How to make a VRChat Crasher 2024 ( Updated )

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all right you want to make a crasher for VR chat it's pretty simple I made one previously but I kind of rushed the vide I'm just going to go through step through step for people who don't know how to make avatars I'm not a professional myself but um I'll just show you the basics um first join my Discord uh this is basically I mean you can find stuff elsewhere but I'll just have some linked for you like this I need all this stuff later but first what you want to do is find Unity 2019 well before you do this you need a Unity Hub so just look up Unity Hub oh my bad Unity Hub should be the first link I'll link this in the description as long as un 2019 but I'm just to get started download just going to download it once you're done download it run the application it's just going to install Unity Hub it will look like this um so now you got Unity Hub it's you will probably will not see this at all you'll probably see like a login screen or something it's going to want you to make an account um so just put your email and make make one your email and make password you know um so now that you have Unity Hub you're going to need um you're going to need you see this but you're going to need um a Unity version which this is where un need 2019 is so once you're here which this will be in the description like always um just hit install this version with unity Hub simple as that and then open with unity Hub I'm just going to reinstall this show everyone now this is important when you're in here make sure anything make sure you have everything with Android so make sure like if this is uncheck Mark make sure it's check marked this is an important part because this is how you switch Builder so you can upload it for Quest and PC a lot of people I forgot to mention this in the last video but yeah so after that just hit hit continue agree just agree with everything you don't need to read all of it install and I'll be back whenever this is done installing all right so whenever you're done installing everything as you can see right here 2019 431 this is when we installed yours might have all this stuff it might not it really doesn't matter as long as it has Android and Windows or iOS you should be good so once You' done that now you're all good now you you just got to have to create the project it's pretty simple new project um make sure you have 2019 the one that you installed and this is pretty much it um make sure it's 3D and you can name it whenever you want for this I'll just name it to tutor um and just hit create project I'm just I'm not going to edit this part it's not that long it just takes a minute to get the project all roted up so pretty much whenever you have all the from here on you don't really need worry about these no more in 2019 already have installed um all right should be all loaded up I'm going to cut this real quick I have to remake this video again but oh well um so so I'm pretty sure you guys just you just got Unity made a project from here on now you want to right click on assets just right click import import custom package because we're importing a Unity package and find a bloodborne and I'm going to be using 2.0 so just hit find 3.0 open and simply hit import yours will not look like this everything will be check marked hit import I'm not going to do it cuz I just did something wrong but um once you're in here um you will not see this C model I up the video um but to find the cap model it's going to be in my Discord um right here what you're going to do is you're going to right click this it's going to be in a roar file because I couldn't export the files directly and put him in the Discord but um hold on tired as what you're Do Is Here download this and from here on out you should have a roar file um make sure you go to your desktop or something and find that Roar file which will be probably P's G yeah here and what you're going to do is you're going to make a folder name whatever you want name g to and right click on the the wind Roar file and hit extract files and extract the files to um that folder I can find it c 2 so this isn't a un Unity package which you can't just right click and import or drag it in well actually you can drag it in but it's different um so back to Unity and find that thing or the the file or the folder you put it in and just drag it in in the assets just like this I'm not going to do it but it's going to pop up like this it's going to look like this and it's you're all set um from here on drag the cat in it's a cool little guy look so happy um and once you're in here um make sure log in a bloodborne so just log in put your credentials in and boom once you're in here you should have access to the Builder manager assets and settings well you should already have access to settings but Builder is mostly what we're looking for and what you want to do from here is on the model as you can see it's blue right here we don't want it to be blue because then we can't put anything into it like the crash the crash parts so what we're going to do is going right click on this and hit unpack pack prefab so now you can put crash in it um and from here I'm just look for the head because if you put anything on the head you will not see it meaning it's a non-suicide crasher for you but others will see see the mesh or whatever you're using a Shader and that's how they basically work um you will see probably these you can ignore these but I'm just going to remove my right click and removing them these piss me off kind of but um now that you're here you found the