7 No-Code + AI Tools That Can Make You a Millionaire

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these seven no code AI tools will make you a millionaire if you know how to use them so today I'll be showing you these insane hidden features in action and I'll also be giving you some crazy ideas on how to implement these today to jumpstart your million dooll Empire let's go welcome back to the lab and prepare to get your mind blown I'm about to show you how to go from a simple text prompt to a beautiful web design uiux build out striking websites in just a couple of minutes and transform a spreadsheet into a web app in the click of a button and much more so don't blink cuz you might miss out on a secret gem okay so this first tool really only exists because this guy is called Jordan singer and he released a tweet One Day in 2020 which was a couple years before this hype around AI that completely shook the design Community you see in this tweet he showcased this new plugin he had created for a design tool that's called figma and in this video he showed how he cloned Instagram's design with one text prompt and this idea actually inspired a whole new generation of tools including the one we'll talk about now which is galile AI let's jump in and check it out okay so Galileo AI allows you to upload an image or to use text to prompt and create a user interface or a user experience which is web design if you browse through their website they show you a couple of examples both on the web apps but also on the mobile app experiences so you can open up one of these for example and get a little look at it looks pretty striking but let's actually use some of these features right now now this tool has a subscription fee which is $19 a month and I'm going to subscribe just to show you the functionalities that you can use okay so now that we're in let's check out the text to UI first okay so here I'm going to ask it to create an ond demand dog walking app I'd like to use blue and to make it very Sleek I'm going to keep it very simple let's see what it comes up with now what I love here is the first thing it asks me is what screens are you actually going to need for this I'm just going to tell them I need them all it now reads me back what it's about to generate which I really like and it asks me if that sounds good so it says it's going to create a home screen a booking screen and a payment screen Yes sounds good okay now as you can see it's generating out these different pages very cool and here it's created the three they actually look pretty good as you can see it's done all the copywriting and some design as well for the first screen what I love is it's really kept it very simple very modern Sleek look um it really feels like it's a very professional mobile app which I love uh it's already identified um that you know it needs a specific time um when do you need the to happen how long is the walk going to be then you can choose a dog walker which is amazing and underneath it's going to allow us to either push this into figma which is a design tool that allows us to then further modify the design or simply edit from here so here it asks whether or not it would like to modify any one of these screens but it also says hey we can also just create additional screens for your app are you ready I'm going to just tell it yeah let's do it and uh see what it comes up with next it proposes additional screens I'm going to say yes again let's see how it's working in real time wow in just a couple seconds it comes up with all this stuff it's really amazing look at that account settings very cool Walker profile even has an availability calendar inside that very cool and it's even a thank you for booking this looks great um now as I said I'll keep it to this but we can also go in and edit any one of these if we'd like to we can add additional specifications about what we want changed and then we can also click on figma which copies it out and then we could go and paste that in figma and so if you master this tool you could actually just start selling your services as a web designer and provide figma files to an end customer you're welcome you are now a web or mobile app designer but now let's say that you didn't just want to design you also want it to actually build things well this is what we're going to be talking about in this next tool okay so this next platform is called reloom and let me show you how to build a $110,000 website within just a couple of minutes if you jump into their interface here you're going to see that you can simply create a new project so I'm going to go up here on the right create new project then on the right hand side here it's going to tell me to describe the company in a couple sentences that I'm trying to build so in this case I'm going to be talking about we are no code which is my company create a new website we are no code is an online school to learn to launch software businesses with no code and AI I'm just going to create sit map here now what a sitemap is is really the outline of what the website is going to look like so it includes the main page as you can see this is happening live it also creates below the sub Pages some recommendations it says look you could have an about us courses page a Blog contact page so this is already really cool if I scroll up and look a little bit further in it's creating prompts for each one of the sections of this website and the next thing I'm going to show you is going to completely blow your mind it doesn't just give you the site map and of course I'm going to go below here and generate a couple of these cuz this one we're going to need the courses one about us maybe I don't want to do that maybe I just create a blog it's going to generate the same thing we can come in here and change the prompts that we want to but this next feature is what really blows me away it's basically you come up here and you can just click on this wireframe and what it's going to do is actually build out these Pages live for you so if you see here what's happening is it's starting to create these components and it's not just like writing copy it's also creating the full layout uh for each one of these Pages now what's awesome about this as well is that you can just go into the section click on it and just say like hey what if I like wanted to replace this component I want it to look a little different you can select from