How To Make An Early Morgott’s Cursed Sword Build | Dex/Arcane Build Guide | Patch 1.09

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign and welcome to build guide number 24. and this is a very simple one morgot's curse sword is one of the coolest looking weapons in the game in my opinion but the problem with it has always been that for most applications it's just a weaker version of bloodhound's fan but recently I've seen a couple of videos floating around demonstrating how much better it is after its weapon art buff on 109 and this was the perfect excuse to do a run with it but we immediately run into a problem can't get the sword until you've killed morgoth halfway through the game and while there are two weapons that are absolutely perfect for getting through the first part of the game with the correct stat distribution for the curse sword I've already covered both of these in guides and I didn't really want to repeat myself so if you want a nice casual playthrough you can follow either my reduvia or Bloodhounds fan guides until you get to morgoth aiming for these stats what we're gonna do for this run is be silly and go get morgot's curse sword right at the start of the game so to get set up for this I followed my standard setup guide link to the full video and play along in the description you only need the sombas here I also grabbed some different fashion as you guys know the deal with the Bandit armor so we pick up the action again here in the putrified ruins in the earlier head down into the basement for the two-finger heirloom [Music] then head to Fort Gale in caled riding around the back of the building to grab a flame grant me strength now up to the Earth tree gazing Hill in the outlets plateau ride past the Wyndham ruins and around volcano Manor then into Fort Lloyd and up to the top to grab the fire scorpion charm so at some point during your setup melaner will show up to take you back to the round table make sure you go to the round table at some point during the setup otherwise you'll be locked out of it because of what we're about to do then to learner's rise jump on the side of the bridge debate the knights Cavalry into eating himself off if he ever jumps over and gets stuck like this just wait it out he'll fall off eventually foreign to kill Grail with a great knife and for once don't use the bleed grease here Grail will take a little longer but you may find this more useful for what we're going to do next now head to argue Lake South and equip radagon saw seal and the strength and Dex physics into the evergel to kill the Bloodhound Knight for Old Reliable take it to EG and level it to plus six then we're gonna head to the minor Earth Tree in West Leonia to kill the tree avatar for the ruptured Crystal tear now to the most southern point of weeping Peninsula to the Tower of return and up to the top to open the chest to get transported to the capital we're here to use the ruptured tier skip once again as usual I'll leave a link to rise's very detailed tutorial in the description drink your physic and walk off the ledge as soon as your character raises their arm then while you're falling time an R1 for when you hit the ground send the lift back up to unlock the capital and then run through to the West Rampart Grace [Music] now since we're in the capital we actually have access to a somber smithing Stone 7. from the West Rampart make your way back to the Avenue balcony Grace [Music] from here head down into the Subterranean shining grounds [Music] across the pipes and down to grab the somber 7 from in front of this Lobster now it never occurred to me at the time but you could actually use this to level bloodhound's Fang to plus 9 to make this bit a little bit easier if you did that you could then grab a Samba 78 and 9 from the mountaintops after defeating Morgan but everything that you'll see here is with a plus six Bloodhounds fat so time for the first box so time for the first boss of this playthrough Godfrey as much as our health is a bit of a problem here we have one of the best weapons in the game so we won't have to play well for too long [Music] Strat here is to play Super safe Godfrey has a very predictable moveset so as long as you're not greedy it shouldn't be too bad dodgy's Combos and hit him with a single R1 can get more in than one at certain points but that's much riskier if you don't know the moveset too well keep the pressure on you'll get a stagger at about 75 health this will allow time for a weapon art to finish the fight now for the tough bit Morgan [Music] the play here is using your weapon Arts you want to try and get two two partners at the start of the fight [Music] after the second single R1 will stagger him out of the dagger attack take the ripost here and then one more weapon art to phase two now if you save the bleed grease from Grail and used it before this fight one more hit here during the transition will kill him before phase two even starts I decided not to use it to show you this is possible if you don't have it or you messed up and used both greases one more weapon Arc will end phase two [Music] head to the round table to get more guts curse sword and grab the Talisman pouch from the Twin Maiden husks now travel to the alley in the north of the ionian swamp for a somber 5. then to the bridge of iniquity in Mount gilmir for a belting rendition of snake heater and a Samba 6. you can now level morgut's