How to make a T-Shirt in realtime, includes usage of the free multialpha brush I made.

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so this is the character that I'm going to be putting a t-shirt on today he's an or character who's quite rough and ready but it's enough to serve our purposes I'm going to turn off the teeth and armbands and extra details eyes all that kind of stuff medallion and so we start off with a single mesh if I press shift F you can see these are this is the polygroups on this guy he just has a single one if yours is different if you have different polygroups for whatever reason on your model then just press control w with everything visible and it will change it to one polygroup every time you press control w will just cycle through a different color doesn't really matter what color you have so from here I'll press shift F and we'll start plating our mask you will have your standard brush selected by default so every time you hold down control you'll see that that standard brush will change to a mask brush and by default that mask pushes on dots so dots means that when you paint on your character it will actually start painting the mask if you're off your character you drag on it will create a square and every time you drag on you create more of it if you drag on no part of your character you're basically telling it I want to unmask everything so we're going to change this to a lasso type just to make it a little bit quicker we can see that symmetry is armed you see the two dots on either side of this character whether I'm on my default tool or with control held down that's telling me that symmetry is on this character when I look from the front if it's not press X and that will toggle that on and off so I'm just going to drag on top of my character and I'll drag out an area for his sleeve for example if I wanted his whole body I could do it in one go and say well down here up and over for his sleeve and out because the symmetry on will do the other side for me as well if I want to make it to deselect an area I could just hold and control and instead of actually just making a selection like this I'll hold down alt as well as control and that will actually deselect if you want to prefer to paint at this stage just can't change back hold and control change back to the darts type and start painting in your mask so we'll give him a t-shirt that sits above his is ass here and maybe goes underneath his belly a bit and I'm gonna make this a little bit problematic just so we can show em how to fix these problems and we'll make it a more of a rounded neck for this guy maybe a little bit higher at the back something like this so that'd be the shape of our t-shirts and I just fix this area here and we're not going to be don't have to be too precise because we have a lot of room for movement too afterwards once we've made our mask but once you've made the t-shirt so the first thing we want to do is duplicate this guy because we want to make that t-shirt on another object we could use the extract tool but I'm going to show you the duplication because it's it's actually an easier way and so it just hit duplicate and I'll press shift F so we can see our poly frames again and this time we'll press ctrl W because there's a mass selection it will make that into a new polygroup so you only need to press it once if you press it twice you'll just lose your selection and it will make everything the same polygroup again I'm gonna hide the original character because we're seeing both of them at the same time so I'll just turn off the icon and I'll select our new character calling down control and shift you just need to tap on this once all right controllers shift and it'll be on this is the default for controller shift so just tap on that poly frame and that will hide everything else except for that one that you tapped from here you can go down to geometry modify topology and hit delete hidden we now have a good star point for our t-shirt this is what it's going to look like and what this is the area but we have some undercuts and stuff like that it's gonna band around which are going to prove problematic so I just want to show you how to get around those so the first thing you'd normally do is you go to 0 measure and you'll hit zremesh what's the mesh will do is it will look at the target polygon count which normally defaults to 5 and we'll try and actually change our dynamesh and topology into quads in and as you can see there it's done a fairly decent job but it's got some some weird stuff acting down here on on record and it's acting weirdly because a lot of this stuff over here was weird before we did our Z match if I don't do this you can see we have a very Jaggi surface here it's very Jackie so one of the things we can do to fix that is we can go to edge loop and we can just say group loops what group loops will do is it will smooth all those jaggies out so that's smooth it out for us which is great but what it has done is it's added in new new polygroups in there for us we want to get rid of those so I'm just gonna hold ctrl and she have to tap on the main one that's gonna hide everything else I'm going to do the same thing we did before we go to modify topology and we say delete hidden and then when we go back to zremesher and we'll bring our target polygon count down to say 5 and hit zremesh you see we get a much cleaner results and it's working a lot better for us it's still a little bit high and it's not very t-shirt asked yet so I'm gonna take the smooth brush by just holding down shift and I'm just gonna smooth out some of these areas that you wouldn't expect to see on t-shirt with all this detail smooth that out a little bit and at the back as well just a little bit it doesn't have to be crazy or pressure if def so we can see what we're actually