How To Make Amazing Melodies From Scratch EASILY

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welcome back to the channel today we're going to be doing another Melody tutorial a lot of you enjoy these Melody tutorials and it's really some of my favorite types of tutorials to make cuz I could dive into a little bit of music theory and kind of explain how I like to create Melodies today we're going to be starting from zero we're going to make a chord progression and then build a melody on top of that so we have the entire thing covered and for this one I kind of want to go more for like a pain Melody so I'm thinking of artists like R wave and low TJ with that said let's go let's go like 165 for this I am in analog labs for a piano but you can use any piano I just wanted to show you guys the new band as you can see right here purple Skies is not out yet but you can use any piano you want I do like to have my pianos running into reverb when I'm creating piano Melodies I don't know it's just something about having raver B that just like helps out the creativity Let's Go on piano roll and choose a scale for this that's step two and we're at B minor right now I don't know let's go with something like G for this I'm going to go with a basic 56 chord progression all that means is if we're in G minor which we are G is the one of this scale right then we have the next note right here because this a scale highlighted the two is a the three is a Shar four is C so on 5 6 7 and then back to the one when I say that I want to do a56 all that means is I want to build out a chord on the one of the scale then 2 3 4 5 I want to have a chord on the five and then the six is right above that 5 6 7 so six right here is D sharp and I want to build out a chord progression on the these notes here so we can go ahead and delete that it's a really basic core progression but we can utilize it it's just one that's really good for these types of Beats so we can actually keep this structure as well I think I did use this structure in another tutorial for Melodies but we're going to get into how we can like really make this sound good so the first thing that I want to do is take these two notes control down arrow because I want the chord progression to go down and not up but it's still a56 chord progression in the scale of G minor so I'm going to build out seventh chords for this so we got G skip this note here Place skip this note here place this is the G Minor triad we have two spacings here three spacings here let's make it a seventh we're going to skip a note here in place you see that repeating pattern 2 3 2 this is the G minor 7th chord let's go over here and build a chord out on D so skip a note here and place right here skip place again two spaces three spaces right here we have the D Minor triad Skip One more note Place repeating pattern 2 3 2 this gives us the D Minor 7th this is the D Minor triad we added the seven to it D Minor 7th let's do the same thing over here skip Place skip Place skip place and this one is actually a major chord it's major because there's three spacings and two so this right here is the D Shar major Triad and then we went three 2 three again we added the seventh so this is now a dsharp major 7th chord so now now that we have this core progression built out what I'm going to do is contrl a all R to randomize it I do recommend like replaying these because it can just help let's get into advancing this core progression and then building a Melody with this so control shift and click like that then shift click and then control down arrow now we have [Music] this cool we got a nice chord progression to build off of now let's go ahead and start getting some Melodies we're going to take the third and the seventh and just move them over out of the way and we're going to play the root and the fifth together and we'll do that for all of these chords let's go like that and figure out some type of Rhythm to do for [Music] this I like that [Music] already so we could do that let's go to the next chord and do the same thing we got root 3 fifth and seventh let's take the third and the seventh let's bring them up one octave here and let's just move these two in together maybe we can play them together and figure out something I'm also going to do that over here so we have root 3D fifth 7th let's take the third and the seventh control up Arrow one octave and then we're going to start to create a Melody up here with these let's just move them in let's see what we got so [Music] far I feel like it goes down right here I can kind of hear that so just going off ear I'm going to go from C down to a sharp and then one thing you'll notice is there's an AARP and this chord going to AARP here is like a nice leading tone into this chord because there's an AAR here as well and another thing you could do I know I'm getting ahead of myself but is duplicate this and go up two octaves there and then you can start to build out a whole different Melody up here but we'll do that in a second let's go ahead and just bring in this a sharp for example there's an a right here we can move this a Shar down to an a right here and it would sound nice leading into this chord let's go ahead and try that real [Music] quick all right we're already getting somewhere I hear so many different ways we can go with this but let's just keep going on track so we already built out a little Melody up here just by utilizing the that third and seventh another thing that you could do is build out a chord at a higher octave and mess with the notes so what do I mean by that we started with the G minor chord so let's go ahead I'm just going to build it up here so you could see it I'm going to turn this down just a little bit though and let's go ahead and build that out again so we have G skip a note Place skip a note place and we have the G minor chord again right but let's go ahead and use these as a Topline Melody so we can move this in maybe over here and then bring this one in here and we can start start to have a little Melody like this right but this can repeat it'll sound good cuz it's in the scale we don't need to necessarily do every single Melody like that but this might sound nice repeated let's go ahead and hear [Music] it we can keep repeating it so it's a repeating Melody let's see what this sounds like [Music] and now we have a lot of variation going on down here but a nice repeating Melody up here and that's one thing that we want to do with our Melodies right we want them to be repetitive and we want them to be catchy something that you can listen to and kind of remember and hump so this is a really good thing that you could do to kind of make your Melodies a little bit repetitive as far as like the Topline Melody that we hear and our ears are always wanting to like rehear that Melody but I feel like it is a little bit too repetitive so all I'm going