AliensVsPeople - New *ON CHAIN* P2E Game Launching On The Solana Network!!??

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[Music] [Music] welcome back everyone to a brand new cryptocurrency video my name is moonlight thank you all so much for watching today's video now before i get started here you guys if you are new to my channel make sure to hit the subscribe button down below so you don't miss any of my daily content as well on your way out if you do enjoy this video at any point and let me know your thoughts and opinions down below in the comment section regarding today's project and of course like always i will try and get back to each and every one of you now guys this project that i'm about to showcase is very unique it's actually created something that even a project worth multiple multiple millions of dollars couldn't even do they actually beat them and i'm going to discuss what that was in just a second but this project is in the p2e gaming metaverse in the gaming metaverse as a whole i should say and i think it could do very well long term there's a lot of demand for the project already there's over 20 000 members in the discord already which i will show you guys in just a second not to mention they're getting a lot a lot of traction they're getting a lot of exposure they're in multiple articles already and this project is starting to take off quite nice now what exactly am i talking to you guys about well as you can see here it is called aliens vs people the first totally unchained solano nft war game now it is on the solano network now with that being said there's like no fees on solano so if you wanted to get into this project if you want to use anything on it it is built in nfts as well of course nfts p2e game you can't go wrong there's a lot of benefits to it regarding low fees as well obviously in the whole project itself revolving around the solano network but as you can see aliens vs people is the first totally on chain multiplayer war game on the solano blockchain powered by a limited collection of nft avatars now with that being said you guys i have an actual article pulled up here from venturebeat now solano lightspeed and ftx announced web3 gaming investment initiative now they are currently going to be giving a 100 million dollars lightspeed venture partners to the web 3 gaming industry to web3 gaming in general and you know that's obviously because they're trying to create on-chain i would say kind of like a call of duty game in a sense not uh too real really realistic to that because that can't really be done yet uh anyway i don't think it can i'm not a developer or anything like that so i'm not too sure on that aspect but i like the aspect of what they're trying to do uh especially in the actual crypto space and of course you gotta you gotta think a hundred million dollars in the web through gaming area it's a booming industry it's not slowing down anytime soon there's a lot a lot of people getting involved with it not to mention that venture is trying to create an on-chain based game and that aliens versus people already beat that you guys and i can almost guarantee that aliens vs people does not have 100 million dollars backing them uh so keep that in mind and one reason why a lot of people like that kind of the on-chain based game is because it's decentralized it's immutable it's transparent so you can anybody could basically just look and view at it you can look at the raw data as well and obviously there's a lot going into it there's a lot of people in the gaming industry in general and of course on-chain gaming is amazing it's something that i personally recommend a lot of people to take a look at and that's why i wanted to bring this project to you guys specifically because it's the first time i'm actually going to be showcasing a project like this on my channel now here is their actual article on market watch aliens versus people completes the first totally on-chain nft game on the solano network now as you can see i have this highlighted point here aliens versus people revealed today the successful completion of its proof of concept for an entirely on-chain multiplayer nft war game on the solano blockchain and keep that in mind you guys ventures invested in 100 million and aliens people already beat them and they guaranteed i would guarantee aliens first people does not have 100 million dollars uh because if they did why even bother creating a game in a sense but anyway i don't know that's just my opinion on if you have 100 million dollars like that why even get into it in doing so it has beat other highly funded projects to market spot on solano's history as a first totally unchained video game since the announcement the project has already started garnering massive interest already surpassing 20 000 members in its discord community here is the discord right here you guys i'm gonna pull that up highly recommend you guys join that engage with the community and if you have any questions ask them there guys there's over 51 000 members now that is massive so at the time of the article there's over 20 000 members currently there's over 51 000 members so there's a lot of demand for the project and like i said this project do very very well especially because they're the first to actually complete the on-chain based concept and of course being on the solano network with like no fees getting into the nft aspect there's a lot going into this project and i'm