Making your first VRChat World! Step by step tutorial

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disclaimer i um like i learnt by myself so the things that i show you is not going to be uh precisely what everybody else does people work differently um i don't know where we think um i just know what i know and this works for me so hopefully i'll be able to help you guys uh create something that you want to create first of all um you're gonna need to download unity hub you're gonna need to download the latest version um 3.0.1 and i see i i need an update and i haven't updated mine yet so make sure you've updated it um okay so you're gonna need to open a new project um here it probably has an editor version if you haven't already um i would suggest downloading 2019 4.31 f1 um this is the version that vr chat uses so this is definitely one that you should probably use um here is a lot different to the every unity uh hub it's it has other options i wouldn't worry about that normally what you need to do is be on 3d uh your project name is going to be the name of what you want to call your project so i'm gonna put miners lesson can i spell there we go and you click create project here it's gonna compile everything it's gonna do what unity does and it's gonna open up with a blank project so we'll let that do that right now okay now you got the blank project what you want to do is go and download the latest sdk free for worlds make sure you are downloading the latest versions or else um you'll probably have a bunch of issues later on um so make sure you import the sdk free worlds in there and here it's gonna prepare the package it's gonna do what it does and then once it's done just press apply and uh yeah import there we go press import and it should import into your project um i would also recommend importing udon shop um udon shop is just gonna help you out if you want to import any of our packages and stuff it's gonna be easy because you're not like you don't have to import it later on and to cause a bunch of errors in your uh project uh once you've got udon shop and everything downloaded you can start off with creating your project um so to build it to build your base to build your base through your house um you could go to gameobject and create some cubes and um whatever that way um i would suggest downloading pro butter pro builder is found um in your package manager by your window go to pack manager and this is gonna take a little while to click on the search thing it does so you just gotta you gotta let unity do its thing um so once it's done we can click on the search bar eventually there you go and type in my keyboard always does that probably loader there you go and you're going to install it this little button here just press install so it's imported into the project now and as you can see there's some errors here um in your console ignore them yeah just just ignoring your errors unless it's a red error then you should worry that's kind of like my little go-to um okay so right now you want to go to your tools and you want to go to promoter and you're going to promote a window hopefully i'm not doing this too fast you want to click on that and here you you're able to drag this around so normally what i do you can drag it here you drag it here but i normally keep it here by my console i just find a little bit easier for me to navigate that's kind of how i've always done it so i'm going gonna open the pro uh builder tab and we're gonna click on new shape and it's gonna bring down a new shape it's gonna bring out a cube a beautiful cube uh and you wanna look into your inspector and this is called the inspector you want to know the difference between an inspector and a hierarchy here the hierarchy is going to show you uh all your objects it's going to show you what you have in your scene um here the cube is named cube and we're gonna we're gonna change the name in the inspector and we're gonna call it floor that's what we're gonna stop with let's start with the floor and okay we've named it floor and it's changed in the hierarchy too um okay so right now this cube is sat over here and you wanna pull it in the center um so you wanna change the position in the transform key here and you wanna change everything to zero so normally what i do is just uh i've got my backspace and do that and now it's gone and you're probably wondering how do i get to this cube so you want to double click on your hierarchy on the object floor and it's gonna bring to the object okay so you're gonna kind of like scroll out a little bit and i don't know if you've noticed but you have these little these little what do you call them little object things that you can click on um as i said i'm not the best with terminology um so we're gonna start off with clicking on the last one this is a face um select so it's going to select all the faces so when you select a face you can drag it out um so that's uh yeah there you go um here uh selects the sides of the um object so these sides so you can pull them out like that uh this selects the points of the cube and this will select the whole cube as a whole um we're going to focus on this edge like tool um so we're going to press control uh we're going to hold ctrl sorry we're going to hold ctrl and while we're holding ctrl we're going to pull out the um blue arrow so here as you're pulling it it's gonna go block by block um so as you can see it does that so what we're gonna make ours uh that's six seven we're gonna make it eight okay so once you've pulled that out and it's eight um by eight down you're to do 8 sideways so you're going to hold the ctrl key and you're going to pull the red arrow and you're going to do that eight times by the square so that's three four five six seven eight okay so you have