How To Make An Herbal Salve - Comfrey. (Uses For Healing Salves)

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welcome back to the channel everyone today we're here in front of our comfrey patch comfrey is an incredible medicinal herb and it can also be used for an amazing compost but today we're we are going to teach you how to make a comfrey cell for healing purposes first things first we're just going to pick some of our comfort here get it inside and we're gonna dry it out and then I'm gonna show you how to make that cell now that we have those comfrey leaves picked we need to dry them and we dry ours in a food dehydrator now you want to dry herbs on a really low temperature the nutrients are going to get cooked out essentially so 125 degrees is where you want to dry those comfrey leaves to get that beautiful green color retained and those nutrients retained within the leaf now a comfrey cell is good for so many things okay it mostly is used to be applied topically and I recommend doing that you can make a calm 40 out of it but there is some toxicity to the comfrey plant itself both in the roots and the leaves leaves less so than the roots and I want you to do your own research on that we're not gonna go over that since we are making a topical ointment only topical ointment ourself can be used for like I said a variety of things rashes bug bites muscle soreness joint pain gout arthritis the list goes on now you can apply it to wounds but I want you to be careful because it is topical you don't want to apply it to an open fresh wound it will aid in healing wounds quicker but it can also enter the bloodstream with those toxic properties through a big open wound so if you have a wound that's partially healed it's starting to close up you can put the come for yourself on there it'll relieve some of the pain and it will also heal faster so let's go over the recipe for our conference elf it's really easy to make we're gonna show you how to do it okay we've got just a few simple ingredients here to make this sell we have of course our dried comfrey leaves and we have pure beeswax we've got one cup which is four ounces by weight of beeswax we also have a some essential oil you can add this we like the country really doesn't have much of a smell the beeswax has nice sweet smell but the country doesn't so we like to add a little bit of essential oil to enhance the properties now this happens to be a eucalyptus oil which is also going to aid in healing and comforting of joints and pain so on and so forth right here is our important part this is 24 ounces of olive oil cold-pressed olive oil and in it that's been steeping for a week our our comp relieves we have two cups of comfort lives in here [Music] you can either do this two ways you can steep it for a week at room temperature or you can elect to put it on a really really low temperature on the stove heat the oil place the concrete leaves in there it takes quite a while to really don't low temp on one or two or low actually to about lower one on your dial on your stove top it will take about 8 to 10 hours of warm steeping to infuse that oil with comfrey leaves or you can just do this and set it aside for a week and make it later now we use this brand white Naturals yellow beeswax pellets it's organic it's really high-quality and it's really filtered we are going to to our next step here and that is take our beeswax and melt it in a double boiler you could use the dedicated double boiler or as you can see we just have a steel stainless steel bowl over a big pot here works just as well that beeswax is so sensitive it's gonna start melting at a really low temp in almost right away and just a few quick minutes your beeswax is gonna be melted after that is done I want you to take that infusion of comfrey oil and we're gonna pour it through a strainer into our mixture as you can see the beeswax hardened a bit because that oil was at room temperature and the beeswax hardened up a little bit so we're gonna keep it over the heat here continue to melt that beeswax and then get that infusion of oil mixed completely in here with the beeswax at this time you can add your essential oils so we're gonna add our eucalyptus oil we're gonna add probably this is not scientific but we're gonna add probably 40 drops of essential oil in this particular recipe from here we're just gonna add our warm or hot mixture to our final containers here well there you have it your comfrey self put your top on it it'll keep for quite a while and use it generously because it's really easy to make thanks for joining us on the channel everyone to see how to make this medicinal comfrey self we hope you enjoyed it and we hope you got a lot of good information out of it and if you did we would like you to share the video share it and also give it a thumbs up that helps out the video and helps out our channel a lot also we want you all here on a permanent basis so please go hit that subscribe button and the little notification bellow next to it because if you don't hit that you're never gonna see updates 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Channel: Country Living Experience: A Homesteading Journey
Views: 10,647
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Keywords: comfrey plant, how to make comfrey salve, how to make homemade comfrey salve, how to make a healing salve, healing salve, comfrey salve, comfrey ointment, comfrey salve recipe, comfrey salve uses, diy, homesteading, self sufficient living, health benefits of comfrey, herbal medicine, comfrey, tips for making an herbal salve, tricks to make an herbal salve, how to make, organic beeswax, organic beeswax for skin, How To Make An Herbal Salve - Comfrey. (Uses For Healing Salves)
Id: nVzvfsYj49I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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