How to make 3D levels for your Godot game! (TrenchBroom + Qodot)

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hi i'm lucy and in this tutorial we're going to be having a look at how you can use custom quake maps inside of your guido projects using a tool called trunch broom and an add-on called kyodo i want to thank all of my patreons for making this content possible now let's stop playing quake and let's jump into the tutorial trench room is an open source tool that lets you create custom maps for the 1996 video game quake this piece of software is pretty neat because all of its features are fully geared towards making maps unlike other tools that also do rendering compositing texture painting 2d animation video editing motion tracking breaking trench boom is just for making maps and i guess you could also use it for basic 3d modeling kyodo is an add-on that lets you import those custom maps into godot this add-on also has some extra cool features like the ability to add pbr materials together these stills create a really powerful and fast workflow you can use it for games that have a retrostatic or for blocking out bigger levels this workflow is not really suited though for high poly realistic games in this tutorial i will go through the installation process since that can be quite confusing and after that i'll also show you the basics of modeling in trans room sounds good let's get started first you'll need to go to the trench room website and get the one that's right for your operating system then you'll need to unzip it somewhere on your computer it's important that you remember the location where you unzip it because we're going to need this location later for step 2 we're going to install the kyoto idol in your project let's go to the asset library and search for kyodo there you can download it and once it's downloaded you can hit install the importing of the images can take a while due to a bug in godot 3 but eventually it will finish next up we need to enable the add-on to do that let's go into project project settings plugins and then hit the enable checkbox let's move on to step 3. in tranche room if you would try to create a new map you'll see a massive list of different settings for different games we'll need to add our own game to this list we can do that using in your project let's go into the addons folder then the qdl folder and there's a game definitions folder and we're going to go into the trench room folder there you have two files kyoto trenchbroom config folder and config file we need to use the config folder let's open it up in the inspector and here we need to locate our trench room games folder this is why i needed you to remember where you installed trench room because we're going to navigate there right now in your french room install folder there is a games folder let's select that folder and then we can give our game a name and an icon when you're done with that you can click export file it looks like a checkbox but it's actually a button it's a weird godot thing if you look at the output you can see that it's successfully exported if we then start trench room and hit new map our game should now appear in the list let's double click on it to create a new map so this is trenchbroom it's already created some geometry for us but let's add some more by clicking and dragging while nothing is selected now let's get this amazing piece of art into gideon let's navigate to our godot project folder and then let's create a new folder for our maps let's just call it something like trench room levels let's give our map a name and let's hit save and we then switch back to godot we need to create a kyoto map node let's create it 3d scene let's add a new nodes and under spatial kiddo spatial there is a kyoto map the icons will appear when you restart with our kyoto map selected let's insert our transform level let's hit open and then with the node selected let's hit full bolt and if everything went all right it should now appear now let's add some textures to our creation let's go into view preferences and then with our game selected we need to define the game path which in this case is our godot project folder it doesn't necessarily have to be this folder but truntroom is going to look for a folder called textures in lowercase to find the textures that we're going to use so let's create a new folder called textures and let's hit select folder i accidentally selected the textures folder here so let's go back one step and then select this folder it needs to be the root directory of our godot project let's hit apply and now we're going to need some textures we have a couple textures of metal some bricks and more bricks these are just simple 16 by 16 textures that i made i'll drag them into the textures folder and if you don't have any textures you can just get an asset pack somewhere or rip them from minecraft sadly you can't use texture atlases with this workflow inside of punch boom we need to go to the face tab then down here in this tiny menu need to click show and if everything went all right the textures texture collection should now appear you can enable them by double clicking on it it's also good to know that you can create subfolders and these folders will also appear inside of trench room and we then select some geometry and click on the texture we can apply textures to them let's hit ctrl s to save our map and inside of godot let's select her keto map and let's hold full build again and your texture should hopefully now appear cool they look a little blurry because our import settings are wrong for the textures let's navigate to our textures folder select all our textures and then in the import tab let's