Dollar Tree Solar Light DIY Giant Flowers!

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[Music] hi loves it's lacy and Welcome to our space so today we are going to be making some solar light DIY flowers I got these solar lights from Dollar Tree and they are crackled glass like my last DIY and so that's why I picked them out we also have some organza this came from Joy and fabrics and it was on sale but they only had white so I purchased white I have some E6000 glue I have some floral stems they are coated with like um I don't know it's like fabric almost on them so they are not just wire I'm using a silicone mat because glue doesn't stick to it and I also had this antique wax but I decided not to use it so the first thing we're going to do here is lay down our silicone mat and then put our organza on top of it I ironed mine out so it wouldn't have too many wrinkles next I'm taking one of the floral stems and I'm bending it over into a loop like a flower petal Loop I'm going to twist the bottom of it around three or four times to hold it together and then I'm going to shape the loop the way I want it to look like a petal you can make it wider by pulling it apart or you can just make it thinner by pushing it together then I'm going to lay them out on the organza and glue down the back of them either side it doesn't make a difference I'm just making one the front one in the back and I'm flipping them opposite ways so I get more on the organza I already made several of these but I wanted to show you how I organize them on the organza so then you don't waste a lot of it then I am taking some tiny fingernail scissors and I'm cutting this loose after it is completely dried this way I found was the easiest I use small scissors I try to use my fabric scissors that aren't very good so this work for me they are just nail scissors and they get really close to the edge of this and then you can go back in if you missed any and cut them out so I cut them all out because there's no need for you to see how I did this it' just be a waste of time now we're we going to take our solar light and we are going to bend these petals at the bottom and then glue them to the underneath portion of the solar light and make sure that the actual excess of the stems goes down the handle of the solar light and as you can see this still allows us to take the bulb off and change batteries if we need to there's two little screws in there so I'm going to bend it up toward towards the bulb but we are only going to be gluing this to the under part that black part that's decorative now I already put one down and I'm go I'm showing you here that I'm going to put the next one in the next space that's completely flat if you look at these carefully and you use these which I recommend for this project because the solar light is the center of the flower so I'm holding this down and this is in real time because I'm using a high heat glue gun and it takes quite a while for it to dry so I want you to see that you're going to be holding it for quite a while I put the glue for this first layer of these around on the smooth sides of this bottom portion of the light there are indented pieces places where there's an indentation and so I'm skipping that and putting the first layer where it's not having that little indentation and so this as you can see I sped up and this is how it looks when it's done at the bottom it looks like like a little lattice and they're not even that's okay because I did these all by hand you can make them all even if you want to but I figure a flower GL grows like a flower grows and so it it'll look fine when you're done with it and this is what it looks like from the top so now on to the second layer which on the first layer I twisted it about five or six times on each one of the petals and on the second layer I only Twisted it like three times so these are a little longer now I'm putting the glue where the indentation is and I'm stacking these between the other petals and don't worry once it's completely dry and you have this completely fixed you can move these petals around they're not permanently where they are when you first do it even though they're glued down because the whole thing is made out of wire if you get what I'm saying so I just glued the rest of them on and this is how it looks with two layers and this is how it looks at the top and you can still move the petals around but I'm not going to bother with you know fluffing it up until I'm done with the whole thing so now I forgot to show you this at the beginning because I just really came up with it right here in the video I'm taking electrical tape and I'm putting it around all the wires at the bottom just on the handle and I'm going to spin it around which I found is the quickest way to make it come all the way down the handle moving it down the handle so then you don't see those white wires hanging on the part of the solar light that you would stake into the ground it still actually has a stake up in that handle part of it once I'm done with that I just cut it off and then you can't really tell because these handles are black and the tape is black you can use duct tape or whatever you want to use but electrical tape it it's not going to come off in case it gets wet so then the next thing I did is I took this set of leaves that I have there's extra from other projects you know as Crafters we don't throw anything away and I'm going to cover up that part of wire that is shown I'm going to do this in two layers I'm going to put a little glue down and glue to where the wires are try to glue it where there's a little