to do is take this AARP right here and go down flatten it to an a maybe we can go down one note in the scale which would be from d right here to C let's see what this sounds [Music] like I really like that it has a nice bounce to it and it has a lot of emotion just moving this over from here to here changes so [Music] much I like that so now let's go over here and build out like mini chords is what we'll call it so all I mean by that is this a right here let's go ahead and skip a note right here and place and what we're going to do is take this C sh here and we could just go up one octave there and turn this down it might be a little bit too high we might have to like move this into a different scale but let's try it out let's see what it sounds [Music] like I like what that sounds like let's build out a chord right here so we have F skip this note here Place skip a note right here and place we have these two and I'm going to delete the middle and we'll use the root third and fifth we'll delete the third so run root and fifth so right here we'll skip this note Place skip this note place and we'll delete this middle one right here let's do it again right here C skip a note here Place skip a note here place and let's delete [Music] that that already kind of leads up right so we can go right here so all I'm going to do now is take this whole chord progression and bring it over but now let's go over here and build out a Melody utilizing this little ramp we could say up to this a and right here I'm going to just show you how I'm kind of using my ears and what I'm hearing as far as where the melody is going watch I'm kind of hearing like a higher [Music] note okay right there there we go [Music] again maybe I don't want these notes like that I just want these ones to be up one octave all right I like how this sounds before we continue remember when I said that my next kit was going to be a midi kit that was multi genre and 100% royaltyfree I was being serious and guess what it's out now the midi Suite is now available it contains 100 royaltyfree Advanced midi cord progressions I broke it up into five different parts dark trap pain R&B West Coast and emotional sad cord progressions this kit contains some of my best Works none of these are throwaways drag and drop these midies into your favorite vsts or on shots and get to work best thing is these minis are 100% royaltyfree use them in your Beats and never have to clear it the two chord progressions from today's video will also be included in this kit after the video hit the link in the description and pick up the midi Suite today I feel like we're getting to some notes that are sounding a little bit harsh they are a little bit too high up for me so I'm going to do is pites down so we're at G let's go ahead and just shift down arrow and let's move over to maybe D sharp for this so I'll change my scale here to D [Music] SHP speed this up I like this okay now I want to add in a little bit of Grace notes to this so Grace notes are just notes that are played like this all right so let's go ahead and add some to this we could do one here and here maybe so we have this G sharp right here let's go ahead and throw an F there and all we're going to do is shorten hold on one second all we're going to do is shorten that and to make it a Grace note let's go ahead and just go like that so it's like a leading note into that gsh over here will work too let's go ahead and go like this turn this down all right another thing that I want to show you that I get asked a lot about especially for like Rod wave type Melodies and like Soulful type stuff is like that kind of triplet bounce these types of notes so I'm going to show you how you can do that inside the piano roll so all we're going to need to do is go over here to the magnet tool we're going to click it and we're going to turn this to one/ thir step right here so hit control select it shift d and it'll snap it right there all right then we need to bring this over six so we have one step here let's go 2 3 4 five six right there click this to get that note length and then just go down something like that and then we'll copy this over control click shift click like that and here we go so that's the Rhythm for it and then as far as where you want to place it and the notes you want to use it's really up to you all right so I chose to do it at the end of the last bar [Music] oh that sounds good changing this last chord to B so all I did is change the root note right here to B skip a note Place skip a note place right here and then I brought these up two [Music] octaves I think that sounds good right there honestly so it still sounds a little bit robotic to me and that's just cuz we didn't play anything so that's why I always say like if you're building these out unless you're just really good at midi um I like to go ahead and just like replay the chords in the beginning but I want to show you how you can freestyle to this just by using all of the white keys right here to keep it simple and then you come up with some cool Melodies transpose it again so we're going to take this whole thing we are in c minor right now show you right now so this is C minor we're going to bring this down to a minor which is the relative of C major and that's all of the white keys on the keyboard so we're just going to go down to a minor here and then I'm going to scale highlight this so you could see and as you can see there's no sharps or flats and what we could do is go ahead and duplicate this freestyle on all the white notes here just let it play Loop come up with some ideas and then from there you transpose it to a different scale [Music] so see just like that maybe there's something there I like you can just Loop this even further and just keep going till you find something but there is some cool stuff in here then I just go over here select both of these and just move it to a new key let's go up by three and then here what we have [Music] oh if you want to see more Melody tutorials and more Theory tutorials drop a comment down below as always appreciate you guys watching if you're interested in any of my kits there'll be a link to those in the description till the next video peace [Music]
Channel: LifeStyleDidIt
Views: 10,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make melodies, how to make melodies in fl studio, how to make melodies fl studio, how to make melodies in fl studio 20, fl studio tutorial, fl studio, how to make a melody, how to make a melody fl studio, how to make melodies easy, how to make amazing melodies, how to make good melodies in fl studio 20, making melodies fl studio 20, melody tutorial fl studio, melody tutorial fl studio 20, how to create melodies fl studio, making melodies from scratch, melody tutorial
Id: oLfVDqxaR0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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