Australian Salmon, rigs , catching and cooking yummy fish cakes.

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g'day guys um this can only mean one thing we are going fishing so anyway what I want to do is a Riggin I was actually gonna do a catch and a cook because I want to show you guys how to make my fish cakes and like other people know and make them but some of you don't so I'd like to catch a salmon and make some fish cakes but then I thought it's about time I showed you how I made my rig so I've got four salmon rigs here what I do like to use I have used them all um so yeah let's get started right firstly the real I use is a one of a day with Sol one of the day was a day with Sol LT 6000 yep it's a nice little real beautiful little reel it is so light that's what I like about it though it's filled up with thirty pound braid which is really nice so anyway sometimes I use a leader and sometimes I don't and today I'm not going to use a leader because it's actually it's that the wind is blowing safest it's gonna be a bit blowy down there so a leader will slow my cast down a little bit so I'm gonna fish direct braid if he was gonna use a leader I would just wind on a trace of 35-pound line you know I would join it onto my line with an Albright knot and wind it winding off onto onto my rod and just have it just turn onto my reel once that's all and then I would join my reek to that leader obviously now I'm not using a leader I'm just gonna join us wiggle straight to my braid the knot I'm going to use is a blood knot I use blood knots for everything I was brought up using a blood knot so I'll show you what I'll do I'll just bring this a bit closer right first I got my braid my 30 my 30 pound braid I've doubled my braid over all right then I get my swivel it's just a cheaper swivel you can use the good quality swivels I've got trained swivels here you know with the bearing their nice little swivels well yeah I'm gonna use the cheap swivel just to show you guys these are okay they're fine I have never had one break on a fish ever if they get a bit tarnished like you know a little bit of corrosion or discolor throw them away and use another one anyway right put my line double braid through the eye and just tie a blood knot which is because it's fine braid I'm gonna use like a good six wraps of the line I do hold it there just to hold that loop right you don't want it closing up because I want to pass the line back through there right I'm gonna wrap the line up the main line that's one two three four five six times back in through that I you formed okay and then back through the I you've just formed by doing that or the loop whatever you like to call it grab the tag end and there you have it now braid is of nylon so it's not gonna create friction when you pull it tight but maybe just in case give it a bit of a loop and just pull it up help it help it slide now because it's double you might want to pull this tag in a little bit just to make sure everything in there pulls up nice and there you have it that knot will not come undone and it is very strong very strong em so snip off the tag end like so okay that is done on connected swivel well just wine this up I forgot to say the rod I'm using is a it's like a broomstick it's an old I think it used to be a 5:1 20 and I've actually broken the tip on it but I'm using this today because last time I went fishing I fell over at the back of my car when I got home and I broke the tip off my other rod my Snyder glass for 120 yeah not good fit my shoulder at all now that took ages to come good oh yeah not good I'm using what I call a broomstick it is pretty stiff but it'll do the job it's nice and light yeah I know okay so let's make the rig the business end right the line I'm using is called super flex it's 35 pound line and it's made in Germany pretty much all lines made in Germany are good quality lines Snyder's another good one that's made in Germany and I used to use a line called Bayer that was made in Germany it's very good stuff but anyway right you get the line first thing I'm gonna do is make a loop in the end of the line to fix onto that swivel the reason I use a loop is if there's a school of salmon they're a big school I might want to put a lure on so I can just easy take this rig off and as if a lure onto that swivel and way the loop is how you do that just double your line over give yourself a little bit to play with but we I want to make that loop as small as possible not too big right this is pretty much just a granny knot I'm gonna go back around the line okay and then that that tag end of the loop goes back through that loop you've just made see and then I just grab it and pull it up tight and then there you go one loop snip off this with the scissors I generally use my teeth and you shouldn't like the snip right there's that no come down only this fire I don't have to come down far I'll measure it for you that is things we do 19 centimeters say 20 centimeters okay just aim that far all right so I'll come below that 20 centimeters just come down a little bit and this is going to be my first dropper loop all right so I'm gonna wind that drop a loop back up you know both of these lines together kind of like a blood knot but only twice right I'm gonna go once hate once twice right I just heard a rat okay this tagging you might say goes back through the loop I'm hanging on to you there to form that loop now just pull it tight carefully okay I like to just put my little finger in there a little bit if I can hey just let it I'll pull up nice and then you can grab it at the top and give it a pull okay first drop a loop okay I like it when they stick up like that because when I hang my snood off there it's gonna really you know hold it out nice there you go and if you don't want to do that you could do this