5 Awesome Godot Addons That You Should Give a Try

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[Music] so in this video we're going to be having a look at five awesome add-ons for godot let's get started the first add-on we're going to be having a look at is called kyodo which is good old but downwards with a q and a q stands for quake which is a very influential first person shooter from the 90s so kyodo can be used to import quake maps directly into godel which can be useful if you want to recreate quake side of godot but where the real power of this plugin lies is in the fact that you can import custom quake maps to do that you can use a quake map editor like trenchbroom so then the workflow becomes you create a map inside of trench room and then you can use cure doll to import it into godot but enough talking let's have a look at this thing in action here i have a scene with the arrow installed i've also instantiated kyoto map and this is the same scene inside of trenchbroom now let's add some geometry you can click and drag to create a shape and then hold shift to raise up a face go to the faces tab you can give it a texture let's go for a stone texture we then hit save inside of trench boom and then hit the full builds button inside the video it shows up and there we go the network flow is pretty fast but some of you may ask why not just use blender well blender is used for a really wide variety of things and trench broom is built from the ground up for level design let me show you some features that could really speed up your level creation workflow using trench room well my favorite feature in trench room is that you can hold shift to move a face and that you can also hover over an edge and move faces that you can't see this really helps with quickly creating shapes in the right shape that you need another reason you might want to go for this workflow is that it has really nice snapping tools you can snap per pixel you can snap for 2 pixels 8 16 32 actually every power of 2. another neat feature is the built-in uv editor you can easily click a face and then change its rotation the texture and the scaling you also have your basic blender editing tools like moving edges and moving individual vertices there also is a knife tool another tool that's really cool is the brush tool brushes are basically all the shapes that you draw with this tool you can draw a shape on any face that you want and then extend it outwards so that was my trench room sales pitch so this modeling style is not suited for every style game it's more suited for low poly and retro style games but you can also use it to grey box a level for a more high poly level this is a clip of me putting together a little gate in about 20 minutes or so i often kind of struggle with this art style to not make it look like minecraft but you can use actual quake maps as inspiration and this is the gate inside of godot so just so you know kirito also automatically generates collision shapes for you so you don't have to worry about that okay and up quiero let's move on to the next add-on the next one is called dialogic created by fellow youtuber emilia toy logic lets you really easily create dialogue for your games [Music] and it can be set up in a couple really simple steps so first after you install the addon and enabled it you will get a dialogic tab at the top here then you will want to create a character and you can give the character a name and give it a couple portrait images then you need to create a theme for your text boxes i left everything here on the default settings but you can tweak a ton of things to make them unique and then you'll need to create a timeline this is where all the dialogue happens and you have a ton of different choices for your dialogue at the side here and then as a last step to add the dialog to your scene you'll need to go to the add-ons folder and then the dialogic folder and in there there's a dialog scene and you can just drag that into your scene and then you need to select the dialog box and select the timeline if we don't save the scene and run it you'll see that it works so this is a really simple rundown of how it works but emilio has multiple tutorials on his channel that go more in depth this addon just makes it so much easier to create dialogue between multiple characters and you can do a bunch of different things with it like give the player a choice and those choices will matter in the dialogue you can also store variables for later execute code and use sound effects and you can choose text effects like the shaking text you see right here be sure to check this one out if you're working on an rpg so the next one is another one of my favorites called smart shape 2d with this addon you can create 2d curved terrain similar to what you see in rayman legends or hill climb racing with this add-on you can create so called open shapes which can be used for platforms you can create a curve and then manipulate the curvature using pass ear handles you can also create closed shapes for bigger chunks of terrain what's also pretty neat is that you can set up materials that automatically change depending on the angle of your terrain it also adds a note that lets you snap objects to the terrain and it sets up the collision polygons for you automatically so with all of this you can create some pretty cool stuff like a hillclimb racing clone or a sonic fan game oh and uh yes i will be creating a hill climb racing tutorial so if you would like to learn how this add-on works i already have a 20-minute in-depth video on how to set up everything the next add-on is a lot simpler than the other add-ons i've shown so far it doesn't even have its own icon yet but don't be fooled it's a really useful add-on it's called editor debugger and it lets you inspect goodell elements in the editor similar to how you can inspect elements in your browser now for those who don't know yet the kudo editor is basically a game running on top of the godot engine the entire editor is built using control nodes these control nodes are also available to you sometimes you might come across an element in the editor that you might want to use in your game but you don't know which control knob it is for example i had that with the rotation degrees right here it is a value and then it has a slider but i couldn't find a note with that slider so using the editor debugger add-on you can hit f12 on an element and then inspect it similar to how you can do that in your browser and it will show that it's an editor spin slider but this control node is prefixed with editor which means it's not available as a regular control node but all the other nodes for example an hbox container align edits are also just regular control nodes you can use so if you find something cool in the editor use the editor debugger so for the last add-on let's have a look at an add-on called height mapped array height maps are usually an image or a 2d array in which the values or the brightness of the pixels corresponds with the height of your terrain from this data you can generate a 3d mesh and you can manipulate that array or image to create the terrain that you want with this add-on you can do exactly that and more you can simply add an hra node to your scene and then you can start drawing on your map using the toolbar above you have a bunch of tools at your disposal like raising the drain lowering it smoothing it and things like simulating erosion from rain cecine have put together mostly using textures that come with the demo for this add-on we also added some extra stuff like trees and rocks so one of the best ways to make your terrain look nice is to use different textures for example here on the side of this hill they can use more of a rock texture to make it look more steep you can also use textures like dirt to make some parts blend together better and make it look more natural there are a bunch of things you can tweak like the slope limits on which you can draw the brush size and the opacity another thing you can do is use the vertex color brush to make some parts look darker for example the side of the water here i made it a little darker to make it look like the water touches it and you can also change the color of places where there's lots of vegetation speaking of vegetation you can add an edge terrain detail layer and you can draw meshes on the terrain like grass you can select them down here in this menu and then you can draw your mesh on the terrain if you want to have a natural looking starting point for your map you can use the built-in generator here are a bunch of different parameters you can tweak to get a nice and natural looking starting point for your map one thing to note is that this add-on doesn't support tunnels and overhangs i will go over how you can do that in a different video and that's all i'm going to show you today there are so many more add-ons i would like to show you guys but since my wrist still hurts and this video is taking forever to edit i'm just going to split it up into multiple videos i hope you enjoyed all of this content as much as i enjoyed making it and i will see you in the next video hopefully that won't take as long as this one see ya
Channel: LucyLavend
Views: 55,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Plugin, addon, SmartShape2d, Heightmap terrain, Godot Terrain, Editor debugger, Quake, Qodot, Dialogic
Id: K2_J6G7mi_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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