How to make 100k/YEAR with WordPress Freelancing(INTERVIEW)

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what's going on YouTube welcome to another Wednesday video but first let me just say if you're out there procrastinating not doing the work that you need to be doing go do that work okay you're not feeling motivated to go do it it doesn't matter do it anyway its motivation lights the fire discipline keeps you going so if you're out there and you needed to hear that I hope it helps you stop procrastinating go do your work okay get done so today's video is about freelancing and we have a member of discord he's an admin seems a COO which is his cat whose real name is Sam and he is a freelancer well part-time freelancer but he makes enough money to do a full time pretty much over over a hundred thousand in freelance with WordPress and I know we talked a lot about WordPress on this channel about how it sometimes looked at as a not real development but that doesn't matter in this topic because it's about making money and about being freelance and about supporting yourself until you can get the job that you want and so freelancing you know has many different types to it and WordPress is a great application if you're looking to freelance because you can get stuff set up quick you get a back instead of quick you can get ecommerce set up quick there's just tons and tons of use cases for WordPress and when it comes to like developing WordPress or unless you're doing like PHP child theme development not so much development but making money and getting stuff done if you're salesman you like to wear lots of different hats WordPress is for you and basically we're talking with Sam we're getting all of his well I try to get all of his his hints and tips of what he does to get his jobs and there's a lot of questions that you guys asked we did a live stream one morning it's way back you can go find that video if you want and he gave a lot of hints and tips there but I wanted to do it in a more organized fashion when he wasn't put on the spot in front of like a hundred people I think it was so that's what this video is today and I hope that you guys can get something out of it and let me just say that you enjoy these videos hit that little subscribe button join the community we have community discord link is in the description below if you want to come out of Sam your questions using discord he's nap in there online just as much as me pretty much so come drop your questions there leave a comment shoot me an email and then I just want to say thank you to the patrons that we have Lazlo the Martin feed DJ Ricky Josh Louise Aubrey Craig if I missed you I'm sorry we have yeah if I miss you I'm sorry but I don't think I missed anyone I appreciate all you guys supporting the channel and everything that you guys do I couldn't make as much content as I do without you guys if you're interested in supporting the patreon the link for the patrons in the description below I know not all of you don't want to donate to some internet dude I get that I understand that no problem right but if you've ever considered donating someone if I've helped you out maybe consider me next time so without further ado I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you tomorrow for the live stream oh how long you've been freelancing now how many years so the first website that website was in 2012 my first 500 bucks website and why did you pick 500 bucks like how do you know how much to charge a client that's a pretty popular question you get your client how you know how much to charge what's your process I would go on google search for a local web dev company and I could see like they're selling maybe a thousand bucks for a landing page five thousand four three to five pages and what I've did what I made is like in an Excel spreadsheet put all my competitors in there see how much the church and I set myself way too low so like it was so like I maybe I could have charged two thousand or something like that for that website but it was the first one I didn't really know what I was doing and I wanted the check right so um did you get a like a sense of their budget or anything did you ask I I went in there they said we need a website how much is it and I was like $600 or if I want I don't remember what it was but I didn't know what they wanted so in the end I made like 10 bucks an hour on that project but I learned a lot how much how many projects do you have in your belt now I have around 30 website now how do you build your client base so to that date I still don't have my own website every project I get is firm word of mouth or talking too much about what I do in life or telling people that they could get way more business or optimize their opportunities by having a website so walk me through how you get a client you're going to get your haircut do you just hand her your card how does that go how do you get close I recently got business cards because I've always hated bad stuff like it's I feel it's uh we're in a modern age now we don't need we have cell phones if someone really wants to make business with you they'll give you their numbers you don't need to have those cards but uh it's still it's still work right so I went there the first time I didn't push or anything like you don't know you don't know the place you get a feel of it and I went on their website while I was getting my haircut and um I've noticed that their website was in construction supposed to be launched six months ago right so I I told them do you have someone or is your website coming out then they told me like the person who was in charge that didn't work well and they were looking for someone so it was like hey this is what I do maybe I can not but still I didn't have a folio to show I just told them I could deliver so what do you think what do you think about WordPress in the future is it still gonna be viable for freelancing look what what business case have you found it used for the most so like that's that's a debatable topic right so we'll Wix and WordPress replace people like Josh I don't think it will I think right now WordPress is giving people like me a great opportunity to help business grow WordPress will never be as optimized as a website made by team of the eff custom but sometimes a customer may only have like two five key budget four big project so this is where WordPress and plugins come in these for a company like that of course they could pay like 50 K 70k in but who get that budget like with WordPress right now I'm working with smaller businesses but um it's a good fit it's a good niche for what I want to do and um and for the future I can only see it getting a bigger part because right now I think WordPress has 30 to 40% of their market share for the website six years from 500 bucks to your latest contract how how has that been improving what's what's the biggest contract you've ever had so the biggest is the last one the 50k project so um one thing I realized is the bigger the project the easier to processes because when you get a client that doesn't want to pay or like cheaper projects they want a lot more they don't let you go right some yeah the bigger the project the the easier it was the old process was easier the people know what they're getting into they were prepared they had text upfront they had their picture upfront the old process was like the latest we have this the 50k project was the easiest of them all looking at the big picture it's a lot of more work it's a 50k project it's an e-commerce there's a lot of products a lot of pages going through it but everything is structured from the customer to us so it's smooth it's a big project but it's way smoother are you working with anyone like do you outsource any of your work to