AutoDesk Maya Quick and Easy Studio Lighting Tutorial

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hi so today we're going to be creating a quick studio setup that you can use to light your models so here we have a model i created and a chrome sphere which we will show you how that will look in the render so to begin with we create a plane you can do that through the poly modeling tab or you can just go to create polygon primitives plane scale this up make sure the subdivisions go to one and one it doesn't have to be perfect okay now i'm going to rotate this in the x axis by 90 degrees go into the side view and line this up however i want it can be any size you want as long as the your model fits inside the studio so once that's done we go to edge select this edge control e to extrude and extend this out okay we can still alter it make it longer or shorter then with this selected i just press ctrl b to bevel change this fraction to 0.2 and the segment to 6 but of course this can be anything you want you can make it like this or you know there's no need to go beyond six segments as if i turn on the wireframe it will just add them but no difference is actually made so there's no need for those extra polis okay so now you know if we render this nothing is shown because we don't have any lights so let's add some lights you can add lights through create lights or i prefer to go to the arnold tab and then this is the area light we'll scale this up rotate this by minus 90 degrees in the x-axis and just make it a bit bigger and increase the length so that it can cover the area well and of course these things can be changed afterwards so the most important thing at this point is to make sure that in the light you turn off normalize because if i render it now as you can see nothing is seen but if you turn off normalized you can see your light is starting to show up very nicely so next i'm going to increase this exposure to one because it seems quite dark that's a bit better for the time being you ignore the noise as that will be fixed after lighting has been finished so we'll add another area light rotate this by minus 90 in the rotate y axis move this along to make it more accurate we can use the orthographic views make it taller okay make sure we turn off normalize as well as it is selected by default now we'll just press ctrl d to duplicate this and rotate this in 90 degrees instead of minus 90. again going to the side view or front view to kind of line that up nicely okay now i'm going to let's see how that looks actually okay so let's increase the exposure to two and see how that looks that may possibly be too strong but it's good to experiment because it also depends on the size of your model i think that looks okay for the time being okay so as you can see actually as you can see it's floating so we need to move this which we can do in the side view to make sure it's lined up quite nicely okay that's looking better so now we can change the colors of these we can change the color of the background the lights so for example let's make this light have a yellowish tone or maybe let's go for pink if you want a sort of cyberpunky feel to it let's say it doesn't have to be too intense so that this is what the pink will look like also we can apply this film gate to it to line up our render shot nicely as you can see that's looking very nice we can even make it a little bit darker but again it's completely up to you and i'll make this one have a blue tint to it again not too dark doesn't have to be too powerful it's just nice to have something that is not completely bright white to light okay again because of the pink it's not that obvious but we can just darken it that's looking quite nice and i can even change the background to a yellow or orange color see how that looks okay that's looking quite nice as you can see it gives your models a bit of character and it's not just a boring gray render and as you can see here you um you can see the lights in the reflection that may be a bit too blue so let's just make that a bit lighter actually yes and the reflections are very nice as well to get rid of this noise the lights themselves actually have samples that you can increase so let's go ahead and increase the lights to three the samples in the lights to three okay so that's making the shadows a bit softer now of course you also have to go into your render settings under the arnold renderer tab and increase let's say i'll increase the camera to five diffuse to three three and these can stay at one of course increasing samples means increasing the render times but it's not by a big amount and that's that render done obviously you can increase the samples even further to get rid of even more but for the time being i think that's actually very nice and um let's compare this to just a sky dome so let's hide these and let's just do what is very easy to do which is create a sky dome and let's just render see how this looks so yeah there we go that's what it looks like when you render it with a sky dome um yes it's very nicely lit because you know it's supposed to simulate kind of natural skylight um but the reflections don't look as nice it's nice when you see obviously this is personal preference but it's nice when you see the lights um there's not much depth to it there's not much color it looks quite flat and boring compared to if you render it with some lovely lights with different colors of course you can change the colors of the light so they can be warm it can be orange and blue you know reds and all that stuff it all depends on what kind of look you're going for
Channel: Lorena Gabriela
Views: 42,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EQYU3-V4lOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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