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How are you, guys? How are you, Ar-CUTE-tects"? Welcome back to my Youtube channel. I am your kusinerong arkitekto (chef-architect). We won't be making a house here, guys, because this is a cooking channel. And today, many are requesting for this since last year through comments and private messages. So this is it. Yes. I will cook it already Because I'll do anything for you. Today, I will be cooking my own version of Chicken Cordon Bleu. [cheers] And I will also teach you two kinds of sauce or dip which is really perfect for this. Just choose the one that you like. But if you have a lot of budget, why not both? Yes. You have a lot of budget. Wooh! I hope everyone has a budget. This recipe, guys, is an improved version of my grandmother's recipe since I added a lot in here already so that it will taste more delicious. And I remember before, the sauce my grandmother used for this is only ketchup. That is why I made a better sauce for our chicken cordon bleu. Just a few trivia, guys. "Cordon bleu" is a French term which means "blue ribbon." They say that cordon bleu originated from Switzerland or Europe. But some say that it is from America. The true originating place between the two is... Google it, okay? [laughs] I will cook first. Update me, okay? [laughs] There. I thought of sharing trivia but I can't even finish it. [laughs] I'll cook first, okay? [laughs] The complete list of ingredients and the shoutouts is found at the end of the video. So, if you want to learn how to cook that, come on and join me in a happy cooking! [music] But before we cook, guys, don't forget to click the subscribe button first and the notification bell beside it so that you will be updated on my next uploads. These are the ingredients, guys. First, canola oil or any cooking oil of your choice. Next, 4 pieces of boneless and skinless chicken breast fillet. Swiss cheese or any cheese of your choice. You can use regular cheese, guys. Just cut it into thin slices. This Swiss cheese is commonly used in making chicken cordon bleu. The flavor of this is quite strong compared to other cheese and it is quite expensive. Next, sweet ham slices. I suggest you, guys, to use sweet ham because the regular ham is quite salty. So that there's little sweetness in your chicken cordon bleu. Next, 4 teaspoons of Dijon mustard. The difference between the regular mustard and Dijon mustard is that the regular mustard has a smooth and only a mild flavor while this Dijon mustard has a smooth but has a quite strong flavor compared to the regular mustard. This Dijon mustard also has a little spiciness compared to the regular mustard. But its spiciness is not the type of spiciness where you have to drink water or you will sweat. That's OA (over-acting). Ground pepper is spicier, guys. There. Just that level of spiciness. The regular mustard is the one you eat when you buy hotdog sandwiches in convenient stores or in popular fast-food chains. It is yellow-greenish in color. Next, paprika. For the paprika, guys, we will only be using this regular paprika which is not that spicy at all. The use of this, that's why we are going to add this is for color and for a bit of flavor for the chicken. The Spanish paprika is slightly spicy and the smoked paprika as well. But before, I was able to buy Spanish paprika which was not spicy at all. So for you to know if it is spicy, and for you to estimate the amount you will add in your dish, taste only a small amount of the paprika powder. There are some paprika which do not indicate in their labels if it is just mild or really hot. So tasting it is the key. Use your tongue, guys. Salt and black pepper powder to taste. For the breading, we will be using all-purpose flour, Japanese breadcrumbs, I also have 2 eggs here. [laughs] Salt and ground black pepper to taste. The ingredients and procedures of the two sauces that I will teach you is shown after we cooked our chicken cordon bleu. Okay? First, guys, we have to make our chicken breast fillet thinner. And to do that, we are going to hammer the chicken. [laughs] We will hammer the chicken slightly to make it thinner and wider. We will place a cling wrap over it so that when we hammer it, the meat of the chicken won't go or stick with the tool we are using. We will be using a meat tenderizer. We will be using the flat side because if we will use the textured side, our meat might break. The textured side is used for pork and beef since those are the harder meats. If you don't have this tool for hammering, you can use a rolling pin or a thick bottle. Just not your household hammer, guys. We are not carpenters. If you will be using a bottle, don't hammer it hard because it might shatter, okay? Guys, if you don't have cling wrap, you can use any other plastic here, okay? As long as it is a food-grade plastic, meaning, it is safe for foods. But not your plastic friend because you will hammer him/her here. That's bad. There. Let us do this first in all the chicken. There. Before we started, we washed our hands thoroughly first. I washed my hands thrice to be sure since of course, we are afraid of bacteria. Guys, it's up to you how thin you want it to be, okay? But don't make it too thin. If that's thin as a handkerchief, [laughs] buy a new chicken because the one you did is wrong. There. Let us now season our chickens. On a chopping board, we already prepared a cling wrap. Then let's place our chicken on it. Let us arrange this first. The