How to Make a Right Turn in a Tractor Trailer the Right Way - CDL Driving Academy

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hey what's going on guys this is Jonathan here from Driving Academy and today we are on our special driving simulator we haven't really shot too many videos on here but what we're gonna be teaching you today is exactly how to make proper turning in a tractor trailer so I'm gonna be talking to you first thing first is we're gonna need our seat belt if you want to be able to experience a simulator I know you definitely want to come on in here for a school tour we're located in Lindon New Jersey all of our students get to use our simulator we actually have two of them one here in a classroom setting one in the yard itself right so let's get to it the turning so we're gonna release both Briggs it's an automatic so we don't have to worry about shifting right now and let's talk about some turns so as you know a tractor and a trailer can actually weigh up to can actually be though as long as 75 feet at the longest amount so and then you're gonna have the 53-foot trailer with the double axle behind us and that's a little we're set up to as now so what the first thing you want to do is make sure that you're aware of how big the vehicle actually is the exact the trailer is about eight foot wide right so it's much wider than a car which means it takes a lot longer and that's what these first couple barriers are all about and it's all about making sure that you don't hit them and you're making your turns nice and wide so in a case like this we're stopped at the red light and of course I don't want to be breaking any rules on camera cause I don't want anybody calling the cops on me we're going to be going forward and on this turn making a left turn so first we're gonna get get pass on the next lane and then that goes next to our red light Roxanne we making a left turn over there now to be honest left turns are actually easier than right turns because you have all that space so first thing we're going to do is conquer a left turn so first thing first you want to make sure you go to the center of the intersection that's with what any turn whatsoever so we're gonna be making a left turn into here now this is a two-lane with traffic coming in so we definitely want to make sure that traffic is okay because we are a very very long truck and we don't want to indeed be impeding traffic if you guys do impede traffic during the road test itself and then you will fail and we don't want that to happen so as you saw we went to the center and you saw the oversight view now we are making our turn here into this one lane and the track there is the trailing behind us and all these people are stopping here for some reason we're just gonna have to go around them what's out getting hit let's see if I got this oh now they decide to move some guy was on their phone apparently we're still gonna go around them watch out for this guy here let's see what we've got let's see what kind of skills your boy got boom we're gonna be making sure going and nice looking at both mirrors no problem so we're gonna show you one more left turn then we're gonna go to the more difficult right turn so this is a more residential kind of Street City Street a tighter Street so we're gonna stop at the stop side of course we're gonna look both ways to check out our mirrors make sure there's no traffic impeding left turn signal we're then gonna go to the center of the intersection as you can see by the oversight view and then we're gonna start turning so we want to be as close as possible to that curve because as you see these streets are type kind of narrow so we're gonna make sure we're doing this correctly so we are gonna get some over tracking from our trailer and over tracking just means that the back wheels of the trailer does not cross the same line as the front wheels and now comes the hard part now we're gonna be making a right turn so right turn same type of situation you definitely don't want to go left to go right you want to go straight and the same thing you want to go a little bit past the center of the intersection then you want to make that tight turn you always want to keep an eye on the mirror itself to make sure that those back tires not run over any curve during a road test if you touch one curve you fail so we want to avoid that from happening at all cost so the easiest thing to do is go nice and slow make sure you go to the center of any type of intersection so in a case like this we're going to go to the center of this intersection we're then going to make our turn sounds a left turn very easy well there's gonna be a right turn we want to make sure that we're not touching the curb at all so you're definitely safe as you can see as I'm making this turn so I'm looking at my mirrors I ain't even coming close to that if I can get to the other side without a problem so we're gonna do one more right turn and then that should be good for you guys so you want to make sure you stop pretty simple stuff turn signal don't forget to hands on the wheel at all times you're going to go towards the center of the intersection do not be afraid to cross over the yellow lines itself you want to make sure you're doing hand over hand turning and make sure whatever you do do not touch the curb if you do touch the curb you fail if you run over a yellow line that's no big deal so I'm going to be pulling over here and that was a free lesson today on how to make turns if you think and that you got the skills of what it takes to make a turn let's test you out come on into Driving Academy we're going to give you a quick overview of our simulator as part of our school to itself this thing really helps our students out learning a whole bunch of things just besides turning right so what else can you actually learn what a turn on an empty street without paying a whole bunch of money for a movie set I'm the simulator we can do a whole bunch more you can actually change the weather on you and pop the tires are driving on the road we can do all that good test that being said if you're interested in learning more about our simulator or learning how we can actually guarantee that we get your license definitely give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 6 or 9 we're here to help you out any which way that we can and if you want to get your license or maybe have your license want to get a job definitely go to our website CDL driving again that CDL Driving Academy calm and fill out the form there one of our team members will definitely be giving a cross rolling thanks have a great day [Music]
Channel: Driving Academy | CDL Truck Driving School
Views: 58,752
Rating: 4.8595371 out of 5
Keywords: CDL, truck, trucker, trucking, license, class a, turning, driving, drive, driver, career, road test, pass
Id: 5lBXVleV5CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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