How to Grow Oyster Mushrooms in a Monotub

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hi ashley here and today i am going to show you how to move your spawn bags into your mono tub and i also will be doing a liner experiment so one of my monotubes will be without a liner and one will be with a liner to see which one does better all right so my oyster mushrooms have fully colonized and this is my milo millet and whole grain experience experiment and this is the milo and from the three uh different grain spawns um i think that the milo did the best so i'm going to go ahead and use this for my liner mono tub experiment so the first thing that we need to do is to prepare our mono tubs to colonize the bulk substrate and in order to do that we need to go ahead and cover all of the um all of the holes with tape so that it will keep its own environment inside of the monotone [Music] and we're gonna go ahead and add the wire into this one and um i went ahead and did a three inch liner around the rim um i'm not really sure the best thing but go ahead and try that for first and then i made a straw and sawdust bulk substrate for the oysters and let's go ahead and cover this one okay so we have covered our holes and now we are ready to add our bulk substrate and our spawn bag into our mono tub so the first thing that we need to do is break up our sponge our spam bag and i like to just sterilize everything because it's the best then i have made my bulk substrate out of straw and sawdust and i have pre-sterilized this i sterilized it yesterday i let it sit for 24 hours so it's ready to go and it's not too cool nice and moist so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start to layer our spawn bag into our mono tub all right this is very exciting so go ahead and open our spa bag looks good smells good in there no funky smells all right and i'm going to use half and half so i want to try to use about right here to this one so we're going to just layer at the bottom and try to break it up as fast as we can then i'll take a layer of old substrate [Music] then a layer a stone trying to break up the spawn bag as much as you can i really i really like the smell of this whole country i thought that smells so good and then later on more of our spawn a little bit damp at the bottom so i want to try to ring it out as much as i can but it's good to be damn we want it to be a little bit damp i probably won't use the last of this and then do one more layer a spawn and then we want to mix that last layer up perfect then we will put on our lid airline again all right liner done okay first one okay and now we're gonna do the exact same thing except without a liner so here we go i have this guy in here i already sterilized this bin and wiped it down it should be really good and then close her up and now we wait all right so we've got a liner and no liner so we'll see how they fully colonize and then the fruiting and see what happens so i'm really excited about this experiment we've been waiting a really long time so let's see how it goes thank you guys for watching hey guys ashley here and today i'm going to be opening up my oyster mushrooms it's been 14 days and they are both fully colonized both the liner versus the no liner and today we're going to open them up add the polyfill into the holes add some moisture into the box to make sure that they don't dry out and our fruiting bodies will start to come up so the next stage all we need to do is to open them up remove the tape go ahead and do that with the first one all right so we have removed the tape now we want to go ahead and add some cauliflower usually i like to get like a handful out like this and then squish it in you don't need it to be too thick because we do want airflow to get into the tub it's really important that we displace the co2 from the mushrooms and that we get clean air into the monitor so i'm just going to go through and add polyfill to all of the holes this one actually was preset okay the next thing that we want to do after we add the polyfill is to spray the tub down but i am not going to be adding a casing layer to the moisture mushrooms according to the mushroom cultivator it says that the oyster mushrooms um a casing is not required so because of this book i am not going to add a casing i also want to be able to see the pins from both tubs so if i add the casing it's not going to be as easy to see the experiment so because of that i'm going to go ahead and not add a casing as well so when we spray down the the mono tub we want to make sure that we do not spray directly on the mycelium it's pretty fragile at this point the fruiting bottles are really strong and hearty and you could actually spray directly on them but if you spray directly on the mycelium then you'll see that the water kind of breaks through and damages the mycelium a little bit so in order to keep high humidity high humidity within the tub we're going to spray the tub but all we're going to do is spray down the sides of the tub like this and that will keep a sufficient moisture level or humidity level within the tub and then as much as you can i would say at least twice a day you want to try to spray down your tubs to keep the moisture in the other thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go from having a solid lid to a clear lid and then i'm going to place this tub like in front of like my window to the side um just have to for it to be able to get some of the sunlight but not direct sunlight if you have direct sunlight that goes directly into your monica you directly into your mono tub then you can end up killing the mycelium that way i've actually had a few spawn bags that i've killed that way so we want the mushrooms to be near light because they want to grow towards the light but we don't want them to be directly in the sunlight again if they are sitting directly in the sunlight you are going to kill your mycelium and that's it guys so now um over the next like several days we are going to see these mushrooms shoot up they're going to be so fast you're going to see mushrooms in the next few days um as well as they're going to be ready