doing here you can see if I now go back and I turn on the subtool for the original character underneath this our t-shirt fits but if we go to inflate we can just inflate that a little bit so just enough that we actually see it through the character so now we can actually see and what we're doing here a little bit so I'm going to change to my move tool B M V I'm just gonna move some of this out symmetry is still on so we can kind of just push this t-shirt out a little bit to hide these details check at the back this is why I was saying we don't need to be so accurate earlier on we can move this stuff around there's still quite a lot of polygons here so I'm actually gonna reduce this even more if we go back to our geometry and zremesh less is more here so I'm just gonna hit half I'm gonna hit CMS again and you'll see our polygon counts changed from what was ten thousand after that is about five thousand so that's a lot lighter again and I'll keep half turned on and I hit it one more time and we're getting down to two thousand and maybe even one more time so the lower we go the better as far as I'm concerned on this like so down to one and a half thousand this is a lot better now we can take this and you can see how quick and easy it is to move this stuff around really on it's just gentle nudging of stuff into place but if we want to smooth out areas it's much easier to pick one or two points and get them smooth then if we had a lot of points if we want this to pull out like the way a t-shirt would naturally fall I can do that and then I can smooth here so I'd expect that to gravity would take over here we'd pull this out I'm pressing shift you just smooth that out a little bit and we're gonna let the computer do the work of fixing this afterwards so it will even pull this up with a lot of control now because we have so few points on this that we can we can move stuff around so and once we have that if you're not happy with your with your CMS just turn off half and do it again and you'll get a slightly different result every time like so every time you hit this you may get something closer to it to what you're happy with like so just when you see something that looks looks half-decent kind of stick with it and I think that's fine for me for our purposes so I'm gonna turn this off and let's start making this looking into more of a t-shirt so I'm just gonna fix up a couple of small areas before we continue further with this on a select my move brush and I'm gonna go up here where I can see that there's a little bit of an indent in his chest out his neck here so I'm just gonna fix that up a little bit straighten that up there it's nice and easy to do with so few points on the model which is the reason we did this in the first place I can pull some of this stuff down and even out some of this topology we can even hold down shift but we kind of start to forming the shape an awful lot so we don't need to worry about that too much we can always clean that up later on these shapes from the side I am gonna clean up just to get that curve a little bit nicer maybe push that out and the next thing to check is that if we want a if we want to seam along his his sleeve here we would have to check to see where that's possible so if I change back to my standards see more turtle bees at em or for my case alt Q and I try and insert an edge tip if this happens then I know that I've got a spiral going through my my model here so that means that I need to go back to my zremesh and I've got to choose same here cuz I like the poly count here but just not happy with the spirals and I'll try zremesh again and see if we get a better result so you can see now if I put this in this is actually working for me so you may need to hit this a couple of times in order to get the results that you're looking for the loops may not necessarily be in the perfect place but that's fine it'll be enough fur for our purposes here we can always fix this later on so now we're going to create some seams but before we do that we need to give some depth to this so you can see if I go into edge loop and go down to panel loops you'll see that we it by default is set up for five loops and I think the thickness is something like this by default on a Polish with a bevel so we're going to be removing most of those but just to show you why if we hit panel loops now straight off the bat you'll see that all of this stuff got smooth it out but smooth it out a little bit too much we've lost some of the forms that made this guy him so I'm gonna turn off the polish and do it again and you'll see that we keep the form there but we just get the depth but the depth is not very thick so I'm going to undo that again and I'm going to increase the depth and this depend on the scale of your model a so it's up to you to find a depth that you were happy with I'm gonna say okay to that I'll just undo it again actually just to show you why we do have a bevel on this now so you'll see that this bevel profile they'll have here this is the start this is say the red polygons here it goes up across and down again to the purple so it goes up across and down again to the purple if we had put a point in here and we had said panel loops we'd get that going up down basically much watching this shape so we don't we don't want to do that I'm going to turn off the beveling altogether and if I do that we get a flat surface but we'd also get five loops and I don't really want five loops so I'm going to turn that off as well and I just hit panel loops so for you you basically be turning off h polish remove the bevel reduce the loops and increase the thickness and that's it then you'll get to here so with this now I can turn on dynamic subdivision or press D to see what this looks like and we have the oak startings of a t-shirt here so now we're going to create