a bunch of different components to kind of match the style that you're looking for so you see you could have it like this um you could select to go for a different component Al together so I could scroll down and there's just lots of different options for different components and of course you're going to say hey this is just the wireframe well I have something for you my friend you can actually come here to the top right of each one of these pages and there are three dots and these three dots allow you to either export it into figma which is a design tool to design this whole thing after you have the structure or to actually bring it into web flow web flow is a no code Builder so what if I do that I copy it and I just bring it straight over to webflow it tells me great you need to download a style guide I'm going to say got it thanks I'm going to go over to a web flow project and I'm basically going to paste it inside this project and boom just like that this has literally just created the entire website and the fascinating thing behind this is that if you check this out there is a bunch of code that has been autogenerated behind this the HTML the CSS the JavaScript all the assets all in just a matter of seconds and literally I didn't have to write a single line of code it's all just being created for me here as you can see it's fascinating there's already animations on this page of course I'm going to have to replace place all of these different things fine-tune it and I can do that within this Builder but the entire thing has basically been built out the copyrighting as well I'm going to have to connect all of these buttons but it's absolutely fascinating what you can do so you're welcome you're now a website developer and you can sell those skills for a lot of money if you find the right clients for it and by the way if you're loving this content subscribe to the channel it's the only way I'll continue creating these videos for you but now let's say that you loved a website that you saw online and you actually just want to copy it well now we're going to jump into another tool that it does exactly that okay so this tool is called framer and it's also a no code Builder meaning that you can drag and drop to build websites but it has this one feature that I really want to point out to you because it's so cool it's actually a Chrome extension plugin that you can download and it'll appear at the top right up here as you can see and then what you can do is that you can go to a website that you really like and you can basically copy and paste the HTML so you can do that to migrate your own website or you could go to an inspiration website and you could use that so let's see who's pretty good design so apple is a great example of this I come to the website and of course they're talking about their Vision Pro uh and here what I can do is that I can go ahead and find a section that I like for example this section and I can just click on that little Chrome plugin and if I click on um anything I can just basically grab that element but I can also click on shift and copy multiple elements so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to click on shift um and just copy multiple elements now I can come back inside my framer canvas and I can just basically choose to paste this here and as you can see it's basically just grabbed that and pasted it here inside the canvas I know you don't want to go and rip off competitors but what you can do with this is for example if you like a pricing section that someone else has that goes along with your design you can just grab it and you can bring it straight into your project drag drop copy paste now you're as good a designer as the best designer that Apple has congratulations you can sell your time for money and all jokes aside this could be a skill in of itself that you let's say you wanted to build something like a web app well this next tool is going to completely blow you away because you can basically build a web app with a simple spreadsheet because of this AI feature the name of this tool is no logo and allows you to build all sorts of custom apps in minutes it can allow you to build things like custom portals for your customers you can also have internal tools you can create flexible crms uh you can basically create uh employee Management Systems all sorts of apps you can either connect this tool to an outside data source like air table or Google Sheets or smart Suite but you can also use their internal one called tables so if we jump into the interface here and I go in and I'm going to create or build an app inside this tool in this case I'm going to actually be using a air table database that I already have and I'm about to show you something that is truly revolutionary when it comes to building software with no code I'm going to call a project we are nood tools. n.co which is the free domain they give us of course we can connect this to our own custom domain when we launch the project now here after I've connected my air table I can actually select the base that I want it to use so to Showcase this feature I'm going to be building out a tool repository so let me go ahead and just connect this database and so what I have in this base is just a list of tools so I'm going to go ahead and click on next and this is actually AI that's happening behind the scenes okay so what is done here in a couple minutes is first it connected then it analyzed the table that I fed it then it imported the data but then it also used as you can see here AI to customize your app so this is basically an assistant that is auto determining what kind of an app this is based on the table and how it's structured and it's actually going to create it for you so let's see what it's done so it's actually identified exactly what I wanted to do it's created one card here so now I'm just going to do a couple tweaks so that it can actually look the way I want it to I'll come here I'll just adapt it into cards it's going to do that I'm going to come down and I'm going to just rename it we're going to call it no code to to repository I can choose to upload a cover image so this is something I quickly whip together then I'm going to go a little bit further down here call this tools so that it saves as the URL path then I'm going to go on options I'm going to come below and I'm going to Simply select that I want it to create a filter Fields so