to harvest in probably like a week so it's really exciting the liner um seams this is the one with the liner and liner seems like it's doing it's colonizing a little bit slower but maybe not slower it's maybe colonizing like taller in a way um so i'm really curious to see how the pinning will do between the two tubs but right now this one has a tons of pins all the way throughout just the main cake here as well as they're all around the edges as well i can see that which we've known with the liner that hopefully our pinning will not be around the edges and we're going to get a nice full fruiting body within the center of the cake so we will go ahead and do the same thing we did with this tub and so you guys can see it i'm going to take it up over here [Applause] so here is the liner and we're just going to remove the tape again and this one seems like it has a little bit more moisture in it but it's about the same really so we're really going to see a difference with this liner experience experiment what's a certain thing okay so now after we add the powder we want to go ahead and spray the mushrooms down again since we're not using the casing layer we shouldn't directly spray the mushrooms because it will damage the mycelium so in order to keep a high humidity within the tub we just really need to spray the edges down and maybe you could spray the polyfill a little bit okay so you kind of see the condensation on the outside of the tub and then again i want to change this one to a clear wood and we're ready to fruit um so go ahead and put your tubs and somewhere that's between like 77 and 80 degrees um fahrenheit someone that has a little bit of light um just not directly and watch your mushrooms fruit and then every day guys you want to open the tubs up and spray around the eye outside of the tub at least twice a day um when i was fruiting my other mushrooms i think i sprayed them like six times a day if you let the mycelium dry out then your mushrooms will dry out i'm going to be doing time lapses on both of these so i didn't make these automated tubs but as long as you spray them down they'll have enough humidity or enough moisture to keep fruiting so here we go the next stage is fruiting this is the exciting part thank you so much for watching hey guys ashley here and today i just wanted to show you quickly how you should spray your mushrooms every day at least two to three times a day in order to try to keep the humidity up within the mono tub so i can open the bottom tub and it's um i started to fruit these about two days ago so they're really starting to pin and come through and i have a little humidity um control over here at the side and right now it says that it's 77 and uh it's about 70 degrees in there so we definitely want it to be a little bit higher humidity which is fine so we're going to spray our mushrooms and because i did not put a casing layer on these mushrooms we want to make sure that we don't spray directly onto the mycelium because the celium is pretty fragile and if um in the droplets we'll kind of break through the macelium and ruin them and they'll just have to colonize more in order to fruit mushrooms so instead of spraying directly on the macilium or the cake we're going to just spray the edge of the surrounding tub and that will keep the humidity pretty high within the tub also when you start to see these fruiting bodies you can actually start to spray the fruiting bodies directly and so i just like directly just give it a little squirt little squirt not much um because we don't want the water pooling on the mycelium that's bad as well um when the mushrooms start to get bigger we can really start to spray them down and i'll show you how to do that later on so that's pretty much it you just want to open them up spray the outside of the tub at least two or three times a day maybe just twice one in the morning and one it before you uh go to bed and then that's it it'll keep the community up and your mushrooms will fruit um so thanks for tuning in hey guys it's been a couple more days and the mycelium is starting to really colonize and get a lot heartier so i wanted to show you that now we can actually start to actually spray the vaseline directly not a whole lot but we want to make sure that the macilium stays nice and moist so that the mushrooms continually start to grow so we'll go ahead and show and i am not spraying my mushrooms it's like eight o'clock in the morning and i'm just looking at them and if you've noticed that the tub is pretty much completely dry around the edges so the first thing i'm going to do again is i'm going to just lightly spray the edge of the tub like this and then this is the tub that has the liner in it and if you notice that the fruity bodies are starting to come up and what we want to go to do is we want to spray the fruiting parties directly lightly and then i'm also going to kind of move the spray bottle a little bit further up so i'm not directly on there and lightly spray the celium and if you kind of notice when the water does touch the metallium sometimes the mycelium is pretty fragile and it'll actually break right through so we want to be really careful that we just lightly spread it around but if you don't feel comfortable doing that just doing it along the edges is sufficient and then the fruiting bodies like to have a little water themselves keep them nice and hearty and we're going to close it off ready to go make sure that you guys are spraying your mushrooms down two to three times per day i usually do it in the morning um and then i just lightly spray the outside of the bucket like it or the tub like i just showed you then sometimes i'll do it in the afternoon and then i try to do it right before i go to bed you want to keep them definitely really moist of it and humidity very high but you do not want to have pools or puddles of water on the mycelium it is natural to see little water droplets on the cilium and that's called exudate and that's actually formed from the celium so it's definitely natural so if you see that don't worry um just don't have huge puddles of water when you're spraying on the mycelium itself