How To Make A Rec Room Quest | For Beginners

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what's up guys my name's kidme and welcome back to another rec room vr tutorial today we'll be showing beginner beginner record players how to make your own quest yes your very own quest in record vr this video is simply for record beginners that don't know how to make quests and don't know how to use gadgets and circus but yeah let's get straight into it so first of all you just want to open up your mate y'all your what sorry and you just want to go to create you just want to go to base rooms you just want to create your own room you can choose any template you want anything will work but i'm just going to go with the maker room and it comes up with just an uh classic name for your room you just want to go create and let's go now that we're here you can do anything you would like with this room you can add props you can add decorations you can add walls you can add a new floor you can add a new roof you can do absolutely anything you would like just save at least probably 10 percent inc maybe 15 percent yeah i'm i'm gonna redecorate the room very basic and simple but yeah i'll see you guys after that [Music] so yeah as you guys can see my design is very simple i've got like four walls and i've kept the same floor it really doesn't need to be much at all for this to work i'm just going to freeze this real quick so just grab your mega pen and freeze absolutely everything so when you're spawning stuff you don't want to or you want to delete it you don't actually want to delete your whole room so um yeah uh now we're gonna actually be able to make it so you obviously spawn you go through a certain thing and it triggers this um this spawner gadget that spawns the enemies so either robots or bats but we'll get to it let's get straight into it so everything's fine everything's looking good you can as i said you can design whatever you want but um yeah so pretty much just like to get your makeup and at your back just go to your watch and go to a backpack and then go to the makeup and you can go favorite and check that star little box so you just want to grab your mega pen i just want to go create you want to go palette and you want to go cv one legacy and go all and scroll all the way to the right because you want to spawn a a welcome mat so people can spawn so say this is just this is just a level of your quest that you're making so that says just level one it's gonna be very simple and easy as i said this video is just for beginners go all the way want to find the welcome mat i'm going to select that and you want to spawn it wherever you want wherever you want your place to spawn put it there so i'm just going to go i'm just going to put mine here i'm just going to go and freeze that real quick so nobody can pick it up so you spawn here and you want to go to a certain space where your enemies can spawn so go around your major pen go create a palette and go cv one legacy and go to all and find the smaller gadget v1 legacy and wherever you want your uh enemies to spawn place this so you can spawn it right here you smell over here you can spill it over here you can smell it up here so they fall when they do it uh when they spawn but i'm just gonna place it right here and place it right here so now uh so you spawn in and now you've got a spawner gadget for your enemies to spawn so you want the other tools configured you want to configure this little black chip here number to spawn this means how many enemies you want to spawn i'm just going to say two time between spawn so say one enemy spawns and 0.2 seconds later another one's going to spawn so i'm going to keep it as that you can go set objects so you can choose whichever you want you can even choose a clay pot that's not even an enemy you go assassin bot charge night golem you've got so many options here um you can spawn even these guys even their skeletons from um all the skulls um yeah i'm just select the reigns treadmill so let's do spawn two of them and now you also want to go to your um make a pango configure and you want to configure the robot so you can configure all these things projectile speed dash speed dash minimum speed that's maximum speed max health uh if you want to see the bar the health bar visibility if you want the health bar to be visible then check that and go always maybe on com on spawn you can go combat or disengage um team if you want if you're doing a team battle you can pick teams um but we didn't have teams in this game uh our quests that we're doing at the moment so yeah that's pretty much all you need to do with that now we're gonna make a certain place where your player has to go for these to spawn so just go to your mega pen tools create and go palette and let's find the trigger volume so we're just going to go trigger volume v1 v2 is a bit more complicated as i said this is just this video is just for beginners yeah find a certain space where you want your trigger volume to be can be anywhere we're just going to do it straight in front of the welcome mat because this is going to be a simple little level and you can manipulate it make it bigger um you can make it small you can make it where however big or small you want uh but what is going to make it pretty decent size so yeah we're going to have it when you go inside this box these two of these robots are going to spawn so first of all if you want your box to only spawn them once so if if so you see how this trigger once i'm going to select that because i only want to walk in here once and the robot spawn if you want more spawn at once and you can clone that and put it there and put it there that can spawn different places but we only want this is we only want to trigger this once so you just want to go to your tools and you want to go actually let's create a beacon because you can't see gadgets so when your player comes here they're not going to know where to go so let's just open up the make go create go to palette and you want to find you want to get the props and you want to find the beacon right next to the basketball and you want to spawn it in the middle of the trigger volume so there's one small there and now you can scale it so tools scale let's make this a little bit bigger and let's make it the same size as the trigger volume you want to move it up a little bit alright so now your player knows where to go they can see the beacon so when they spawn they're gonna be like oh well i have to go here and as soon as you hit there that the robots are gonna spawn so let's do that real quick let's go to our mega pen you want to go to wire you want to come around here find the the red green and blue arrow if you want to spawn the bots when you're entering the zone then you can do that if you want them to spawn when you exit the zone you can do that but we're just going to go with when entering zones so select that on your wire you're going to see this red line and you want to go all the way to this little black chip and you want to go to the top left because that says start spawning so when entering zone the robots will start spawning to save the room real quick so let's just go to this room and save room now it's safe so this is only gonna trigger one so say you spawn in at the um at the welcome map right and you want to go there so you have to go there so once you go in there they start spawning the rovers start spawning you can see their health bar they're not moving around though let's see why if you want to reset them just go make a pen wire and you just go on the reset uh this little button down here says there you just hold hover your mega pen over there and click that so now because we've already triggered this they can't spawn again so if you want them to spawn um every time you leave the room go back into the room save the room or refresh the room they can spawn because we're only spawning we're only triggering at once they can't spawn again as you can see and as you can see they weren't moving so there's two more steps to this this video so first of all you want to go to your watch and you want to go this room settings and you want to scroll down on main settings you want to scroll down and you want to go bake nav mesh so then that meshes where the robots can actually go and move if you don't do this they can't move so let's just manipulate this this little this big white box this is and the purple that is where they can go so if you only want them to be able to go here and not pass the beacon then you can have that so let's just drop your make pen and manipulate that and then bake that mesh again and as you can see they can only go in this certain area they can go to this side this side this side but they can get move around all area so yeah let's do that and let's also spawn a gun for our player to kill these robots with so props and you want to go down to [Music] weapons and because it's a robot we want like a laser pistol or something you can choose any weapon you want but let's just do a laser piece let's just save the room again because we've got a laser pistol [Music] and now the room is saved so when you you spawn on the welcome mat grab your gun go through here and look they spawn and they can move now they can move around they just can't get past this little barrier you guys can't see it unless you have your makeup pen out but yeah look they're moving now let's just shoot them let's just go and you you can go past this place as well so yeah that's pretty much it guys that is how to make your own basic quests in record vr i hope you guys enjoyed the video uh this video is just for beginners so i really hope you guys can have some fun making your own quests and redesigning like a full room and sophia i really i really hope i helped you guys out if you enjoyed please like subscribe leave a like in the comment section below and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: YaKidMe
Views: 39,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recroom, recroomvr, tutorial, recroomtutorial, recroomquest, makerpen
Id: eKl8acmHG28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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