How to make a blog on Divi

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in today's video I'm gonna show you how to make a blog on Divi coming up hello everyone and welcome so this video is all about how to make a blog on TV so I'm gonna show you the do's and the don'ts and how to easily and quickly get up and running really fast alright so before we get started I'd like to remind you that if you buy Divi using my affiliate link I will give you access to my web design formula course a course that teaches you how to design professional-looking website with Divi and also there's another bonus I also have a Photoshop for web designers course again that comes in free if you buy Divi using my affiliate link now once you've bought Divi all you have to do is to go to funnels through income comm on the bottom right you're going to see a check bubble click on that and just upload your receipt all send me your invoice number once you've done that I'll give you access to the courses all right let's dive in let's get started and let me show you how to create a blog on TV alright so what we're gonna do here is to first of all think about how we normally create our blog posts so if you install a TV like in this case I've gone ahead and installed Divi it is very tempting to just come over here to your post and then click on add new and then start building so let me show you what it looks like if you do it that way so let's say our title for our blog here is let's say first blog so here you can click on use Divi builder because of course we have Divi installed alright so I'm gonna build this blog post from scratch I'm just gonna copy some dummy text to add in here so let's say I click here on build from scratch notice what happens although I have the ability to go in and add let's say a text module like that I can paste my text in here and as you can see it's updating but we are actually designing this inside a frame which we don't have full access to let's say I wanted to add a background color to this whole blog I couldn't and also we have this annoying sidebar although we can go in and quickly remove it but you can see here this doesn't look really cool and and over here we have this comment area which we can't really go in and customize because this is pretty much around this border which you don't have access to the only axis we have here is this part here where you can see highlighted so let's say I add a background color here this is pretty much all I can do here so as you can see I can't do much this is the only area I have access to so you don't know of course do your blog post this way alright so now let's go in and show you how you're supposed to do this the proper way and also if you decide to do it this way every single time you add a blog post you are going to need to go in and go through this whole process of trying to pretty much work on this area here which does not give you a lot of flexibility alright so moving on what we're gonna do is let's go back over here to our dashboard alright so I'm just going to discard an exit right so ideally the best way to go in and create your blog post is to go in and use the theme builder so this is what you need to do you need to come over here to Divi click on a theme builder so here on the theme builder this is where you can create a template which will be pretty much a layout which is going to be custom to all your blog posts on your website so let's go ahead and create that so all you need to do is to come over here click on this plus button target all your posts this is very important so you tuck it all your posts create template okay now let's build the body of our template so by clicking over here on add custom body build custom body write for this example let's build everything from scratch so let's start here with a single column so we can go in and define exactly what we need on this layout so let's start here with our post content so this is very important because this is the content that's gonna be translated with this template when we add all the information on our blog posts alright so what we need to do now is to go in and customize our content here so I'm going to go in and first of all click here on my module settings so let's say I need to change this text altogether design text and let's choose a font here so the font I'm gonna go with is you know I always use poppins I'm gonna change it around this time and let's change it to the right there we go right so you can see all my text has been changed now I'm gonna give this a color and I'm also going to go into these titles so I'm gonna start here with this one here and let's set this to bold and I'm gonna change my color so I'm just doing this so that you see you know the changes to this let's go with that no in fact you know what let's change the color as it is make this semi bold okay great so I've just made know few quick changes here if I save this now I want to show you something really amazing I'm going to close this save and exit so all I've done here is added that put the post content so I'm gonna click on Save Changes now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here to all my posts I'm gonna open this in a new tab because I don't want to go back and forth between these tabs so over here if I click on review right I open this in a new tab as well you notice that nothing here is showing now I'm gonna come back and edit this blog now it's very important when you edit edit this that you use the Gutenberg editor okay because everything is going to be controlled by our templates so there's no need to go into DV again to try and add all our content on here so this is what a lot of people make mistakes here when they use this editor so over here on the top I'm gonna say a return to default editor so this is rare now I'm going to add all my content so I'm gonna come over here and just add a few paragraphs of text and paste it okay what I may also want to do here is maybe add an image so let's add an image here there we go here's an image in your library hopefully I have some images and yes I do alright so I'm gonna add let's go with this one here select that so that's going to be my image for my blog post and what I may also want to do here is to go to document and then click on the featured image so I want to add a featured image to this as well and this is gonna be okay let's go with that okay it's featured image and publish publish one more time and now I am going to refresh and now you can see that this now has taken my text which I added in my template okay so what I also want to do here is add a title so you can really see this really taking shape so over here now I'm gonna add a new block and this is