Every 3D Artists MUST Know How to FIX These ERRORS

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hey guys in this video I gathered all the most frequent and common 3D beginner mistakes and I'm going to show you how to fix them I found a lot of topics to talk about on my Discord server people send me a lot of screenshot of their topology and I decided to make a video that will be a guide for everyone who struggle a lot with 3D modeling you can also join my patreon for exclusive content so without further Ado let's get [Music] started so this model is from my 3D modeling Community challenge check out the video if you didn't you can still enter this competition and I thought it was a very good example to show as you can see the edge flow is very weird and wavy the topology is not uniform and it has a lot of small and long polygons I'm going to show you how to clean that I'm going to select one face shift G coper deselect the other faces let's duplicate and separate it as a new object press P to separate the selection I'm using hard dos to delete all the edges and to keep only one single polygon press I to inser then K to enable the knife tool and press a to cut a straight line I'm going to select these two edges right click limit dissolve to keep the sharp Corners select these four edges contrl B to Bevel add one segment P to adjust the shape to one activate the snapping button set to vertex and activate the auto merge vertices button merge the vertices and get rid of these edges press crl R to add a loop connect the vertices with J press k and a for the knife tool add more Loop cuts to get a uniform subdivision we have an Eng gun to turn into quads to do that add some loops on the right side and connect the vertices on each sides of the Triangular shape like so add one last cut to turn the triangles into Diamond polygons if you want an even space between the edges select this Loop right click Loop tools space to make the corners sharper select these vertices and slide them along the edges by pressing G twice repeat again on each Corners select the Border extrude scale extrude again add some Loop Cuts select the sharp edges and add a [Music] bevel and this is how you can get a better and uniform topology for your [Music] hols the second common error that I often see is the wrong way to add subdivision to your models sometimes when you want to add smaller details you need more geometry to work with and you could be tempted to apply a subdivision surface modifier but as you can see if I zoom in and take a look at the corner when I add a subdivision surface modifier this corner becomes rounded it's very destructive and this is not what you should do there are two ways to add more geometry while keeping sharp Corners the first one is to select all the faces right click and subdivide but be careful it works only on flat surfaces as you can see the corner stays sharp if you try to do that on a curved surface this is what is going to happen the right way to apply a subdivision surface modifier is to crease the sharp edges select the sharp edges then press shift e numpad one or you can adjust the crease value in the transform panel the edges are going to turn purple you can apply the modifier and as you can see the corner is still sharp next let's talk about convex and concave angles this angle on the left is convex and this one is concave select the sharp edges reduce the sharpness value to select the sharp edges that were not selected add a bevel and set the miter outer to Arc and as you can see the corners are different the convex one is okay it doesn't need to be fixed but the concave one does there are two ways to do that the first one is to make two triangles and to add an edge at the center to make two Diamond polygons and the second one one is to add two cuts like so and to remove the edge at the center to make one Diamond polygon but it has to be one Edge behind the bevel to protect it the next mistake is to scale your meshes in object mode press n to open the transform panel and while being in object mode Let's scale on one axis as you can see the transform value of the x-axis is 4.7 if I add a bevel you can see that it is not uniform the side on the x-axis is 4.7 times longer than the side of the y- AIS if I put the value back to one the bevel becomes uniform [Music] again to fix that remove the bevel go back to object mode press crl a then apply the scale the transform values are back to one on every axis and if you add another bevel it is uniform for the next mistake someone sent me this screenshot on Discord I can see many errors that I'm going to talk about the first one is over here the bevel seems to have four edges that's good but here on the flat surface there are too many edges and they make the polygon density non-uniform so this is what he did he selected all the sharp edges and even the edges on the flat surface and he added a bevel instead you should do this select the sharp edges but the one on the flat surface add your bevel with a shape of one and that way you don't have some extra polygons that are not not needed let's talk about the second problem on this screenshot take a look at what happens over here there are a huge amount of very closed edges everywhere I'm going to show you how we did that and why you should avoid to do that he obviously added some Loop Cuts manually like so with contrl R to keep the corners sharp and he apply two levels of subdivision I asked him and he told me that it was what he [Music] did as you can see if we compare the two models side by side we have the same very close edges and a nonuniform geometry I don't recommend to do that