How to Make A Material Showroom in Unreal Engine 5 ( Part 2 )

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hi everyone my name is Peyton and this is part two of a video going over how to set up a material showroom in ue5 if you have not already done so check out the part one of this video in the description below so I'm going to right click here and make a new material and this one's going to be my master material so I'm gonna do that and I'm going to open it up I'm going to keep this one overall pretty simple just because um like we really just need the actual like Shader locations to plug things in at the moment and then just have some parameters exposed if you uh want to additionally go a bit further with them um but I'm going to bring in my actual textures now so my AO base color I don't need the height for the actual material in here because we'll be using the modeling uh plug or modeling actual mode to be using the height map but we will want to keep that in mind when we're setting up our tiling here at least so I'm going to grab these four and drag them in and just really quickly throw them into their specific spots so again yeah not wanting to spend too much time on this because we'll probably come back and adjust it a bit more later on so aiming occlusion there gonna throw in my base color up here then of course roughness and my normal map right there so cool and then I'm probably going to press the texture coordinate and this is going to be for my tiling of course then I'm going to multiply that so multiply or you can also just hit M on your keyboard while you click and you get one of those then I'm going to do a one constant out here and so this will be if I right click convert this to parameter I'm going to name this my tiling amount that way it's pretty easily editable and then by default this one is at one so my tiling amount if I close that I'm going to set this default value to 1 as well and then I just want to plug those into my UV locations on all my textures that way we can yeah get it working and then I'm actually going to go ahead and change this tiling amount to two so there we go we have our material starting to look alright on our sphere and um going to go back here to my content instead of actually dragging this one out I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a material instance of this master material that way we're not actually changing the massive material if we do any adjustments we can do it per actual material instance and have one for each thing so I'm going to name this one the coffee or yeah coffee sphere and the reason why I'm naming it coffee sphere is because for things to look right the models with the actual cylinder as well as the sphere and all some of them have slightly different UVS and so I'm just simply for ease of use actually having a different instance for the different models that way like I don't have to go through every time I'm like maybe jumping around with pictures and needing to change the UVS I can have the sphere UVS set up properly and then the actual ones for the the cylinder and the cube and so forth so we have that named and I can actually go here and drag it into this material so as you can see now we have it in our scene um still looking pretty rough we have our simple lighting coming from the actual directional light that we have here if you have a directional light in your scene and it's you know not necessarily hitting it in this direction I would definitely just kind of you know adjust it you don't want it to be too much where it's fully blowing out your material but you kind of want to hit it in a nice way where we can get some you know solid contrast between your uh your different uh planar faces of your material getting yeah some in the lights some in the shadow then we might even get some cool light back here with a placed Point light as well but now we have this and we have our basic part of our material setup so what do we go with next so of course we can go and adjust our material some of those things with basically our parameters and all that we can control but I think the bigger point at the moment of course is to focus on two of the other points that we had in the other map and so one of those of course being the displacement actually on top of our sphere and then the second one I'm just adding some simple rotation to it so now that we have this camera set up and everything else I want to jump over to our other selection mode so as I mentioned before with our instance I wanted you to remember the tiling amount for this because we will need that for actually the displacement so as we see here we have a tiling amount of two so I'm gonna go over and change my selection mode to modeling and then I'm going to actually click on my mesh here and scroll down a little bit and under the deform section of the modeling mode and these are basically all kinds of different modeling tools that Unreal Engine 5 has now if you're not familiar with it and one of those of course is yeah displacement which is a cool way to displace your mesh and actually displace the geometry and it actually does bake into the uh the mesh itself and transforms it and then it'll permanently keep that mesh so that's one thing we'll have to talk about in a second as well on how to do iterations with different materials and all but I'm going to go ahead and click this displace button on here and it's going to take a second and we'll probably get yeah some really ugly kind of look to it by default you will most likely be just set with a purlin noise and it'll look something more like this so one thing that we'll want to do first of course is change our purlin noise over to a textured 2D map and then what you want to do next is actually go and find your displacement uh map so our height map is what we are of course using for that so you can either type it in here or actually drag and drop it into your location so I have my coffee beans height as you can see here and it we yeah just want to make sure that it is now plugged in there so now going down you might notice that like if I change the displacement intensity it feels like the texture of course is not aligned properly with the actual like geometry displacement and again that is because of the UV scale so this is where we want to put in that number that we had in our other material or in our material itself so we were doing it by two instead of by one so I'm just going to switch this one here to two for both of them and now it looks like we have things pretty much aligned properly which is nice one other thing that you might get to is it might have the recalculate normals on at the moment if you turn that off it should resolve some of your lighting as well just because we don't really need it to recalculate our normals after it did that displacement it's going to approximate the new like kind of forms and everything The Valleys that the height map has created and so it's going to um yeah mess with your lighting a bit we just want to use the displacement itself and then of course our normal map to get a lot of our lighting and