bit of the black there too so it can catch all of it and then I'm just going to cut off another one and glue it next to it overlapping it just a bit and I'm going to do that all the way around for this and you can overlap them all one way or do what I'm going to do here and overlap them just however it happens because you're not going to see it that much and I don't think anybody's going to pay attention to it but I'm going to do first layer down low and then the second layer here that I've started and this is sped up footage is going to go up a little higher and then after that I am going to put a little bit of electrical tape across the layer and then this is what it looks like it looks like a real flower and literally this could be done just here just like this but you guys know I'm a little bit extra so I went into my stash and I pulled out some of these butterflies that came from the crafter Square now these are like 3D butterflies they're is they're made out of plastic so they can get wet and stuff outside and they sit on a metallic background where you take the whole thing off and stick it to something but I've been using Mine by taking the top part off which is already bent on there and then putting a little hot glue or E6000 or something on it to get it to stick wherever I want it to stick and that's what I'm going to do with this one I'm going to use a little hot glue it may fall off so one of the things I have to tell you about these flowers are I'm using E6000 to make all the flowers the petals put the stems on and then and where I don't need it to stay and not fall off because I'm putting electrical tape or something I'm using hot glue now this butterfly may fall off if it does then I'll go back and put it on with E6000 and this is what this looks like just staked in the middle of my yard and I love it so let's make some more I have this material it is not organza it is called cron it's sort of between organza and like tulle to me and and this one right here I don't even know what it's called exactly but it is got some sparkle on it and some pink pearls and I said why not let's try it so I'm going to be taking the wires here and I showed you some paint it's just a light pink paint I I didn't tell you the name of it because no matter what color you do you need to match your color fabric so I mixed it with some white because it was too dark I painted when it was too dark and so I mixed it with some white and then I painted the rest of those I painted those there and it took over like 30 minutes with a brush so instead the easiest way I found to do this is just put some paint on your finger and twist these through your finger and rub it up and down I did the rest of them like 25 of them all together in like 4 minutes instead of 30 minutes for the few you saw there so the next thing we're going to do is take our material because I want to cut out more than one of the petals at a time and I'm pinning it together I think these are hat pins but any you know any pins that you have and I'm doing it one layer at a time I'm not taking more than one layer and cutting them this one I'm cutting off a piece so I can make smaller ones and I make five of these even though there's only four pieces there because I had some left over from another piece and then these I'm folding together one layer at a time and then pinning them all together then I'm just taking some computer paper and I'm going to cut out a piece to make the shape I want and the shape that I'm cutting out is a heart I said let's try heart shaped ones and that's all I'm doing I'm just making sure it'll fit on this and then I'm going to pin it down I'm going to take pens out that I already put in to and pin it down and then cut it out cut around it and I'll have four hearts for this I have five all together cuz I do have a piece of this material that's left it was just a very small piece so I made five of these little hearts and once these are cut out I'm going to do the same thing to the rest of them I made a bigger heart I pinned it down and then I cut them all out and it's super simple and that one I ended up with eight of those then with this one I cut the heart down like I did the first one because it didn't fit and then I pinned it down and I cut them out but some of the layers weren't even so my hearts came out a little funky but I don't really care about that at all so now we're going to take another mat because the other mat still has some things drying on it and we are going to take a lighter to the end of all of this fabric if not they will Fray be very careful with this it's hot you cannot burn yourself be warned I am not responsible if you burn yourself you can do it with a lighter or you can light a candle and you could do it there are lots of tutorials for making giant flowers on YouTube so you might want to search that and check out why and how they burn their edges but I just used the lighter and I did all of these pieces next I'm going to cut up our pieces of wire and this one's going to be different I'm putting one piece long waist down the middle as you can see and then I'm cutting shorter pieces or I'm folding over a piece and laying it on top so you have three pieces for the heart you want to do this on these because then they'll Bend and they'll stay up and none of it will flop over cuz this material is very very thin and I have all these extras from when I cut the middle ones and so I'm going to be using these on all of them and as you can see I did the rest of them so I glued them down to it already like I did the first set like the white ones now I'm showing you on this one