I want us to be able to actually do a little search here I'm going to do by category so now here it simply has the different categories so if I'm looking for a web app builder I can click on this boom it's automatically just going to identify the web app Builders but one thing I noticed is there's a couple too many things on each one of these cards so if I go up here into Fields I can simply select what I actually want it to say so I'm going to take out things like favorite uh whether we have an affiliate program for it or not I'm going to just leave URL category image and name and actually I'm also going to add the description here boom add the description I'm going to pull this up image description then here I want the image to be a little bit larger so I'm going to create Excel image perfect so we can get a good view of what this looks like and just like that I've actually just created a full repository in just a couple of seconds as you can see live on this one last thing I would want to do is to come here and change new table so it's not new table here I actually wanted to make it a field where if someone wants to add a tool one of my colleagues wants to add a tool to this list I could simply have them add it here so um basically I'm going to come here I'm going to make this add and that's what the button is now going to say as you can see add tool and if they click on ADD tool they can actually come in here and name the tool add a description add an image to that tool a category and all the other options that I have inside the fields just like that we've built out a repository we can now connect it to a custom domain and the app is being built in just a couple of seconds and so with this you could simply help companies transform their Excel spreadsheets into Apps within a couple of hours you are welcome my friends please send me the 10% commission you owe me now now one thing I hope this is doing is that it's showcasing really the power of combining ing no code tools with AI features but what if you're not that interested in designing or building software at all and you just want to literally replace some of the tasks that you do over and over and over well we have an AI feature for that too and it's a part of this automation tool I'm about to show you now this is zapier now zapier as you can see here is a tool that allows you to automate things so what that means is that you can have a trigger and that trigger it creates an action so basically if you think of the logic if this happens then I want that to happen so for example if someone fills out a form I want that form information their contact their name their last name to go inside of my CRM and automatically create a new customer or lead we actually use this a lot at we note codes so for example every time someone will give us their email address to sign up for the newsletter we then can add that to our email marketing software and that could also trigger an email sequence that sends them emails every couple of days or for example when someone joins our accelerator program what we do is that we have a private video support channel so what we do there is that we'll automat automatically once we identify there was a payment in the payment processor it's going to trigger an email that's going to send them all the instructions on getting set up it's going to send them an automatic message inside of slack it's going to create a channel from scratch and all that without having to do all the manual work but this AI feature is actually very very helpful in getting this thing off the ground a lot quicker so let me quickly show you this so if you come to your members area here you're going to be able to see that it asks you what would you like to automate and it actually has an AI feature that is going to automat automatically create a first version of this zap or automation based on a single description so for example when someone fills out my a table form I want to send the contact information to my brevo account brevo being the email marketing tool as we see here we using the magic of AI you see it's connected air table new record comes in and then add or update contact inside brevo and then I can just click on try it and it's going to show me the actual zap it's created for me and once I'm in here I simp simply have to attach my air table attach the right uh base right so like the spreadsheet that I want it to read once the actual form filled out enters it and then I'm going to want to connect uh my brao account and where do I want to add the contact it's going to ask me like if I want to add it to a list right so I'm probably going to have a very specific list for this and the last one would just be to go and publish it and so that's pretty much it with a text prompt you can create an automation from scratch and you would be able to use this to then become a consultant who sells his time as an automation specialist now I'm not talking about these make money online automation AI agencies I'm talking about the real thing you contact a company you help them create automations for their businesses and then you charge them on a project basis or per hour and just with one feature you've now become an AI professional leveraging no code in AI now let's say that you wanted to build an app or a web app from scratch with AI alone that's what I'm going to be talking about in these next two tools now before we jump into these tools I just want to let you know that these are the early days of building leveraging only only AI for the next 3 years I would say that no code plus AI are really going to be dominating the space AI will build things really quickly but you then anyway have to go in there and adapt things to your taste to your specific startup to what you're trying to create etc etc nevertheless this tool is called softer let's jump in now sofware is a drag and drop web app builder but here they've released a first version of their prompt based web app builder and I'm going to show you how this works essentially you can choose between these different um types so a client portal internal tool a directory membership platform these are the kind of platforms that now this is quite well suited for however you could type anything into this and it's going to give a best shot at creating this app for you so let's create a membership platform so here for example I'm going to create a membership hub for local