How To Make A Website Quickly Using AI w/free domain

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hey welcome back to the channel my name is Mike and in this video I'll be showing you how to make a website in probably the easiest way I've ever seen now making websites used to be very difficult right used to be HTML then it turned into WordPress which made things a lot easier then we got some website Builders and now ai is making it so incredibly easy that absolutely anybody could do it with basically no learning curve at all and the best thing is the method I'm going to show you in this video actually does use WordPress which is one of the most powerful tools in the internet power more than onethird of the entire internet but the AI does all of the work for you so you get to all the benefits of Wordpress with basically none of the learning curve so there's a lot of possible reasons You' want to use this for one maybe you want to make a personal portfolio that's what I'm going to do in this video but many other things could be done you can make a website for a brick and mortar store uh maybe you're just trying to go online uh maybe you want a resume or a CV maybe you want to make a Blog maybe you want to make a nonprofit or a fundraiser or or even like online stores as well there's tons of reasons that you could be using this tool I'll show you in this video uh to make a website and even learning curve aside this allows us to make a website so incredibly fast like we can legitimately make a professional website in about 15 to 20 minutes so over the past several years Ai and large language models have really come a long way and so there are a lot of tools out there that can be used to assist you in making a website the tool that we're going to use in this video is called 10 web uh it does make it very very easy they partnered with with us in this video uh so if you want to get started using our affiliate link below that helps to keep videos like this free uh so you can learn everything for free without having to pay for any type of course or anything like that so the link that we're going to start with is sandal ten0 web you can type that in you can copy it from the link in the description uh below and that'll bring you to a page that looks something like this let's go to generate your website on the top you should see that button somewhere up there sometimes they change the landing page but but look for that button so we have three options right here I'm going to to generate a new website with AI but if you wanted to like I said you could recreate another website using AI right here or you could Auto migrate if you have another website and you actually do want to move that entire website over to 10 web so let's start off with the first one right here I'm just going to click on proceed now it's going to ask a couple questions I'm going to say in the beginning I want to create an informational website I'm not doing e-commerce this like I said it's going to be a personal portfolio in this example the business type let's just say uh personal personal profile see if they have personal profile yeah that that looks close enough or maybe I could say photographer photography that's probably more likely what I would be doing right here personal portfolio I'm going to take some pictures uh from when I was in Iceland maybe I'm a like a landscape photographer now I'm going to say next now I can click on enhance with AI and it's going to kind of generate that kind of fluff it out a little bit more and there we go that's saves me a lot of effort in doing that now it asks do I own a domain for my my website I currently do not so I can enter the desired domain that I I want to get right here so we can say Mike O'Brien photography say next and now it autop populated this the services we offer landscape photography uh maybe we could say um engagement stock footage say finalize now wait to sign up you can sign up with Google that's what I find to be easiest but for this video I'm going to sign up using my email address first name last name and my password then I can click on sign up and now while it's working on the left side it's going to ask us a question uh let's say you figured this out from YouTube and now we just wait this is the beauty of having AI make this website made our homepage right there um it made a blank website then the homepage creating other pages on there the layout let's see what it comes up with all right so now I'm going to say preview and edit and this I think is looking pretty solid this is like a a pretty nice layout in the beginning we got a little Parallax going on there um I'm going to change that photo for a landscape photo but I really like that Parallax effect going down we've got Services down here portfolio so now little popup they want us to get 10 web Pro free for 7 days I will get that in a second but we're not going to get that just yet I'm going to close out of this just keep looking at this website here and like I said a pretty good starting point here that uh so photography got cut off there's a couple things that we want to edit right we see a couple things but for the most part it's a really nice starting point now we can choose on the right side some other things we can choose the color palette I think this color palette uh looks pretty solid right now I kind I definitely want some cooler colors some blues like it's Iceland maybe ocean would be a good one go with ocean see how that looks I think that that's probably the one for me now I'm going to say save now we can get 10 web Pro so I'm going to say try 10 web Pro for seven days like I said free trial so we don't have to worry like if we don't like it we can cancel in five six whatever days and there are a couple different prices here so one thing to note is that this is the annual pricing here if you toggle over to monthly if you plan on paying one month at a time it will be a little bit more expensive actually a lot more it's about half the price if you go annual so it kind of just makes sense to do annually there we have e-commerce we have agency as well I'm going to go with B business right now just a single website here and I think AI starter really makes the most sense for what I'm doing here and by the way notice that you do get a free customer domain valued up to $30 um so that's a really nice positive right there I'm going to say try for free enter my payment information all right so now we have a whole bunch of things right here SSL I love to see that that's very very important um and we do have like 5,000 words in AI assistant uh chat support website speed boost or stuff like that let's say proceed now we can choose the store name the subdomain and the data center that that would be closest to our audience say finalize so now if you click edit website that'll open a new tab but I want to go back to the original tab right here so that we can get a domain now if you're seeing this little site lock thing right here that's because we don't yet have a domain so if we go down to domains uh we can click add a domain click the little drop down and say get a new domain remember we have $30 towards a domain that comes free uh so if we just look up let's just say I want to have uh Mike's Mike's Icelandic photography or photos Mike's islandic photos we'll say search I guarantee that's going to be available there we go and it's free like I said because this is only $17 per year and we have that $30 allowance for this right here so I'm going to say get we can say secure checkout and that'll automatically attach our domain uh to the website It'll point it and we will be able to have our website visible to anyone else out there all right now that we're done with this let's go back to that second tab remember where we can edit our website or you can just click on edit website from the dashboard here and that'll bring you to a new tab we'll be ready to get started if you have any popups you can just close out of them that'll bring you to new tab you can close out of any popups and it should look something like this so quick little rundown of what we're dealing with here across the top these are the different devices or the different modes you can have your website in so you can view it and edit it in desktop mode you can view it in tablet mode and on mobile as well as many people will be visiting your website