gonna be a heading so let's call this my ID okay we want this on the top and we also want to space between pin my image and my text so I'm gonna click here on this plus button and add a spacer okay there we go space are there I can go in and further customize this but you know what let's just add 10 there we go date so as you can see here I'm working in my Gutenberg editor this is not the DVT theme okay so here I'm gonna refresh now and take a look at the title and see here my heading it has my color it has the font and now it has a space between my paragraph text here and also my image so this is looking really cool now notice what happens when I come back over here to my builder so if I go in and make further adjustments to my template this is going to be applied to all my blog posts on my websites so back over here I'm gonna click here on my module settings design and this time I want to target this image now on this image here I'm gonna give it some rounded corners so let's go ahead and add its a 5 okay I've steady the subtle rounded corners here and what I may also want to do is to increase the heading here and make it slightly bigger to go let's go with 42 and let's make it bold so the reason why I'm doing this is so that you see what sort of updates I am adding over here so again I'm gonna come over here to my posts let's make this slightly bigger let's go with 38 change our color here and save okay so this one more time and then I want to save the whole template now back over here by refresh look at that my heading has been updated and pretty much my rounded corners have been added as well to my image now this is because it's being controlled by actual template which I've just created now let's say you want to add your featured image here on your template host you can become very creative you can come over here let's add a brand new oh I'm on the wrong page right so you want to come back over here and you can add a new section by coming over here and in that section you can add your featured image as your background to really make it look nice so there's a lot that you can do here but pretty much this is the way that you want to go in and make changes to your blog posts you want to go in and really create it from scratch using the theme builder know you want to come over here to the theme builder build your template from there and that template controls everything on the website now you may be thinking well I don't believe that okay fine I'm gonna come over here to dashboard and I'm going to show you what our default blog post looks like so I'm gonna come over here to all posts now this post here is what comes in by default with WordPress so again if I click on view open this in a new tab you can see here this is the text that I customized in the theme builder okay so what if you want to really build a beautiful looking blog or your Divi website well that is very easy all you have to do is to create your template here and you want to go in and do quite a lot of work here on the templates now let me show you what I've done I've gone ahead and created a blogger pro template which is on sale at $19 on funnels to income com I'll leave a link in the video description below and show you how let me show you how it works now something delete that delete this reset now I'm gonna go in and install the blogger pro template so all you need to do is to come over here to these two arrows okay I'm gonna click on import file so I'm gonna look for the file in my computer here okay so I'm going to search for Blagh a pro here and here it is on my computer I'm gonna click on it click open and then import Divi theme builder template so what well what is that what this is gonna do now is to import all my templates for all my various pages on my website and once I have imported this it's going to transform my whole blog just with a few clicks as you should see in a few moments so as you can see here it's pretty much downloading all the files because this template is quite detailed it also has updates to the 404 page as you can see the search results page and the archive pages the blog page itself the category pages so it's a fully featured template that you can use pretty much on any website now I'm gonna save changes and now we're gonna take a look at the page that we were looking at a moment ago which is the first blog so now if I open this in a new tab and refresh you are going to see a totally different look now look at that this is my featured image background this is my title it has also a bit of information here the author the date and also the comments we also have our social media links here now look at that we have our heading description text we have our image and we can also have previous posts now as you look here we also have the ability to go in and and sign up to the newsletter as well and as I continue here if we had more posts you would see them over here and look at that the comments box has now been transformed it's all branded and it looks really really nice and the most poor important of all we now have a footer so this template pretty much has everything that you need to make your blog post look really really professional now you may have noticed something here when I scroll here notice that this image here is going to turn white now the reason why it's doing that is because we want to make sure that when the viewer is scrolling through the blog post they can read this information nice and easy so as you can see this template here is beautiful every single time you create a new blog post it's gonna have pretty much the same layout so you can go in and just add all your content over here all you have to do is to remember that if you need to edit all this content let's click Edit here so I can show you you don't want to go into the Divi Builder here you just add all your content on this Gutenberg blog page so that's all you need to do and the template takes care of all the business so pretty much that's all I have for you in today's video I hope you've learnt a lot on how to create blog posts on your Divi website so if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and also do follow me on the social media platforms by doing so you'll be notified when I release new tutorials until next time thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: MAK
Views: 15,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Augustine mak, Divi 4.0, divi 4.0 tutorial, divi 4.0 templates, Divi 4.0 template, Carflows divi, wordpress funnels, Cartflows tutorial, make online courses, online courses, online course tips
Id: Hxvg2O3HNCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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