here's another line here's another drop a loop line just do that former form another loop no you just just like that and then get this tag end put it through there put it through that loop so you got this loop happening and just wrap it around in there one see what's happening here two three four okay now this end here goes back through that little loop in the middle there so gonna get that they loop a bit bigger they get it in me okay get that and just pull it in that loop okay here I'm doing I'm trying to hold everything tight at the same time with both my hands all right a little bit of lubrication pull that up tight be that lovely there's another nice dropper loop actually like him a bit bigger than that but that's fine no problem still a dropper loop there you go if you don't want to use any of them drop the loops you can use a three-way swivel the same thing my dad actually likes I've used them a lot them but I just tend to stick to my other way now there's three you a swivel tied each side with the blood knot and my loop on top again anyway there's that one that's a double-double three wave swivel to most bottom swivel for my sinker put that aside right I'll connect this swivel this the rig what I started I'll connect that on to my swivel with that loop I'll wind it up a bit with my reel so then I can do the next one the next one you know that was like 20 centimeters down from the swivel next one I'll come down about back about there right there which is to me looks like 45 centimeters now it's quick to measure Oh 45 centimeters hey that's good right my next dropper loop same thing I'll come down a little bit like this make that loop and then wind it back up my my line one two and then that tag end back through just like that I think it'll be little lubrication if you pull nylon slow that's okay you're not gonna create any friction see if you pull it up fast you don't want to burn it all right I see I got my little finger in that loop which I like and you can pull it up first then just pull it from the top I think that one's come up as well lovely I love that come down again I like a fur that would be like 35 centimeters I shall measure it's 35 centimeters Hey Oh fine can you see that twisting my arm and right now I'm gonna go a snip longer to allow for the knot okay cause they're not amazingly you know pulls up pulls up and now I'll lose a little bit of length so come down a little bit more and now I'll get my swivel [Applause] yeah another one out of here don't want to treat the tiny school I'll do it's not huge that'll be fine and I'll just tie this on the bottom that's why I lied a little bit extra line for my nuts okay my blood Navas again one two three four five will do now if you were using much heavier line you can't do that many wraps maybe only three so I've gone back through the loop and I've gone back through again for a full blood knot pull it up tight clip off the tag and there you have it one half a review my say now I've just got to make my snoods to go onto them dropper loops all right okay the the hook I like to use down wiping wiping there is a one oh and reason being is because with a 100 I can catch the smaller fish as well as the bigger fish because I really do like to come home with a feeder fish so yeah again tie tie the hook on with a blood not full blood not if you just go back through the I want like you know just wrap this up six times one two three four five or five will do if you just go back through that first I that's a half a blood knot go back through the second eye or loop that's a full blood knot Oh lubrication and help it pull up there you go I look tight by lid off with my teeth do the wrong thing now if you like you can give it a bit more of a tight by putting it on something just pull it up tight okay that hooks on hello I like to use a long snoot that's why my trace is you know this far from my bottom swivel to my loop and I'm a bit of a gap between 50 centimetres wasn't it doesn't matter about the gap at the top it doesn't get tangled up there so I like to have that top bit a bit shorter just to keep the trace as short as I possibly can so I can cast it easier okay so I've got this one so I like a long trace because I like to think my bait is moving you know in the water with the longer trace because movement attracts bites because most stuff what fish eat in the current is moving isn't it so yeah officially used to it something moving so I'll start off because this is gonna be two hooks I like to make it a little bit longer be generous you don't want tight too short you've also got to allow for your half hitch what's gonna go around the pilchards tail so right what's that probably 45 centimeters 45 quick measurement for you guys that is Oh near 50 DP centimeters of line right I'm gonna get another hookah now just slide that you know slide that down my line down here now put that hook exactly where you want it it's not I'm gonna use it's not really a knot but it's good I've been using it for years I'll showing it years ago and I've used it ah hundreds of times and it has never come off anyway get my line wind it back down the shank towards the hook one two three four five okay hold that in position get your tag end back up through the eye okay there you have it that hook is fixed onto your line beautiful now come back up here alright the other end we want to buy that beak and make your loop remember don't go too short because you got all away for that half hitch well me anyway because like I said I like a long snood hey well that type beautiful there's my loop snip off the tag end lovely snood right now I shall tie another one which is a single hook because we're only allowed to use three hooks that is classed as two hooks if they were gang together it would be classed as one hook you're allowed to gang five hooks