so make sure you keep your mushrooms um nice and moist and these guys are really close to being ready we're probably maybe like two or three days and they'll be fully um grown and ready to harvest thanks for watching hi ashley here and today i'm going to show you how to harvest your oyster mushrooms so today we're going to harvest the oyster mushrooms and then i'm going to show you how to spray them down so hopefully you get a second flush so here we go all right so our oyster mushrooms have been harvesting for about a week now and they are definitely ready to go when they start to curl kind of like this on the edge um you know that they're ready to harvest so to harvest i'm going to go ahead and put on some gloves just in case you don't have to but i do and then i have my harvest bowl here which to just a strainer and i'm going to be giving my mushrooms to my mother so she can cook with them next what i like to do is go ahead and sterilize the knife that i'm going to be using and i just spray it down with alcohol and i already pre-sterilized it as well and then i used these alcohol wipes to give it one last wipe down you probably don't have to do this but i do it because i just like to be sterile so here we go so we have like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 different clusters i'm going to go ahead and remove them all i also do have some new pins starting here you can kind of see them right here i'm not sure if you can get you can see them these little pins are new there's also ones like right here and right there and there's one starting right here so we want to make sure that we don't disturb those pens so we want to try to not touch them and cut them cut around them so here we go so i'm going to start with this one and you just kind of take it at the base and pull it and then i like to cut it before it starts to break from the ceiling or before the ceiling breaks so that's our first little cluster looks pretty good and we'll just set them in here so here we go try to break them off oh i got a little bit of the straw there that's okay and then i'll do this one so again i'm just kind of taking it from the bottom and cut and make a little slice see if you can see me do this this one so kind of break it from the bottom slice it off and here's our new pins trying not to damage the mycelium as much as we can because we definitely want to try to get those second flushes if not a third flush so there's a whole little thing right here started so let me see if i can cut around those pins which i did so if you see it right there there's some pens get this guy i've got a lot of the bulk stuff straight there and it cuts it off before i put it in here and then this is the no liner tub and in the no liner tub we did get some pins around the side but it also filled in quite nicely in the middle and what i noticed is that they grew shorter and fatter so not really sure if that has to do with the liner or what that is really nice gonna rip you down from the methylene base oh my gosh we got so many mushrooms last couple here and this little guy on the side all right wow we got a huge load of mushrooms it's amazing all right looks really good i'm gonna leave all the little ones that you see here um to try to see if they will fruit again so now what we're going to do in order to get a second flush with our mushrooms is spray them down so we know at this point that the ceiling is pretty hardy and to the touch it's pretty hard so i have started to actually spray the mycelium down so that it doesn't dry out and i'm also spraying the side of the tubs too so we're going to go ahead and give the tub another spray down all the way around and then gonna go ahead and spray the whole tub down not too much though so we don't want the water pulling or puddling on the mycelium a nice thin layer so that they don't dry out it's perfect and then we'll cover it back up and then wait for a second flush so this is my tub without a liner and this is the tub with the liner they have a nice earthy smell to them so let's go ahead and harvest these and i set this tub up at the same time and this one looks super good too kind of with the polyfill so you guys can kind of see here so if you noticed these mushrooms grew much taller and skinnier they seem a little bit hurtier but they did not pin around the edges at all really they're all in the middle so i'm really hoping that we're going to get another second flush with this one that's a little heartier but we don't know so let's go ahead and harvest these so start with this one kind of pull it over show you and then there's a bunch of pins over here so i'm going to try to cut around them so that we can leave those pins and these ones are nice and skinny got that guy these guys over here in the corner look at this guy look at all these little baby pins that were started i leave that one he's kind of just starting this one's really big it's probably one of the biggest ones in the tub yeah look at this looks awesome kind of rip that one off and we'll get this little guy here in the corner wow uh i'll go ahead and leave that one why not so out of the two tub so we got a hefty amount i mean there is several pounds of mushrooms of wet mushrooms here my mother's gonna be very excited um so now for to try to get a second push again we're going to spray our tongue i like to spray the edges just to kind of keep the humidity in the tub up and then since our miscellaneous hearty we're going to go ahead and just give it a nice light spray all around and then cover her back up all right guys we finished all the way through we harvested our oyster mushrooms it's really exciting there's so many here thank you so much for watching and if you have any questions please feel free to put them in the comments you can reach out to me on facebook or instagram thanks a lot bye you
Channel: Boomer Shroomer
Views: 30,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to grow Oyster mushrooms., oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, staw bulk substrate
Id: 5i5-I8L5Cmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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