How to Make An Ocean Sunset Scene • Blender 2.81 Eevee Tutorial

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so you want to make a sunset scene well why don't you have a son and then just set them down at the scene of the crime the scene of this have a son and set him down at the scene sunset scene of the crime hey guys welcome back touched by Kai I'm Kai and today we are back I don't even know what that was just just let's just move on okay guys we're back in pull into 2.81 taking a look at a sunset scene in blender that's kind of hard to say a sunset scene it's not hard to say it on their mind we're gonna delete on default cube delete and I'm gonna hit shift a to add in a mesh plane and this plane is gonna be our ocean we're not gonna hit s scale it up we're not gonna do any that nonsense we're just gonna go ahead and go over here to the modifiers tab and add a modifier this is gonna be the ocean modifier which is right here boom giggity you can see how we didn't get scaled up cuz we're gonna scale it up by itself and now this isn't gonna play it's not gonna do anything it's just an ocean modifier it's just for pretty looks it's not actually animated so we're gonna actually animate this I'm gonna turn my step frame is zero-- yes and then we're gonna go ahead and go to zero and our timeline down here open that up a little bit just drag it up and I'm gonna hover my cursor over top of the time value right here and hit I on my keyboard I like your eyeball I never to go hit this little button right here to go to the last frame which is 250 by default and then we're gonna change the time to 10 hit enter and then hover our cursor over top of that hit I once again to insert another keyframe I just to keep the the hotkey to enter to keep it so next things up I'm gonna hit zero on my numpad so going to the cameras view I'm gonna T I'm sorry I'm in not T and then T on my in on my keyboard there we go so the end key brings it up or you could just hit this little hit this little arrow right here and it opens it up go to view and and check lock camera to view then we're gonna use we're gonna use our scroll wheel to zoom in and out and our minimize button to pan around and get a nice low angle here and we're gonna move our about right there because the waves are gonna go up so I want to make sure we have a lot of space right here so nothing is moving around all crazy-like so I'm gonna uncheck that now that we haven't moved where we want and now I can move out of cameras view so we can move around properly and so now if I play this the waves are gonna play and you can see that they're playing but there's kind of like a weird slow and stop thing going on because of the way blender does keyframes so you can see when it comes to a finish it kind of slows to a finish and when it starts it kind of speeds up over time which is just super weird and it just doesn't look how the ocean works it doesn't look how the ocean works that I need to make sense it doesn't look like how the ocean works so we're gonna fix that by dragging this over from the left so I'm gonna just put my cursor up here and then just drag over and we're gonna open this up we're gonna click this little button right here and then we're going to change this to the graph editor we haven't been here in a while and then we go up to key and change this interpolation mode to linear now you can see how that line goes from that curvy line like this with the Bezier curves to the the straight hard edge which is pretty sweet so that's gonna make it so that the waves to start and stop on a constant rate instead of like like smoothing up like this so now it's just ooh you know like that that's a technical term ooh right there if I play now you can see it the ocean waves just start and they just stop by themselves they don't slow down anymore and speed up which is nice that's what we need so that's all we're gonna do and now next thing we got to do is actually just the rest of the lighting for the scene so I'm gonna select this lamp that we have here and go to the lamp tab and change this to Sun so Sun is gonna help us out a little bit but you see this strength is really really really high because it was on point by default and point is much less strong than Sun is so we don't need this to be on a thousand because if I were to go to render viewport training you see everything's just solid white because a thousand is like insane death for a Sun lamp so I'm gonna change this from a thousand two to ten and that's still way too much so we're gonna do one and that's much better I mean you see this is the shading that's how dark it is really and this is how light the the plane is now so the ocean isn't how rather so with our ocean selected I'm gonna go to the material tab and it new and then we're going to go ahead and change the base color to a very slight blue color you don't wanna go overboard because water is not actually blue water is clear but when you know everything happens in the ocean things get reflected depending on where you are in the world it will look a little bit more blue a little less blue a little more green whatever else just depending on what's underneath the ocean the salt water content and whatever else so waters not actually blue but I'm gonna tent it very slightly blue just for the sake of you know the visuals of this scene so we're gonna go ahead and turn the specular all the way up because waters shiny and we're turning the roughness down because waters shiny now I want to go for more stylistic kind of approach with this so I'm gonna turn the roughness all the way down you know I don't usually recommend