How to make a fishing burley spring.

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right we've been fishing a couple of times and I'm always raving on about my Burley Springs so what I'm gonna do is show you how I make them which is pretty easy not rocket science right firstly I went to the hardware shop and bought myself some gavin galvanized wire this one is one point I'll just put on my broken glasses look I broke them of the screw came out they still work though Radio one point seven one point five seven millimeter diameter wire this one it's not that thick I have made them out of a bit thicker wire because they're a bit stronger how to think a wire obviously but I am these Burley Springs they're not bad right here's some what I've already prepared this is what I'm gonna show you how I make this one's a bigger one I told a mate of mine how to make them and he went off and he actually made me this this is made over out of an old angle grinder handle and threaded bit of bolt put into the end of it so that works that's what I made off of that one there's a swivel attached on the bottom for connecting your sinker to or you can connect your sinker directly onto your spring like I normally do but you can do that if you like like this you can use bolts like this or you can even use a coach bolts and I actually made this little one off the coach coach bolt that's a nice little one you can make them as big as you like of whatever size bolts you like this one here is made off this piece of threaded bolt that's the size I generally make that's got a swivel on the bottom and there's a swivel pretending it's connected to your main line very good if you want to get fancy you can actually drill a hole right down in the middle of a piece of bolt like that and make it all one piece I actually learned this off a guy at Mitsubishi quite a few years ago and he was called Kevin thanks keV I'm gonna share it with the world they wouldn't mind anyway right so I'll make one out of this show you how I do it I'll just egg off you can if you like use MIG weld wire this is a big one made out of MIG weld wire that's a bit more expensive though but they will last forever because I won't rust the galvanized wire does rust after a little while but it does last a long time that's for putting in our homemade bait bait trap I just clip that in the bottom my dad made this clip that in the bottom put some bread in it and you beauty drop them okay all right I'll angle this down and show you how I make these with my rubbishy pliers can you believe I can't find my good pliers so managed with these horrible things right here firstly the bolt piece of wire approximately 70 centimeters long just roughly right put it onto your thread of the bolt obviously with a thread going down that away because you don't want to be threading it towards you hold it with your thumb and then just follow the the thread of the bolt until you come to the end of the wire and be careful with that end of the wire what's flicking around I don't want to poke yourself in the eye but I have my spectacles on so that's all safe you want to work on around 10 to 12 reps but you can do as many as you like you can make these as big as you want don't really matter okay so that's that done lovely now we've just got a thread it off that works alright because there's no machinery or anything needed just your pliers your bolts and your wire so if you're going fishing in you need a burly spring you can easily just make a couple there you go there's that side now with my crappy pliers really better with a good pair pliers firstly we're going to bend the end of the wire a maker and I by working the wire against itself there you go go on I there now we're gonna centralize it okay once we've roughly got it Center we can grab that bit with the pliers and just pull it out a bit this right centralize it a little bit more you can be as you can make them as pretty as you want but at the end of the day when you start using and it's going to go out of shape a little bit right we've done that side same on this side now the reason I'm doing this now is because here in South Australia as our safe Australians though the weather's been pretty average and pretty windy pretty cold but mainly windy and there's been a big swell running so it's been slowing my fishing down a little bit so I thought I may as well get this done okay so there you go we've done all that centralizing that looking good okay so we got that bit alright now I'm going to spread it a bit carefully don't want it like to open there we go that's a nice that's pretty big burly spring okay so he got that bit dumb now we want the wire in the middle we're pretty much making it just like a bought one but you can make them as big as you want this way right we're gonna allow enough wire each end so we can make the loop like on there okay so about about that much but it's a much at this in so we're gonna snip it off about there okay pliers the crappy pliers which would we will write that's me whyatt lovely alright this end right there bend it over just like that and then here bend it over okay now you can finish that Bend help is down with your pliers right same on the other end there we got that bit there now right there bend him over then that bit get your pliers squeeze it back in there's your other end there you go there's your Center wire simply that's going to go up the middle of your early spring and come out through your hole you've already made right on that end we'll just close it up with the pliers lock the lemons with these ones okay that's in there that's not coming out now that's good now with this one push it up through the hole all the way like that we got us bringing here huh get your sinker if you want to put it directly on so you can make a few of them with all your different sized sinkers boat fishing for snapper or anything you know you get your Burley directly to where your faders okay put that on there and now again just close up that ring and how's that one Billy Spring and just to show you who we got a swivel here as well Paul Eamon there you go connect it to your mainline how's that they look pretty good so there you go I hope that's been handy to you that's how you make it really Springs to easy out of that 30 meters of wire wow we can get a lot of Springs probably 40 Springs I think that cost four or five bucks awesome so there you go guys hope you've enjoyed that I'll see you down fishing somewhere soon I still might do some smoked fish but anyway I want to go rock fishing and a bit of other stuff but he gets hard because we all work we all know I had it gets to even go fishing because we're all busy all right dudes tight lines see you next time bye
Channel: David Sheldon Fishing
Views: 13,272
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: Gopro, How to make a fishing berley spring, berley spring
Id: O_w8CAC0uoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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