How to make a bentwood ring in a tungsten channel ring!

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welcome to the channel y'all this week we're working with the tungsten channel ring and we're going to show you how we inlay a veneer or otherwise bent wood ring [Music] all right you can see our tungsten ring there with a five millimeter channel our ruby we're gonna do it uh stone inlay and then we have i believe a mahogany veneer that we're gonna use to do the inlay first thing is we need to know exactly the channel width which looks like 4.62 millimeter channel width so we're going to need a strip that is exactly 4.62 all the way across so the first thing i need to do is make one side of this veneer very straight so i'm going to take a small sliver off this and make sure that that edge that we're working with is straight as possible a couple of light cuts to make sure that we get it all the way without making any tears easy enough and then we'll use our calipers with a razor blade to mark out exactly 4.62 i used to use a pencil i used to use a marker i used to use all sorts of things to make the marking now i use the calipers just like this with a razor blade and it seems to be on every time now and then we'll go ahead and line up our straight edge with those two markings and then do couple light passes again we don't want to tear the veneer we won't just go nice and easy across the whole piece we're gonna do a dry fit make sure every end every bit is a tight fit we don't want too loose we don't have any edges on the side tight fit but also that still fits and we will go ahead and dump her in our water kettle that we have boiling this one is nice enough we don't nearly have to put it in here too long it is a very bendy friendly wood we'll go ahead and wrap the wood now outside of the channel and let it sit for a little bit here so that it kind of gets a shape to it this will make wrapping it in the ring a little bit easier you don't have to do this i just find it is easier to have for the wood to already kind of want to be going one way versus a very straight within the channel and not doing this and in this case i let this dry out all the way and i probably could have wrapped it dry honestly uh i didn't trust myself though so i got it wet again and then just wrapped it wet instead of dry no problems and the camera was off when i did the most important part which was wrapping this in the channel so that's unfortunate we'll take that apart now when wrapping the channel you can see the wood is already curvy and that's the part where i'm saying it makes it easier when it's curvy like this already we just need to make a tight fit one layer for the very first layer tight fit as much as possible once we get that tight fit and then we're just gonna go around the ring over and over again you'll see you'll feel that the ring starts to get a little tighter every single time you wrap your fingers around the ring and you just do that until you're comfortable with it the idea is we want every layer to be as tight as possible use my little clampy here got those at harbor freight i think they're like a dollar they are very handy i used to have little rubbers on them until i glued the rubbers while doing the gluing uh but having them plain metal now is great because now i don't worry about gluing the rubbers anymore so we just want to soak that in there make sure it's all up in the channel in every layer and also the clampy thing you can just rotate easily as well or i do sometimes glue on the mandrel making sure not to get any glue on the mandrel of course and then just roll a little droplet around the key here is it's uh almost impossible to use too much glue so on the first layer you can see that there's little gaps on the side i like to use some sawdust with ca glue so a couple things i'm going to try if they work great if not that's fine i just want the sides to be filled whether it's dark wood or or something i don't know that it really matters as once we take it down and add a finish there's gonna be a lot of dimension to it anyway that they'll just be black edges which will look fine still and this is not going to work but if you wanted to make some sort of paste or something i probably would have done it earlier had an earlier step i was just trying anything to see if i can get that gap on this edges to disappear at this point i'm really not hurting anything right i'm just trying to make it look and if it works great if not that's fine too it's also sealing the grain for our next step as well which will be cutting the channel and then doing the inlay so sealing the wood grain will be great with the inlay because we're going to use paint it's just a one and a half millimeter inlay we are cutting go into our ruby just gonna find the best way to break this up it's a little flaky so i'm just gonna put it underneath the white aerosol cap this is just an aerosol cap that we cut the top off with our band saw makes super nice tool and it was free one reason i really like this anvil using the sandville is that i can go ahead and pull out some stones and i can just glue the stones right to the anvil it's super easy to take off glued stone i just hit it with hammer until it comes off and this helps see what the stone is going to look like before it's actually in the channel i'm kind of deciding whether i want to paint the channel or not how dark it'll be from the test it looks like it'll be good i try a little section here and ultimately decide that i want to paint the channel based off of this section which in the end result you actually can't even see where this section is so that means it's good but you can't hurt adding some color underneath your inlay this is enough paint so that it is covering the channel and the wood and everywhere in my opinion you can't really use too much as long as you don't completely load the channel up with glue it's all right with uh with the paint it's gonna be fine by the way this black mantra i'm using is our new carbon fiber nylon mandrel they are great because well they are carbon fiber mandrel makes him strong also resistant to acetone we sell a set for just 25 bucks which if you are looking to get into mandrels it's pretty good deal to see if you like ring making is what i was thinking you don't have to spend the tons and tons on metal mandrels so you can check them out on our website take a look at this disaster here looks pretty good and there doesn't you can't see it there's actually more color than we can actually see uh the video i think makes it look a lot more pale right now so i'm gonna take what you just saw and add a couple droplets of ca and then add some accelerator to cure inside of all the gaps that we left behind now unfortunately i think i missed a step which was taking the wood and the inlay underneath the the sidewall of the channel i think something happened in my video here that's okay we have a lot of videos check them out to see how we do the finishing process of the ring itself and then we go 220 to clear off the edges 400 really helps clean up the finish and then 800 on this one it looks like as much as we go from 800 go to the zam polishing wheel which will give us a really good looking finish so that about covers up for this ring mahogany with ruby inlay on a tungsten thanks for sticking around guys hopefully this was helpful to you go try out a bentwood ring inside of a metal band and see how it works for you see you guys next time thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dreamwood Rings
Views: 14,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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