Procedural Mesh Generation Tools In Unreal Engine 5 (Lyra Project)

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hey guys today i'm going to look at some really neat tools that were introduced in the state of unreal live stream and these are the procedural mesh generation tools that are included in the lira project you can download for free from the marketplace for unreal engine 5. and first tool i'll look at here is the advanced window tool it's probably one of my favorite tools it's basically just a chunk of wall with an opening and what you can do here is i can grab for example this handle and move around this opening within the scene here within the mesh so you can prototype kind of what you might want this to look like in real time and then over here in the details panel we have a bunch of other customizing options here so i can select the wall here for example i can change the width maybe i want to make this wider like 800 thickness here maybe i want it thicker say 50. the height here i can change to make it taller so that's pretty basic stuff right and let's move on here to the opening so i can obviously move the opening around we've seen that here and what i can do as well is change a bunch of the options about the opening and change this to for example a round opening and i'll set the radius to maybe 150 and so now i've got this uh rounded rectangle opening and you could set these width and height to zero if you want just a perfect circle or for example uh i could change this maybe i'll make this 75 and the width 1000. you've got a long skinny opening now so you can set it up however you want whatever kind of window we're opening if it's a doorway or if it's a window you can do pretty much anything like that so next here i'll take a look at opening border here which is basically going to put a trim around your opening and you can adjust this trim thickness and the extrude amount here let's say you can make it 50 or 5 if you want uh or you can adjust the extrusion amount here let's say you can make it really skinny like 5 or come out a lot like 400 for some reason so you can adjust that however you want and it also creates another material element so that you can change this trim to another material so i'll set this to for example this material here and okay next we've got the cutter so the cutter here i'll select custom cutter and i can grab this handle and you can cut off a portion of this tool let's say you wanted to cut off the top or some of the bottom or the right or the left here you can adjust these numbers here and cut away some of the tool next we have has glass so if it's an archway or a doorway maybe you don't add glass but for a window you can just add this it adds a pane of material right there in the middle of the opening for you and that gives of course a new material element here so i can set this to any one of these glass materials that are included with this project i'll just select that one maybe and uh thickness i can change this you know maybe make it really thin you can make it thicker uh all right let's leave it at five here has trim so this is basically i'm gonna add like a baseboard kind of thing to the bottom of the wall here uh and i'll set that material element here to something we can see maybe red so it shows up a bit better here and again you can adjust this the height for example maybe you want it to be 50 or 150 or let's say you want to be thicker here you could make this you know for example 50 or it could be a real thin thing like five so any kind of trim that you want there and you can put that at the bottom or the top here you can say uh simple floating i guess interior exterior for some reason that's uh bottom and top or a double simple floating here you can put it in both both spots and then the other thing i can do here is select vertical maybe i want it on the sides instead or you know maybe you're using this panel in a different orientation maybe you've you know turned it 90 degrees and you've got something like this all right so that covers the trim here now let's look at uh extend wall and so extend wall is going to basically give you uh a 90 degree turn and extension on the wall and you can adjust here the radius maybe you want it to be a hard 90 degrees or maybe you want it to be a real wide corner like that and you can adjust the length of this extension so maybe you want it to come out quite a ways like 1500 could have that whole bunch of wall added on like that or maybe you just want it to come out a little bit like 150. uh so that's handy and the next thing we can do here is uh mirror so i could mirror the entire tool let's say i want to mirror it oh i rotated it there so let's see here z-axis there we go and so i just doubled up the tool just like that okay and the last thing we can do here is bevel and so this is just a handy feature to bevel the edges so i'll just zoom in here so by default of course you have all these hard 90 degree edges and it doesn't look that great edges in real life don't really look like 90 degree corners like this typically so it helps with to make a more realistic look and with lighting and reflections to just bevel these edges a little bit i can select bevel combine and it puts this one centimeter bevel on every edge and i can increase that if i want let's say i can make that a three centimeter bevel all right so that's pretty much the wall tool and when you're done with one of these tools what you can do is you right click here and say scripted actor actions and say swap to static mesh and so now instead of the tool i've got this static mesh that i can uh work with like any other static mesh like for example i could hold alt make a copy of this and you know duplicate it up here or i can grab both of these and make you know a duplicate of this over here for example you can start kitting out a level like this and uh okay so the next thing that i'm going to look at then is let's look at the panel tool here so the panel is just a pretty basic panel say platform and what you can do here is basically you set the position where you want the one corner to be and grab the handle and drag it to the size you want it to be you