a seam for the sleeve so I'm going to zoom in I'm going to hover over an edge and I'm going to change from insert edgeloop to bevel and that's a single edge loop if I make a very small change there's a chance to ZBrush will just kind of pop it out to be larger than I want it to be so if that happens to you if ZBrush is actually making it a different size just click and drag and push out and then while you're dragging down push it back in again and that will tell it that basically you're making the decision here not not say approaches aware and that's actually the wrong place I want to create this it this bevel so I'm gonna do it appear instead you can see if I do with dynamic subdivision turned on it can be hard to see what's actually going on here so I'm gonna turn dynamic subdivision off with shift D and then I'm going to click on this and then drag it out and then drag it back in again so that's created the bevel for this sleeve here so with that created we can you'll notice that if I hover over any given edge that we have this orange line here this orange line is for it is to indicate which direction a loop will go in so if we're hovering over a polygon and we change q master Polly loop that will now take whichever direction we're going in so if I'm going this way it's going to go up and down take a loop all the way along there from going this direction it's going to go this direction so I'm going to take this stuff here and I'm going to Polly loop it down I'm just going to Q mash it down a little bit and now when I turn on dynamic subdivision I'll say yesterday we have this sleeve and we have this seam in our sleeve here now it's not perfect we need to work on a little bit and put it to start so we have that here and we also need to start creating some cuffs for this so for this I'm going to hover I'm going to hover over an edge again I'm going to change it back to insert a single edge loop I'm going to click about 2/3 the way up here and then I'm going to choose this Q mesh poly loop with the orange line pointed in the right direction here now I press D you'll see we have a little coffee R so we do the same thing at the top I'm going to create a new edge loop or 3/4 of the way up I'm going to zoom in and this time I don't even have to click and drag I can just tap and ZBrush will give me the same distance for this as it did for this down here so it looks Drude by the same amount so when we press D these two will be the same size for the bottom of the t-shirt we have a different issue here that the polygons here are quite small where these are quite long so we have to insert a new edge loop here all we be doing this is maintaining that ratio of difference between these two so I want to create an even little on here so to do that I'm actually just going to create a new lip so if I'm going to poly loop it again and now you'll see that when I do this I can actually choose these will all be exactly even evenly spaced which means that we can now insert a new edge loop close to this on the other side rather so this is going to be evenly spaced out and we can take this edge loop change the scale edge loop complete we can just kind of push that one in a little bit so now when we press shifty we've got this slight little lip at the bottom of the t-shirt so it's not perfect and do need to go in and clean some of this up I can change back to a move tool because we have so few points to actually modify we can just kind of move these and straighten this up a little bit this is looking better and push all this stuff in and it's time to actually see this on the character so I'm going to turn the character back on may have some small pinching issues down here but if we go into solo mode we can have a look and see what was happening there and it's just that the inside of this was actually causing problems I'm just gonna press shift and smooth some of that out on the inside here and what actually happened there was when the polygroup was created the polygroup actually snapped to some other verts there so we're gonna do there is I'm gonna undo some of the latest changes that we made because I didn't spot that earlier on there's only a couple seconds to actually make these changes anyway so I'm gonna smooth this before the fact we go back we change back to as a motor tool and when you bevel this edge like this we use our cue mesh to push it in and you'll see that that problem that's pretty much disappeared so that's our seam and we can go back in here and hover over an edge change back to search to this poly loop it out come back in come back in here two throws it away and I just tap that you know if I moved at all it's going to ask me to you know it's gonna do it again basically so I'm gonna have to get that to be the right size myself by I and then we added a new poly loop to the bottom here I can just take that drag that out a little bit we inserted a new edge loop and then we took this one and we scaled it in a little bit first do you see what that looks like and we just use our move tool just kind of fix up some of this stuff here might as well turn on the character as well by going to the solo mode see what this looks like and we can adjust his t-shirt now to fit so we're going to be making some pretty major changes to his t-shirts later on anyway with folds and all that kind of stuff but now would also be a good time to consider unwrapping this so at the moment we don't have two halves this is kind of one piece and so we'd normally you'd split this down the middle here and there'd be a scene coming down the side here so I'm gonna go back into solo mode press shift you have to see what we're working with so now we're going to create a seam along the shoulder and underneath the arm here so we'll pick a suitable place I think this loop is a good one here now as we hover over