so I think if you do that it's kind of um just a little bit over the top um in general so yeah we have this now set up and one other thing too if you want to make it a little bit higher poly the subdivisions are up here so I can crank that up if you go over 10 it'll give you a warning for just geometry cost um but yeah so now I have pretty decent displacement going on I think I could probably specifically for this material at least crank up the intensity a bit more um I think just because of the type and material especially with how I rendered this one previously I wanted uh definitely the coffee beans to feel pretty three-dimensional and really popping out so I want to highlight that again when I'm doing it in here and so yeah I feel like 20 is working pretty well with the uh the look and all overall with it um don't see anything else at the moment that I'm going to change so I'm just going to hit accept and so this might take a second or two just because it's actually turning the geometry that we previously had into the new geometry so as I said it actually is changing the the mesh itself so when we once this is done I'll show you with the static mesh how it looks and so you'll have to okay there we go so I'm gonna switch back from the modeling mode and now we have our sphere and this is what it looks like if I again yeah as I was mentioning go in here and look at the model even without the material on it it has that displacement now so if you finish up with let's say your coffee beans like my material here and you want to do a different material on this um you will need to actually switch the static mesh back over so one super simple way of doing that is actually just hitting the re-import base mesh button here and it'll actually revert it to what actually came in so it'll get rid of yeah all the displacement that we did this is also another great way if you're wanting to maybe you messed up or something and accidentally hit apply this is how you could also basically clear your uh or revert your changes that you did with the displacement inside of the mesh itself so but I'm going to close that out and now we have our scene that is pretty closely looking to what the other one had I think one thing might be nice in addition to This Light here is if I were to take in maybe a point light or something and drag it over here and get a little bit of a cooler light that way we get again that contrast where um you know it has some pretty strong Dark Shadows here we have the the warm lighting here and then if we were to just push a bit of a cooler lighting over here we're getting kind of the full range of the material and seeing what it looks like in different types of scenarios for this so I'm just going to yeah maybe use the temperature itself on turn that up a bit to a cooler if I won't and I feel like the temperature is not doing enough I can also turn that off and actually go over here and pick a blue but definitely don't do too strong because then it just doesn't feel natural but let's say we're happy with this material or this blue that we have going on here I can say yep good with that and then probably also going to lessen the intensity of it I don't need it that bright um it's supposed to be the secondary light to our scene so this is our primary and then this is the yeah secondary so I think that works pretty well I can of course like play more with like the shadows and everything also with it but I think we're already hitting um pretty similar similar looks to what we had previously so I'm good with that then I might change uh go over to my camera one more time so this is my cinematic camera that were already locked into and you can play around with your aperture and focal length again if you'd like to you know zoom in a bit and then you could actually like yeah adjust it to where you had it pretty much to be where you he had like depth of field or anything like that um but I think for the sake of this video I might just leave it at that and say it's looking pretty solid now for the Simplicity of the rotation that I did um I could have made a blueprint and all for it but I actually just did it inside of the level blueprint over here so I'm going to delete the cube and cylinder um focus on those the moment and with my ball I'm just going to go over here to my level blueprint and yeah keep it pretty simple I want to do drag out from my event begin play and I'm going to do uh add rotating movement component and then I actually want to drag my ball from my outliner specifically not from the um the bottom content browser but from the outliner that way it's actually grabbing the ball that is specifically in the level itself because this is a level blueprint and going to drag that one in and plug it in there there we go and then I will also want to make sure that my ball is set to movable um that way it can actually move and yeah doesn't have any issues like that and then one other thing too is this rotating movement component I'm going to switch it from 80 to something like 10 or 20. uh let's say we do 15 gonna meet in the middle and this should be good enough for us to get some simple movement so now if I go up here I can hit simulate um on the preview and we can see that we have that movement so yeah I could actually throw this into a basically you throw this camera the Cinematic camera actor into a um level sequence and render it out and actually have a turnaround of my material as well where the lighting and all is working properly with it so that's a nice way you could also show off your materials not with just static images but also a little turnaround which I think really helps show some of the depth and kind of the form of the 3D mesh but going to pause that and yeah we are pretty much at what we have for the overall scene so I'm gonna detach from that and as you can see it's just in this little box um the black is uh you can of course change that material if you want it to be if you set this up for a parameter I could have it to be like a dark gray or a dark blue like Navy or something like that and really be able to control the background as well but showing off your materials I think works pretty well in here with what pretty much you know it is offered with all of this and again it does take some setting up and getting familiar with how to work with it but I think if you're wanting a great way to uh render out your materials have a lot of control and all and using a free software to do so I think this is a great option but besides that that is about it for this video if you have any other questions of course feel free to comment below and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Peyton Varney
Views: 1,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: environment art, game art, game development, portfolio, rendering, marmoset, substance designer, substance, texture, texture art, shaders, material artist, materials, unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine 4, game portfolio
Id: wHhMBHUq8hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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