Quixel Mixer for Beginners: How to Make a Custom Destroyed Street Tutorial

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hi everyone and welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to be talking about the street that you see right here this is something that i'll be using later on for a post-apocalyptic environment that i'm building before we get started the best way that you can support this channel is by leaving a comment down below hitting that like button make sure you subscribe if you haven't and also ring that bell for notification that really helps me out with that being said let's get started all right i just loaded a brand new project so we can all start from scratch if you are a beginner a newcomer to mixer there will be a playlist down below to get you started because this is a little bit more of a intermediate kind of tutorial okay so the first thing that we're gonna do is i'm going to apply a hex value here so we can save some time all right hit apply and this is so the base layer color doesn't interrupt us because we cannot uh turn it off so i'm after that i'm just going to add a surface layer and it's going to be asphalt black so it's this one right here if you want to follow along just click all right and once that's loaded you're gonna see that our asphalt it's kind of underneath our base layer so we're seeing a little bit of the height map and normal map of that asphalt but it's still underneath that layer because they're both occupying the same space they're both at zero threshold so i'm just going to increase the threshold of the alpha asphalt black until we get rid of that base layer so you may be wondering why do i keep that base layer if i'm not going to use it the reason for that is because of this if i turn this on there's no threshold there is no displacement so that's the reason for keeping that on now the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to be making the stripes from the road you may be tempted to use these roads right here but the problem with these is that it's just as they are you cannot customize the sprite you cannot uh change the way the sprites look the stripes looks so uh i prefer to do them myself the other thing is if you go into the atlas section uh you're gonna see that there are some stripes right here actually downloaded them to my local library and there's this one right here so let me load once just so you can see the reason why i'm building this from scratch and once i load it see you can tile this down if i wanted to but is incredibly big so even if i were here and let's do a box projection we can scale it down and it requires a lot of tweaking and it's more of a hassle to use these than just to create yours from scratch i'm just going to delete that and we're going to add a solid layer so this solid layer also it's going to have a specific hex value so we can save a little time trying to pick colors there you go now this solid layer needs to one wrap to underline layer and needs to be up in threshold okay the reason for wrap to underline layer is because that way you can increase the threshold but it's not going to be affecting the displacement of everything else in fact it's going to be wrapped right on top our asphalt so that's why this goes all the way up and because this is pretty much painted and the next thing that we're going to do we're actually going to put this solid into a folder and let's call it line l for left i'm going to go in here and i'm going to create a mask but instead of creating a mask for my solid i'm going to create a mask for my folder this is something that you usually do a lot in substance painter when you want to have a specific place mask but then you want to add like noise or any other mask into that place without affecting everything else this is the way to do it so i'm going to add a mask stack to that folder and i'm going to go over here and i'm going to select a pattern so that's my square pattern it's going to be one by one there you go now all we need to do is do 98 of spacing and you're going to see that instantly we have our line right here remember to bring the spacing y to zero so your line can go all the way up and down otherwise there's going to be a little nip here that you're going to miss so after that we can add a projection over here and let's just move our offset all the way right here and there you go let's do minus 0.4 i think i like it there so after this i'm actually going to add another mass stack to this with a noise purlin there you go when you're adding noises it's more of a trial and error kind of thing so i spent a little bit checking for uh the sort of like the amplitude and everything that i wanted for this noise so six for eight five four octaves and let's change this machinery to right here okay now that you're seeing that i have a little bit of like marks so this doesn't look like it's been freshly painted it looks like it's been there for a while and if i wanted to make it even further what i could do is uh reduce this threshold to let's say so now that we got this line done i'm going to do the second line the second that's going to be very easy i'm just going to duplicate this layer change the name to line right and over this i'm just going to change the projection to the other side there you go and that is the beauty of using noise i just duplicated this and as you can see the line from the other side has a completely different uh pattern over here in the masking so i don't have to do double the work this is a great time saver now let's make the line in the middle all right now for the line in the middle what i'm going to do is duplicate this one and i'm going to change the name call it midline or mid stripe i think they should be called but i'm just going to change the color here to white i'm not going to do full white let's do around here apply and we're gonna go into the mask and the projection and we're going to type zero here so it brings it all the way into the middle and we got our road that actually didn't take too much time and we got a sort of a customized look to our stripes and actually i think these two are looking a little bit too similar so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go into my noise going to change the seat a little bit increase the threshold a little bit so let's do 0.48 okay there you go so we have both our stripes both the stripes of our road now the next thing to do is to add a little bit of destruction so i'm just going to go here surfaces and what i need is crush ground crushed alpha ground if you want to follow along so i'm going to click here all right and as you can see nothing happened because we have not changed our threshold so we need to actually instead of doing it like this what i'm going to do is you're going to see here the blend says from below i'm going to change this to from above all right i just added a mask over here and we're gonna add our pearling noise like that and as you can see you're already starting to see the street that's above it i'm just gonna go into my mask by hitting the number nine and we're going to play with the amplitude a little bit and the seat remember what's black it's not going to come through what's wide it's going to be seen so maybe we diminish the frequency a little bit okay after we have this we're actually going to add another mask to this so it's going to be a paint mask and i'm going to choose this one right here which is one of the default ones okay i'm actually going to increase this a little bit and we're gonna start painting i'm gonna paint a little bit here the