I'm putting glue on the top and then gluing corresponding sparkly material I didn't have that much of the fancy material so I made eight hearts to go on top of these eight middle size Hearts well actually I guess these are the larger S size Hearts I covered those on the front and I covered on the front and back of the little ones I don't even show you making those because you get the drift now I'm taking the weird shaped ones and I'm gluing one down in the middle and then as you can see I'm overlapping the two smaller ends and gluing it down to the second one and then I am going to place in more of the stems on each one of the other sides so where it overlaps with the material you're going to glue both sides of it but where it doesn't overlap you're going to only glue one side of it so put glue on one side put it down then overlap it now we're going to glue the other side so if it overlaps the material you'll put glue on both sides but if it doesn't overlap the material you're only going to put the glue on the one side and make sure it's on the side that's holding all the other stems too so this one only gets one side of glue and we're going to tack it down and where it overlap overlaps at the bottom sorry you can glue that down too but it's not really necessary I think I went back and glued down a couple of them but not most of them but you'll see where the fabric folds over is where you're going to put the stem I hope that makes sense the two middle ones get it on both sides the two outer ones get it on one side and that o little part that overlaps you can glue it there too and I do the same thing for all of these all right that makes four all together and so they kind of look like a little fan or a scallop and I wanted to show you here if they don't meet up right when you do that you can cut them off I did that because I know it will probably bug some people and then you relight it I have a different lighter CU my other one ran out this is my husband's zeppo and these are stronger make sure that the flame is turned down on that please don't set yourself on fire with this because that flame can be really high on a zeppo and you can do it too with these if they don't meet up and then run the flame across it and as you can see I said I did the small ones front and back with the glitter material cuz I didn't have enough to do the big ones so now we are going to glue these on the same way we glued the other ones on except for we're going to glue to the handle and up the black section and you have to hold this like I said I have longer stems on these so I glue to the handle and up the black section and I have five of the small Hearts they fit around here perfectly for five see how pretty that is you literally can just make these five small ones and that would be a really pretty solar light to put out in your yard and for those stems I did three pieces too they each have three stems in them they're just a whole lot smaller you can use the excess ones you have left over for making the big ones but I wanted it bigger I wanted to make giant flowers I may take the biggest ones off eventually because this material while it can get wet it has no problems I've had these out for a couple days now because I had to film them in the dark they do get caught by the wind a little bit if it's super windy and they have been rained on and they do perfectly fine but then you have to fluff them back up afterwards because the the material is a little thinner than the organza but the organza did perfectly fine with no problem whatsoever so now I'm going to put all of these on and I'm showing you here that I'm bending them before I put them on to make them look more like a leaf and I'm trying to stick them on so they cover up like three of the flowers a little bit because I think I have six of these so I'm not entirely sure I thought I made eight that would have four of these but I know I have more than four to go around I think because I have four of the largest ones to go around so I think I have six of these yeah there's six there so that's what that looks like you could stop here too if you wanted to that's really pretty but since I had the extra material I made these and I made them so they fan out even more and so I thought i' add those on too and it turned out really pretty I wanted to see how big of flowers I can make with this solar light the center section that is glass it's not plastic I think they had them like plastic once but that is crackled glass so these are a little heavy so we're going to do the same thing we did with the the other ones and we're going to put glue on the electrical tape because I did already taped it down with electrical tape glue on the underneath of the flower and we're going to hold those to dry but this footage is sped up this is not real time and we're going to put the rest of those on the same way okay so now I'm just going to continue to glue them around and if you see that for yours if you make this that that last layer if you go ahead and do the last layer or even the layer before seems like it's pulling away from the layer above it you can glue glue the layers to each other a little bit more higher up the stem but if you just bend those stems it usually stays where you want it to stay you don't have to really worry about it plus the glue dries clear when you use E6000 or something so you you're never going to see it if you want to put extra glue on it and here it is stinked in my yard it turned out really pretty and the when the Sun hits the Sparkles it's gorgeous so now I've already started folding this one and