How To Make A Gear In Fusion 360 : The Easy and Fastest Way - Tutorial

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hi this is gas can and today I'm gonna show you guys how to make spur gears in fusion 360 the easy way so stuff like this and up to small stuff well down to small stuff like this so that you can put them on small motors or basically anything just how to make gears like this and this and this and yeah just how to make them SuperDuper quickly and eugen alright so let's start by making a new design I always like to go top view right away so the easiest and quickest quickest way to make a spur gear in fusion 360 is just go to tools up at the top then you go into atoms because these are just the predestined things that fusion 360 has available to it so this is every single fusion 360 user has access to all these and they're just a bunch of predetermined things we got bolts bottles basically anything and you want to click on spur gear it doesn't matter if you use the Python or the C++ just whichever one you prefer and then it brings you to a basically modeling so what we've got over here I'm just gonna move this since my face is right there you'll see this right here it's a little gear then you have hole diameter pitch diameter root fill it radius and then your module so basically the most important thing is gonna be your module what's this it's gonna be the pitch diameter divided by your number of teeth so what that is let's just make this one real quick and biome so we've got this now what does this mean what did all those numbers mean we'll just open it again when you create a spur gear and then make a new one it'll will keep all those those same settings if you make it another one it'll be exactly the same so what's going on here let's start with the modulus that's pretty much the most important number so that's literally just your size ratio if you had the same modulus for different types of gears they're gonna meet the same teeth ratio so I've got a gear right here this is a modulus of about 1.2 so it's got very small teeth compared to its size and here it's same modulus so they're gonna fit together so they're gonna be able to roll so that's gonna be the same as if we go to I have an example right here that's the same exact one as these over here so that's a 1.2 gear modulus all right so let's go back to our utility [Music] okay so that's your modulus if you want to make gears I work together you have to keep the same modulus now your modulus it's literally if you have more teeth then your diameter is gonna start growing if you take out teeth diameter is gonna start shrinking and then your pitch diameter is basically where you want your gears to interact so that's this right here and if we go over here then as you can see these gears they spin together and their pitch diameter are just about touching because that's where is the ideal place for them to be touching together in real Earth scenarios so how do you want to make a gear for your own specific use so we're gonna look pressure angle that's literally just the angle at which the gear is putting pressure on to the other gear so I preferred just to keep the 20 it makes everything simple for printing purposes and it basically just changes the the angle like here actually down here it just changes how this hits the other deer all right and then we've got the backlash doesn't really matter it doesn't change very much then you have the route Phillip radius so that's going to be right here this radius right here it just basically changes the fidelity of a print so if you want them tougher you'll make that radius a little bit thicker so it kind of Phillips it more and if it doesn't really matter you can keep it lowered then your gear thickness that's literally gonna be how thick it is this way so if you want it thicker if it's a pile drive you might want a little bit thicker so that it has more room for another gear to be able to hit it and then you have the whole diameter that's going to be this diameter right here that hole right there and for most gears if for most motors if you have a DC motor it's gonna be a 2 millimeter or a little bigger than 2 millimeter radius so if you're printing go 2 millimeters so it's a little bit tighter so it sticks right in there all right let's go ahead and delete this gear right here eat the whole thing we're gonna make a new one we're gonna make a small gear and then I'm gonna show you how to make it like into a skeleton year you can edit it so we're gonna go ahead and make something similar to this we're just gonna go and make a new design we're going to go into tools Add Ins scripts go all the way down to spare gear and we'll make something new so we're gonna go something more along the lines of eight teeth we'll go six teeth and we're gonna have a modulus of my free modulus is about one or two we'll go with one make it real small and our whole diameter is gonna be two millimeters and so you'll always have warnings down here to help you out to see if these everything is going to work work your route fill radius is too large must be less than 0.5 nine millimeters so basically just bring it down to 0.58 BAM it'll work so we got a tiny tiny little gear here actually we might want to make this a little bit bigger just because there's no point in making it a spur gear the only reason I'm a skeleton here the only reason you want to skeletonize something is to make be printing faster or just make it more lightweight like this right here it brings down the actual cost quite a bit about half and it'll be pretty much just as strong because it's ABS plastic it doesn't really matter if it's all there so let's just make another one but slightly bigger a way to do this to make it so that they actually fit together if you want it for some reason both teeth just go in literally just add some teeth we're gonna make this you know what 18 teeth perfect and we're just gonna move this over to the side and they fit together perfectly so now if we want to make this a skeleton gear we're just gonna go ahead and click on our gear that we want to change and sketch it we're sketching on this plane we're just gonna make that one invisible real quick alright so what I personally do I try to find the plane that it's laying on so the the perfect I like making mine symmetrical so we look at this green line right here that's the one that's going straight through because it's on the center so what I do I just grab a circle and I make a circle right here that's actually a little close to the edges so we're just gonna make a circle again make it whatever size you like not a big science to it since it's a very small gear and make a slightly smaller circle and then we're gonna connect them with a line and then these ones are tangential but you can see right here these ones aren't tain digital's so to fix that we just grab the tangent line tangential and tangential if you grab the line first and then the circle is going to keep the circle in its place so BAM when now we finish the sketch now we're gonna have to cut through it so to do that we just extrude shift-click on everything to make it go good and then we are going to rotate a little bit and health our thickness it was twelve point seven so we're gonna go negative twelve point seven millimeters and it cuts all the way through as you can see band cut all the way through but now we want to make it even all the way around so what we're gonna do is we're going to do a pattern circle pattern and then we're going to pick instead of faces go for features since this is our new feature we want to repeat that now for the axis you can grab whatever axis you can either try to click on the z axis or you can just click these the center hole because we want it around the center hole so now we just pick how many we want add them until it looks quite nice I'm just gonna there we go we're gonna add a few more and that looks about right right there okay and there we go we've got our nice skeleton gear we could probably make those skeletons those holes a little bit bigger to make save on some plastic but this right here is good enough all right so that's how you quickly make a gear in fusion 360 if you have any other questions like how to make the gears spin like they do over here just let me know and I'll make any other video about it thanks for watching all right so if you look at that video please consider subscribing if you want to see any more tutorials in fusion 360 I've also got a new weight loss challenge coming up in the next few weeks and it's going to be as much weight that I can lose in 60 days so I'm gonna be trying to get abs since I've always want ever since I was a little kid I'm gonna try to do that in 60 days actually it's gonna be right on my birthday is one knee challenge ends and if I do get abs I'm gonna challenge myself to eat ten pumpkin pies in one day which is about 38,000 calories probably not doable but I'm gonna try my hardest so if you want to see that please subscribe and the first week of the challenge should be going up in the next three week if you've got any questions infusion that you'd like to know about or any questions about this video please let me know in the comments below
Channel: WTFGazcan
Views: 49,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To, Fusion, Fusion360, How to make gear, How to make a gear, How to use fusion 460, How to make a gear in fusion 360, How to make in auto cad, Tutorail, Tutorial, Tutorial Fusion 360, Tutorial Making a gear, How to make a gear in cad, How can I make a gear spin, How to cut into a gear, Make a 3D printable Gear, make a gear look prettier, pretty gear, smooth gear, easiest way to make a gear, the fastest way to make a gear, simple gear, how to simple gear fusion
Id: w2yYZE20y9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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