How to Make a Monotub | Spawn Bag to Bulk Substrate | Casing Layer | Fruiting Mushrooms

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hi ashley here and today i'm going to show you how to make a mono tub but first let's learn the basic concepts of how a monotube works we know when the mycelium colonizes the bulk substrate this action combined with the decomposition of the bulk substrate generates heat and carbon dioxide we also know that heat rises and carbon dioxide usually falls to the ground so for our mono tub what we need to do is we need to drill holes on this side and the other side a little higher up here and holes on these sides a little bit lower this will create basically a this atmosphere flow in the mono tub where when the heat rises it's going to flow out of these top portion holes and this allows for new airflow into the these bottom holes so it creates this whole circulation of the mono tub obviously i did not do this on this monotope i just drilled holes wherever i wanted um and guess what my mushroom's still fruited so even if you're not really precise on where you drill your holes it doesn't really matter so next i'll actually show you ex precisely what i've done are how i've done the mono tub and the stages that follow so when making your mono tub you only need to do two simple things drill six two inch holes and paint the bottom remember when you're drilling the holes that you want to drill the holes higher on this side and lower on this side also when drilling the holes you want to make sure that you're very careful in drilling and not to drill too quickly if you drill too quickly it'll make the container crack last you will paint the bottom the reason why we paint the bottom is we don't want the mushrooms growing down we want the mushrooms growing up and in order to get the mushrooms to grow up we simply paint the bottom and they grow up towards the light so stay tuned next to see me add my green spawn bags to the bulk substrate hi ashley here and today i'm going to show you how to put your fully colonized spawn bag into your bulk substrate the first thing i recommend doing is sterilizing the whole place after this stage of the vaseline they say that you don't necessarily have to be as sterile but i think it's very important to be as sterile as possible to dry to reduce contamination as much as you can so i have some alcohol and i'm just going to spray everything down really quickly we're good [Music] next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to prep my monotone so i've already sprayed the bottom of it and drilled the holes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cover the holes for the column for the colonization process because we do not want to ever open this and we want this to be completely contained in its own environment so that we can create as much humidity as possible you need to have about 75 to 90 humidity within these mono tubes for the colonization process so in order to do that i just literally take some packing tape and cover up the holes so i have drilled six holes quickly cover them all up okay we are all set up and ready to go so next we will break up our fully colonized spawn bag and we're going to break it up in this spot i'm just going to go ahead and start your material should be a pretty hard substance um it looks like the chin is mostly on top of this bag but it did penetrate through the bottom i think i'm going to try to not use the [Applause] bottom all right [Applause] we have broken up our colonized spawn bag and the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to put our bulk substrate into our model tub my i have pre-made my bulk substrate yesterday i have let it sit for 24 hours so it cools down if your bookstore if your bulk substrate is too hot it will kind of actually kill the mycelium so be careful not to put um too hot of bulk substrate with your miscellaneous my bulk substrate is made of burgamiculite coco choir and jimson and i'm just gonna do one fixed barrel before i open up the bed here we go so i'm going to open up my bottom bag spray my hands again i'm trying not to contaminate or touch it because this is the process but i don't want to get anything extra in there so i'm going to start off with just putting a small layer of my colonized spawn bag into the mono tub and we want to try to break up any little pieces because we want the machining to be able to get as many points of inoculation as we can within the bulk substrate so then i will add a layer of bulk substrate and it's really important that you have the correct field capacity it's very important that you have the correct field capacity for your bulk substrate and i checked mine before i started but when you hold your bulk substrate you should be able to hold it without it being a dripping of water and very dry but when we hold it and grip it and squeeze a little bit you should get a drip which we do and if you really squeeze it you should get a stream of water which we do this is perfect then without mixing it up i'm just going to layer it on top and then i'm going to add another layer of our spawn bag on top of the bulk substrate and i'm going to layer two and i'm kind of picking and choosing um the smooth ceiling that i'm using in this one because it's a little bit moist at the bottom once they do that and i'm going to take another layer of substrate and layer that on top without really mixing it up just kind of layering it without mixing and i'm going to continue to do this process until both my swan bag and my volkswagen are in the back or in the monotone and then we're going to add our final layer of old substrate and with this top layer i like to mix it a little bit with my fingers so that