actually very excited to go further in depth but as you can see here there are some whitelist spots available as well currently december 17th actual public sale is going to be december 19th and i'm going to touch base on that in a second so if you guys are seeing this late you may not be able to get in on the white list as of now on the 17th however december 19th keep that in mind so you're probably not going to see this on the 17th as i'm recording this on the 17th very sorry for that i wanted to get this out sooner but time and like just everything in general life happens and nothing much i can do about that but as you can see warriors are you ready one day and 13 hours remaining so keep that in mind you should see it by then now as you can see what's the idea this is their project the goal to be the first totally on chain multiplier nft war game which they have completed aliens vs people spawned from a simple idea nft shouldn't just be functionalists jpegs they should provide some utility which is obvious some enjoyment something that keeps nft holders coming back for more something that not only excites holders but also motivates the entire blockchain community to build projects that offer more than just jpegs hence the decision to make a game preferably the first totally on-chain multiplayer nft war game on the solano blockchain so something you guys got to keep in mind here is their white paper as well highly recommend you guys give that a read if you are interested in the actual project the white paper is actually very well done they go in depth with everything there's about 23 pages so i'm not going to go in depth with it now but i recommend you guys actually take a deep dive in it as it is a good read and obviously if you're interested in this project you could of course do your own research and take a little bit more of a deep dive in the actual project but going back to their website you guys as you can see you have the story as well so aliens and people embroiled in an intergalactic war in a distant future where humans and people have found each other a mysterious disease wipes fertility in all the universes scientists have found a distant planet that may hold ingredients to restart it but there's only enough juice there for one civilization the other will go extinct it will take scientists on both sides time to build robots capable of getting to the planet fast enough but neither side can afford to wait they must destroy each other for their own survival hence begins the ultimate battle of the cosmos now as you can see they also have a trailer which i want to bring up as well to showcase to you guys uh as you can see here as well win 10 free nfts plus 10 000 this actually popped up just now you guys enter this in here is your discord enter in discord as well as email address so click that link you guys and you will have a chance i've already actually done that i totally just forgot about that but i recommend as you can see here look at their little trailer here you guys gonna meet that due to copyright reasons but as you can see they kind of give a little bit in-depth uh kind of look at how everything's done i'm gonna skip a little bit ahead as you can see they go over here aliens first people how to actually play it how to get involved with it and you can look at your collectibles your nfts as you can see here join the game with it they go in depth with that so i highly recommend you guys take a peek at that and i will leave that for you guys to actually look at and i think that trailer there i think it might just be the link that's broken which again that's just kind of understandable but as you see the game a battleship style war game between aliens and humans players are either on the alien or human team depending on the nfts they hold again nft marketplace entity metaverse in general massive massive industry great to see them getting in that as well team members can collaborate with each other on where to strategically position their avatars and attack the other side each side selects where they want to be in their own planets then when they believe the other side's warriors are having to attack the game continues until everyone on one side is eliminated the last warrior standing will be crowned the winners and as you can see there is a little demo video as well popping that up that's kind of like with their how to play there so keep that in mind i think they might add that uh i think they might add these two things later on obviously once everything launches but as you can see here is their value proposition all of you guys here are some of the features that makes this project stand out and of course solano being probably the best right here not to mention completely on chain saw on this first totally on-chain multiplayer nft war game and it's a hundred percent on chain you guys and again they beat venture beat on that web 3 gaming solano and have committed a hundred million to grow in web 3 gaming uh it's pretty massive in my opinion i think it's only going to grow i think it's only going to continue to grow there's going to be a lot of money flowing and i think uh even by 2030 like i've mentioned in previous videos 800 million new people are just going to be introduced to crypto then it's a massive industry it's not slowing down it's only going to rise you also have massive utility as well not to mention limited nfts as well as a strong community of over 51 000 members alone on