businesses to share resources and run joint promotions we're simply going to click on preview app and it's going to bring us to a screen where we can select how we want it to look so I'm going to say modern I'm going to choose this blue and then we're going to go ahead and generate app and just like that it's generated some of the visual design and also some of the structure of the database itself so let's see it in action so here's what it's generated it's already given at a name Market Sync It's also written copy join forces for Success Unite with local businesses boost resources and amplify promotions and then if you go a little bit further down you're going to see the local businesses that are part of this platform you can even do a search so let's say that Sunshine Bakery is one that you want to collaborate with you could click on this it's going to open up the information now of course I haven't even created this app so for the moment it's not connected to any kind of data uh which is what we're going to want to feed it next let me close this going to come up here we're going to sign in it's going to bring me to the signin page so it's created a uh sign-in page um forgot password page um and what I can do here is essentially if I click on customize app it's going to bring me into customize it further and now we're inside the project itself as you can see we can check out the different pages that there are there's join promotion there's a couple different ones based on people being signed in or not we have a forgot password we have a form page that probably adds to um the list of businesses or it's going to add to the promotions um we have a homepage we have all these different pages including the user profile page if I click on this you're going to be able to check this out what this actually looks like uh so this is usually going to be yeah exactly updating the information name email um and then to change password and it's actually created all of this but of course I can just jump in and if I wanted to for example change things um on that homepage I can go to home I can click on the Block I want to adapt like this one the hero section join forces for Success let's just say instead of for Success join forces for marketing promotions whatever you get it you could basically adapt any of this stuff and uh yeah as you can see pretty simple app but you can then preview it if you'd like to and uh showcase it to different people you can grab this able link up here and this is something that is in the early stages but again it's pretty impressive what you can do with just one text prompt of a business idea but if you think this is impressive this my friends is a platform called Buzzy and the promise here is to get from idea to app or website with only a prompt so if we come to their website here we're going to see that we can either enter your own prompt or we can use an example prompt so why don't we use an example prompt because obviously it'll probably give us some better results and let's see the depth width should they go create a recipe review app that allows users to read recipes and leave review RWS on the recipes excellent you see here they've actually added some more text with more detail so it seems like the more specific you are the better let's continue here what it's doing now is actually creating an app for us it says that it's going to send us that app via email once we have it done it sent me an email and then when I clicked on it it opened up this screen and it's telling me that it's going to take about 6 minutes uh and that the elapse time is 17 so since we have a couple seconds here it seems like it's a perfect time for you to subscribe to the channel right now take 1 second go below click C on subscribe and you're going to get a ton of value over the next couple of weeks for completely free and now it's notified me and my app is ready let's see boom here is my app my friends we have a beautiful picture it does not show any recipes it shows a kitchen which is fine it shows recipes right below um it seems like at the bottom here we have the home and there are the recipes so if I click on recipes it's created a page yeah there you go and we can choose to add a new one too if we wanted to add recipes to this so let's just click on add new let's see what that would look like okay it's simply add a picture a title and a recipe the ingredients instructions difficulty level cool okay and if we submit this it's simply going to add it to the uh to the app then um if we click on one of these we're going to be able to feature or check out one of these entries so this is why it's asking you to put in the pictures and uh the level as well so yeah as you can see and this is usually going to work quite well uh both on desktop but also on uh on mobile we can go here it even has a review so I could put uh five stars this was the best lasagna um I've ever eaten excellent and I'm going to go ahead and click submit that thank you it even has a success button okay so it's really quite cool to see that it's created a first version of this app and I'm able to just check it out like this if I go in the top left here I'm also going to see the different uh ones they have so there's also a profile so I can go in here and adapt the information about myself very simple here um I have one user already Sophia it seems like and I also have an admin panel so I can manage uh users so let's say that I don't like Sophia I could potentially come here and delete this user obviously it's not perfect but I think that this is already a really solid first version of an app and of course you can come here and check out what it would look like on mobile as well so this would be the mobile experience and here it's created a review from Christian the recipe was good but it was too spicy what do you mean I love spicy food anyway you got the point thanks for watching everyone now all the Ai No code features I've shown you here are incredibly powerful but if you don't have an idea there's really nothing you can take action on so definitely make sure to check out this video because I'm going to be giving you some SAS ideas that you can Implement as a non-technical entrepreneur let's go
Channel: WeAreNoCode
Views: 194,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xB0LEeidCG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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