How to Make an Asphalt Road PBR Material - Quixel Mixer Tutorial

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how many times were you making an exterior scene got all the materials nicely done good lighting just realized that when you apply a road texture it just doesn't look good and realistic in real life roads are full of imperfections they got cracks oil marks patches tire marks some trash among other things and the textures you can find in lumen for example they look like this you can go online to find other textures like this one they do look better but it's still not the right one so now comes the software quixil mixer it's a very intuitive material creation software that uses the mega scans library to create well basic any material that you can imagine [Music] hi i'm nuno silva and in today's video you will see how easy and fast it is to create a complex asphalt material like this one [Music] before we start i would like to invite you to my free training my top 10 secrets to achieve realistic renders i'll leave a link in the top right corner and also in the description below this video let's go to the quiksil website and here on the top you'll find products you can see that they have here the mega scans but let's click here mixer so this is the mixer you can download immediately this software for free you can still browse the page and see the video with the features and when you download and install it you will find this window it already has here some materials that you can open and see how they were made so this is my roots that i've been making so and on the top you'll find here new mix so let's click here so let's give it a name so let's give it this fault material and working resolution this resolution it will not be the final so when you finish the the project material you can still decide which resolution you want i find that a good balance if you have a good computer it will be this 2k resolution it's fine so let's leave it at this resolution and press ok and so now we have this interface it's quite simple interface and it's very similar to photoshop when you are working here in the layers panel but actually let's go first to this setup and on the setup you will find here the type plane or custom model or 3d asset so discuss a model maybe you want to texture some let's say that you have like a table or a sofa you can load the asset here and you can text it directly here but let's leave it as plain it will work fine for the road size so our typical road lane can be between 2.5 to 3.5 meters so let's leave this at six by six so we have three meters for each lane and the working resolution we're going to leave it as 2k then you have other options here for the background for lighting performance you can still tweak these settings and this is for the export so let's go here to layers and here you can see that i'm choosing the 3d view but you can also work in the 2d view and you can select different types of hdris so you can see different types of lighting and you also have other options here like preview the displacement so you can disable this if the compute your computer is not handling while the displacement you can still toggle on and off you can preview tiling which is also the t key so it will see the tiling and you can also show the grid so i just keep the displacement and if you were to zoom out and then you got a little bit lost you can always press f key and it will go back so now let's start we have here surface we have decals smart materials we have solid layers liquid noise and paint and also we are here on the local library it's the assets that i already have downloaded they are on my computer and you can always go here online and on this online you will find all the mega scan assets here all the outlets all the decals all the surface that you can load to work on on your material so let's go here to the viewport i'm going to go here on the top and add surface layer and for this one i already have here this on my computer rode asphalt so you can load any material that you would like again just go online and let's say i want an asphalt i have here already category asphalt you can start with a with a fine base so you can start with any of this you just click for example this one i will click and i'll click download and so you can see here on on the bottom this bar it's loading up the map and now if i go to my local library you'll see that i already have here this material so but i'm going to start with this one for this tutorial so i have here my road so first thing i'm going to do here in the placement i will open up this and here i have the settings for the tiling and i'm going to make this style to about eight times or maybe six i'm going to rotate it 90. actually about 10 times is better okay and now i'm going to duplicate this texture by just right click and duplicate and i'm just going to rotate this texture so i'm trying to break a little bit of tiling and i'm going here to the threshold and i'll try to adjust so it blends a little bit with the bottom texture and i'm going to adjust as well the tiling for this one maybe two six okay now you can see that that the tiling is not so visible anymore now i'm going to add here a nice layer and i'll hold alt and if you hold alt you'll see this arrow so it's similar to photoshop so any effect that i'm going to do on this noise it will just affect this bottom layer and so here we can tweak a little bit of settings so if you were to increase a lot you'll see that you'll have this effect which it's not so good for a road and you can just leave it slightly you can still adjust the repetitions if you like but actually for this effect maybe two it's fine and i just want the frequency the frequency and increase here the octaves and let's see okay so i want just a slight effect you can click this eye icon and if you click it you'll see that you see the before and after changes now i want to get some lines for this road and we can do this by going here to add decal again i already have this once downloaded but to download decals you can just go here on the top online and then you'll find here decals and here on decals you will find huge variety