because it can produce some pinching on curved surfaces and the geometry becomes very hard to adjust if you need to add some details later instead you should do this add some Loop cuts to make squared polygons select the sharp edges add a bevel and set the miter outer to Arc and connect the vertices with j that way when you add more subdivision the geometry is uniform the polygons have the same size and it's very easy to add more details next we have this mistake I see it a lot on this cord let's say that I want to add a bevel on this Edge loop as you can see the flow of the bevel is broken it can be fixed very easily by displaying the normals colors if the normals are red they are inverted you just have to press press shift n to fix the problem next we have a model sent by one of my patreon subscribers this model has a lot of problems and I will show you how to solve them first let's make sure that the normals are not inverted some of them are red I'm going to flip them with shift n now pay attention to the blade the blue color of the normals is darker it means that there are some duplicated overlapping faces first I'm going to make sure that I don't have any duplicated vertices select all the vertices press M merge by distance as you can see I just removed 190 vertices let's separate all the different parts by selection shift H to isolate the blade if we zoom in we can see the duplicated faces let's remove them there are also some floating vertices select them press M merge at Center do it again to the other side if you see some artifacts in the viewport it's because of the duplicated faces artifacts are also a good way to see them without displaying the normal scholors select the duplicated faces X delete [Music] faces I can only add some Edge loops on one side of the blade it means that we have another problem if I try to move the vertices I can notice that there is a floating vertex match the vertices by distance and if the distance value is enough increase it a little bit the problem is fixed alt H to exit the isolate mode Let's select the handle there is a face that we can delete at the bottom this polygon is useless because it's not visible and it will take some space for nothing in the u space let's select the handguard the topology is not optimal but let's Ure that it's just a hug gen gun and if I delete the bottom faces we can see that there are a lot of duplicated faces inside let's remove them the model has been cleaned up you can keep adding more details without any problems next we have another model sent on Discord the topology is really messy and not uniform there are also some floating vertices and edges I'm going to show you how to improve it but honestly it would be better to model it again from scratch so there are way too many Edge Loops they are also very close to each other and they destroy the curvature of that rounded detail we can see that he also tried to add a bullion and to clean up the topology but he failed let let's delete the modifiers merge the vertices by distance I just remove 170 vertices for a fter selection I'm going to add some Sims press L to select the UV Island P to separate by selection let's delete that rounded part two and I'm going to show you why you can't add a subdivision surface modifier on a mesh like that with a nonuniform topology let's open the UV editor panel and unwrap the UVs go to the shading Tab and load a checker map texture increase the scale a little bit and add a subdivision surface modifier now pay attention to this area there are a lot of edges and I don't see any texture stretching now look at this area where the polygons are larger there is a lot of surface tension and more surface tension means more texture stretching to fix the problem and to get rid of the stretching add more Loop cuts the stretching is gone now look at this vertical Edge loop at the center if I add a subdivision surface modifier we can see that the edge is not straight it means that there is a problem if I take a look inside the model we can see a floating Edge Let's Get rid of it let's remove that rounded part we can see more floating edges now let's remove the unnecessary edges select these edges open the select menu select Loops Edge loops and remove them let's do the same to each sides of the add some Loop [Music] Cuts add a grid fill select these faces I to inser right click Loop tools [Music] Circle change the pivot orientation to normals scale on the y- AIS extrude and the rounded detail is back now let's make the topology more uniform select these edges right click Loop tools space and add more loops with contrl r we can also do the same on top the topology looks way better than before and you can add more details very easily that's it for today's video in the next episode I will talk more about pinching how to avoid it and how to add complex details on curved surfaces please like comment and share this video with your friends if it was helpful thank you for watching take care
Channel: Thomas Colin 3D
Views: 42,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, learn blender, 3d modeling, subd modeling, blender game ready, hard surface, hard surface modeling, blender tutorial, blender 3d modeling tutorial, get good at blender, hard surface tutorial, thomas colin, blender modeling, blender how to, blender tips, blender tips and tricks, blender best tips, game ready modeling, blender low poly, blender high poly, blender best turorials, blender addons, blender best addons, blender improve workflow, 3D beginner mistakes
Id: qVoS9pVliZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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