that we press we'll hover over an edge rather and we change to extrude and we choose edge loop complete I already knew partial it doesn't really matter so the way this works is that whatever edge you're hovering over when you approach whatever polygon you're hovering over at when you approach an edge and you click it's going to lift one up lift a new edge up from that polygon so if I had approached it from this side and I click on this edge it's gonna bring it up from that side so depending which way I want the seam on my guy and I think they normally go forwards on t-shirts I haven't checked so it's on me and I'll check in my reference but I'm gonna go from this side and I'm gonna go forward here and I'm going to lift that up a little bit that's going to create a seam here but the seam has gone down the sleeve and that's not necessarily what I want and it hasn't gone down the side of the body here so I'm gonna go down here and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna go from this side and I'm just gonna tap on this that's going to give me the same depth as I had at the top so coming from the same side on both of these but I need to lose this stuff on the arm here and I need to put it at the bottom of the arm so I'm gonna go from this side and I'm going to tap on this and I got that wrong it's from this side sorry I didn't get that wrong it's from here I tapped there so that should be the that's where the sleeve would be or the seam will be underneath the sleeve and I need to lose this bit over here so to lose this I'm going to go press shift D to go back into normal polygroup mode and I'm just going to use stitching so we're going to hover over a vertex I'm gonna make sure stitching is turned on too and I want to say to end point so using the stitch so from here I'm going to stitch these back from whence they came so I'm going to go in here and I'm going to choose that point and then going to stitch it to this point I want to choose here this one stitch it back here and run down the top of this sleeve here stitching these back into place all the way down the sleeve now if you wanted this to stay here obviously you wouldn't do this it depends on what kinds of clothes you're making and you can choose to do the inside or not I'm just going to choose one because we won't really see this so I press shift D and then that's our seam there but there's not really enough depth to the seam it's a little bit fuzzy so we can zoom back in and in here as well and hovering over an edge this time we go back to insert a single edge loop and I'll click here to add in a an insert to insert an edge loop rather I'll press D to see what that looks like and it's kind of tighten that up nicely and I don't think this should go around the collar I think that should be a separate piece so I'm going to stitch this bit up here as well so rather than actually stitch now what I've added in all these extra points I'm going to undo the addition of that one I'm now going to stitch before I actually add in that new edge loop so I want stitch here and take your time doing this again and what you do with the inside is up to you we're not going to see it and so this is what this is going to look like so I now need to add in that extra loop press shift D to see this again insert the edge loop here and that will tighten that up nicely so we can do the same down at the bottom here I'm going to I'm going to leave this coming over the edge of the bottom so I'm just literally just going to insert a new edge loop here to tighten that up and I'll do the same on the sleeve here so press shift D to go there tighten that one up and I think I'm okay with that coming around at the bottom of the sleeve there so that's the bones of our t-shirts and if you did decide to smooth out some areas here you can just go in with a smooth brush and tap that out or you can just manually start moving some of these brats around if your hover or revert you can just change to move mode and just kind of hover over vert and with move mode on by Bush radius we can just kind of start moving this stuff out and I'm kind of okay with it as is so it's time to start on wrapping this before we start adding folds to it so you can see that we have polygroups on the front and back that are separated now by a new polygroup so we go up to a Z plug-in and unwrap if we take off polygroups and we say unwrap the unwrap that we're going to get sorry I I have to turn off turn on your subdivision the unwrap that we're going to get with this is at different angles and kind of it we're not going to get consistent and textures running across this so but instead if we go to plug-in and we turn on polygroups because we have poly groups here that kind of split up by these seams when we hit on rap here now when we morph this to see what this looks like you'll see this is a much better on wrap receive in front all this stuff there's got a tile nicely any materials that we put across here so and the seams we're not too bothered about so from here we can start adding in textures and also folds going on hide this and we see our guy again see what this looks like this is fine but let's make some asymmetry in this guy so I'm just going to press and X to turn off symmetry I'll change to a move brush I'm just going to move some of this stuff around and we can change this quite a lot later on and it's gonna make this a little bit more interesting and we're gonna have folds on this later on which we can kind of imply when it's shorter on one side than it is the other we can kind of implied that was because of the Falls that we put in so we bunch up some material in some places and nine others so basically now we're just trying to make it look a little bit more natural little bit more kind of just happens to be sitting on him and then these Falls over his head