the ceiling and kind of mix is on top i am going to put my lid on and seal it tight next you will place your mono tub into a dark warm place it needs to be at least 75 to 82 degrees fahrenheit and your humidity level should be about 75 to 90 percent i know it's going to be tempting to try to remove the lid but don't do it it's super important that this environment stays the same argument will not grow properly so that's how you do it that's how you put your colonized bomb bag into your bulk substrate all right started this on july 13th today is july 15th and the mycelium is growing like crazy it's really important that we keep the lid on um to keep all the moisture in because that's definitely helping the process looking amazing hey boomer here and today i'm going to show you how to case my mushrooms it has been 11 days and i have moved my small bags into my monotube with my bulk substrate and they are fully colonized and ready to go so today i wanted to show you how to add the polyfill to the holes as well as case um the mushrooms with cocoa choir and make sure they have enough moisture to fruit so this is really exciting so as you can see here the mushrooms have had a really nice humidity or moisture level within their environment i have not removed this lid in 11 days since the first time i removed it and when you remove it you feel like this burst of like warmth and moisture comes out that's really good we know that the mushrooms have um have full of life and they're have a good growth life first thing that we need to do is remove the duct tape or remove the tape from our holes and add the polyfill this is going to allow air to get into the tub and for it to flow in order to fruit you definitely need airflow and light for your mushrooms so let's get started so i had to in order to keep a moist environment i just added some clear tape some packing tape between these two inch holes to keep in the moisture so go ahead and take them out at this point i just just want to mention that this environment once it gets to this stage um the mycelium is pretty much at a place where it's not like you don't have to be really sterile all the other stages you have to be extremely careful okay so i have removed all the teeth and now we're going to take our polyfill and we're going to add a good chunk to each hole we want enough that not too much air is going through but enough we have enough moisture i'm going to add less polyfill on the sides than i am in the middle so that we make sure that there's room for the air to to get out and then not as much air to go in alright so i'm going to make sure it's pretty packed in there we're going to take some duct tape and just tape around the edges a little bit you may not have to duct tape hmm so i'm also going to add it to the four in the middle okay we have prepared our monotone and now it's time to case our substrate all right and here we go so what you want to do is you want to get coco choir and i have my coco choir brick here but honestly if you can get a fine coco choir that's in a powder form it's gonna be a lot better to taste your mushrooms so i have broke up this cocoa choir with like a hammer and stuff to try to get it as fine as i can get it and this is what i've come too i did two bricks um so this is 500 grams of cocoa choir so next what i'm going to do is i'm going to case um the mushrooms i'm going to pour the cocoa choir into the mono tub and gently spread it around and then we are going to most moisten the coco choir to make sure that it's at night it has a lot of moisture for the mushrooms and then we will barely close off our lid and it'll be and then your uh modern tub will start fruiting so here we go i'm going to take some handfuls and just start to case my mycelium i'm going to cover the mycelium so there's no white be as gentle as possible we don't want to disturb your environment too much okay and now i'm going to go ahead and hydrate the coco choir instead of just like pouring water over it i definitely like to spray it it gives the cocoa fire a nice even spray so that we're not just dumping water into one area so you are going to spray the cocoa plier until you feel like it's moist enough and then we will put the lid back on um and then also we want to put it into sunlight and you're going to start to see your mushrooms fruit every day you want to squirt a sports and mushrooms with some water just to make sure that they have a nice even hydration and a nice high humidity level right this stuff takes a while but definitely better to spray them down all right i think i have a good nice even layer for them so next we are going to go ahead and barely close our lid it's probably better to have a clear lid i'm going to switch to one so that the sunlight can get through and the motions will go to the top that is why we painted the bottom red or the red we painted the bottom black is because we don't want the mushrooms growing down we want the restroom to right up so as long as that they have sunlight or something to go towards that's the way that they go but if you put them in a dark area they will probably grow but they might grow down and all over and you never know where they where you're gonna get mushrooms so there we go thank you for watching and subscribe thank you for watching and subscribe all right okay i don't know how well you're gonna like edit yeah
Channel: Boomer Shroomer
Views: 70,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a monotub, monotub, mushroom grow, mushrooms, bulk substrate, fruiting mushrooms, fruiting, growing mushrooms, how to grow mushrooms, magic mushrooms
Id: VlWw_61i4os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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