this kind of floor at the moment and right now we need to make it lower because it's pretty thick should pretty thick um so you're gonna click on the top face and you're gonna pull down the green arrow while holding ctrl and you see it made it a little bit smaller but we need a little bit more so we're gonna do it like that okay so right now you have your cube you have your floor it's pretty nice looking floor um and now we need some wolves some beautiful wolves um as you can see in this project right here uh we have kind of like an interesting wall door uh if you want to call it like that kind of mirror um window uh this is a little bit more complex when working with um pro butter you gotta get used to the keys a little bit and i could probably teach that in the next lesson but i'm just gonna do a basic wall for you in a basic window and uh show you how to do that okay um so if i go back to this project um we're going to go back to probator and we're going to make a new shape again beautiful um and we're going to drag this down um we're going to place it uh right by this corner here just so it's sitting here like sir there we go just level it up um so you know this have this random cube here you're gonna then select this face uh selection tool and you're gonna select this back face you're gonna then press control and you're gonna then pull out the blue um your little blue arrow here and you're gonna click on this face here and you're gonna pull out the red arrow while clicking on control and you're gonna drag it out like that and then you're gonna click on the top one and you're gonna drag out uh like pressing control and pulling up the green arrow we should probably do it normally i do it to like four um or five but i'll do it to like full blocks um i know like a vr track character will probably sit around about the one meter mark so that's kind of like how i scale it um [Music] but yeah here we have a wall we also probably should name that so we're gonna name it wool there we go um okay so i'm going to show you some features that um pre-builder has to offer um here by new shape if you press the plus symbol it's going to bring up this the cube again but it's bringing up another little window here and it's bringing up the shape tool window um here you can basically select what shape you want um but if you want to make a door there's like a door um shape so if i scroll out a little bit you can see this door but you're probably wondering where is the sides gone on this door like it's it's not there um that's because uh it doesn't create with the sides and i'll show you how to fill those in after um but if we drag this down um we could fit it in our project anywhere we want um but right now we have nowhere to turn this so if we go up here there's some keys up here and there's this rotation tool and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna click on this green um green little severe thing and we're gonna click on control and we're gonna turn it until it reaches uh 90 degrees i think this is um and then we're going to press build in the shape tool and press build i just brought another one out so we probably want to close that down so we're going to just click x and it's going to get rid of it so right now you're still on your little your little uh rotation key so you want to go back up and hit this um this is gonna make you able to move it so we're gonna place this where we want it in our scene um i would say i want the door here so you wanna place it there um okay so this is kind of like invisible here if you want to make this a full wall um i will show you how to here you're going to click on the sides using your edge select tool and you're going to hold shift you can fill this hole in but i'm just gonna make it a little bit easier for you um is that you're going to hold shift and pull the blue arrow until it meets the other side so there we go okay now up here i'm going to do the same you're going to select these sides and you're going to hold shift and you're going to stop it where it stopped there last time there we go you're the same on the other side make sure you're holding shift when selecting them and then um keep make sure you keep holding shift when you're moving the blue hour by the way there you go you have i have your little door uh we're gonna select the object selection again and you're gonna go back into your project and we're going to select the edge facing uh select tool face select tool uh we're gonna select the face selection tool and you're gonna hold shift again and pulling out the red arrow and we're gonna make sure it meets it just here um as you can see there's like a height difference here uh sometimes it happens when uh you're gonna make sure like you're lining up uh so here i'm gonna select all faces hold and shift and clicking uh and i'm gonna drag it down but this time i'm not pressing shift i'm not pressing control i'm just gonna drag it down a little bit and [Music] there is a way to snap this um you have to download another plugin but right now i'm just gonna i'm just gonna show you the quickest way and the easiest way for you okay so right now we kind of have a room going on right now we have we have a door we have a wall we have a floor and also yeah this was also named so that's good okay so we're gonna need to make the other walls uh right now i'm gonna do something really easy and real simple for you guys is i'm gonna click on this one and i'm gonna duplicate it how you duplicate it is ctrl d and it's gonna copy it um we're gonna go back up to this um rotate tool and we're going to press ctrl and turn it to make it like this we're gonna make sure it's um kind of level um with the wool and here we have it so we're going to duplicate this one again ctrl d um leave it two in