together and it's classed as one hook which is insane but yeah that's classed as two hooks so now only allowed to use another one hook so I'll just tie this one on with my blood knot again one two three four five will be plenty remember if it was thicker only three and sometimes when it's thicker you can only go back and do a half a blood knot but it's really strong when it gets thick no drama right back through twice full blood not lubrication help it up don't force it or you will you know we can you're not just help it there you go pulling up with it beautiful tighten you up a bit again you can put him on there you want just to make sure it's good to do this actually make sure it's not gonna slip and then you know you can snip off your tag end and it slipped all the way and it's not going to slip anymore there you go snipped off nice one single hook don't have to come as long this time because I'm not putting a second hook on we'll go there what's that thirty centimetres time I loop okay Brown once granny not back through there we go the loop and snip him off there's my two snoods double hook single book now I'm gonna put it on my line now I like putting the double hook on the top simply by go the other way if you like put your loop through that loop all right so you got that and you get your hooks you put your hooks back through that loop okay then it simply just pulls up help that not go through your eye just like that and then through there they connected lovely alright now we'll put the bottom one on wherever that's gone I've lost it I'm real can you believe it or they were just found it can't put the hook through first if you like hook through the loop okay then hook through that loop on India snood okay I'm just by running your like fingers down here right on another snood single hook on the bottom right if you can see that I'll just move the camera back a little bit there you have it nice salmon rig lovely look how them snoods are sticking out from the side nice I love it - like that - look beautiful distances apart okay so that's my general rig off way pinger - baits - orcs 35-pound trace right through directly to my braid okay another Rick day way pinger say there are some bigger fish there I'll just put them aside there that's the one we're gonna use later if there's some bigger fish there you can make a rig like this it's all made exactly the same lug nuts but it's just a single bait you know a nice long dropper there you go with three five-oh hooks for a whole pilchard you can use two hooks if you like but I like to use three but two is fine I use two a lot as well same thing the hooks are stopping just above the where the sinker would be on the bottom okay and you loop at the top it's not fair above your snoot in your loop doesn't have to be a big distance there at all again to help keep your trace shorter for casting so there's that way you can do everything's tight the same like I just showed you there's a spinner dropper that goes over there okay there's another one with a three-way swivel on again type not far down from that drop a loop but a nice distance to the bottom swivel plus there's a good 50 centimeters for another long nice long trace to come down to here for the movement I don't like them little short ones there you go that's another way to tie a good salmon Eric now a single wither if it was really windy down there really rough you might really want to go to a single bait because you will cast a lot better with a single bait so there seem rough conditions radio so there's that way if I was gonna go to well there's my other one - you have showed you that already - three ways to three-way swivels same as drop the loops for three-way circles instead very good like I said my dad likes to do that if I was going to stop Creek or anywhere where there's a good chance you might hook her nice big mother way I would use this rig now if I was fishing again at a place that I would definitely put a leader on because I like my running swivel to be running on nylon rather than braid even though will work fine but I just like it running on nylon so I would use a leader a 40 pound 35 anyway that looks like my main line it's a sinker on a trace of line which is 45 centimeters long but then I've got a trace here with double 6o a big salmon big salmon with wolf or 6o hook no worries and that if they are connected to a t-pain line Sadie pet safety find Schneider I will not use less than 80 paying line for male if you hook a big male you could easy lose your dream fish because they can bite you off I've been bitten off by massive male and it wasn't good it was very sad so yeah that slides up your main line that ties to your main line just pretend they go to main line here and that sinker is running okay tie it on with a blood knot I'll just show you one thing I do do in that situation I don't I can't let's pretend now slide that onto your mainline right and I double my line okay give you that extra strength around the swivel okay then one two three four will do here because that is 35 and doubled back through that loop again okay we're going to manage to get back through for a full blood knot okay there you go lubrication pull it up tight lovely I like to grab that loop you felt up cool if you tagged in a little bit of a pool it's all good slip it all off they have it doubled double the line blood not you know it's running twice around the swivel all super strong for a super strong fish of a lifetime [Music] this trace is that quite long can you see that of being like closer okay running sinker and this trace is a good 800 long of a steep a line down to two sixes so there you go that's what I would use down where I could easy hook a big male as well as big salmon alright just put that aside okay I never go salmon fishing without a lure these are the loos