How to make a Simply Sashed 4-patch quilt using 5" squares - Quilting Tips & Techniques 101

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hello today I'd like to show you yet another way to use some of those five inch squares now I have got today I really want to call them delicious but I can't call everything delicious so these are scrumptious and you can see why my five inch squares are just so scrumptious because they're so tasty looking we've got all these wonderful food fabrics that I came across so I'm just going to show you it just really something very simple I'm going to make a 4-pack using some five inch squeeze just with quarter inch seam so we've got pre-cut five inch squares and I'm just going to quickly make a four patch unit here so I'm going to join two pairs and then join the two pairs together into a core patch and this is a great idea for using fabrics particularly the five inch squares that may be themed you might be collecting particular like food fabrics for example or something along that line and then you look for what to do with them so this way you can showcase them quite nicely so there I've done my two lots of to learn to quickly press those I like to press as I go because I find I get a much better result press and I want the seems to go in opposite directions so I'll just keep an eye on where your fabrics are going to go because I want my two Reds opposite there so quickly now so those two piers together and then we'll have a four patch that's simple and then I'm just going to quickly add a little bit of session so that you can see what it might look like made up there's so many nice fabrics out there these days you might pets collect cat fabrics or dog fabrics and horse fabrics or did I say food fabrics may be food fabrics and that it's a shame to not use them so that you can see them because sometimes we cut them up into small pieces and you lose some of the effect so there's my four pitch now you can't get much simpler than that but I'm just going to quickly add some session strips now I have shown you before how to do this method of adding session session strips as you go rather than in great long strips in my quilting tips and techniques video number over five four but I'll just quickly pop this on here because I think it just adds a little something to this core patch to see it with it session so I'm just going to I've cut my sessions these are only one and a half inch cut strips and some little squares I'm going to use this absolutely zesty sort of yellow and I'm just going to add some of these bits just quickly so that you get a bit of an idea of how it can just set off fabrics that pets as I said are themed well they may be just a talent or something that something that holds them together not just a whole jumble so they are put a session strip on one side and I have made this quote and I'll show it to you shortly with some very nice Japanese fabrics I have a liking for Japanese fabrics amongst everything else that I like now I've got my session strip ready with my little corner post on it and I'm just going to pop that down the bottom here and I pressed my scene so that they're opposites so that they're going to just snuggle in together they're nicely 5 inch squares are so useful I know others have quite a collection then we get them and then we're not sure if we want to use them no let's use them so in pressing as I go all the time it's a little bit tedious to have to keep pressing but I know you get a much better result ok so I've done that bit now I'm going to add another piece that I've already prepared to the top there so if you're going to make a port like this that's perhaps themed you may want to think about the layout this whilst random is really good and it's something like a themed fabric like here I've got two very similar-looking fabrics so I probably wouldn't want them absolutely next to each other I'd want to keep an eye on where I was going to put them in a quilt in relation to each other and there's just one more strip to go on there and that's going to complete this this block but you would normally not do a whole block at a time for this method of setting if this is only so that I can show you and what it's going to look like with the session you'd normally wait and do these aspects at the end down the sides so this piece I'm putting on now is usually the very last piece that goes on when you're putting a quilt top together with the session poster they change and if you're looking at tips and techniques video oh five four you'll see what I mean about that because whilst I've used different sizings the method is the same alright so there we've got a block which in itself it's particularly enticing but I have already made and a couple of other blocks here so that I could just show you a little bit more about what it would look like all pieced together so you can see I don't have the session all the way around on the other blocks I've already joined these two together just made a little for Petra for patches and this one will go up here which has got that extra last signed on it so so that was really just a quick idea with some five inch squares as I said particularly scrumptious five inch squares today and just simply cecht which just kind of sets off some of the fabrics it allows you to put some of the busy fabrics together by just breaking them apart with even just a narrow strip of sashing something like that and I'll show you now hope that I have made and I have actually done this as a pattern maybe I'll quickly show you that I've called it four pitch using five inch squares this is available to purchase and download on my website gourmet quarter comm and I can show you the quilt that I've made from that pattern using these this lovely Japanese fabrics they've all got a little hint of gold on them they're nice rich looking fabrics and again I've kind of collected them up and I wasn't sure what to do with them and then when I put them all together somehow it just seemed to work and that's made with that that session and the little posts and things and I just think that that's a great way to use some fabrics that you really don't want to cut up and they work well together as a collection so that's four patches with five inch squares
Channel: GourmetQuilter
Views: 186,853
Rating: 4.9139071 out of 5
Keywords: quilt, quilting, patchwork, sewing, craft, 4 patch, simply sashed, five inch, squares
Id: qfn79YMWU7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2013
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