cling wrap is annoying. It is so clingy. There. Let's add a pinch of salt. There. Let's rub it in the chicken. Massage it well to spread the salt. Next, let's add ground black pepper. It's up to you how much ground black pepper you want to add. There. We will just rub that again. Let us also add a pinch of paprika. And let us just massage that in our chicken again. There. Let us also add 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and let us just spread this again. Guys, to avoid food contamination or food poisoning since our chicken might have salmonella, don't return the leftover salt, ground black pepper, paprika, and Dijon mustard in their containers. Okay? After that, let's add one slice of sweet ham. There. And one slice of Swiss cheese. If you want it to be more cheesy, add two slices of cheese so that it is more delicious. There. Let us now roll our chicken. There. And we will use this cling wrap to wrap around our chicken. Just repeat that process in all the chickens, guys. If you are in a hurry, guys, since of course, your stomach worms are already protesting, you can use toothpicks to secure the chicken. But the method I used is for those who are not in a hurry because after we wrap this around with plastic, we will still store this in the fridge for one hour. Wow! That's so classy. Fridge? "Ref" (refrigerator). [laughs] I'm so picky. I even used the word "fridge." Wrap it tightly so that the chicken will look like that when we removed the plastic already. Guys, I like to wrap it in plastic so that the form will look good and so that it is not a hassle to roll the chicken in breadcrumbs later. After you do that process in all the chickens, let us now store this is the refrigerator for one hour. While you are waiting for the chicken, you can now prepare the breadcrumbs that we will be using and you can already cook the sauce that I will be teaching you later. We have here all-purpose flour, Japanese breadcrumbs, and my two eggs. [laughs] We will season those. We will add a little salt and pepper on each so that it is seasoned already, Just add a few amounts of salt on each since our chicken has a little salt already and our sauce or dip later has a little amount of salt as well. You should only add small amounts so that when you are going to eat the chicken with breading and sauce later, it is not salty. The saltiness will be just right. There. Let us just mix these to incorporate the salt and pepper. And I will now beat my two eggs. There. After one hour, these are our chickens already, guys. First, of course, let's remove the cling wrap or plastic from the chicken. We will undress it first. [laughs] That is what I am saying. The chicken formed with the help of the plastic or cling wrap and because of the low temperature when we stored it in the refrigerator. There. Let's dip the chicken in the eggs first. Then in the flour. Let's dip it again in the scrambled eggs. Then in the Japanese breadcrumbs. There. And just repeat that process with all the chickens. There. All our chickens are okay already. Come on, let's fry these already. We already heated our oil. For you to be sure that the oil is hot already, dip a wooden chopstick or even a toothpick in the oil. If there were bubbles when you dipped it, then the oil reacted. It means that it is hot already. There. Let us now fry our chickens. Let's fry each side for 10 minutes in medium to low heat only. Guys, never fry something with breading in oil which is not yet hot because what will happen there is your breading will absorb a lot of oil and the food will taste very oily. It is like cotton which absorbed a lot of liquid. Guys, it should only be low to medium heat, okay? So that your breading will not burn right away then the chicken is still raw inside. There. After 10 minutes each side, this is cooked already, Let us now remove our chicken cordon bleu from our pan. And let us place it on a plate with kitchen paper towels to absorb excess oil. There. After that, just fry the rest of the chickens. I won't show that anymore because we will now cook our sauces. For our first sauce, this is the creamy and cheese Dijon mustard sauce. Our ingredients are 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 medium-sized yellow onion cut into small dice, 3 cloves of minced garlic, 1 cup of all-purpose cream, and 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard. Guys, if you are still unsure of the taste you want and you are not yet familiar with the taste of the Dijon mustard, you can add 1 tablespoon of this first for this sauce. Then taste it. If you think that it still lacks flavor, then add another tablespoon just like in my recipe. Okay? Next. ½ cup of parmesan cheese. Salt and ground black pepper to taste. First, in a casserole pot that is not that hot yet, put the butter. Your casserole pot should not be that hot yet because if that is very hot, your butter will burn immediately since it contains fats When our butter is almost melted, let us now add our yellow onions. There. Let us just sauté this until our onions become quite soft already. There. Just sauté. After that, let's now add our garlic. Guys, we will not wait for our garlic to be very brown because it will have a slight bitter taste if the garlic is brown already. And that is not our intention for this sauce. There. This is okay already. Let us now add our all-purpose cream. There. Let us add all of it there. Then, let's mix it slightly. Guys, let us now add our Dijon mustard. And