will actually change how it actually sits on him so it's nice and easy to modify right now when we have so few polygons on this which is the reason that we're doing all this in the first place okay cool and I've modified some stuff here just bring that back out again that's okay they're so small nudges here will actually help change these shapes we don't need to make dramatic changes so we're now ready to start creating some folds on this t-shirt so we can do this using a multi alpha brush and I've created one for you which you'll find in the description links below and it's available for free so once you download that just put it somewhere press B load brush browse to the folder where you put it and load SF cloth folds open that and you'll see that you have a brush with about 40 different folds on them so any given one of these when we click and drag on our model is going to put that fold onto our model but you'll see that right now I'll just don't did that and I also pressed shift e so when you see when I do that that we don't have enough polygons to actually get enough detail from this because this is how many polygons we actually have we have 4,000 here like so what we need to do when we turn on dynamic all we're seeing is a preview of what this would look like it's not actually giving us the polygons to and deform this surface enough so we need to do now is convert this into real subdivisions so we can do that by just hitting apply and that will convert those 4,000 into 64,000 and we can even divide that one more time to go Drupal that number to a quarter of a million I'm going to press shift D sorry I'm gonna shift F to turn off the display and you'll see that now our folds appear on this a lot better than before so these can be these icons can be very difficult to see I'll do a separate tutorial on how these are created but if you press em you probably get a clear description of what these look like so this is the point now where we choose which folds we're going to put on and where they're going to appear on this guy so we can just drag them out changing the intensity here will change how strong this is when we put it onto the character so we can just press em when we want to choose another one and take any of these and I produce the intensity I'm gonna bring that back up again and I'm actually going to choose a different brush so these will kind of generally line up with each other a little bit we can use this to create some folds where we think that they make sense and as well as adding folds in like this generally you put them where you have pressure points I'm going to reduce the intensity of this one a little bit and we could have them like that or if we hold down alt they'll actually cut in to the mesh so that'll give it the opposite effect and so outwards looks like that and it looks like we may need to know the subdivision so I'm going to divide this one more time and this would be without alt this would be with alt so you can get two different looks from from these brushes depending on whether you're holding down alt or not and like I said press em as in mother to change to the different file types and as you click and drag you can just spin them around into the direction that makes sense for you or that you need generally the fewer you use the more kind of convincing they can be you know if you if you're gonna go crazy on this you can very quickly look and like you're just making it up kind of thing like so we're just gonna put these and where they make sense to me I think we said we're gonna do a lot of bunching over on this side which would explain why the t-shirt is higher up on this side and so this kind of thing makes sense to me and maybe I won't even do a couple of crosses back something like that I'm not gonna go crazy on this I said if you hold down alt you'll get tension so if you choose something like maybe this one and we can imply actually maybe up here so this is about looking at your reference and saying well what makes sense where would these tension lines go on our honor model and it depends on the structure of your model and depends on his belly and depends on a lot of things like so it's it's kind of up to you to find the areas that will work and but that's pretty much it so if you wanted to reduce the strength of any of these you can just go down in your subdivisions press shift D a couple of times just smooth that out so when you go back up it won't be as prominent as it was before that's pretty much it and I think we're now ready to start putting some surfaces onto this guy so now that we have this we're ready to start putting some texture onto this guy so I'm gonna hold down ctrl and shift and tap on our main surface here control shift top again and I'm gonna take this strip along his shoulders as well now that I've hidden that I can press ctrl a to select everything else to basically mask everything else ctrl shift tap on the canvas to bring everything back and we can see this is what we're we're masking so I'm gonna press shift F so we can see a little bit clearer I'm not liking I'm gonna hold down control and just paint in this area here those where that strip was coming down and at the collar and because he was a symmetrical I didn't use symmetry this time so we have to do that on the other side as well don't have to be too fussy with this because acceptable we're gonna blur it soon might reduce some of that and now just going to control and tap on this to just reduce the blur or to blur it more so which will reduce the effect of the mask and we're gonna have this texture on the surface that remains here so if we go over to surface now we hit noise you can see that this noise is now being affected everywhere where there is not a mask so that's the part that we have we've kept on masked there is a noise to this that ZBrush