I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to fold it over in the layers and then I'm going to pin it together and then I'm going to cut out a shape I don't give you guys the patterns because this shape this one I'm holding up was my fist balled up and I traced around it and then this second one was basically the same thing I just after I cut it out I cut it out a little narrower and made the bottom a little wider just so I'd have two different shapes so now what I'm doing is taking our floral stems and I'm cutting a piece and bending it in half and making little points at the bottom and then gluing it down I'm going to do this on as many of these as I can until I run out a floral wire to cut because I'm almost out of it then I'm going to use the excess pieces to put on the other one you don't need to watch me do it because you already seen me do both of them before so so now now instead I'm showing you this is organza and I really wanted some purple and I couldn't find it at four stores I went to so I decided to paint mine just with regular paint this is Apple barel acrylic paint and I mixed it with white and I don't know the color name I mean I could go look it up but like I said before you have to make it to match the fabric that you're doing or make your fabric the color you you want so this is a madeup color cuz I put white in it I just swirl it around on top of this with a paper towel under it and then I take a baby wipe and I squish it in there and then I tap it off a little because I don't want it bright purple I want it iridescent looking purple to let some of that shine of the or organza come through and I want it to look all splotchy and I didn't iron that one I want it to be kind of bent up so I took this one and I did the bent over and I did all of these with the bent over wire and then with the leftover wire I did all of these like we did the ones on the pink and then I went ahead and colored two of these which was actually unnecessary so you could skip that step if you wanted to and I'm going to take this organza that's all wrinkled because I was crushing it and everything else and I'm going to fold a piece over like this and I'm going to I was trying to figure out how many times I want to fold it over I'm only going to do it once I'm going to glue down the stem and then put glue on it fold it over and make like a pocket in it like you were going to flip it inside out or something if you sewed it but we're not going to do that it's unnecessary and like I said it's unnecessary to paint these I at first I thought they were going to show cuz I was going to do it a little different but they're not going to show no one will ever see them so you can just use your white stems or any color stems you have any color um floral o you have for this so I put the glue on top fold it over and press it down and then I'm going to cut it off and set it aside to dry and then I'm going to make a second one so no need to show you making the second one once I get this tube like this I'm then going to take my scissors and cut little half inch slats in it and cut close to where the floral wire is but don't cut the wire and I'm just going to do this all the way across this is real time you can see I'm just being kind of careful and not cutting it too far and they're I guess they're about half an inch I don't know I wasn't trying to make them perfect and then I just sped it up and just cut it I don't care how wide they are I don't want them too wide and I don't want them too thin but they are definitely not all the same so you're going to do that all the way across I thought this these projects were so much fun I just wanted to try them in so many different ways then I'm going to take my solar light and I'm going to go around around the solar light with it on the black under section of the light just going to hold it there and glue it ever so often you don't have to glue it all the way around you can wrap part of it around and then glue it in another section so the first row I basically glue it in two spots across from each other and and then I glue it where they connect and then after that I hold that to dry this is sped up it took a minute for it to dry and then I'm going to put glue all the way around the rest of the edge it's not even on the black and glue that on and like I said I made two of them the second one's a little bit taller and I'm going to then glue part of the second one on I just thought it was really pretty to add some purple to it so I don't show you cutting it because why would you want to sit through that again and I only use this much of it I just want it to go around once so I'm going to start where I left off at the other one I think and then go all the way around it with some glue because this layer is a little thick and get back to the other side and that's it and then they kind of turn into these little puffy loops and you can puff them up with your hands then we're going to take the ones that have the two pieces of V because these are smaller and we are going to pinch the ends of the the into the V pinch them and then glue them down to the black section and as you can tell this is very sped up because no one wants to sit there and watch me glue on again after you watch two other flowers being made glued on but these make a flower that looks different and there are so many different ways that you can make these flowers then I glued on the next section of them there's no need for you to sit there and watch me glue all those on but I did the electrical tape trick to and see how this one has the purple like I think it's called stain in the middle it's so pretty and