curse sword up to plus nine now we're gonna head to the minor archery in Northwest caled for the flame shrouding tier then up to the merchant in Dragon Barrow for the Beast repellent torch and finally back to the Subterranean Shannon grounds past the lobsters at the bottom and into the Langdale catacombs to get catastrophically lost for 20 minutes then into the boss room to fire esgol having the Beast repellent torch in the offhand means that the dogs will not aggro to you making this a relatively trivial fight and we're set up time for Margaret at the grace equip the decks and Flame tears the Lord of blood's exaltation and the fire scorpion charm buff with flame grot me strength and [Music] no Market [Music] run into goldric's Arena to completely bully him with a weapon one of the things that's been buffed about this weapon art are the recovery times after either part of it you can roll out of it almost immediately meaning that you can sneak it into openings now that you previously couldn't and it also allows you to attack straight after using it in a way that wasn't possible before foreign [Music] to do the same from Red Wolf for Ronaldo do all of your Buffs before you hit the third Sweeting then spam light attacks on her for an easy one cycle for phase two the weapon aren't stagger damage combined with the bleed build up makes this completely trivial even if you run out of FP like I did now at this point we need something very important for our build and to get it we need to kill radon now while a phase one kill is not a given here the fact that we're already a pretty high level with a plus 9 weapon means that he's going down pretty easily [Music] head back to the round table to buy the red main helm while the omen killer mask would be the go-to for a morgot cosplay the look I'm going for is pure 80s Glam Rock [Music] now to volcano Manor for Noble and one of the big advantages for morgot's curse sword over Bloodhounds Fang is its high critical damage it's a really good weapon if you want to do a lot of parrying and reposting combine this with weapon art for a very easy fight foreign [Music] once again I'm using the standard speedrun strats to avoid the phase 2 Skull Shenanigans put the Lance in your right hand serpent hunter in your left and spam crouching pokes for both places [Music] [Music] now up to the outlets Plateau for the draconic Sentinel obviously this fire is completely optional as we've already done laying down and you might want to skip it as the draconics are a little bit of a nightmare with this weapon mainly due to the fact that they can't be reposted and they have pretty good fire resistance they take away the upsides of this weapon leading us with a poor man's Bloodhound fan even a plus nine this fight wasn't as easy as most weapons are of plus six before we head to the mountaintops speak to our main man at radon's Arena then up to mount Gilmer to speak to him again in the lava for reasons that I don't fully understand heading to mount gilmir after radon allows you to skip the liernia portion of Alexander's questline I'm not exactly sure what the triggers are for each [Music] then we're going to head through the mountaintops up to the big man now from the start of this run I deliberately avoided playing this weapon exactly how I would Bloodhounds Fang choosing light attacks and weapon Arts over the ax Talisman cracked here and charges but for the next two fights it might prove a little too tempting considering how good that setup is for fire Giant and Duo so if you want that Optimum set up head back to the minor archery in Miss wood for the cracked here and then on to the Miss Wood ruins for the ax talisman for phase one go for charges or quick attacks on the foot georgies will give you staggers light attacks will give you more bleed [Music] thank you [Music] stagger him at the start of phase two and get a weapon off on the eye from there a couple more hits is all it takes thank you [Music] [Music] run through faram all the way to the dragon Temple transep Grace if you need to you can knit back to the Village of the albanurics for the first half of the secret Medallion and any extra mushrooms or citrinas lilies you need then back to Carly at the church of Valor for three crack pots and the crafting kit run in and put the duo to sleep this fight could not be simpler for this weapon ax Talisman and cracked here then two charges and a repost [Music] after the fight forget to level up and go jump straight off a ledge with 130k on you then head up to the stone sword key gate and through go see our best mate on the rooftops do a little sparring with him then take The Shard he hands you while he tells you he's off to the round table hold to chill with Rodrigo [Music] now the draconic tree Sentinel at faram do yourself a favor and run past him he's a nightmare with this weapon it was honestly probably the hardest fight on the Run if you're determined to get him play it slow and patient I went for my standard parrying straps for Beast standard mole approach punishing those Beast claw attacks with jumps and using that very quick roll in R1 when up close [Music] for malacath punished that slow one-two combo with the weapon heart for a very easy fight [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] that I'd been worried about since the start of the Run I wasn't convinced this weapon would do enough damage to kill Gideon straight away