5 ETSY Digital Products That SELL

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if you're interested in selling digital files the biggest platform in the world is etsy and if you want to sell on etsy the big question is what should i sell you might be asking yourself what can i sell well in this video i break down five digital product ideas to sell on etsy and i'm gonna use real life examples so you can see exactly what you can sell let's go make some sales all right i'm on etsy and the first thing i want to point out is that when you're on the home page if you just click the search bar and you just don't type anything it'll tell you what's popular right now so for example i'm in canada and there's this thing here every child matters shirt canada and you know halloween shirts collar leashes so first of all like don't overthink it if you just click this button and you take a look here you can see what's popular and that'll give you some ideas before we jump in but i've got five digital ideas here that i'm going to jump in specifically and the first one is public domain artwork so here's an example of a poster that you could make into a digital file so this is sugar in canvas local seller 2 2233 sales and this is a public domain image you can grab this image on like raw pixel for example or any museum website this is a public domain photo and here this is 18 now they're not selling this as a digital file but you could one thing you can do is you can scroll on down and you can see if people are actually buying the item so here it doesn't tell you if there's a bunch in cart sometimes it'll say you know five and cart seven card but here you can see this is an actual person katie a real live human being bought this poster now they've obviously got the poster printed but it's an idea to sell a digital file that looks like this you put the name of the you know van gogh at the top and you've got the bottom here here's another one this is the starry night and this is a printable so this is an actual digital file this is a digital download jpeg pdf png and they've just taken starry night and they've made it into a multi-layer vector which you could do in inkscape for example and then they have a nice little t-shirt mock up here black t-shirt white t-shirt and it's 4.77 and they've got again scroll down to the bottom and you can see examples if people are actually buying this type of thing now of course i'm not suggesting you just take this file and copy it but you could do this similarly with the mona lisa or you could do it with something like that here's the mona lisa stencil seller called gee woo art 6 000 sales mona lisa portrait stencil 2.86 svg png dxf and here you can see somebody has purchased it and they've put it on a t-shirt they've also got other lots of other stuff and they're really high quality files so take a look through when you see a pdf or an svg file of something that you'd think well you could probably just do this yourself right i mean mona lisa again that's public domain you could graphic that up using inkscape pretty easily the next piece of digital art that i would recommend that you take a look at is something along the lines of vintage comic book svg files digital files you're going to see a lot of this stuff if you type comic book svg in you're going to see a lot of bam boom kapow a lot of these sort of things and you could make a bundle of that and you could probably sell it there's not a ton what you will find are a ton of copyright infringing designs batman superman archie do not do that don't risk getting your account banned but something like this this is a comic book svg bundle with superhero speech and this could have been created right in inkscape for example so this is a really nice one you can see here fly line cut svg a little over 3 700 sales this is a great great looking bundle for a dollar 99 you get these really nice high quality you know comic book phrases another thing i really like are cleaned up digitally restored comic book covers this is lucky 376 horror comic book cover they're selling this for 2.65 and as i scroll on down you can see there's other stuff here in their store they're starting up and they're niching down on vintage comic book covers here's another one i really liked this is called print and sell this is 3 800 sales and now i'm not saying this design has sold 3 800 but when you see a shop that's got a number of sales like 3 800 you know they're doing something right so i take notice when i see that because i go okay they're obviously onto something here you can see here there's 459 shop reviews so they are selling this is for eight dollars and 20 cents which is a little on the high side for a digital file so my my eyes go big and i go okay what are we doing here for eight dollars and 20 cents well what they've got is a bundle and it's 250 vintage horror comic illustrations from a wide period of issues in high resolution of 300 dots per inch and a physical a4 size so they've taken 250 comic book covers and they've cleaned them up they've saved them all as a consistent size and they've offered them now as a bundle of 250 for eight dollars and 20 cents now you might think wow that's a lot of work to get 250 comic book covers but remember you can go to a site like comic book plus for example and you can take the original scans and you can clean them up using photoshop affinity photo and you can basically put 250 into a bundle and then sell them for the rest of your life these are all public domain so there's nothing stopping you from doing something very similar and by the way if you go to comic book plus you'll notice there's lots of different genres this is one of my favorite sites in the world comicbookplus.com i simply go here to categories i select a category i could go to romance for example from here i scroll on down and i can see there's six pages of free comic books so i'm going to just pick the first one here because i'm lazy all for love 17 books i also love these romance comics these are great i simply click on one i'll pick say volume one number six and here is the comic book cover uh oh we're in the row boat and some strangers snuck up and is assaulting this poor gentleman who's minding his own business so you can see here all i need to do now is just right click the file and i can save this image and that is a comic book i can click on it and it'll also take me into the actual book itself so if you find high quality scans inside the book you could also have that as well the next digital design there is a lot of competition but it's only because there's so much demand for it so i've typed in here into etsy arrow svg and so you're going to get back quite a number of results here fifteen thousand but you can see here there's lots of different types of arrows and there's bundles of arrows these are relatively easy to make in inkscape you can also just draw them yourself if you have an apple pencil or if you have a touch screen you can actually draw these yourself so here's just an example knight rider crafts 18 977 sales and they've sold this for a dollar 31. you can see here as you scroll down pretty easy file to work with recommend another one you can do is you can type in border svg or frame svg and that'll give you back bundles again there's 16 000 results so you would have to do some work on this and see if there's a niche inside of