set our compression mode to uncompressed and let's disable the filter on re-import you can now see that they look nice and crispy all the textures do look a little dark so i'm quickly going to add a directional light to the scene all right that looks better you can overwrite these textures with custom pbr materials to do this let's create a new resource within our textures folder and let's create a spatial material we need to give our spatial material the exact same name as the texture that we want to override without the file extension so let's call this spatial material beam if we then open it up in the inspector we can tweak some things let's reinsert the texture into this material and let's mess around with the metallic and roughness values to make it a little bit more shiny to see this material we need to go into your keto map and then hit full build again there we go you now have a very shiny metal pixel texture to make a material more interesting you can add custom roughness and metallic maps and you could also add custom normal maps as an example i've used normal maps in this map right here i've used the base color and the normal map on top of that for these metallic surfaces and for the floor as you can see some pixels are hitting more light than others you can especially see that well on the side of this building textures look like this a base color and then a hand drawn normal map on top of that another cool thing that you can do is override them with a shader so instead of a spatial material let's create a shader material and this one needs to go through the same procedure of naming it the exact name of the texture that we want to override let's create a new shader and i'm just going to drop something that i found on the internets on there if we then rebuild our map you can see that it does some funky shader things yay with some tweaking we can make it look a lot nicer this was listed as frosted glass on video but it kind of looked like ice i'll leave the link in the description some other practical examples would be this portal that i created it has a relatively simple shader on top of a surface another example is this water to which i added very subtle movements using a shader 16 by 16 textures might not really be your thing they might be too small if you want to work in a higher resolution you need to go to your kyoto map and then change the infiller's skill factor let's for example change it to 32 and it would just be half the size would that need to work as a bigger skill inside of your trench boom map please let us know in the comments if you know an easier way to do this now that you know how the interaction between kiddo and trench room works let's have a look at the basics of modeling in trench room we're going to start off very simple if nothing is selected and you click and drag you can easily create geometry moving around is basically the same as in godot you can hold right click and then move around with wasd q and e you can move existing geometry around by clicking and dragging and you can also use the arrow keys you can hold alt and drag to move it on the z-axis to extend or retract the face you can hold shift and hover over a face then you can click and drag you can also hover over edges or faces that you can't see and then extend them i really love this feature because it minimizes how much you have to move your camera around you can hold ctrl to select multiple objects and when you move one face it will move on its own but when they're at the same height you can move them at the same time next up let's talk about snapping there are multiple different grid sizes to which you can snap everything you can cycle through them by pressing the number keys on the keyboard you can also use this menu up here if we don't now move a face you can see that it snaps by increments of 8 pixels we can also snap it by 2 pixels or even by single pixels for now i'm just going to reset it to 16. next up let's have a look at all the tools in the toolbar the first one is the brush tool this tool lets you draw a shape on any face you can click to add new points you can hold shift and drag up a face and then you can hit enter to confirm your shape you can even draw an angled surfaces which is pretty cool the next tool in the toolbar is the clip tool this one is similar to the knife tool in blender with the shape selected you can click and drag on it oh i accidentally had this other one selected so i can hit escape and select this shape i need to click and drag on it to make a cut you can hit ctrl and enter to choose which side you want to keep or if you want to keep both sides i'm going to keep this side if i then hit enter you can see that only this side remains you can also cut at angles by dragging the cut points at an angle to make more complex cuts we can also add a third cut point you can then drag that third point around to get the precise cut that you want let's undo that for now and let's move on to the next tool in the toolbar the vertex still does what the name implies it lets you move vertices if you drag one vertex over another they will merge so if we drag it over all these points they will get merged into one the next tool is also pretty self-explanatory the edge tool lets you move edges and you can do the same thing with dragging an edge over another to merge them and then you also of course have the face tool which well lets you move faces who would have thought next up we have the rotate tool which lets you rotate brushes when i refer to a brush i refer to a single geometric object then we also have the scale tool which lets you select a face and scale things the sheer tool is kind of funky which lets you select the