head you found everything click back on the prefab you know the top part where the the whole model is and it should have an animator if not just hit add component and look up animator and boom right there not going to do that um instead we're going to look up for a VR chat Avatar descriptor because this is what you will need just add that and as you can see right here that detected the Avatar um yours would that look like this it will probably just be a blank image and it won't probably have a name so make sure to hit like capture from scene or something got a good old picture of the cat capture them or you can select any file you want um boom name it and now you have permission to upload it we can't upload it just yet because we didn't add you know the crash it into it from here on out we're going to import togle assistant which can be found in my server obviously right here download and go here right click import and then find togle assistant which I have it in one of my folders toggle assistant and then it will look like this just hit import it would be import right here um from here on out um you're going to need to set up the Avatar itself now um so in the Avatar descriptor that we're on on the prefab thing right here model basically go to playable layers make sure you customize it and make sure you have an F you must have an fx and expressions menu which is right down here Expressions customize look up default Expressions menu is what blood one provides for you so boom now you have it set up now all we got to do is add the Crasher part um so we're going to do that real quick so in here we're going to right click hit create empty and we're going to name this I'm going to name it mesh because we're going be using a mesh and it's fine if it's back here it doesn't matter um from here on just drag it onto the head like this you'll see it right here make sure it's z00 Z for all these sorry if you can't see it because my little box right here and people either do this they put it above the head so you can't see it or they put it in front which I'm do in front so I always do in front but um here on Quest boy this goofy looking thing um it's in my Discord obviously but um download it this is not a Unity package so what you're going to do is you're open your file explorer and um which I'm just going to it's in here which you'll see it's an fbx file so just simply drag it in from your file explorer into the project and it's going to do that I'm just going to delete it because I already have one so now that you have that um we're going to make the crash part so go back to that thing you made earlier the mesh whatever you named it the empty um hide it so you would not see the mesh immediately especially if you're on the laptop you're trying to make this it's going to suck if you have to restart your project but um just drag it in like this do not drag it into the scene because you'll see it but drag it to the mesh now that you have it um make sure it's check marked so and this is uncheck marked you need that for later um right here here right pack right click on it and unpack brief app simply find in here there'll be an Armature and a plane do not worry about the Armature this is nothing special you don't need to mess in that just the plane and here look for all of these the lighting materials additional settings and turn all of them off basically or just follow these settings on with to put which is off off yeah everything off basically materials you don't have to worry about you can leave it in there or you can put some stupid Shader on it what you want now from here on we're going to right click on this since you already have tigle crater uh imported it's going to be Advanced Tuggle it's going to show Advanced create Advanced Tuggle or create Tuggle just do create Tuggle you need to mess up with Advanced um name it whatever you want like that or name it crash whatever you want just do that um and you can read these if you want it just you can around with if you want um and hit create togle now what you're going to do from here is duplicate this so easiest way is to hit controll and D when you're clicked on it so control D will duplicate it like this and everything will be applied so all the settings you applied to this will be applied to this that's how it's going to work um and just keep doing that an easy method of doing mle one is say you're selected so so I am selected on this one currently number 10 um hold shift go back to the first one it's going to select all of these and now you can duplicate it much faster now I don't play VR chat anymore the game is boring so yeah but um I would recommend duplicating this to like 150 200 Max because apparently vrj has Security checks or something and it will basically not Su your avatar if you have to too many which this mesh is perfect for you know insta clapping people but once you're there boom you already have a basic Crasher this is non suicide for Quest and PC you can just build and publish it how it is um yeah and boom that's pretty much it but um I'm going to show you one more method or two more things useful things people ask me um well first let's autofix the I forgot make sure you Auto fix these as you can tell I'm not really good at making tutorials so sorry if this is confusing I trying to make it best I can but you know never Auto fix this it's just going to install n222 which you don't want um so yeah you have that um this will crash you PC Quest obviously um now I'm going to show you a Shader method for uh PC people do this all the time they call it crashing but it's not really it's just going to freeze their screen