I like to have in my bag I've got a couple of lasers all right the hooks water on them on this one the bronze one is called a scorpion treble which is a real nice treble on this one is opposing I reckon they're a number two just general bait hooks hanging off the swivel on each side opposing each other can you see how they're on okay now if you've never caught salmon on a loo before when you hook them you'd be fighting them away and then they jump out the water and they shake their head around and this lure will shake around like this and often they'll throw the lure out of the mouth and you'll lose him and it's see you later anyway a good way if you're losing a lot of fish again that hook double hook opposing hooks is good but again if you're losing more hooks and you've only got the treble you can hang another hook of that split ring that will help immensely or even another treble if you're having problems landing them and there's a couple of tips on that I also another couple of losers they're about these are 35 grams laser these are the Osceola round alou's which are fantastic they good mulloway lures - these are probably up around 50 grams just in case it's a rough again and you want to cast out against the wind you want a lure a little bit heavier there's the lures covered sinkers I only take four sinkers out with me salmon fishing couple around the three-eighths mark star sinkers like I said before they hold better in the surf there's nothing worse than using a sinker what's gonna be dragging has you you really want to use a proper surf sinker okay take two of them I like one around two outs if it's a bit camera and even go down or 1x1 on a half ounce if it's camera again I've got my options open what else are we doing here yes and I like to take a spare in here I've got you know a couple of spare snoods nothing worse than losing a rigging you gotta tie everything on the beach not good so take some spares already tied and in here we've also got more the drop a bit with the lid the dropper loops on it all ready to go so you're gonna be back in the water as quick as you can and that I think that's it guys you can use grapple sinkers if you like you know it's really ripping and you're just scared it hardly enough I don't often use these I use these about 2% of my fishing but your options there if you need it you can bend the wires up like that or you can bend your wires down at the end like this you know okay problem with them if it's weedy you can imagine what happens is we got a grapple hook you know there is a sinker called Jimin Jimin I grapple hook that's from England and these they're they're pretty good but you can't move your bakewell's if you move it because the the wires are release on them that's an option I very rarely use them okay I also take I've always got a male rigging my bag just in case because you can easy put them all the way we gon' your salmon rod you might see one in the surf that's that I think let's go fishing guys let's go get some fish okay I'll see you down on the beach I hope that Silver's okay we're finally down here let's use this week what I made Bishan it hopefully and then we can do a caching cook she's a bit blowy down here so please excuse any of the wind noise right like I said at home I'm gonna be fishing with future there we have it the completed rig with bait all we need now is a fish hanging up it seems we can get one alright I'll cut this on my head right let's do it all right first cast hope you can hear me all right doesn't look too bad just get our line out into that nice blue water there bit of a wave it's shallow where that wave where the waters breaking where the waves are breaking but okay get some fish that caste wasn't very fair because my lines a bit dry then the first cast is always not very fair see we can get a fish there though next cast will go a bit further okay do that again bit further this time that's better the enemy might steal is there grab him there on the back of the shelf we won't get you there you go crap Oh guys I got one usual story I had the camera turned off but there's one in the back he beauty try and get another one it's a big one into the big fish if we get him in it's a good one Oh in geometry the water it's drop a bit stiff there he is all right nice fish nothing wrong with him a few fish cakes out of that one [Music] yes that's a good mama and with them not about fish this one might jump for us in a minute there is us to them they're all right we got him and I'll fat fish today very good fish please nice when I get it for more that big that's my bag limit only load 10 35 and over 35 centimeters and over 10 fish nice fish all right that's really good we've dumped some Regan it belong to captain there we can do some cooking later all right I'm back just before I do these fish you've seen Mitzi before she's am not over 19 now so Wow I hope she makes it to 20 hey hey you're gonna sit down and be good at you know hair all over my clothes come I'm gonna have to change my gloves all right look he's so excited cuz we haven't had a new fish like ages have we all right I'm gonna change my gloves not with Phil it's off these in hyper speed have we hyper speed [Music] awesome all done now I'll just get them cleaned up and we'll do some cooking okay here we go guys let's get these fish cakes made so firstly what we need is some flour a couple of eggs and some panko breadcrumbs lovely that's for when there when the fish cakes are made so anyway first we've got this we've got the salmon and potatoes what we want is this roughly the same amount of potatoes as salmon now what I like to do this is all optional what I put in there you can put in whatever you like but this is how I make them like I said this is the basic your salmon and your potatoes and away you go and I firstly we have to boil