the middle and press your rotation key while holding ctrl and rotating and we're gonna place it to where we see if it kind of do that uh it is overlapping right now i don't normally overlap my work like this i normally make it into one object so i'll just like extrude and like make it all like this but as i said this is going to be a little bit easier for someone that just wants to make a little homeworld um it's not going to be perfect for all meads but it's going to be something that uh you can learn you know you you want to learn pro builder and you want to like play around with it um but i feel like this is going to be the easiest way for you to kind of like capture what you you want to be able to create um okay so here you have the floor we're gonna duplicate the floor and we're gonna bring it all the way to the top like so um make sure you haven't got like any um gaps here um this is just so no light is going to go in here because you want to be able to make it just a closed room like this okay so uh this floor is obviously still called floor so you want to call it ceiling so you can rename it here or you can rename it here um so i'm going to call this ceiling okay so we have our walls we have our door we have our ceiling and we have our floor um right now this looks pretty pretty simple we have a box we have everything we need um okay so now we're gonna make all the objects static so we're gonna go to your hierarchy and you're gonna control you're gonna press shift you're gonna click on floor and then press shift and then go to ceiling and here we've selected everything and up here in the inspector you see that something says static right here and you're gonna tick this you know click on that so here all the objects are static this is going to help you with your lighting fire on is going to help you uh basically bake your lighting it's going to make your world look 10 times better um but make sure when you are making things static you're not making light static you're not making reflection probe static or anything that moves like a mirror that you're toggling on and off you could there is other options to make um you got batch static included static you have other statics you probably will need to learn about them there is obviously unity unity like help lessons on the internet for that so you could probably have a look into what everything does um but right now i'm just obviously making saying that's really simple to uh be followed along um okay so everything is static in this project right now uh what you want to do now is go into your hierarchy and delete that directional light i don't really use directional lights in my project unless i'm doing um other other projects that require it um so i normally just delete the directional light [Music] so this is gonna be the important uh part we're gonna go to lighting there's a lighting tab here this shows everything to do with your lighting now uh lighting is very important when you wanna create like an atmosphere or you wanna create um your your project to kind of look a little bit more welcoming a little bit nice um so it's really important to know lighting i believe that you probably create a simple world and have the nicest lighting and make it look ten times better um so lighting is really important when it comes to um so right now you see um we have the default skybox you can drag a skybox in here but it can also affect it so you can change it here um i'm going to go with gradient and it's going to make things look a little bit dark so i'm just gonna stick with this gradient color i'm pretty happy with this um i'm gonna go to environment reflections and i'm gonna bump up the revolution to um one uh 102 for 1024 um and then i'm gonna leave that like that um as you may have opened up a new project this may be ticked please untick it if you're i'm showing you a big lighting not real timelining i don't really do real timelining too much so i normally use baked so make sure this uh global illumination is on so lighting mode um you have different liner modes you have bait indirect you have subtractive and you have shadow mask i bounce between shadow mask and baked indirect um but for this project i'm gonna use baked indirect um yeah so now we're going to the light map settings um make sure this is on progressive cpu you can put it to any other ones if you want uh but for me i prefer cpu um progressive i prefer uh progressive cpu uh better than um the others um okay so here um i'm gonna just tick this one um it's to do with samples i think i don't i don't 100 know everything um it just works for me um so i'm gonna go to direct samples and i'm going to change this to 40. um my indirect samples i'm going to change it to 520 and the same one at the bottom so you have 40 direct sum samples you've got indirect samples which is 520 environment samples which is 522. um what these do i think it helps render the line up i don't 100 understands it i couldn't give you the terminology in the yeah i couldn't give you that but these are the settings that work for me um filtering um keep that as um the way it is um you can change these around um i normally use optics maybe um but i'm just going to keep it as non for this one uh now go into your light map revolution um i normally set this a 30 25 um i'm gonna do 30 now but this is 25 um like that i'm gonna uh take a blunt um occlusion and i'm gonna keep that as the same okay so here we've set up our lighting settings um these obviously will be changed around um for the the near future like if you want to do a bigger map or if you want to like make something else like you would probably change these lighting settings there is multiple ways you can do it but this is just a simple uh way of what i felt like is the best okay so to render lighting