this you know category that you could stake your claim to so here's just an example because a lot of people will look at this and go well i could make a border but there's already borders so what's the point well here's one this is a dripping border so they've made this with a nice little shiny interface and this is looks great jane joe art 169 000 sales now it's a dollar it's not like they're you know they're i mean it's not ten dollars but it's a dollar which is nice but once you make it and you upload it on etsy it's gonna sit there forever so here's a purchased item dripping borders dripping borders i look down below to see if somebody's purchased something like this before i pursue this niche this is evidence that a human being out there has actually purchased this which is great so that's an idea you could do all sorts of different types of borders depending on your digital skill set the next digital product that i'm a big fan of you can go into etsy and type in hand drawn svg so if you have an apple pencil or a touch screen you can draw this stuff you can also just draw it right in photoshop or affinity photo or inkscape but it's just easier if you have an actual pencil you can also draw it on a piece of paper take a picture of it and then just simply scan it in and then you can modify it in inkscape that kind of thing so here's some beautiful hand-drawn plants these are 98 hand-drawn and seventy one cents this is love home by christine 23 000 sales again i scroll down and i can see somebody has actually purchased this i absolutely love these flowers it gives you inspiration that you could do something like this too remember everybody on etsy no matter how popular no matter how many sales they had to start at zero here's another one dream catcher hub studio 10 685 sales so they've hand drawn these awesome looking dream catchers they're selling this huge bundle for one dollar and 71 cents this is actually half off 50 off so you may be looking at this this is another reason people get discouraged on etsy they look at this negative so i'm going to draw 50 dream catchers and then i'm going to sell it and i'm going to make a dollar 71 so after fees i'm going to make i'm going to make like a dollar so you're thinking like it's not worth my time but imagine this back in the old days people used to make books right they used to write books and then you write a book for a year and then you sell that book and you make like three dollar royalty per sale well it's the same thing here so how long would it take you to draw 50 dream catchers probably an afternoon then you make this whole design maybe take you a day but you're done now for the next 20 years you could sell this on etsy now forever you don't have to ever work on this again you just simply make a sale to ching you get a dollar in the bank account here's another one this is really nice i like these a lot this is 27 hearts so this is heart svg by studio hello yellow and it's 9 500 sales again i'm not saying this design is making 9 500 sales but when i see a studio that makes 9 500 sales i look i pay attention i go okay these guys are doing something right here's a bunch of different hearts that they've drawn this would literally take 15 minutes and i'm being generous if you have an apple pencil you can bang these out on an ipad and just send them like into a bundle pretty easily here so this is a dollar thirty and again you're done now for the rest of your life so as i scroll on down i can see there's a heart bundle and then you can also take a look at other things that they've designed heart bundle heart bundle so i really like crafty looking hand-drawn items okay the fifth one i personally think is an under service niche so my little alarm bell goes off and i go under service niche alert this is for patents patent svg so what this means is that with 792 results there is space to grow in this niche i'm going to click on this set of six gun patents so this is six gun patents we have a revolver magazine firearm and so on revolving firearm eight dollars and 32 cents okay this is a digital download so i'm going to click on this and i'm going to show you you can find this yourself actually these are public domain pictures i'm going to click on this one down here and i'm picking this at random this says firearm jm browning and it has a number so the number is 984-519-984-519 google patent 984519 and we can see here under patents under google there's a firearm i'm going to click on it google has firearm patents they exist right here i can open them up i can download it as a pdf that they exist so these are public domain all patents are public domain especially in the united states so you can just find the patent number and you can take these files and you can clean them up and you can sell them on etsy so you might be wondering well why can't anybody just go do this the answer is anybody can and anybody does i do this myself so you scroll on through and you're going to find patents like guns interesting adventure inventions you'd want to steer clear of things that are trademarks so for example there's like lego patents i wouldn't worry about those but like bathroom patents are very popular laundry patents sewing machine patents ask yourself what would you personally hang in your house so here's a set of eight harley davidson model patent posters i would probably not be selling these because they're harley davidson and that's a trademarked item but that's okay these guys are doing it and they seem to be doing it well there's lots of free ones that are like firearms for example those are relatively popular there's musical instruments there's hockey sticks there's airplanes there's tons of vehicles here's those lego ones i was talking about i i would steer clear of those personally but that's fine there's lots and lots and lots here another popular one here are drinks so this is whiskey making patents so imagine the basement bar and imagine having a whiskey patent up on the wall you could have wine bottles all sorts of bar related items drinking related items here's vintage whiskey whiskey shot glass here's some kegs here's a kitchenaid mixer so again these pad these patents are public domain and the idea is you can make a really nice print with them and sometimes they'll sell the actual print so here for example they're selling the print but sometimes they're selling the actual digital file and those are really nice here's a digital download for example so i hope you guys found that helpful please do leave a comment i'd love to hear from you i love hearing suggestions your feedback and here's another video on how you can absolutely crush it on etsy thanks a lot for watching everybody take care
Channel: Crafty Stax
Views: 6,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital products to sell online, how to sell digital products on etsy, digital product ideas, etsy, etsy svg, selling digital products online, selling digital downloads on etsy, crafty stax, best digital products to sell on etsy, passive income, selling on etsy, etsy tips, etsy tips and tricks, etsy tutorial for beginners, etsy for beginners, digital products, what should I sell on etsy, sell digital products, selling svg files, etsy niche marketing, etsy tips for new sellers
Id: iFxPkGNpgXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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