you can fluff them up and make them look way more like a flower that's just by bending the wire that's in the material and I like the fact that these are really seethrough you could have taken and put two pieces of fabric together and put the wires in between them but I didn't also I want to remind you if you're going to be doing this make sure the wire part is underneath your flower and the the side that doesn't have the wire on it is on the top when you do them so now I have darker leaves and I'm taking a set of two leaves here and I'm going to bend them together like in a little bit of a triangle and glue them I'll show it to you again here it's fed up a little bit and put some hot glue between them to keep them together and then hot glue on it and stick them down just like I did before because they're two together I didn't bother cutting them apart I thought it was really pretty how when you take and you fold the two you just bend it in half and fold them down and you're going to overlap them too again putting some glue between where you bented them in half and then glue them to the handle and I only do one layer of these and you can move them around a little that one looked like it was way over it just moved when I I pushed it and then again I'm going to use my electrical tape because electrical tape will do very well out in the weather and tape that down you could use floral tape but I do believe you'd have to glue that down at the end because I had to glue mine down because I will show you what I did with some floral tape in a minute but we are twisting this up just like I did the other one and cutting it off and and then this flower is done too I think it's really cool that there's solar lights in the middle and they will light up the entire flower and since I was already here and I had one left and I had that piece left I decided to do another one this one's totally different so if you stuck around this long to see it is totally different so I got these flowers they came from Joan fabrics and they're 70% off right now I think they were their spring collection they still have some at my stores I'm pulling off them off the stem they're penies pulling off the greenery off the back keep that so you can use it later if you want to and then I'm pulling the layers apart to get these bigger layers I'm taking them cutting off three two off the three and then I'm going to take the two cut them in half so they're pointy on the ends and glue them with hot glue back to the other ones I'm doing this you might want to use E6000 or a stronger glue if you live in somewhere that's super hot I live in Michigan we get hot days but we don't get like 100 degree days if you got get 100 degree days you guys just use E6000 or something because the hot glue will melt in the sun I'm sure so I'm going to do this to all of the really big sections each one of these flowers has three really big sections okay that's going to leave a center section that's got several layers that's up at the top there at the right intact but you're going to have these sections that came off I didn't try to put them back on the flower I'm bending them over against each other itself backwards does that make sense hold on I am taking it from the back putting some glue on it and squeezing it together folding it over three of the the petals are going to be on one side and two are going to be on the other side now that you get it take it and turn it upside down to the back of it and do it then I'm going to take those sections that were backed on each other putting it face down and gluing it to the underneath of that purple you see that's what I'm doing the ones that were the smaller ones they have more color to them I backed them on each other I fold them over backwards glued them together and I'm going to glue them to the under part of this purple and there's quite a few of them so I push them close to each other where the glued section is you're gluing the middle to the purple so push them close to each other where you're gluing the middle to the purple so there's really not a gap okay because you have more if you just did them evenly around you have more than you need but you make it Fuller if you push the center sections together so I'm going to put another one on and that one would cover the whole thing but I'm going to push it all the way over to the other Center section so then I have more room got it you want to do that until you have three left so there's eight all together you want three left then we're going to take and fold them and make a point you can do these any kind of way you want this is what I'm doing F fold them and make a point and stick one section on anywhere anywhere you feel like doing it and it's going to go to the black part underneath towards the first layer we put on then I'm going to move about a third way around and I'm going to fold this one and stick it about a third of the way around from the last one I did because you only have three so think about the fact that you want them evenly spaced three of them around and you're going to do that again because you have only three this will make sense in a second so so far we have the purple all the way around then you have five of the other ones really close to each other all the way around now you have three that are a third away that leaves you three gaps between them and we're going to take these flowers cut off the end put the greenery back on I'm going to glue it back on though it'll snap back on if you leave that stem long enough but I'm going to make sure I put some glue in there and put it back on and this is hot glue