you're gonna need um a light so how to get that light you're gonna go to game object you're gonna go to light and you're gonna go to point line we're gonna bring in a point light here as you see we're still in the lighting so we wanna click on the inspector and we wanna drag this point light in oh if it's invisible for you and you don't see this point light uh just tap on gizmos and it should show it normally i have my gizmos show and hide and i would just click on it um here uh you can place your point light wherever you want it i'm gonna put it to the ceiling up here like that and [Music] there we go as you can see in your inspector you have your uh light settings um the mode is on real time right now and we're trying to make it baked so we want to change this to baked we want the shadow type to be soft or hard depends on what you want but i normally just go with soft shadowing um and your render mode you want to be important um here is the intensity honestly it's up to you with what you want to play around with the lighting if you want it dark or light um normally i don't go above 1.4 um i probably would suggest keeping out this at 0.56 um i like kind of dark lights i like to play around with my lighting a lot so i normally keep my main point light around 0.721 but right now we're going to put 0.5 um so we have this point light just in the middle right here and now we're gonna go to the reflection probe uh how we're gonna get this reflection probe is we're gonna we're gonna right click and we're gonna go to create empty this has created an empty project or an empty project this has created an empty um object and we're gonna name this we're gonna name this reflection probe [Music] there we go and now we're gonna click on add component here we're gonna write in reflection probe and here it's like the second one and we're gonna zoom out all the way out with your s okay so now we have this box around um our box so we want to kind of fit it to the box because whatever is in this box is gonna reflect so if you have like an emissive material if you have like a metallic material it's gonna reflect off the sky box if it's not in this uh box itself so you want to click on this little edit bounding here and you want to scale it to the box make sure you're not scanning it too close um if it does that just press ctrl control d or control z and it'll make you go back to where you were okay so now you have a box um around a box uh you have your reflection probe here um you want to scale it uh to this box so you want to click on this edit bound and you want to move these down to fit the box so i'm going to fit mine just about here i'm a little bit happy with this i'm fine with that um okay so you want to go to your settings here and you want to click on box projection so whatever is inside this box will like project um if this is not ticked it will reject pretty much everything around it so you want to keep it um keep it on uh your importance and intensity i normally keep my intensity at one my importance uh i like a little bit of shine so i normally keep it like five so i'm to keep that as five your evolution i'm going to keep it the same as my light map i'm going to keep it at 1024 and that's everything for a reflection probe okay so now you have your box you have your one light and you have your reflection probe and you have your walls your ceilings and everything else um we're gonna go to our lighting here and we're gonna click on generate lighting here it's gonna generate the lighting it's going to bake and do its thing we're going to just sit here and watch it would you do it [Music] so the lighting is now done and you see that the box is a pretty light compared to the rest of the outside okay so as you see this reflection probe is probably not doing anything at the moment because we haven't got materials in our scene um we want to get away from this boxiness and i'm gonna show you how to so we're gonna right click again we're gonna go to create and we're gonna go to material we're going to name it we're going to name it and go with a white so i'm going to name this white we're going to go back to our inspector i'm going to just drag and drop the whites on each rule here and the sigma there we go so i'm gonna duplicate this and we're gonna change this name i'm gonna rename here and we're gonna change this to floor um i'm just gonna grab some um some flow texture and i'm gonna grab it from this project and you can you can find like um textures um anywhere really um so i'm just gonna drag and drop this texture in here like that so as you can see that these textures have um height maps they have the normal they have um they have the occlusion so i'm going to click on this floor i'm going to drag them into the right properties they will say what's for what so uh just click on the name you'll have a look i'm gonna fix that okay so i'm gonna drag this floor to the floor and right now you can tell it's kind of looking a little bit strange it kind of looks like the cubes so you want to go to your tiling you want to go to 0.4 0.4 i'm not happy with that i'm gonna go down a little bit so i'm gonna 0.2 0.2 okay so now i'm going to go to the smoothness and i'm going to turn this all the way up so you see this is now reflecting but it's reflecting off our own material that we had up here um so what we want to do is we want to go back to the lighting and we're going to click on generate lighting [Music] okay so you just surrendered your lighting again um now i'm gonna show you how you can get this kind of really cool neon um emissive texture and how to make it look pretty cool on the walls um so i'm going to click on this um i'm going to drag in what do i have hmm actually that's let's make a little photo frame i think that'd be cool okay