face and then here a brush along that face there is duplicate button but i usually use the shortcuts ctrl d or hold ctrl and drag an object i guess that's just a little faster the next step tools lets you flip a brush horizontally and vertically oh by the way another thing that's good to know is that you can hold alt and use the arrow keys to rotate brushes the last two buttons are texture lock and uv lock texture lock lets you lock the textures of a brush in world space as you can see if i move it right now the texture will stay in a safe place but when i enable texture look it will move with the brush itself texture look lets you lock a texture from scaling if we move an edge you can see that texture stretches out if we then disable uv lock and move the edge again you can see that the texture doesn't stretch now that we have had a look at all the tools in the toolbar let's move on to the uv editor window if you hold shift and click on a face it will open up the uv editor for that specific face you can see a bunch of gizmos here and let's switch it to a different texture so we can see it a little better as you can see we can also use it to switch up the texture of a specific face without changing the texture of the entire brush i'll have a look at all these funky gizmos inside of the uv editor screen there also lines on where the texture loops they will turn red when you hover over them you can click and drag on these lines to scale it or you can use the text inputs down below you can use it on the x and y and you can also click and drag on where these two lines meet to scale it on the x and y simultaneously the thing i just accidentally moved around is the origin point if we move this origin point to somewhere else i will use that as the origin for rotating and for scaling if we move it over here it will rotate and scale from there if you quickly want to reset the uv changes you've made you can click these two buttons first one is for resetting it do the world origin and the other one is resetting it locally so those are the basic features that you need to add it in trench room well let me show you another pretty neat trick that is kind of hidden in the menus let's delete our artwork and then let's create one big shape and then let's go into edit and then tool csg here we can click hollow or hit ctrl shift and k as you can see it now hollowed out the object and turned every wall into a separate brush we can change the textures of those walls and easily make rooms this way that's pretty neat we can then use the brush tool to create a shape on the wall extend it outwards and we also need to extend it inwards so it goes through the wall then once again we can go into edit cg and then subtract it will then subtract that brush from the other brushes it intersects with we now have a little window it's pretty deep right if you'd like to see a full real-time walkthrough of someone creating a map in trench room i'd recommend that you check out the youtube channel quakebuilder he has several different videos in which he teaches you so many cool tricks and also pretty cool maps like this spiral staircase or this tunnel that he created i just really love this aesthetic it teaches you a bunch of things like how to create the complex shapes and how to nicely apply your textures if you would like to see detailed tutorials on every single tool inside of trench room i recommend that you check out the dump truck diaz he has a big playlist with 64 videos about how to create custom maps for quake be aware that he also covers things that are specific to creating maps for quake and are not really relevant to creating maps for your godot games the last part of this tutorial has really just been one big info dome i have a couple more cool things that i want to show you so let's keep going what you can see right here is one of the demos that come with the kyoto add-on this demo shows you that you can create spawners and buttons right within your trench room map and have them work inside of godot all of these demos are included in the add-ons kyodo and an example scenes folder here you have three different folders with a bunch of different demos that are all pretty cool the one i just showed you is this one it also comes with a dot map file if you want to have a look at the map inside of trench boom all the demos also come with a read me node that has explanation on what's going on in that specific scene manuals manuals manuals are pretty neat and the one for qto and trench room are no exception the keto manual has a detailed explanation on how you can use all those extra features like adding those spawners and adding buttons and oh boy the trench room manual is awesome it's filled to the brim with so many tips tricks and explanations i highly recommend that you have a look at it even if it's just for fun if you have questions or if you want to show something that you've made using kudo and trench room be sure to check out the kyodo discord server here are a bunch of people that share their work and talk about quake and kiddo related stuff i hope this tutorial was useful to you and i want to once again thank all of my patrons for making this content possible if you're interested in seeing more consider throwing some money at me through patreon thank you for watching i'll see you later
Channel: LucyLavend
Views: 66,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, godot tutorial 3d, Blender, level design, godot engine, game development, godot, godot addons, Trenchbroom, Qodot, gamefromscratch, Quake, Lucy lavend, lucy lavender, lucylavender
Id: dVagDDRb2jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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