because dlss doesn't put the gpu under as much strain so it's not going to show us what we're gaining from our overclock without the overclock and with ray tracing off we were able to average 89.6 fps the game struggled in a few parts but we still maintained a one percent low of 50.8 and a 0.1 percent low of 32.1 once overclocked and without raytracing we were able to get an average of 92.4 fps this is the lowest improvement yet with only a three percent improvement over stock our frame rate still struggled too with a one percent low of 58.4 and a 0.1 percent low of 49.3 now with ray tracing enabled and the overclock turned off we were able to get an average of 35.6 fps also in this case our frame rate was much more consistent with a one percent low of 29.2 and a one percent low of 25.5 once overclocked and with ray tracing on we were able to get an average of 37.8 fps this is a much better improvement without ray tracing giving us an improvement of six percent over stock the frame rate also remained more consistent with a one percent low of 30.1 and a 0.1 percent low of 26.6 the cyberpunk benchmarks didn't show us the improvement that we saw from the other games so far and i believe i know why i believe we're coming really close to being cpu limited in fact in this game we're absolutely cpu limited the reason why we saw such a better improvement with ray tracing enabled was because ray tracing requires more from the gpu so the overclock was much more productive as you can see from this graph from msi afterburner the cpu usage was just about maxed out with ray tracing disabled and because of that the gpu didn't have to work as hard it was waiting for the cpu to catch up however when we look at the cpu usage with ray tracing enabled it fluctuated much lower and showed the gpu to essentially stay maxed out the entire time so we definitely don't see as big of an improvement in this game and i really believe that's the fault of the cpu more than the gpu especially when we saw a much better improvement once the gpu was able to max itself out the next game we're looking at today is shadow of the tomb raider this game is set to high and it's also another game that supports ray tracing so like before i tested it with ray tracing on and off with ray tracing off and no overclock we were able to average 125.2 fps the frame rate wasn't as consistent as it's been with other games but it wasn't bad with a one percent low of 98.6 and a 0.1 percent low of 66.2 once overclocked we were able to average 137.3 fps this gave us a huge 9.2 improvement over stock and oddly enough it seems with the overclock the frame rate became a little more consistent with a one percent low in range at 107.4 fps but a 0.1 percent low that was much improved at 83.3 once ray tracing was enabled i turned the overclock off and was able to get an average of 123.8 fps the frame rates like before wasn't as consistent with a 1 low of 94.3 and a 0.1 percent low of 54.5 however once i turned the overclock back on i got an average of 135.6 fps that's a 9.1 percent improvement over stock also just like before the frame rates became much more consistent with a one percent low that was in range at 103.5 but a much better 0.1 percent low of 76.5 the part that surprised me with this test is not just the overall improvement we got in this game with the overclock even though it was the best yet but how much more consistent the frame rate was after overclocking the overclock didn't affect the one percent lows that much more than the average but it did improve the 0.1 percent lows a lot without ray tracing it was over 20 improvement but with ray tracing it was a huge 36 percent improvement at least we know that we have a very stable overclock as you can see from the benchmarks we got an average performance increase of 8 that means we only have 26 percent more to go to match the ti unfortunately our cpu may become a problem if we're already having issues with being cpu limited then that's definitely going to get worse as we get faster so we may have to do something about that as well either way this did give us a free 8 performance boost so we really can't be upset with that however i think we can get more i noticed while overclocking that the system would run fine at a 200 megahertz overclock on the core however it was unstable in games as soon as the gpu hit the low 60s so we could bring the temperature down we might be able to get some more out of our core clock also if you look at this graph here from msi afterburner you can see that in cyberpunk when the cpu was limited the gpu stayed around 2.1 gigahertz however when the gpu wasn't being held back by the cpu the core clock fluctuated quite a bit this is clearly due to the cpu dropping boost bins due to temperature when it's under load now what's the best way to bring down temperature is it not water but wait who's crazy enough to water cool a 30-60 well maybe me you're gonna have to wait and see how it goes in the meantime check out this video where i water cooled this system with a complete water cooling kit from corsair it's actually a pretty decent kit have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 90,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nvidia, geforce, rtx, ampere, 3060, video card, graphics card, gpu, benchmarks, performance, speed, gaming, 1080p, high refresh rate, ray tracing, upgrade, hardware, computer hardware, how to get more fps, how to get higher fps, how to make your gpu faster, how to, settings for nvidia, video card settings, rtx 3060
Id: psKMqdaT7dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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