let us just mix this again. Let us also add our parmesan cheese, guys. And let us just mix it until our parmesan cheese melts. Guys, if your sauce became too thick already, you can make it less thick by adding evaporated milk or water. But just a very small amount to lessen the thickness. There. Let's taste this first, guys, before we season it just to be sure. It still lacks taste. Let us just add one more pinch of salt. There. That's okay already. And let us now add pepper. Let us just mix it until our salt dissolves. And of course, let's taste it again. Wow! It's so delicious, guys. You can taste the mustard and it tastes cheesy. We are now done cooking our creamy and cheesy Dijon mustard sauce. For our garlic-mayo dip or sauce, our ingredients are: 1 clove of minced garlic, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 and ½ tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, ½ cup of all-purpose cream, 1 cup of mayonnaise, flat parsley or you can use green onions or onion chives if you do not have flat parsley, and salt and ground black pepper to taste. In a bowl, we already have our mayonnaise. Let us now add the all-purpose cream. There. Let us just scrape all of it since all-purpose cream is so expensive. [laughs] Let us now add our fresh garlic. There. Let us get all of this as well since garlic is expensive nowadays. Let's add some garlic powder as well. Oops! [laughs] It almost fell. Let us also add ground black pepper. There. I think that's enough already. And let's add a pinch of salt. The lemon juice. And of course, our flat parsley. If you have no flat parsley, you can add green onions or onion chives. Let us just mix this until the salt and garlic powder dissolves. Then, it's done. This sauce is perfect for those who are in a hurry compared to the other sauce earlier. But guys, both sauces are such a win so you can choose any of that. There. Let's taste it already. Wow! It's delicious, guys. This is already a perfect dip for our chicken cordon bleu. This is it, guys. We are done cooking our chicken cordon bleu [cheers] with two special sauce. [laughs] If you liked our recipe video for today, please click the Like button so that I'll know if your chef-architect's effort is worth it. And please share on your Facebook or Twitter this new recipe video. And if you are just new here in my channel, kindly click the Subscribe button as well. And after you subscribe, kindly click the notification bell beside it as well and set it to "All" so that you will be updated every time I upload a new recipe video. Because, guys, if you won't set it to "All," you won't get notified if I have a new upload. You will usually be updated late if I have a new upload. There. So, there. [laughs] Follow me on my social media accounts as well which you can see in the description box below or at the end of this video since I also post updates there, guys, or you can also message me there on Instagram, or on Facebook, or Twitter. Okay. Before we end, let us give shoutouts first. Shoutout to Jaja. There. There's a Japanese word written there. It is read as "Angeles." See? I know how to read Japanese words. No, just kidding! [laughs] There. Shoutout to you, Jaja! She said, "I saw a Laing in the intro. I hope you can share your recipe on that as well. Thanks. I marathoned. I should marathon a Netflix series but I saw your channel. Lol." Really? [laughs] That's too much. Do I have the same level as Netflix? [laughs] Thank you, Ms. Jaja, for watching and for binge-watching my... [laughs] my recipe videos. There. Thank you very much for watching. Next, shoutout to Mercedes Cabral. She said, "I hope my next boyfriend likes cooking too because others know how to cook but they are lazy." [laughs] Please give me a shoutout, K.A." There. [laughs] [laughs] Saying they're lazy is too much. [laughs] Maybe they don't have the money to buy ingredients. There. Thank you for watching, ma'am Mercedes Cabral. Next, shoutout to Ruby Ann Santos. She said, "Hi Arki. I already tried the Manong Fishball Sauce and your Adobo. It is so delicious. My husband and three kids liked it. Thank you, Arki. Please give me a shoutout on your next video." There. Shoutout to you, ma'am Ruby Ann Santos, and to your husband and your three kids. There. She tried our fishball sauce and adobo. I'm so glad that her husband and kids liked it. There. Those are the comments that are heartwarming which of course, makes me more inspired to cook and to share more recipes especially if there are a lot of people who finds our recipes delicious and are happy with it. There. Those will be our shoutouts for today's video. If you want me to give you a shoutout, just message me or leave a comment on my videos. And when my eyes see that, or I read that, then we will include that in our shoutouts in our next videos. That's all. Thank you for watching, guys, and see you in my next video. [music]
Channel: Kusinerong Arkitekto
Views: 1,263,559
Rating: 4.9133615 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Cordon Bleu, how to cook chicken cordon bleu, chicken cordon bleu sauce, Kusinerong Arkitekto, Cordon Bleu, Chicken Cordon Bleu with Sauce, Chicken Cordon Blue, Cordon Blue, chicken recipe, chicken recipes easy, chicken recipes, how to cook chicken, lutong bahay, lutong pinoy, filipino food recipes, Noche Buena recipes, Christmas recipes, Chicken kiev, trending recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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