other people yes so all the design is being outsourced to my local partner which is my designer so if we look at the big picture of the of this website per se so he's doing the UM the mock-ups all the wireframe for the website so that's part of the process right so he talked with the client he made the he look for the approval is it when everything's all right he sent me the files over in Photoshop and then I transformed those PSD into a wordpress site do you run those by the client so you get a request for whatever the client wants you're like hey make something that looks cool for this and then he sends it back to you and you send it back to the client is that as a how it works it's not how we work now because um let's say he gets a client right for a logo and this same client wants do you have a website um he doesn't know what the client might need for the backend for the hosting and all that stuff so we have a process of speaking to the client where someone will be in touch with you about this or that and how you charge if you got a 50k client how do you charge you charge 50 percent upfront 50 percent when it's done are you just wait till the end never wait until the end I had two clients who left me when the work was 80% done before the feelings not great so can we take the 50 cubed project for an example all right sure so it's three big portion right so we're rebranding that business we're redoing a logo where we're doing like business cards car decals like wrapping for cars and all that stuff so that's like the first ten percent of the project the other 80% is the website and the last 10% is the marketing strategy so what we do is all those three portions are split into four pieces and of 25% so when we show their logo do they like it yeah so there's a 25% so we got um we have a chart that we use and the customer know like they know we build a chart with them so they know when they'll need to pay so we can go forward so everything is paid upfront for the upcoming work so we're going in for the website that's 25% they accept the wireframe 25% we do the markups and everything and they like the final custom website 25% then we launch it 25 percent when we get into the marketing same thing so we drive for four phases of four three phases of four yeah okay okay so 25% so 33% each main phase 25% of that sub phase that's pretty good I should do that I like that if you had to give one tip to someone looking to get into freelance what would you tell them ask that client you've been wanting to ask to do their website just do it what if what if they don't have a client what if they want to find a client like so there's many way to approach this do you think emailing is worth it math no emailing so in the web industry and not I don't want to speak for everybody but I like a word-of-mouth is huge and per person to person you need to network if you want to get like some sending game called the net called email but like spamming like masses of email to like trying to get your first client maybe it will work but it never worked for me so like you could go like to look at your local businesses look at their website don't go like knock-knock your website is ugly I can make a better one this is not how you want to approach this you want to bring them or put opportunities or business opportunities you want to help them bring in more customer how can you do that did they have a Google for business account start start small just go in there and and if you don't have a folio like just make [Music] templates for like a restaurant or stuff like that that you can show customer just like have your logo here and show them you could that that could be us for like you've done the website already so like if you get 500 bucks that's cool cool so yeah that's how I would approach it just walking with a bunch of pre-made websites with their logo on it like you could have this are just like go buy a six template on theme forest and just flip them a bit be sure that you can deliver don't over not oversell yourself but don't undersell yourself if you know you can do it just just go in there and try it and the worst you'll get is a no and you'll get many notes for one yes but that one yes is all you need the first the first website is the artist and all the experience we'll get from that first one will help you get your second and from there you'll grow on what are you use for email email marketing Melchior what are you used for hosting I use huevos Canada and then what theme do use I use DV from Iligan team as the framework what is the best plug-in to use for SEO it's called insights by monster inside what is one really underrated plug-in that you use every single time contact form 7 best place to go buy a domain I use GoDaddy to search for available domain but I wouldn't give them business so use Namecheap just make sure like the first year is cheap but the next year will be cheap too so sometimes people will sell like the people but company $0.99 domain but the next year they're waiting for you with their $20 renewal fee so just make sure you're getting into and oh one more tip having your domain at the same place where your hosting is nowadays post hosting company will give you free SSL certificate so you could save some bucks on that what's an SSL certificate for people who don't know Hertz so and this is a certificate is a certificate that will encrypt data on to given domain so let's say you you're having art right now go on any website on Google not right now but after the video and look up next to the UM the URL and if he's like a lock and the green thingy so there's an SSL certificate on that on that website so your data are being encrypted so if you buy something so if you have a unlike an e-commerce without and this is a certificate Google won't show you in their search bar or injure sure I have like that business mind where I want to make the most money with the cheapest stuff right so I started out with a shared hosting account from GoDaddy which was and I had a coupon so it was like 4 bucks a month right and at some point I had like eleven client on that four bucks result a net reseller but shared account and I was charging eight dollars to all those eleven plan until one day someone asked for their cPanel login but I couldn't give them to them I couldn't give it to them because they would have access to all the other ten clients right so the tip sir is if you plan to do like want to customer this year go straight with a reseller account a reseller cap will be a bit depresses a bit steeper so you'll go from four to maybe fifteen sixteen dollars a month but that will give you 50 cPanel accounts so again if you ran half of those for 10 bucks that's 25 at ten bucks so that's 250 a month you're paying 15 bucks so you're gonna cash for like the next year's to come but don't host multiple client on the same shirt hosting account cuz that's not good I wanted to point out that that's the pro tip the pro tip is to pay 15 dollars a month for 50 cPanel accounts and charge them all $10 a month this is why your announced so right now I charge from ten or eight to a hundred bucks per month to different client depending on what they're right that sounds like easy passive income for a year yeah it's best if incomes yeah cuz it's it's already paid because it's it cost me 15 bucks once right I wish these 15 were used but I'm only hosting like 30 websites [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 113,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, learn to code, how to make a resume, resume tips, code interview, lambda school, team treehouse, freelancing, wordpress freelancing, how to freelance
Id: g36F5Er3X6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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