goal of this is so it doesn't look as destroyed maybe reduce the size and we're gonna go over here make sure we clean that up and you can always press x to switch the values here so black and white remember what is what's going to come through now the next thing that we're going to be doing is we're going to add a little bit of sand a little bit of dust and debris and we're going to use something called sandy asphalt that's really gonna help us with that there it is and right now if we leave it as the blend from below if i move the threshold you're gonna see that it starts occupying the holes that we have over here and kind of defeating the purpose of the holes because i don't want to fill them so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch it from above and that way we can use it as a little bit of a different effect so right now is really affecting our street and another thing that we can play with is wrap to underline details so it doesn't change that much of our displacement again i just want a little bit of dirt on top so i'm not going to go full underwrap because that means that we're going to lose all the displacement that we're gaining from that layer but i'm actually going to do it a little bit so maybe around here should be fine and we're also going to mask this so i'm going to use another noise purlin so as you can see just by adding that noise that really adds a lot into our street so if i were to turn this off you're gonna see that it has this potholes but everything else is like as if the asphalt was just laid down so what if we have this it actually looks like this has been aged and it hasn't been taken care of now the next thing that i'm going to do in order to make this look really post-apocalyptic as if it's been there for many many years maybe even decades i'm actually going to go into my local library and i'm going to search for atlases and i'm going to be using these iv you see right here so you can always download it from the online and you can add it as a decal i'm just going to click here now what you're seeing here it actually looks like there's ivy all around the road which is not the effect that i want to convey what i want to convey is that we have leaves on the road there's leaves that's been there for a while because nobody's driving around in this road anymore so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually going to change the color so it doesn't look like they are actually living plants over there and i have another hex value that i can punch in right here apply that and that gives it more like you know the plants have been dried up and the other thing we're going to do is we're going to add a mask by clicking right here and we're going to start painting our mask so the first thing i'm going to paint a completely black mask so we don't see any of those ivs and now i can paint a white mask but for this particular one i'm going to be choosing this brush that is not soft the reason why i'm using a hard brush as opposed to a soft brush is because i want the detail of the plant to completely come through i don't want it to fade out so if you use a soft brush it will fade out from the exterior of the brush so that's the reason for this one i'm actually going to go and diminish this brush all the way to eight and we're gonna go and place the leaves around this pothole so we have here so make sure you have your white value and let's start painting okay i think we're good with the leaves and i'm just going to give this the final touch which is the liquid and this is one of the great things about mixer is you don't have to worry about how to add the liquid or how is it going to look you just add a liquid layer and move that threshold in and it's like instant water so that way we have kind of like this very small puddles that have been there and we have like the mud underneath i think we're gonna leave it outside here i think that looks fine so as you can see you have the leaves floating and the leaves kind of like i give them that color so they do look like those kind of leaves that have not been alive for a while but they're being in the water so they get kind of this brownish color that's one of the reasons for this kind of color that i chose and let me get rid of this one's not looking good okay now the next thing is i'm actually going to add some decals to make this look a lot better and we're going to grab the asphalt crack all right so because it's a decal it's going to always load up on top without us having to mess with the threshold and let me see i'm actually going to play with this let's offset it move around here i'm actually going to duplicate this and i'm going to offset it and rotate it place it around here and the way that we're going to make this look like it's not the same i'm actually going to add a mask here i'm going to add a painted mask and i'm going to start erasing some part so the way that we can do that is go to 9 so we can easily erase this specific part because that is very specific okay so as you can see we got these nice cracked now i just wanted the cracks because i already have this destroyed pieces and this destroyed part looks a lot different i'm just going to take it out and keep all the cracks i'm going to go again into my mask and i'm going to paint another mask and paint this black to get rid of that okay let's rescale this just make those cracks look a little bit bigger and that's actually very i think that's very good happy accident i actually like how this looks so the reason why you're seeing this is because since i grew the layer it went out of the mask that i paint so if you've been on other texturing programs like substance usually when you add a mask you either add a white mask or a black mask here when you add a mask it doesn't have anything so you either have to paint it full white or painful black depending on what you want to do to it but because we only painted dark spot in certain places when i resize it and when i make it bigger then it goes outside of the mask and that's why now we're seeing this which again is one of those happy accidents when you're doing stuff so i'm just going to go and get rid of this little piece get rid of this too and that actually looks really really nice so the other thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to change the color of it and like always have a hex value over here this just to speed up the process a little bit okay as you can see the reason why i changed the albedo tint is because it was a little bit too bright all right everyone that is it for this video hope you like it if you did please leave a like don't forget to subscribe leave a comment on which tutorials you'd like to see in the future this was just a simple and quick way to create something for your level if you just needed to create a quick asset that's going to be on the ground this is the way to do it thank you for watching and i'll see you next video
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 14,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destroyed street tutorial, quixel mixer street tutorial, quixel mixer destroyed street, quixel mixer paint material, How to customize megascan assets, how to change megascan textures, Quixel Mixer Curvature, Quixel Mixer Mask Modifiers, Quixel Mixer for Beginners, Texture for free, Intro to Quixel Mixer, Quixel Mixer 2020 tutorial, Mixer for Dummies, Quixel Megascan, Customize Megascans, quixel mixer tutorial, quixel megascans
Id: 6AS6ANB-fKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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