puts in automatically if we bring that noise or the strike rather the noise right back down right down to nothing on mix by noise if there is any just turn that off turn on alpha and whether this is a letter or a t-shirt or a jacket or whatever it is that you're working on and just choose a fabric that seems to work for you so I'm gonna take one that I have not yet tried and and I'm gonna mix the basic noise you want to turn that off you can see this basic noise it puts in even though the noise scale is at zero the noise is still there so you need to turn this down just to get a clean look at this so while this is working its stretching across the surface here and that's because we're using 3d space to apply this rather than the UV so we just need to turn on UVs and now that stretching will disappear now we need to change the scale of our alpha we can increase the strength of this as well so you can see what's going on and we can reduce the scale of this do we get to this the scale that we want something like this is fine I may make this a tiny bit stronger and hit OK so this is what this looks like now if I hit ctrl H we'll be hiding the mask it's still there we're just hiding it for the moment that's all and so this is something that I'm reasonably happy with we can keep that so now I can press ctrl H to bring back a mask and I can say mask by noise B notice that we have 1 million polygons here so when I hit masked by noise this may be a little bit blurrier than you'd like if it's working if you down to deformation and you inflate this a little bit and you're kind of happy with the result then you can just control drag to get rid of a mask and say okay well that's good enough for me this looks more like a jumper now than t-shirt but and so if that's not good enough just get rid of your mask go back up to geometry it divided one more time to bring it up to maybe 4 million polygons for example and this time we'll do the same thing the whole control shift tap it again tap any other parts that you need a control a to select all that but to mask all that control shift tap to bring it back control paint in masks wherever you need to control alts to reduce masks wherever you need to I didn't have symmetry on so I'm going to go over to the other side as well and then we just control tap the mask a few times just to blur that and to reduce its effect we go back to our surface down here go to noise and you'll see that it will remember the noise that we previously had so now when we hit a plot mask by noise because we have four million polygons we're going to get a little bit more detail here so when we go to our deformation and we inflate you only need to inflate by a tiny bit and we remove our mask hopefully we have slightly more detail than we had the last time so that's it and now if you want to go to go up to your coffin start maybe we can mask this area again or later at mask this control shift up to bring everything back ctrl alt to unmask this area unmask this and here let's try to look like a basketball jersey when you zoom out very quickly they're just expecting a big number 66 or something written here but right so and then from that we can go back up to our surface noise and we can choose a different map so if we go to edit always to do to change the alphas we click on the Alpha on/off that will remove it click on it again that will allow us to choose a different Alpha so if you have a different Alpha I haven't prepared one here but if you have a different Alpha and you want to see what that looks like you can just do that I'm going to edit here I'm going to change some settings here this is far too strong so I'm going to bring that strength right down for this particular texture that doesn't make sense and hit OK and I should have blurred that mask so if I had heard that mask a little bit more go back edit this just say ok and and we've masked by noise so it's just gonna add this mask on to our existing mask so when we go to our deformation and choose to inflate or deflate or whatever it is it's going to do that along those seams I'm actually truth be told for hit ctrl H here I've actually rather not affect those seams here so I'm just going to actually mask these two so just hold down control just to actually paint out these masks here so this doesn't get affected and if it's not quite enough of a mask we can grow the mask so we can go down to masking and we can hit grow that will just grow a little bit maybe I've done that a little bit too much but from here now we can go back to our deformation and we can say we want to inflate that or deflate that depending on which direction you want to push this texture so find a better texture and if you're doing your own rap in Maya or something like that you could probably get a ribbed texture that will actually follow along in the right direction but that's pretty much is and how to create a t-shirt in half an hour kind of thing alright Cheers hope helps and as usual please do consider subscribing to the channel I'll upload that brush as I said it's in the description the folds brush and if you've any questions please do let me know Cheers bye
Channel: Sean Forsyth
Views: 3,234
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: zbrush tutorial, clothing tutorial, zbrush clothing tutorial, free folds brush, free zbrush cloth brush, free cloth brush, free cloth folds, cloth folds tutorial, zbrush t-shirt tutorial, clothing sculpting, zbrush clothing sculpting, sculpting clothing, zbrush clothing, zbrush cloth brush, zbrush cloth folds, zbrush cloth sculpting, zbrush clothing seams, zbrush cloth brush, zbrush cloth brushes free download, zbrush cloth brush free, zbrush cloth fold brush, 3d, imm brush
Id: t-hfDuxLdwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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