remember E6000 if you live in a very hot area but I'm going to do this to all of them and then in all three of those spaces that we just created we're going to glue one of these flowers now you don't have to put the green back on I thought the green would show a lot more and it make it prettier but it really kind of gets covered up in all of this so if you don't want to put the green back on on you can skip that step I liked it so I put it on so this is going to look like a bouquet of pannies that light up you see that you have a flower here and then you have more spaces for the next flowers to go so I put the glue on the back of the flowers and I put one in each one of the spaces when you go to put it together it's really easy to see and this is sped up footage because this does take a while to dry you could stop there but you still have these that we glued and I'm going to back them on each other so they're separate here's one flip it over to the back put some glue down and take another one and put the back on that one it just makes them nice and fluffy and you actually end up with one left over but I had one damaged one anyway so I didn't end up using it so I have four here and when you look at this and you turn it over you can see where the green parts are and in where the greens connect there's like a space and there's going to be enough room to put them all in so we're going to then take these and kind of bend them in half and show of them in those spaces to fill in our bouquet and it doesn't have to be perfect it's a flower like I just basically folded it in half and then put glue here on that metal section and you will have to hold this in there to dry for quite a while they will just pop right back out so literally I am holding my finger in there because I have nails if not that spatula right there you could hold it in with the spatula and that's what what that looks like you don't even have to use electrical tape for any of it but if I were you and I'm in a hot climate use 6,000 or something like that and this one it's done you could do this with any large flower to make a bouquet or even they make larger flowers you could take apart and put around the uh solar light so then I am using just a couple of the leaves and I'm going to like just just tuck them in I'm going to put some glue on them once I decide where I want them to go because even though it's really pretty I wanted to see if it would look good with the leaves so here we are we have them all done I took this one and I just stuck it in a planner and that's how it looks outside of my gazebo and look at the bottom one in the daytime I did these two the first day and the the other two the second day that's why you're only seeing these two right now the bottom one's just stuck into the grass and the other one's in a planter sitting on a plant stand they don't stay like that though because I changed them out I put this one on a Dollar Tree mop handle and I took some floral tape and went around the handle and then added in a few green Li leaves the solar lights fit in the handle perfectly I have to finish wrapping it because I just shoved the entire solar light thing in the handle and then this one I took and I put in the planter that the more Daisy looking one was in and that's what those look like and all you have to do is set them in the ground with the staks that actually come from the solar light and then here are the other two I have a triangle shaped kind of cone planter and I just put them both on the stakes that they come with in that planter I really love how the Sun hits them and they look really fabulous I I charged shine in this light all day long and I actually think they turned out perfect and I know the panies wouldn't have a purple Center but hey I loved it and then this is what they look like at night now I have to tell you where I live it is pitch black at night and I don't have lights outside so these are going to be some of the lights that are outside now this one doesn't show up as much of the flower I just think it's the type of material that it is if it was organza more of the flower would shine but I still love it and it's pretty in the daytime and if you saw one of my previous videos I made that crackle glass piece and I said it buy it and look at how all of the crackle glass makes a pattern on the curtain to my gazebo I absolutely love it if you want to see that and I made another one they will be linked in the comment section down below but let me show you how the other two glow at night I love these they turned out so pretty I am on the hunt for some real colored organza and I'm going to make a couple more cuz I have two more of these solar lights I just love how they turned out and they shine super bright I do have Dollar Tree little lanter behind it but I'm taking that down because I got some more solar lights and I think I want the bright white color outside but that's it for this entire video these have been out in the rain they all do really well none of them have fallen apart this one here does get a little more rain log but when it dries out you can just reshape it with no problem that is it for this video I'm going to leave you with my favorite one that I made out of all of these and if you want to see how I'm going to do the next set like this hit the Subscribe button and I will catch you all in my next video bye loves [Music] oh
Channel: Lacee's Space
Views: 73,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, solar lights, giant flowers
Id: Hug50rMgI-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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