How to make a SciFi-shortfilm in Blender and After Effects #blender #aftereffects

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okay so welcome back to another very exciting tutorial because I was playing around with some AI tools for the last three to four weeks and it started pretty simple because I was doing some shots in my living room and realized that they just look pretty cool so I thought why not just make a little story around this whole cave scenery and try to tell the story so yeah if you haven't watched the film you can check it out on my channel otherwise let's take a look at the different shot breakdowns for the planetshot I use the free plugin from Video Copilot which is called all and the cool thing is with this plugin there are some free textures that you can use for your personal or commercial projects I use the planet 4K texture and the cloud texture and once you're inside of After Effects you can just create a new solid and apply the old plugin then you just add a parallel light and adjust the light rotation so that you can get a nice shadow around your 3D sphere then you just add in the different textures to the diffuse glossiness and bump map play around with the illumination and adjust the fresnel and the fresnel bias to get kind of like an outer glow for the later atmosphere once this is done you can duplicate our planet layer and just change the textures from the planet 4K texture to the cloud textures set this layer to add to get a nice glow and create an atmosphere around our planet for the glow in the back I used some stock footage and mask out the area we needed to create kind of like this Shimmer effect around the planet as a next step I was creating an adjustment layer and add in fast blur or camera lens blur effect I set a very high value and then just set this one to add and bring down the opacity to 30 and this way I created kind of like an additional glow for the overall Planet shot next I was animating the wire rotation of the clouds to get some movement for the planet for the background I use a free space kit from premium beat and inside of this download file you can find different atmospheres nebulas or Star Fields so I added in three of these elements and one additional blue haze layer from the Video Copilot preset for additional lightning and then animated the text for the opening shot and this is kind of like the result the next shot was the spaceship shot and this was actually pretty simple so I used some stock footage that I found on thanks to Tom Fisk bring it into after effects and trim down the clip to like 12 to 14 seconds then I use the 3D camera tracker inside of After Effects use the more detailed analysis and set the method type to typical once this was done I selected a bunch of these 3D tracking points and just added in a solid and a 3D camera and repeat this process for an object more in the far distance so now I was able to place more objects in 3D space so I started off with masking out the sky and to do some basic Sky replacement for this one I used another texture from and just mask out the sky and put three of these elements into 3D space and just added in some storm clouds that I've got from the Triune film electric pack and this way I was able to create kind of like a more Moody and dark atmosphere for the overall scene then I duplicate the shot and remove the 3D tracker and flip this image horizontally then I masked out the area and keyframed The Mask so that I have a constant feeling of a very foggy surface one more time I just added in another stock footage from mask out the cloud elements and use the luminance key and some sort of tint effect to create foreground elements for this shot then I used some stock footage from action view effects and time remap the footage so that the clouds look like they've been pushed around by the spaceship talking about the spaceship here I used some model that I found on City Trader and just put it into element 3D and simply animate the spaceship with only two keyframes to get kind of like a starting and end position for our final spaceship shot and for some final touches I added in some glow effects to the engines of the spaceship I added in motion blur and lens textures and dirt textures and of course some optical flares and heat Distortion by Video Copilot and finally you get this result appeared in the Bandu Delta District 11. for the cockpit shot I used a simple green screen setup with only one additional small LED just to get some light into the face and then use a beamer which I found on eBay for 30 bucks with some aerial stuck footage from drones or planes whatsoever and then just use this as a practical light for my face to get the illusion of me flying through the air with a spaceship inside of After Effects I masked out the needed area then just use the key light effect and the advanced spill effect to just get rid of the green then I found a very cool cockpit model on sketchfap and just simply used some hdri light and two practical lights to imitate the light movement of the spaceship which is flying through the air then I rendered out the image and brought it into after effects and create a null object to emulate the movement by simply adding just keyframes for the position and the rotation and then pick whip every object inside of the comp to ensure that all the objects inside the comp are moving in the same direction as the null object and then you do just some simple compositing stuff so I added in some hot elements that I got from AI juice I added in some glow effects and some chromatic aberration optical flares of course some additional lightning for my body and of course some color grade for the overall look of the scene and then you get this result Roger Mission Control receiving coordinates and calculate safe landing position for the cockpit POV shot I used some stock footage from pixels once again thanks to Marco Lightner and used the same cockpit just with the camera turned around 180 degrees and then use the free plugin which is called camera shakify by Ian Hubert and use the spaceship Shake preset to animate the camera inside of blender and inside of After Effects I just simply brought all of these elements together so the background element the cockpit then some glass textures that I found on action VFX which are free then some hot elements from AI juice once again and of course some color grading to match the both images together and then you get this ac12 oh and actually with the same approach I created the second cockpit shot where the spaceship is landing on the surface so you get the idea for the spaceship Landing I used some iPhone footage that I shot when I was taking a walk with my dock so I turned down the shot to about 6 seconds and then stabilize the footage with the warp stabilizer inside of After Effects after this I was pre-composing this shot and I was doing another 3D track with the 3D tracker once again using the detailed analysis and typical after this I was selecting three points to create a solid and the 3D camera and that it was time for some blender magic and herefore I was using another very cool add-on which is called blend AI so with the click of a button you can connect blender to the after effects path and then simply select the layers you want to choose for your blender file in this case the solid and the 3D camera and then hit the import button and all of the sudden your 3D camera and your solid are inside of blender which is pretty cool just make sure that the focal length of your 3D camera and the frame rate of your footage is matching with the same data in After Effects and blender once again I animated this spaceship but this time I do it a little bit differently so I separated a few elements of the spaceship with Ctrl p and separated by selection parented to the main body of the ship and to ensure that the movement of the spaceship is the same and another very important thing was the shadow catcher so I used the solid that I've created in After Effects scale it up and use this element as a shadow catcher to ensure that there are some Shadows on the footage later on and then it was time to match the light of the footage with some hdri from polyhaven and two additional area lights and then we render out the footage and bring it back into after effects then I added in some glowing effects for the engines then I once again added in some ground fork and time remapped the footage so that it looks like the spaceship is pushing the fog away and as a final touch I just imported some free particle elements and some background elements for the clouds in this case thunderstorm lastly added in some heat Distortion once again by Video Copilot and put it all together into this shot so thanks for and see you in part two of this tutorial series [Music]
Channel: Thies Grünewald
Views: 9,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nQ8XgY0BlPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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