How to Grow Mushrooms UPDATED

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hi Ashley here and today I'm going to show you  how to grow mushrooms from start to finish in an   inflatable monotub we will be following my 10-step  process from inoculation to harvest and Beyond you   will need four things to get started spores a  pre-made spawn bag bulk substrate and a boomer   shroomer inflatable monotub kit you can find where  to buy these items on my FAQ page on   starting with Your Spawn bag once you receive  it in the mail take it out of the box and stain   it up and release the filter sometimes the filter  sticks to the bag and until you release it no air   can get in through the filter which you need for  colonization then I usually let the bag sit for 24   to 48 hours to let them breathe and PP up and see  if any contamination grows before I start I store   them on a Shelf at room temperature around 70 to  72° F make sure the filter is facing up and the   bag is out of direct sunlight some light from the  room is okay I also don't recommend the all-in-one   spawn bags because they have less nutrients  and are slower to colonize I just recommend   an all grain spawn bag next is time to inoculate  Your Spawn bag there are three ways to inoculate   a spawn bag the first way is by Spore syringe the  second way is by liquid culture and the Third Way   is by agar culture when inaca a spawn bag being  in a sterile environment is is very important to   try to reduce contamination using a lamon or Flo  hood is the ideal way but if you don't have that   option choose a room that has minimal foot traffic  preferably with no carpet then clean the room very   well and I like to let the dust settle for about  30 minutes and then inoculate the bag before   inoculating make sure to spray everything down  with 70% isopropyl before you start that includes   your clothes and hands all of your equipment your  table all the equipment around the bag anything   that might touch it spray it all down also if you  can take a shower and wear clean clothes before   you start that is even better make sure not to use  90% isopropyl because it evaporates too quickly   and does not properly sanitize the area now let's  inoculate a spawn bag with the Spore syringe   look over the spawn bag for any damages holes or  contamination then spray and wipe down the spawn   bag and the syringe with 70% isopropyl next we  want to give the bag a slight mix to let in some   fresh air so the spores can germinate then wipe  down the injection port with 70% isopropyl now   let's prepare the syringe first give the syringe a  quick shake to try to break up the spores next we   will attach the needle to the syringe open the  needle and then open the syringe and carefully   screw the needle onto the syringe then I like to  squirt a few drops of liquid from the serren then   carefully insert the needle into the injection  port and inject 3 to 5 cc's of solution throughout   the spawn bag then cover the injection port with  microst tape next let's inoculate a spawn bag with   a liquid culture syringe you're using LC's it will  work exactly the same as spores spray down the bag   with 70% isopropyl and then attach the needle to  the syringe finally inject 3 to 5 cc's of LC's   throughout the spawn bag I like to put some of  the liquid towards the front front of the bag so I   can see colinization faster I also like to do two  bags per syringe and I like to do them at the same   time I feel like this cuts down on contamination  because if you let the syringe sit for a while   with the needle on it contamination can get in  through the needle and cause problems for you   later finally let's inoculate a spawn bag with  agar culture next we will use a culture on egar   to inoculate a spawn bag make sure to be in front  of a lamin or Flo hood and to spray everything   down with 70% isopropyl before you start first  I like to save a few squares of the culture on a   new dish of AAR to preserve the genetics carefully  cut a few squares from the culture and place them   on a new agar dish and then wrap the dish with  paril next cut the culture into eight slices   then cut open the top of the bag and carefully  drop three to four chunks of agar into to each bag then heat seal the top of  the bag and give it a thorough shake after you have inoculated  Your Spawn bag using one of the   three methods place the spawn bag on a  Shelf at room temperature between 70 and   76° F next we need to wait for our spawn  bag to colonize to about 10 to 20% this   can take anywhere from 10 to 20 days for  spores and 7 to 15 days for liquid cool once the bag is about 10 to 30% colenz it's time  to do it break and Shake Break Up the mycelium   as best as you can and mix evenly in the bag  with the uncolonized green then put it back on   the Shelf to colonize fully I store my bags on a  Shelf at room temperature with the filters facing   up you want to make sure not to close off the  bag completely because it needs some air flow   for colonization then over the next 7 to 20 days  you will see your spawn bag colonized for FY make   sure not to place your bag in direct sunlight  but some light from the room is fine then once   the bag is fully colonized it's ready to move  our spawn to bulk I like to make the bulk the   day before