but curse blood slice means that even if you do have to fight him it's easy enough to stun him out of all of his terrible attacks and it would have been even better if I'd remembered to level up my weapon back in pharaoh free forgiven for thinking that this weapon is just plain awful we're doing a hundred points of damage less per hit than Bloodhounds fan however the bleed proc does happen a little faster and stagger damage Still Remains the Same I guess it all depends on how well the weapon art will work for horror look [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign agon you want to go with cursed blood slice when you can as well as heavy attacks to build up posture damage taking advantage of those big riposts when you get that stagger I will tend to go for light attacks in the more hectic phase 2. now despite us dealing fire damage this unfortunately isn't one of those fire weapons that will absolutely destroy radagon but after that sword of Knight and Flame fight last week it was good to have an actual scrap with him for eldenbeast the damage and posture build from this weapon art is great be super aggressive at the start and you'll get an early stagger allowing you to take 50 of his health bar straight away continue the same aggressive approach for the rest of the fight and he'll go down pretty easily [Music] thank you now to Castle soul for Commander now and as much as I was hoping for it there's no flashy starting Strat like the sword of Knight and Flame happily the weapon heart will kill either of the summons easily for Nile get him down to about 80 health and wait for that big storm attack and then foreign [Music] I went with parries and reposts [Music] head back to the second charge of America to bully elianora for the purifying tier right through the snow fields all the way to ordna town rides Southwest from there jumping onto this ledge to cheese The Invader then heading into mogwin's palace for Moog swap out the flame shrouding tear for the purifying one as flame is no good to us here [Music] and while you might think that a fire damage dealing weapon would be rough for Mo this weapons bleed build up is insanely good for him pretend it's your first time playing a Souls game and spam R1 for one of the easier mode fights you've seen in this series [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to ordna town as usual I'm using order skip to bypass the puzzle jump onto this pillar line up your compass to the right of this Notch and do two jumps with the direction order 12 o'clock nine o'clock for Loretta you can go with parries and charged attacks for the safe approach or throw caution to the wind and Bully her with cursed blood slices compared to either of the tree Sentinel fights this one actually isn't that bad before we head to Melania head to the minor Earth Tree in Northeast caled to kill the avatar for the stone Barb crack tier now the reason that we're grabbing this is because of a couple of videos I saw by a channel called Sac slave Gale in the first of his videos girl used morgot's curse sword to completely stunlock Millennia beating her in under a minute in his second video he used the same method to beat her in 28 seconds using the volcanic pot strap now I can't replicate girls set up at this level he's a RL 150 with a whole host of Buffs that you can see in his footage so head over to his channel to check out both of these fights see all of his setup and show him some love they're two of the coolest Millennia fights I've seen so the general idea is this hit her with a full cursed blood slice then a single R1 directly after to get a stagger take the repost then repeat even on a standard end game build like this it's enough to get rid of her phase one without any issues laughs for phase two I took advantage of this weapon's great repos damage and went for parries for the majority however if you're in a super aggressive mood like I was curved great swords are great for bullying her around with light attacks foreign [Music] [Music] using the weapon art between the lightning strikes at the start will get you an early stagger from there just get it in when you can with quick attacks to build up bleed and more posture damage we feel noticeably down on attack power here compared to a lot of other weapons in this series so are the Buffs to this award on 109 enough to make it a better PVE Choice than bloodhound's phone no not at all Bloodhounds Fang is an almost perfect weapon on its own let alone the fact that you can apply grease to it but for some fights on this run cursed blood slice makes this weapon so strong that it utterly monsters its bigger brother and for me that Millennium fight compared with just how cool this weapon looks is more than enough to Warrant a DEX Arcane playthrough [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if you've enjoyed this video give it a like tell me what build you'd like to see next in the comments and subscribe to my channel for more Elder Marine build guides as always thanks for watching see you soon [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Thingfishy
Views: 46,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morgotts cursed sword, Build guide, Dex arcane build, Somber smithing stone, Redmane Helm, Cursed blood, slice, Patch 1.09, Early Morgott
Id: PWvpReJD8x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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