How to -Make a bentwood ring with a metal core

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welcome to our channel guys today we're doing a bent wood over a ceramic core stick around to see our take all right first thing we have a black ceramic core we're going to use turquoise in the ring as well and then i'm trying out this new ca glue to see how that works out first thing is we are going to cut some wood in a thickness i just cut it at eight millimeter thickness to make a little easier for us i am cutting four different types of oak because i don't remember which one uh bends the best so i just cut four and i will use whatever one bends the best for me and then we take those strips dump them in some water i got this really awesome water heater electric heater thing it heats up the water boiling temps very quickly i would recommend it on amazon i'll post a link for it below so next step we're gonna figure out how uh the outside diameter of the ring and match it up with the uh our bent wood mandrel which right now is a i guess a size eight we'll get a really good wrap on this and per usual we're gonna get it as tight as possible and then take some masking tape and then just spin that off there and then just same thing because again i don't know which wood it was easier so we did both we'll just spin those off and let those dry now you do want to make sure those are dry 100 you're going to see why i was in a bit of a hurry so you'll see what happens if you don't let this dry completely before applying glue it's not fun i would probably wait about a day unless you're in a warm temp and you can make sure that it is 100 dry through all of it i used a heat gun probably for 10 minutes and it that wasn't enough so we uh made one side of the little bent wood flat so that it could go into our soft jaws that we designed as well as they're on our website so check them out if you want some soft jaws we ought we added some variable slots as well and so we're just boring out this bent wood that we just did so that our metal barely fits into it and what i've been doing is i just doing a pressure fit because the bent wood is super strong and it's not going to snap or anything like that we're just gonna do a pressure fit with some glue on the wood over the metal this has worked so far i've not had any issues with this method you can see that the wood is a little bit uh soft when i was pressing that that's one thing that was problem with it not being dry and then here i'm just going to hand sand the edges so that we go down to the metal i don't want to use the belt sander because i don't want to over sand it i don't want to ruin our metal blank on the sander so here's our first problem if you don't let it get dry enough you see that whole layer just popped off and we are not having any sticking issue we're having a lot of sticking issues with the glue so i'm just adding some more glue here i'm gonna try to keep turning and we're just gonna have the same problem layer after layer and this is just because the the wood was still wet so the ca could not soak it all up so if you don't want this to be happening it's a pain in the butt just make sure your your bent wood is dry before you add glue or you're just gonna have to reset your whole ring and it's a waste of time we did get this to work it's just a pain so that's basically um that part of the bent wood ring process and then here we used our laser to cut a little square where we will add some turquoise i'm using thick glue just to get the turquoise to fit here and then i'll use thin glue and just keep adding it in a little square over our mandrel holder so that we can save as much turquoise as possible and then you'll see that the the ceramic band keeps getting stuck a little bit and that's just because i don't over tighten the mandrels i just keep it loose i i would hate to break it at this point so so we made it all even with our carbide tool now we sanded it to 220 i'm going to take some acetone and clean up the edges as well as any excess glue spots like this one right here i'll just rub it with acetone until it clears up and then this is the ca glue with some accelerator and just layer after layer until we get enough coverage on there we'll also use a extra piece of wood to move that ca off to the edges as well to make sure we get complete coverage on all parts of the ring there's nothing special about the ca that i'm trying it's just a gold plus it was said to not have any or it was supposed to not fog up or anything with accelerator i tried it out it didn't ever fog up i've tried it a couple on a couple of rings and still had air bubbles every once in a while that were a problem but it worked pretty good i'll probably just stick to the normal flex glue that i've been using though so here we're just making sure that it's even all the way around this is 320 this is 800 and then this is 1500 i don't use anything else besides this and we don't need to go any higher with micro mesh pads or anything like that i i've used them before i think they are just kind of a waste of time you don't need them unless you already have them great uh we just go up to 1500 and then we use the zam to get the mirror like finished there's nothing wrong with it in my opinion it's just a lot quicker than sanding through 20 different grits i guess it's 12. it's just a lot quicker with zam and we still get a really great look so here's the finished product and for that square i guess you could always file it down just as easily and it's not a perfect ring but uh appreciate you guys watching and we will see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Dreamwood Rings
Views: 3,938
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Id: wcWKgf5kDTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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