I'm going to use it if you end up  making it before that's okay just leave it in   the bucket with the lid on it and it will stay  sterile next let's make our bulk substrate you   will need 500 G of vermiculite 500 G of cocoa Coy  and 100 G of gypsum then you want to add 16 cups   of boiling water first spray and wipe down your  5 gallon bucket with 70% isopropyl then pour all   three dry ingredients in the bucket and mix  them up with a spoon finally boil 16 cups of   water once the water comes to a complete boil  carefully pour the water into the bucket and   then put the lid on it let the bulk sit for 24  hours to pasteurize and then it will be ready to   use the next day don't use your bulk substrate  when it's too hot or it'll kill the melium now   we're ready to mix our fully colonized Spa bag  with our bulk substrate to start spray and wipe   down everything with 70% isopropyl start with the  monot tub and thoroughly wipe and spray down every section next spray and wipe down the liner  and place it at the bottom of the monot tub   the liner makes the monotub easier to clean  and the cake shrinks with the liner when it   grows which reduces side pins next spray and  wipe down all the plugs with 70% isopropyl and   insert them into the holes in the monot tub this  allows the tub to create more humidity while it's   colonizing also the plugs are not supposed  to fit airtight you do want a little bit of   air flow during colonization next it's time to  break up our fully colonized Spa bag first spray   and wipe down the bag with 70% isopropyl then  carefully start to break up the spawn on the   bag this spawn bag started to fruit in the bag  if this happens send the spawn to bulk as soon   as you can just break up the spawn and then pick  out the pins before you put it in the tub next   prepare the bulk by mixing it up and making sure  to have proper Field capacity for Field capacity   when you have a full hand it should feel light  and Airy to the touch but when you squeeze it   you should be able to get a few drops of water  to come out next we need to cut open the spawn   bag and pour all of the spawn in the bottom of the  monot tub try to break up the spawn as best as you can then start to take handfuls of the  bulk and mix it thoroughly through the   spawn I like to use half the bulk and do a  1 to2 ratio per monot tub which is about 3   lb of Spawn and 4 to 5 lbs of bulk then you  want to evenly mix up the spawn in the bulk   the more even the spawn the more even  it will colonize in Fruit also I am no   longer using a casing because I believe  I can see colonization faster with that   one which allows me to fruit faster and  I ultimately get a fuller flush and more mushrooms once you have thoroughly mixed up the  bulk in the spa start to lightly p down the bulk   to the bottom of the tub but not too hard it needs  to be able to breathe my bulk recipe makes enough   for two inflatable monot tub so you only need to  use half of the recipe per tub you can store the   other half in the bucket with the lid on it for  weeks but eventually it will dry out and you'll   need to add more boiling water to bring it up  to Field capacity lastly you want to carefully   push out all the air from the edges once the cake  starts to fruit if the cake is not pressed down   enough air can get through those areas and then  pin and fruit on the sides which is fine but we   really want them to try to fruit in the middle you  get a fuller flush once you have all the spawn and   bulk in the tub put the lid on it and now the  waiting begins try to keep the room that the   tub sits in as sterile as possible using an air  purifier has greatly reduced my contamination I   also have a heater with a thermostat set at 70° F  it's important to maintain consistent temperature   throughout the whole process each day you will  see noticeable progress of the tub first you   will start to see a light condensation on the  walls then each grain spawn will start to grow   and expand throughout the melum then after  about 5 to 7 Days the tub should be ful of   colonized and ready to fruit no light is needed  during this time but some light from the room is fine after about 5 to 7 Days the monot tub should  be fully calling ized and ready to fruit now we   are going to start the Fring process we are going  to remove all the plugs and put the filters in   their place make sure to be as sterile as possible  during this process spray yourself down with 70%   isopropyl so you don't fan any mold spores into  the tub then I like to spray the filters down   with 70% isopropyl before I switch them out next  remove all the plugs and put the filters in their place next we will start to Fan the tub daily  so we can start the Fring process you want to   lightly fan out the CO2 sitting at the bottom of  the tub so we can initiate the pinning process   but we also want to be careful not to dry out  the tub or to add too much humidity now each   day we will continue to Fan the monot tub for 10  seconds make sure to be as sterile as possible   when opening the tub you should not need to mist  during this time humidity can fluctuate between   Seasons you will notice more humidity during the  summer and less during the winter in the winter   I sometimes have to leave the plugs in to keep up  the humidity