doing that unless you're doing like materials that are like not real materials like sci-fi materials because nothing is 100% shiny but I want to do a styling stick water thing today so I'm doing 1 2 % shiny usually I recommend like point zero zero one but forget that today we all need you this is a point zero one we don't need that we don't need that so I'm gonna go ahead and turn up the sheen you can turn machine up a little bit you don't really need it though so that's kind of unnecessary you see very up like if you look up look in this area right here you can see the sheen kind of making a difference right there so I'll leave that on looks pretty nice in the sheen tint as well that's gonna help out with the color can't really tell because our Co is not that deep but might as well just turn all the way up for the rest of this you can see if I were to rotate our lamp you can see we have some watery effects which is nice that's that's the style that I was going for the hard edge kind of thing going on here so I'm gonna go to the camera view by hitting zero and then I'm a double tap are on our lamp until I get this in a place where I like it which is about right there so I want this really bright bright bright light coming from this angle and by the way this is a great time to check to see if your water ooh ever comes out of the cameras view so like if it ever does like that you can see the edge that's not good you want to make sure you can't see that so just make sure your camera's resting on the edge at all times so it doesn't like come out of the the view ah there we go we're good so because I don't want this to be white I'm gonna go ahead and select our lamp and I'm gonna change this color but first I want to go to the world tab and change the background color to about almost a little bit more than halfway up and then I'm going to change this to a nine deep blue like this cuz I like I said I'm going for this really nice style today so I wanted to rotate this a little bit more maybe it's kind of big I want them to be a little smaller like maybe that's fine I like I like that it's cool that's fine yeah we're gonna do that and then I'm gonna change the color of the lamp there's something very stylistic as well so let's go to the lamp and then we'll change the color to the lamp to something maybe like this and I'll change the strength to what you say five maybe not five one we'll leave it on one and we'll do a lighter color like like that I guess maybe to no one leave it on one alright and the shadow can be unchecked cuz we don't need that it's just for the actual reflection and what else Oh hit shift a then we're gonna head in a Sun back here now this is the cool part so I'm gonna add a Sun by hitting circle and before we click anywhere Islands before we move anything because we don't want this little box to go away down here this add circle box we're gonna hit this open and change the fill type from nothing to in gone then hit s to scale this bad boy way up and then our X 90 to rotate it 90 degrees 90 degrees on the x-axis now I'm gonna move this to approximately where this this light is coming from so hit G X to move it over then G Y to move it back and then G to move it up a little bit now uh and it looks good about right there I want to get maybe about half of the moon in there this could be the moon half of the Sun in there cuz the sunset not moon set um we're gonna hit new material on this this Sun and I'm changing the base color I'm actually gonna before we do that I'm gonna changes to a mission sorry and then we're going to change this color to like a reddish orangish yellow like that but I'm also gonna turn the strength up to somewhere around maybe 10 or even 20 I want this to be like white white so maybe 30 but the thing that's gonna really help us out here so I'm gonna turn bloom on and bloom is what's really gonna help us out here so you can see how that just really puffs the scene up it really makes it nicer and I'm gonna do one more thing that's gonna also puff the scene up here I'm gonna I'm also gonna put a subsurf on this so right now you can see you can kind of see the edges of the circle which doesn't look very good so I'm gonna model I am NOT a modifier of subdivision surface that's gonna smooth that out a little bit maybe even bump it up to two with the camera selected I'm gonna go to the camera tab and then go to depth of field and check that make sure that's checked on now you can see it got a little blurry but we're gonna fix that because we're gonna drop that down and change the f-stop all the way down return it all the way down that's sound like Kevin Hart John all weighed in anyway we're gonna change it change the folks distance and we're gonna turn that about but I'm gonna leave it all in the front like this so only the front is clear we're not gonna put it all way in the back so only the backs clear we're gonna put it somewhere in the middle so right about there maybe thirty meters is about the center of the canvas is now in center which is nice and we have a little bit of that the field up close one of my favorite things we've done in 2020 so far happy 2020 by the way and also make sure you turn on screen space screen space reflections hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed it I will see you in the next one but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 28,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, blender ocean tutorial, blender sunset tutorial, blender ocean sunset tutorial
Id: 4KwWkcC9Znc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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