so we're going to go back to pro loader we're going to click on new shape again this little plus tool i'm going to bring it to the cube i'm gonna press build uh we're gonna click on this i'm gonna drag it down and i'm gonna place it here so i'm gonna name this uh painting okay oh my capsule is um painting there we go got there eventually um and i'm gonna select this face selection tool and i'm gonna just move it i'm gonna free move it so i'm not pressing control and i'm not pressing shift and i'm gonna just click on these sides and i'm gonna i'm gonna make this okay so i've got this little stick thing um uh i'm going to press shift now as i'm pressing shift and holding the red arrow as you can see we created like this little little section here it's pretty interesting so we're gonna do that again and just create a little small one and we create another little section uh we're going to do that again at the top and we're going to press shift and we're going to hold these because we want to select all these faces here i'm going to press shift again just make it small like that and go up from underneath i'm gonna press that shift shift and shift down okay um so you see these little little faces that we just created um right now we're going to select each of these faces at the front so we're going to hold shift again and select them with our cursor like so now uh we're going to press shift again and pull out the blue arrow until we make a little i don't think like that like like so it's made a little a little picture frame okay so i'm gonna go back to object selection and i'm gonna just drag the white on here now you're probably asking how do we get this emissive white texture um a white material sorry so we're gonna right click go to create go to material i'm going to name this blur all right now we're going to go to a mission i'm going to click on this and we're going to change the color to white now we're gonna go to the intensity and we're gonna change this to one and press enter so here we have the white it's pretty pretty bright now how do we put it on the sides here if we want it to be inside here we're gonna go to our face selection and we're gonna click on this and we're gonna hold shift click on the evil one hold shift and shift now we have them selected now what we're going to do is we're going to hold shift again and as we're holding shift we want to drag this glow material and we're going to drag onto here so now we have it on there cool so you want to go back to your object selection and you want to move it into position so i want to move it around here it looks pretty cool i love it i have a little bit bigger so if you want to make it bigger what we're going to go to so we're going to go to this um this tool here it's going to be called the scale tool and grab this little box and we're going to press ctrl and we're going to scale it up and i'm gonna go back to the move tool i'm just gonna put in my project just in the middle here now i also realized i want these sides to glow too so i'm gonna go back to the face selection tool i'm gonna click on this face right here and i'm gonna um press shift and shift and i'm just gonna go underneath each one of these oppressing shift so i'm selecting a small amount of it so make your make sure you hold and shift and click on it oh it might do that just press back um okay now you're gonna do that again so you're gonna press shift and you're gonna press your material and you're gonna drag and drop it in there so we created this cool picture frame um want to go back to your object selection and you want to click on the object which is the painting and you want to make it static um now what we're going to do is we're going to go back to our lighting settings i'm going to press generate lighting as you can tell the reflection probe did its thing and now it's reflecting um our painting here um if you want to like put anything on here say a photo what you could do is click on the face select tool click on the front face and then create a material and put your little picture in and then press shift drag and drop it onto here and just drag it drop this that could be a little painting okay so that's pretty much our painting right now um but yeah i mean this is a little small box you could add a bed you can add a mirror um do a few things like that if you're still interested in the classes that i'm doing um just watch the other tutorials i probably won't be putting them out every single day or weekly um but they will be out at some point um but yeah this is the basics if you are adding any objects or any fbxes and you are dragging and dropping them in make sure you are making them static and rendering the lighting because the lighting will change you'll have to like render it a lot of the time uh it does take a while uh depending on what you have in your scene um do make sure that you're not importing random objects that are really high poly uh because it's really hard to render those objects in um but yeah i mean i could show you how to do buttons and tutorials on that later on but for the scenery and the lighting this is the simple and easiest way i could show you so hopefully it's helped you guys um but yeah thank you for watching and yeah i hope i hope you uh can create a cool world and you should show me in the server um go to surf world and you can put it in the showcase i think it's called showcase um so you can showcase your world and i want to see what you guys uh come up with and it's known so yeah thank you for watching
Channel: Itz Soph
Views: 75,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vrchat worlds, making vrchat world, sdk 3 worlds, game design
Id: AMlticqw9TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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