naturally this tub was fruited in the summer once you start to fruit you will notice  that the humidity in the tub may start to to   drop that is okay the first stage of rooting  is to see exudate which is a clear or yellow   liquid being excreted from the melium they are  little droplets that sit on top of the mycelium   anywhere you see exudate you will start to  see Hy knots the next stage of Fring is Hy   knots they are small white dots that start to  form where the exudate was the Hy knots will   turn to primordia and the primordia will turn  to pins this whole process can take anywhere   from 5 to 15 days depending on what strain  you are growing then every day continue to   Fan the tub for 10 to 15 seconds be careful  not to fan too much because we don't want to   dry out the tub then over the next 3 to 10 days  you will start to see more highl knots and pins form once you start to see pins then I would add  some light make sure the light doesn't have   any heat or it can dry out the tub from the  top mushrooms don't need light to grow but   they will grow towards the light if they have it  they only need about 4 to 12 hours of light per day finally the pins will turn to fruiting bodies  and once the mushrooms start to break their Veil   we are ready to harvest now it's time to harvest  the mushrooms first I lay down some paper towel   to put the mushrooms on also make sure to be as  sterile as you can during this process and make   sure to spray yourself down with 70% isopropyl  before you start then carefully twist and pull   the mushrooms from the substrate and try not to  disturb the cake but make sure to get all of the   stem so the next flush can come in cleanly if you  do take some of the substrate that is okay slowly   harvest the whole tub until you get all of the  mushrooms out of the tub I like to harvest them   all at one time but you can Harvest them as they  break their Veil if your flush comes in a little uneven then I like to lay them on a paper towel  with a fan and let them dry now naturally over 2   to 7 days once they are completely dry you can  store them in a container with a drypack using   the ones with indicated bees are really nice just  in case you leave some moisture in the mushrooms   this allows you to see if you there's moisture in  there then you can add additional dry packs later   on heat and moisture can degrade your mushrooms  to initiate the second flush first you want to   make sure to get out all of the mushrooms from out  of the tub so the next flush can come in cleanly   after you harvest the first flush let the tub  be for 2 days to see if the humidity naturally   returns keep the temperature at 70° f for best  results and the tub can have light or no light   I recommend having a light condensation on the  walls of the tub if you see your tub start to dry   out put the red plugs back in and wait 48 hours to  see if the humidity naturally improves if not then   you can use a fine mist spray bottle to lightly  Mist the walls of the tub finally if your tub   is extremely dry you can rehydrate the whole tub  with water check out my rehydration video for more   information there are a few ways you can continue  the process you can take a clone to AAR you can   clone to LC or you can make a spor print or or  swap by making AAR or LC's you are saving the   exact genetics of the mushroom you are taking  if you take a swab or a print you are taking   genetics of the strain that could potentially  grow a thousand different ways to clone to AAR   I recommend being in front of a lamin or Flo Hood  to start you will need a fresh mushroom I like to   take the best looking mushroom from the flush  make sure to be as sterile as possible spray   yourself and your tools down with 70% isopropyl  then pull the mushroom apart and with a sterile   blade carefully cut a piece of the mushroom  and then place it on the middle of the egar dish then wrap the dish with paril and place in  a tote at room temperature between 70 and 76° F to take a Spore swab take a freshly harvested  mushroom that has just broke its Veil and with   a sterile swab carefully swab the gills of the  mushroom and then place the swab back into the   wrapper to store store the swab in a cool dark  place next we will take a Spore print first spray   and wipe down the sport chamber with 70% isole  then rip off a piece of aluminum foil and place it   on the lid then Harvest a fresh mushroom that has  broken its Veil carefully cut off the cap with a   sterile blade and place the cap gills down on the  aluminum foil wait 24 hours for the spores to drop   and then care y remove the cap from the aluminum  foil wait for your Spore print to dry and then you   can store your spor print spores will last years  in a cool dry place for more detailed instructions   you can download my free mushroom growing guide  thank you guys so much for watching and if you   have any additional questions please feel free  to email me at Ashley thank you bye
Channel: Boomer Shroomer
Views: 41,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boomer Shroomer, How to grow mushrooms, mushrooms, growing mushrooms, Monotub, Inflatable Monotub, Spawn Bag, Agar, Bulk Substrate
Id: 5qe-0vT4bNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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