on mobile so by default 10 web did a really good job of uh kind of making this responsive and REM removing some stuff from mobile you can see the diagonal line suggest that that is hidden from mobile let's go back to desktop and edit on desktop first so this is using a section layout you can see the pink block kind of outlines one entire section here then we have another section down here this one is going to be mo mostly for mobile you can see it's grayed out on on desktop then down here we have another another block that shown up on desktop then we have this block down here this block so so within each section you have multiple columns so we've got one column here and one column over here these are usually outlined in Gray we can see this one right here again has two columns this one down here has three columns uh and it goes on like that all right so for every element that you want to edit you can click on that you can click on the little pencil icon there and on the left side you should be able to edit the contents of that block so right here we can edit this image we can replace the image by uploading our own so I'm going to upload this photo right here and click on select there we go so we have our first photo there and then we can click on the the text over here and we can change this we can change the size of it looks like it's a little bit too large right now so we can make this and then down here this was already written for us you can edit anything on the left side if you want to the little hire me button you can change how that looks where it's going to link to as well uh so you could have it linking to for example just your email if you wanted to go to an email or to a specific page usually the page is probably what most people would end up doing there uh so you can link over to like the contact page for example and that's what we're going to do later in the video scrolling down you can change let's say we want to change this right here so this is interesting this little Parallax here it's actually an image behind this entire section so I'm going to click on the section right here you can see image pops up we're going to choose an image and I'm going to use this landscape photo right here so that looks a lot better anyway the guy was like kind of half cut off so this looks good I think I would say now there is an overlay on this if we wanted to change that and make it a little bit more or less opaque I think that looks pretty good right there a little brighter I think that looks good and then down here we have our services and again we can change this photo in the middle um or any of these any any one of these elements you just click on them and change them individually now I'm going to click on portfolio down here here we can uh select the images let's get rid of all of these and upload our own now you could add captions to these I'm not going to add captions to all of them but let's just say like I see Mountain so let's say insert gallery now that whole Gallery is in here and if we wanted to change the aspect ratio of anything we can go to maybe this column right here and we could either kind of drag it over so it's a little bit smaller a little bit less of a buffer on that side or you just delete it all together then on the bottom we can edit the footer click on edit footer let's save our changes definitely want to save them by the way save is up on the top as well you can always save up here save it um but on the footer we want to change his phone number right here and we could change the email as well and over here these are going to be buttons to our Facebook our our different socials uh so we can click on any one of those and paste your url there so maybe for Twitter for example we could say and that way when somebody clicks on that it'll link over to our to my Twitter in particular so now we can save and publish I think this looks really good for basically zero effort everything's been written for us pretty nice website for a basic landing page right there now if you want to add anything or change anything on this website we can click on the little plus elements button on the top left that'll bring this up right here and while we have a bunch of Elementor elements up top we can go down to the premium 10 web widgets and we can just bring any of those in so maybe down here we want to have testimonials we just click on testimonials that'll be added to the bottom so if you want any of these you just click on them they'll be added to the bottom of the website and you can edit them just as we've been editing everything else now let's talk talk about going to some of the other Pages if we click on the drop down here we can go to portfolio that page and we can edit our portfolio so when you're done with this we have two options we can click on the top left and either Exit to Wordpress or exit to ten web dashboard so if you exit to the 10 web dashboard that'll look like this and this allows you to change a lot on the 10 web side of things um which is going to be more along the lines of like if you want to add a page if you want to edit your website you can click on that of course uh you can set up two Factor authentication uh set up your domain navigation do a lot of stuff within 10 web most of what you're doing is probably going to be within 10 web if you wanted some really Advanced customization uh going back to our website you can click on exit to Wordpress uh so let's actually make sure we saved this first save and now we can exit to Wordpress and that'll bring us back to our WordPress dashboard if it doesn't just always click on the W on the top left it'll bring you to the WordPress dashboard I have full videos on how to use WordPress if you want to get any other plugins uh to maybe manage whatever like security stuff like that that anything else you might want uh you could get with your different plugins down here but like I said really the idea of 10 web is to kind of hide all of this so you don't need to manage everything in WordPress but if you ever did want to maybe set up a Facebook pixel for example this is where you'd go to do that so let's go back to our 10 web dashboard right here now if you click on Main on the left side this is going to show you your page speed so it gives you insights obviously faster page speed is going to be better uh not only for the end user but also for ranking and search we can also manage basically all of our WordPress stuff on the 10 web dashboard so we have our plugins right here we can manage those if you wanted to get another one or maybe you wanted to remove one because maybe for some reason you just decide that you don't need uh I don't know like the SEO or something I think you should keep all of these obviously or you could add new plugins up top now if we click on navigation this allows us to change what is showing up on the top of that header the navigation that we have there so remember the main menu showed Home Services portfolio contact uh we can actually edit that if we click on menu or we click on the name of it right there and we could add other pages on here they could either be post they could be custom links maybe like your YouTube channel for example would be a custom link you would add uh you could add all different things right there so I'm going to leave all those you could also rearrange them by clicking and dragging one above the other and of course make sure you click save you can manage hosting services and the website booster down here as well not a whole lot I need to talk about right there uh the website booster uh could again boost your speed and do more like compression and things like that on some images right now it is extremely optimized so I don't think we need worry about that and lastly we have backups on the bottom I would recommend enabling backups just in case anything happens to your website if you change anything or update incorrectly by accident um this always allows you to roll back to a previous version of your website that was saved as a backup I do this on all of my websites and I think it's really beneficial so there you have it that's how you make a website using 10 web if you enjoyed the video consider liking and subscribing thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 7,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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