their discord and something i wanted to point out with the web3 gaming guys is it is something amazing as people can literally skin new interfaces as well as i would say almost fork in a way off of theirs uh keep that in mind as well of course add new features as well so it's very very unique in web3 gaming again it actually benefits a lot of projects like aliens vs people and i think uh like again this is a massive industry that we're in you guys it's not slowing down it's only growing and projects like this long term are going to succeed greatly and i strongly strongly believe that now here's the roadmap you guys as you can see uh they have like their mint and gold and everything like that don't want to touch base on it too too much because it is kind of still underway i would say kind of launch pre-launch almost in a day's time so keep that in mind however as you can see pre-launch by this point everything is almost ready for launch it's just the final touches and push the part where we're firing up the engines for liftoff almost everyone is on board and counting down the minutes until they're blasted into space now there is a lot of demand for the project already guys uh you know there's over 51 000 people in the discord so you can almost bet they probably are gonna sell out uh any collections that they have anything that's going forth launch pre-sale probably all sold out by now uh again the whitelist definitely probably already sold out i would say 51 000 members uh so again i'm very sorry i couldn't get that to you earlier i really wanted to but keep that in mind you still have a chance to get in super early on the official launch in a day's time now as you can see the mint is live the rarity chart is revealed for the part five launch people are claiming their nfts and sharing what they got in the discord group others are already connecting their nft avatars to start playing the game it will be immediately playable as soon as you have them no empty future promises no games promised by other projects into a feature that never comes everything will be ready and playable at the time of mint yet others may be skinning their own versions of the game since the game is totally on chain anyone can incorporate that data and build their own front end game for it like i mentioned earlier with the web3 gaming now it's massive it's a massive massive you guys the designs look incredible the graphics everything on their website looks very well done here as well they have an faq section however i just recommend you actually follow them on their social media such as joining their discord not to mention anything else that they may have here's a team as well don't really need to touch base on it too too much great to see that they have little nft characters there however i would like to maybe see like a team info section like uh maybe like a docs in the future maybe a kyc verification in the future i'm sure they may have that underway but i would like to see that in the future as obviously we're in the crypto space and that would just add more trust and validity to the project and that's just kind of my own opinion on it because i like seeing projects like that but again extremely early so i'm sure they may already have do uh have that done or even underway so keep that in mind but as you can see here's a team and they have a little summary of each of the people underway uh with the project that's as you can see in the developer even you have the visionary and as you see founders in purple is a canadian genius i'm a canadian as well so great to see that fellow canadians but as you can see here's their twitter as well i want to bring that up as well that way you guys can actually follow them there too i will leave all their information and social links down below in the description as you can see over 10 000 followers and it's amazing you guys there's going to be a lot going on and as you can see december 14th is when they were actually doing these white lists and things like that there's a lot going into the platform uh the project in general and i think it's gonna explode with time let me know your thoughts and opinions down below in the comments section this has been aliens versus people i think it's got massive potential as you can see 8 888 avatars to be minted this weekend if you can't beat it join it amazing you guys love the potential this project actually has everything looks very well done let me know your thoughts and opinions down below in the comments section but this has been aliens vs people thank you all so much for watching today's video i'm krypto moonlight hope you guys all enjoyed if you did smash like button hit the subscribe button on your way out and i will see you guys on the next crypto currency video [Music] you
Channel: Crypto Moonlight
Views: 46,076
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Keywords: crypto, cryptocurrency, crypto project, altcoins, crypto alts, crypto altcoin, altcoindaily, crypto moonlight, ethereum, bitcoin, ethereum 2.0, crypto projects, new crypto coin, cryptogems, new crypto gem, huge crypto gains, massive crypto projects, bitboycrypto, crypto promotion, eth, ethereum news, crypto news, bitcoin news, crypto market, crypto media, make money online, make money with crypto, investing, best investment, crypto investing, crazy crypto gains
Id: 0HfcrQtu8ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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