they can't do nothing so Shader crash drag it onto the head like we did with the mesh make sure it's zered out and put it in front a little bit or above whatever you prefer and in here you don't have the Shader I forgot um in my sh though there's a there's some right here we're going to do I'm going to show screen freeze cuz it literally does what it says screen phrase um so download that and simple as that just drag it in screen free Shader drag it in it's going to look like that show this and then here in the the assets wherever you're at um right click at create not V chat right here it says create um material and you're going to to drag the screen freeze Shader onto the material now many kids like to do stupid like this and I think it's stupid in my opinion but they'll make a sphere and what they'll do is they'll put it inside the part where you're going to make it a Tuggle and they'll do this they this is I mean it's interesting but I don't really do it so it doesn't crash everyone but they'll do this so whenever you apply the Shader to it anyone that touch is these basically is frozen and you can do that if you want like I'll show you right here I forgot see how they're invisible do not get close to these because they will freeze your Unity which I'm not going to do because it's going to the video over again I don't want to remake this um and yeah so people would do this so whenever you move your head I'll show you real quick say I rotate my head anyone that touches those is going to crash up and down which is I guess it's cool but that's whatever but I'll show you how to crash everyone in the lobby um but just one spere so just one sphere make sure you hide this because this is going to crash your Unity completely if you don't so hide it go back to the sphere and you see this range of GP r as it literally says range I would set it to 15 or like 20 25 I'm going do 15 but do not ever enable this again or else you're going is um and basically what this does is it literally probably kill everyone in lobby that has your avatar on and just create Tuggle simple as that and whatever you want great toggle and that's basically how you kill a whole lobby with PC players if they have your avat on um people also ask me or one person asked me um how you put like an image on someone's screen it's pretty funny you can do whatever you want but um back in here look for this screen p screen space Shader um as it says screen space so it's going to cover your screen obviously so make sure to drag that in here actually this is a Unity package so what you're going to do is you're going to right click in here import package and find wherever you if it's probably to be in your downloads right here open I already imported it but if it's not just hit import it would be down here and you're look for that screen space screen space Shader and what you want to do is find an image um find an image so you can you know put on their screen just do this one but um we going to do the same thing like how you did with the crash AER just right here right click create um material and just do the same thing drag this onto that and I'm going do this again create empty name my screen space or something zero it out you'll probably see this no matter what but um they make a sphere this collider and and just drag that Shader onto the sphere this one it's fine you're not going to crash or anything this is just a how it puts annoying image on someone's screen make sure to set this the size the sphere the size is 99 so it covers your entire screen 99 all right now it covers your entire screen as you can tell because my box is all orange and from here um I would recommend going into play mode because you can see you can also make your Shader we see how it works but um in here main settings I don't recommend setting this to something like big like 100 100 so like everyone in the lobby would see it from like probably far out here image would show in everyone's screen and what you want to do is look for overlay texture or yeah overlay texture and what you're going to do is you're going to drag your image your PNG what you want to call it um onto this and have it check marked as you can see now it's on the the screen now you can mess around with the settings um obviously like scroll you can change that you can change the speed of that like five whatever you want and also know wrong with this I don't do that but do some cool like this and this is how you basically just change you know so it fits the screen or not um change kill whatever pretty funny well yeah so like as you can see it's pretty far out if you want to go farther let go to the main settings and set to like 999 then see now it's now it's out to here no I can't see um the cab at it's right here um I'm hide this but yeah that's how you put an image in the the screen um you can also around with the Shader itself like uh you can do one more this is not just an image Shader but you can you know randomize effects get some cool like this or completely blind people you know it's pretty cool um sadly Quest will not see this because Shader is not supported it kind of sucks I know but yeah this is basically the end of the video um if you need help with anything I can I'm not obviously the smartest but I can help you with some basic um you can just D me on Discord or join the server which I recommend joining literally chill um and yeah that's pretty much it have a good night
Channel: Pawel580
Views: 840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aJ7ySoIZEtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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