can also use a cutter look handle here and a mirror handle here and then in the options over here we can set the rest of the the dimensions for example so there's two pieces here it's a little bit hard to see i'll change these materials there's uh let's see here okay so we've got the bottom and the edges here and then this inset on the top here is a different material and so yeah you can change the amount of inset here you could say you want to inset it by 50 or 200 if you want it to be you know something like that or you can even make this negative and let's say negative 50 now your top piece sticks out over the bottom all right and so let's say we made this like negative 20 only and top or extrude maybe we'll make it thicker like 20. okay so now we have this going on here all right and let's see what else we can do here we can also bevel again here i can select bevel panel and we can bevel uh the topper uh we can bevel the panel or the topper or we can do a combined bevel all right and so next i'll take a look at let's say the stairs tool here so this is pretty neat as well so the stairs tool basically what you do is you set the tool to where you want the stairs to land so let's say i want the stairs to start down here and maybe over here and then you grab the handle here and you take it to the the top position where you want the top of the stairs to be so we want these to be way over here and up here all right and so you set that up like that and then let's see i can also adjust the width here of course with this handle maybe i want them to be a bit wider like that and then in the options here i can set stuff like the number of steps that i want to have here so it's an adaptive step number or a fixed step number so i can set a fixed step number and plug in a manual number here eight steps 12 steps uh 25 steps whatever or you can set this to adaptive and set the step height here and it'll make how many it needs to reach the top so it can say 20 per step you're going to use lots of steps or i could say 50 per step and it's going to use fewer steps i'll set it to maybe 35 here and we can also say floating so i don't want to have necessarily this whole huge piece underneath the bottom here say floating and that's gone uh all right what else i can say uh simplified collision here we want to add collision of course to that and uh we want to probably add a small bevel always helps and that's pretty much it for the stairs so then i'll just right click here scripted actor actions swap to a static mesh and i didn't swap this one either i'll just swap that as well all right perfect and so maybe i'll just grab these and move these over here like this all right and uh so let's see we can also take a look at uh this generated tube and so a generated tube here i can set the number of degrees maybe only one and a half maybe i want it to be three quarters and radius of course 500 100 set it to whatever size it is that you might want and thickness here for example 50 500 uh pretty straightforward stuff here uh the height say we can set it to a thousand make it a tall thing or you know 50 or whatever you want start off set that's just going to change where the circle starts here say we set it to 90 or 180 move it around like that use handles that's going to select to use the handles instead of these options here if i select use handle now i can grab the vector handle here and do operations directly like this or if i uncheck use handle it's going to go back to using these numbers that i've plugged in here and of course i can do a bevel on that as well so pretty straightforward that one there uh what else do we have here the ramp also pretty straightforward so the ramp here basically what i can do is i can set a floor point and a top point so i can set this up so we'll move this up here like that for example and you can set how much landing you want at the top of this ramp so i can set it to for example have no landing at all it's a straight ramp or i can set it so you come up and then have a bit of landing before the end or whatever and then of course you can change your width with the handle there so again pretty straightforward stuff and uh there's a couple more in here this corner extrude so you can make uh sort of a archway or a tunnel way let's say if you want let's grab this handle here uh we can increase the length like that and the dimensions that way and then of course in the options here you would uh you can change how far it's extruding in this dimension so say zero maybe you want it to be a round thing like that or maybe you want it to be really wide like that and the radius you can make it a hard corner or you can make it a really big corner something like that if you wanted or you can make it uh completely round i think if you make these equal or no if you said extruded ceiling to zero there we go all right so plenty of options with that mesh and uh what else have we got here that's worth looking at maybe this repeater tool here and so this is basically just going to repeat a mesh along a spline and you can grab the spline ends and move them to wherever you want this red thing here is a debug draw that it's just showing you here uh sort of as a indicator of where your spline is located i think i'm not quite sure how to turn that off right now uh okay so what you can do here for example is i can grab the end of this and i can twist this so i can make like a spiral staircase here for example or something you know like that or whatever you might have in mind that you would use a spline like to this effect okay so that pretty much covers uh what i wanted to look at here with these tools and so definitely something to consider using in terms of whether using these tools or making tools to suit your specific project that will let you kit bash out levels like this very quickly alright well thanks for watching the video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BuildGamesWithJon
Views: 48,568
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Id: zLeO8pM-blU
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Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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