of types of decals that you can add to your project so let's go back here i already have this road line here so now it's repeating but we can change this we can go here to tile x it will just style on the x and we can change here repetitions to maybe 18 or 24 okay now i can adjust here to eight can zoom in and see how it looks okay now we need more lines so let's add more details let's go here add this one again tile just the x and on this one we're going to change the offset of the y so let's leave it maybe about here we can make this one 32 so it's slimmer maybe a little bit more okay so it's slimmer than this middle one and here maybe 12. okay and now we're just going to right click and duplicate and now let's adjust this y here well actually we can make it more till here same from the bottom [Music] okay and by the way let's say that you want these lines to be another color you can always do that just go here to the albedo and you can pick another color if you like so let's say something like this and i can just copy this x value to select copy with ctrl c and now go to the bottom one and just paste the new color and by the way if you like to know more in-depth tutorials i have two courses for both flumion and d5 render i'll leave a link in the top right corner and also in the description below this video now i want to introduce a little bit more variation so let's go here to add surface and i'm going to add here some old concrete let's see this one old concrete so it's repeating uh too many times so go here to repetitions and make it maybe four repetitions still too much maybe two okay just rotate this okay and i want to address a little bit of color of the albedo so click here and make a little bit darker apply okay and i'm also going to make this on the blend from above okay and we're going to adjust this or else this road will be very very old so adjust here on the threshold to be about maybe about here and then we're going to duplicate this asphalt here and just move it up like this drag and now apply it just on the bottom on the old concrete [Music] and we can now go here and adjust the threshold okay let's go here to hold concrete and just make this to tile just one time okay so i'm just adding slight variation here i can still adjust a little bit albedo okay so you can see that starts to break some of these lines here and this texture now doesn't look with so much repetition if you press t you'll see how it tiles currently and now let's add some of those road cracks so let's go here to add decal and i'll find here some this one root crack so we can move this to to the side maybe here or actually this side we can increase the scale to two no too much 1.25 here we can pick the color of this asphalt so it matches a little bit better you can still pick a darker color all right this one looks nice we can adjust the threshold so if you want to be here from above and then with the threshold you can still apply this okay okay something like this it looks nice this one now let's add a new one let's add something to break the the line in the middle so this one increase the size to 1.25 maybe 1.5 okay just going to adjust here the x maybe here and now from above and if you'll just hear the threshold so it starts to appear this pothole okay so it kind of breaks up this line you can still just hear the other color so let's make this one okay and let's continue to add more details let's see you can add this one let's just adjust here the y and x and make it from above and now we can adjust the threshold also adjust a little bit of color we want the color to be different but not completely different from the rest of this fault okay something like this will do i'm going to add a new one a new patch i want to break just a little bit of these bumps here just make it smaller again from above and let's see okay let's see what else we have here so we can add connect this asphalt pothole so i'm creating a more damaged road not completely new so we can double the size and make the spot hole more to this side from above as well i think it's too dark in comparison to the rest of this fault so we can again pick the color okay i think that that looks better let's see what else we got here you can also add this type of things i'm going to to leave it but of course this is a little bit exaggeration but just so you know that you can add these things so let's leave it at about about here adjust the color you can adjust here the scaling as well and just make it just on the side of the road if you go to the decals again we can add a manhole as well and let's try here to adjust the size maybe 0.25 or maybe 0.5 this one let's leave it at the opacity mask i think it's still too big maybe 35 okay now let's head here on the sides some road sightings so we can go here to the decal and let's see what we have here we have this one asphalt cobblestone transition and we just need to adjust here the tile x make it on the side maybe just reduce here the repetitions to one and here's six well actually more 18. and two okay now adjust and now just duplicate and rotate 180 and let's move it to the other side okay one thing that we can add is on the roadside is always a little bit more dirt accumulated so we can go to the head here decals and you can find here some leakage and so you can see here the leakage so let's move it to the side so we can make the tiling and we can tile x and so i put 10 repetitions on the y and now i need to adjust here the y position so we can make it about here where we have this transition okay and we're going to do one thing we're going to now add here on the bottom you'll find paint a mask on this layer so click and similar to photoshop now we can mask out some elements we can adjust here the opacity and so this way it will create some variation okay now we can duplicate this one rotate 180 and move it to the other side oops the repetitions was good just move to the other side okay on this one on this mask i can still paint some of these areas so we have variation is not the same okay now let's add another thing another decal and we have all of this asphalt rubble we can click so it will place all of these small stones on