the salmon in water we'll take this over here put it down we'll drop these SEM fill its this is off that salmon what Wade 1.35 kilo or something like that all right let's see how many fish cakes we can get out of it so put the salmon in there we'll boil it away now I had a guy on a comment tell me that if you boil your salmon in milk it comes out real yummy but I've never tried that but there that in mind I'm gonna I'll give it a go one day but anyway follow I'll do it the normal way the usual way I do it salt water cook bring it to the boil let the fish cook in the other pot is for the potato I'll cut him up not too small but small enough just so that they they cook a lot quicker don't they win this smaller I just pop all these off okay done now let's get him in the water salt water as well and yeah we'll just boil them until they're nice and soft so I can squish him up with my hand okay the fish is done so what I do now bring it over to the sink pour it in my colander steam up the lens of Steve with the lens of the camera as you better wipe vo salmon is draining righty-o look watch that steam the potatoes are ready so right last one that's okay I probably didn't need that one okay there I'll let them cool down the fish is cool now we'll let the potatoes cool okay we're ready to go potatoes cool fishes cool I've actually got two bowls here this is the one I'm gonna do my regular fish cakes in this one I'm gonna do some curried fish cakes I've never had them before so that's what I mean you can just try what you want to try just need the basic the potato and the fish and then just wing it you can taste it as you go as well it's all right we want 50/50 potato in there probably probably that much or or more a little bit okay and the rest of that can go into the bottom ox that's fine a little bit more in there right there's a potato get rid of that okay now I've got my cheese I love putting a bit of teasing so most of that can go into that one well it'll be into this one right Jesus in a little bit of onion roughly a little bit in there YUM okay tomato sauce see what you like whatever you want right I'm nice squirt in the air I won't put tomato sauce into the curry one I don't know whether they they will go together right bit of salt not too much we don't want to salt overload in there again all right a little bit of chilli I don't like too much chili because it can you know overtake just a - a couple of them that'll do all right him in this one let's put out a little bit as well our I put a bit in for now and not too much I'll have to add as I go like that much of status I'll taste it right I like Tuscan seasoning so I'll put a bit of that in there again don't get carried away you know once you put it in you can't take it out you don't want to ruin it let's stick with that much okay a little bit of lemon pepper okay I'm not gonna put the too much of this in there because that's curried then a little bit of black pepper and there's a pesto already in the lemon pepper so up with too much of that in there either alright little spoon for my garlic I'll put a couple of teaspoons of garlic in here or yeah not too much that'll do let's see what else we got here a little bit of dill I'll put a bit of doing here eh do you got curry smells good so I'm not the world's greatest cook I just like having a play a little bit of basil I'll do bidding et I'll do all right I think I think that's it right now now we mush I'll do this one first oh sorry what am i doing I forgot me veggies he got up add your veggies some mixed veggies peas corn and carrots we'll also put some in there for schewe and the curried ones right let's mix go grab a bit on my finger put it onto my spoon tastes a little bit more curry not a lot good okay awesome done there we got two bowls regular and curry not overloaded with curry but you can taste it that's for sure so I'll leave that as it is let's make the fish cakes there's a lot of mixer okay let's begin we'll start with the regular radio you make make him as big as you think you might want them we generally go around that size it's beautiful for me like that let me chili flake YUM so right flour egg drums keep one hand dry if he can saves a little bit of Miss [Music] you young there you go right yeah that's what one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven regulars and for curry that's 15 fish cakes out of a 1.35 five kilo salmon so pretty good right let's say cook them here we go I think the oils nice these are pretty big I reckon I could have made a few more if I'd made them a bit smaller oh yes we have sizzle making for two time well there you have it guys they look too bad today YUM these these for the curry ones and these are the regular now em I'm gonna have to try one these should be cooled down a bit that inside looks all right doesn't it YUM and it takes that little bit the air yeah if you've never tried these you have got to try them they are beautiful for all you who have tried them you know how good they are YUM now I've never tried curry we've got that yellow curry tinge okay guys here goes hope hope it doesn't burn my face off right yum that carry one is beautiful and all yum yum yum alright guys thank you for watching him I hope you've enjoyed that y'all air stay safe and all that sort of stuff and then see you another time when I can get out fishing all right dudes adios see you later I'm gonna eat my dinner
Channel: David Sheldon Fishing
Views: 20,147
Rating: 4.9340205 out of 5
Keywords: GoPro, Australian salmon fishing rigs, making fish cakes, how to make fish cakes, catching Australian salmon, Australian salmon lures, Waitpinga beach, fishing waitpinga beach, south australia, fishing south Australia
Id: lFkE7-i7Ydc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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