How to Make a Portfolio-Ready 3D Project (Full Process)

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hey guys I'm going to teach you how to make a cool looking 3D model for your portfolio from start to finish I'm going to cover everything you need to know how to model your weapon with subd how to unwrap the UVS how to texture your model in blender with simple materials how to set up the lighting and how to do a little bit of compositing to improve your final render everything can be done in blender except the compositing which will be done in After Effects so without further Ado let's get [Music] started so let's add plane in wireframe mode I'm going to align it with the picture and with the knife tool I add some vertices to cut the shape of the blade delete the necessary faces connect the [Music] vertices add a mirror modifier and apply it select the knife tool again and add two cuts to sharpen the corner remove the unnecessary edges add some Edge loops on the side of the blade connect the vertices and add a mirror modifier add a bunch of edge loops on the blade and connect [Music] them add a solidify modifier to give your plane some thickness then add an edge Loop in the middle to get that sharp look on the sharp side of the blade select this Edge and slide it by pressing GG but make sure to click on the auto merge vertices button first add a mirror modifier delete the bottom of the mesh put the 3D cursor at the base of the blade select the top faces and put the pivot point to the 3D cursor you can now rotate the faces downwards to make the sharp tip of the blade put the 3D cursor back to the center of the object then add a mirror modifier select this Edge Loop and make it flat I use the set flow add-on to do that it's a free addon the link is in the description put the minimum angle to 180° to flatten everything mirror it to the other side adjust the curvature of the blade and add a support Loop select the sharp edges and add a bevel with a profile of one press P to adjust the profile and press a to make it bigger or smaller press C to avoid any overlapping merge the vertices by distance and connect the vertices of the battle like [Music] so do the same at the bottom or just use a mirror modifier and mirror it to the other side I added a subdivision surface modifier with one level and I applied it to get more geometry to work with duplicate your mesh and hide it select a bunch of faces inser right click Loop tools and click on Circle if you don't have the loop tools menu go to your preferences type a loop and activate the addon and hide the duplicated mesh at a subdivision surface modifier with one or two levels apply it to increase the poly count then select your base mesh add a shring wrap modifier and apply it select the circle extrude it then add a bevel like so with a profile of one inspect your model with a shiny matte cap to see if you have any shading problems let's create the handle at a taus in edit mode scale it to match the picture right click shade smooth duplicate it add a subd modifier and apply it and hide the mesh on the base mesh select some faces inser right click Loop tools Circle add a shring wrap modifier and pick the duplicated one select the cylinder invert the selection go to vertex mode and assign them to a Vertex group if you want to affect only the Taurus add the vert.x group to the modifier add a sharp bevel extrude and scale a couple of time to make the grip add a loop cut in the middle and delete the top part put the 3D cursor to the middle and add a mirror modifier the delete The Unwanted faces add some bevels to match the curvature of the reference picture add enough Edge Loops to get squared polygons and add some sharp [Music] bevels I'm going to unwrap the UVS and apply some materials that I found on blender blender kit is a free add-on that you can download on the website the link is in the description they have a lot of cool high quality procedural materials I'm going to use this one to import it in blender click on copy link and the material is going to be sent to blender select your mesh and click on the material to apply it I do it before I unwrap the UVS because when you apply a material from thison it destroys the UVS to unwrap the UVS go to edit mode select some edes right click Mark him press U and unwrap to straighten my UV Islands I use the UV Square addon press L to select the UV islands and click on two grid by shape straight UV Islands also take less space in the UV space to lay out the UVS I use UV packm 3 click on heris Stick search and it will automatically try to find the best UV layout to get the best resolution for your textures to light the scene I'm going to download this hdri on poly Haven if you want to import it you have to go to the world tab press contrl T to add a texture coordinate and a mapping node create a camera press control alt zero to move the camera to your current view I like to put my focal length to 35 mm if you want to see your hdri to adjust the rotation go to film and tick or antick transparent rotate the hdri until you get the lighting that you like I am going to add a displacement map on the handle to be able to do that in Cycles choose experimental instead of supported select the handle and add a subdivis divion surface modifier and click on adaptive subdivision I wanted to add this Japanese text but I didn't find any good picture on Google image so I made it myself in Photoshop I made sure to export a 32 bits per Channel exr texture but you can also use the Tiff or TGA format I copy the dark wood material and I paste it next to the Brownwood I add a mix Shader and I plug the dark wood Shader output in the second input add an image texture and press contrl T to add a texture coordinate and a mapping node add a displacement node connect the color to the height input and connect it to the displacement input of the material output node load the displacement map connect the color to the factor input of the mix shedder to see the two wood materials rotate the texture and stretch it a little bit if if needed change the displacement map color space to non color go to the material Tab and in the settings change the displacement mode to displacement or displacement and bump change the displacement values to get a result that you [Music] like there are some nice light Reflections on the [Music] displacement now let's let add some real lights to improve the lighting because the hdri itself is not enough it's a common thing to add a three-point light setup but you can add as many lights as you want to get a good lighting what I like to do is to add a bright color to see where the light affects my [Music] model and when I think the light is in a good place I change the color to white if you want your 3D model to stand out from the background you should put a light behind it that way you will get a nice rim of light on the edges I also want the lighting to make the weapon look sharp and intimidating so my idea is to get a nice contrast on the blade the sharp sides are bright and the flat side is darker you can also change the color management to get a higher Global contrast you can adjust the spread value of your lights a bigger number means that the light is going to be more diffused and it's going to affect a wider area of your mesh and a smaller value means you will get a sharper and focused light on a small area it can be useful to highlight a specific area the size of the area light also affects the sharpness of the Shadows a very small area light is going to produce very sharp shadows and a bigger real light is going to produce soft Shadows when you're happy with your render save it and Export it with an alpha channel to get a transparent background I'm going to do my compositing in After Effects it's a paid software but you can do it in blender in the compositing tab if you want or in D resolve which is free import your picture and create a new composition add a solid of any color drag the solid under the picture then add a gradient invert the colors and set your ramp to Ral put the top circle at the center of the composition and drag the other one to the bottom to get a softer gradient change the color to get a more uniform and less contrasty [Music] gradient select all the layers press contrl shift C and precompose them I add the magic bullet looks effect to add some color grading it's a paid plugin but you can do everything with the default effects such as curves contrast noise Etc I like to add a little bit of chromatic aberration like in a real photo taken by a camera it has to be very to add a lot you can find some free Lots online I chose one with a very high contrast and I reduce its strength add a color sty effect this effect allows you to add colors to the shadows midtones and highlights I like to add a light blue in the shadows and an orange color in the highlights adjust the strength if you think it's too much and finally add some film brain to simulate a real picture when you're done export it this is the final result let me know what you think about it in the comments all the models that I made for my tutorials are available on my G store you will get the blend files the textures and materials that I used and the hdri thank you thank you for watching I will see you in the next video
Channel: Thomas Colin 3D
Views: 4,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, learn blender, 3d modeling, subd modeling, blender game ready, hard surface modeling, blender tutorial, blender 3d modeling tutorial, hard surface tutorial, blender tips, blender tips and tricks, blender best tips, game ready modeling, blender low poly, blender best turorials, blender improve workflow, blender intermediate tutorial, blender professionnal tutorial, blender topology, subdivision surface modeling, blender portfolio, blender good topology
Id: 4RP8uELeVg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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