this on the material actually we can the repetitions make it even smaller the opposite way make it to six and now let's create a mask and with a large brush i'm going to remove most of them i just want mostly on the sides of the road so you can see the detail that it creates this asphalt rubble so now let's add here another element which is some leaves here so this will apply leaves to everywhere pretty much so let's just create again a mask and with opacity and flow to the maximum let's start erasing here on the middle of the road because these leaves typical they don't gather in the middle of the road so let's just erase like this and now with the opacity in the middle and the flow as well reduce the size so we can just erase into some areas some make with less opacity so now basically it's just your creativity doing the work what you feel is right so i'm removing here from this side as well so it's not completely equal to the left side so we can see that we have a lot of variation here and actually i'm going to click here on the material and adjust the repetitions to five so we have smaller lips okay and lastly i'm going to add a water material a liquid layer i mean this liquid layer is that if you want to have that wet road effect you can do this you can adjust here the color a little bit you can adjust the threshold if you want higher or lower you can adjust the radius here the surface the moist as well so you can do this here and so in my case i'm just going to leave about here it's enough just on this puzzle here okay and then when you're finished you can see how this material is repeating by pressing t okay and you can notice that you will see all of these repetitions so what i suggest you to do is you on your 3d model you cut the geometry into sections like this square sections and then you have a material like this for one section and let's say that the next section you would create a material that doesn't have this part so for example this asphalt patch so you remove it and so you'll not notice this repetition so much this one you also can remove so you can have one material that is a little bit more clean and another one that has a little bit more damage and you can also do another thing so let's say that you divide it into three sections you can even do things like go to the decal and you can add other elements like for example stop sign so this stop sign you can go here rotate 90. remove the tiling make the scale to two adjust the y and you can even paint the same yellow color and so all of these things you can create different types of materials using the same base and so let's just remove this stop sign let's go now here to the export and here on the export you see that you can select the folder you can select the name again and you have the type of preset so specular or mentalness you can select the textures so you either select the gloss or the roughness depending on the type of software that you are using and and then here on the bottom you'll see that you can select until up to 8k resolution so in my case i'm going to select 4k and then export to disk and so this will start exporting all the textures that you just created this pbr material and so here are the textures so we have the albedo with which is the same as diffuse basically and we had the ambient occlusion we had the metalness this is for the metalness workflow the normal map the roughness and we also have the displacement but in this case it exports the displacement as this e x r so what we can do we can go to photoshop we open the file in photoshop let's go here to image mode and let's load here to 8-bit and here on the local application put to exposure so you can see that there's no difference and press ok and now you can save this and save it as png and so this way you'll be able to load it into lumion or d5 render for example and another thing we need to do in case of lumion we need to load both the normal map and roughness and we need to copy the roughness the normal we need to invert the green add an alpha and paste and now save it as target so this is for lumion to have the proper roughness in into the normal map but we need to save as 32-bit okay now let's go to lumion i already have here one raw material that i previously created but let's load the new one so what i'm going to do first i'm going to make this standard okay now i'm going to load the color map which in this case is the albedo so open up okay now we need to adjust here the the tiling so map scale can rotate and now so it has to be even less a little bit so to about here and let's slow the normal so this one which has the roughness into the alpha channel and lastly the displacement here so this displacement you'll probably notice even better here okay you can see the effect let's save and so now you can see the new material that i have that it's here and it has this slight wetness effect because we created that liquid layer and so now you can see here the material i created previously with this quiksil mixer and as you saw it's quite intuitive and fast to create this type of materials and let me know in the comments if you like me to make more tutorials with different materials with this mixer and i hope you like this video and if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe and don't forget to sign up for my free training my top 10 secrets to achieve realistic renders i'll leave a link in the top right corner and in the description below this video and i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Nuno Silva
Views: 15,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion Tutorial, 3D Rendering, rendering, 3d, 3d rendering, 3d visualization, lumion, 3d render, lumion 3d, pbr materials, nuno silva, how to render in vray, interior rendering tutorial, interior rendering in sketchup, realistic interior rendering tips, render lumion, vray tips, corona render, architecture inspirations, blender tutorial, post production photoshop architecture, post production, photoshop, architectural design, quixel mixer, quixel megascans, megascans
Id: S7fJdIKaj2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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