How to MACRO in LOW ELO - Bronze to Diamond Challenge! Ep 8. League of Legends

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welcome back for episode 8 of nama's bronze to diamond journey for anyone who's joining for the first time we've sent a terrible bronze elo player on a mission to achieve diamond in just four months using skill capped so far we've covered what we believe to be most of the basic fundamentals to get nama started this week's lesson will be on mid to late game macro decisions and will be the last fundamental concept we teach not to worry though with the fundamentals taken care of we'll be able to focus on more specific topics that players struggle with but we'll also be revisiting these lessons quite a bit in the future our guides are a great way of learning new strategies but there are often issues that can arise when learning to apply them that will be especially true for today's lesson we can't possibly expect him or you to become macro gods with a single guide but we can get you started and then talk about common issues that players face later on before getting into the guide as always let's check up on his progress at the time of recording this nama has actually gone on an eight game losing streak of course everyone gets a bit unlucky or has a bad streak every now and then unfortunately for nama or bubbles as referred to by his friends he is being harassed and constantly watched by them so that they can make fun of him whenever he does something wrong he is currently tilted out of his mind both from the game and this challenge and the easiest fix to all of that is simply to start winning games so let's remedy some of his issues shall we lastly we want to make it super clear that we are not privately coaching nama we're not giving him any advice outside of the guides that we put in this course so you can follow at home with the exact same information if we ever teach nama something or recommend a guide it will be featured in the skill capped course with that out of the way let's jump into it the first step to learning macro is understanding a very important concept to leak how item scaling works items in league scale off of each other for example if you have 200 ability power each point of cooldown reduction that you buy is more effective because your abilities are doing more damage thanks to that 200 extra ap or 4 tanks each point of armor they have means that each health item they buy is more effective due to it giving more effective hp thanks to the armor it's why the adc role has always felt a bit weak in solo queue their items are typically not great standalone items infinity edge is really powerful once it actually scales off of another zeal item to really understand how important this concept is let's draw up a hypothetical situation let's imagine a lone darius with these four items then imagine five enemy players with just tier two boots and one completed item if we add up how much gold all these items cost it would be around 11 200 gold for darius's full build and around 19 400 gold for the enemy team's full built this is over an 8 000 gold advantage for the enemy team yet if you had to place bets on who would win a fight alone darius or that entire enemy team many of us would probably place our bets on the darius slaying them all with ease it's not just a darius thing either many different champions could do the exact same thing in that hypothetical situation the power of item scaling is not to be underestimated so what's the point of going over all that well it's so you understand something very simple gold is more effective when it's funneled into one person and that person should be you obviously most low elo players face a very simple issue regarding this concept let's watch a short excerpt of the live lesson that nama got to see what we mean this this is by far okay this is the perfect clip by far the most important takeaway i want you to just watch what happens [Music] that was good right well getting the tower yeah that was good right i guess so we killed it are we forced to teleport it's absolutely terrible a bit aggressive but the point was that it's very easy to fall into a bad mindset when it comes to macro players can easily tunnel vision on objectives so much that they may not notice what they're giving up for it objectives are really important to get but more important is how you actually get them let's watch that clip again and see what was so terrible about it upon respawning nama immediately teleports mid to make sure that his team wins a random skirmish this is fine but then he and garen stay together in mid until they take the tower this is where things began to go poorly remember sharing gold isn't ideal due to item scaling both of them staying here isn't necessarily wrong unless there's a better option there was a huge enemy wave building up in top lane either nama or garin can go claim that while the other continues to push in mid to get the tower that way you're getting literally double the amount of gold and experience from minion waves while also not sharing any of it with anyone which is ideal in fact we think lilia was the smartest player here she realized that she wasn't needed since they just killed four people and instead went to deny enemy jungle camps that was actually a very smart play of course there's an immediate concern al zahar teleported mid as they were finishing the tower off if either garen or ari had left that tower wouldn't have gone down so it was the correct decision to stay together right no that tower gave each of them 175 gold when taken down throughout this whole period tons of enemy creeps were just dying up in the top lane around 5 waves of minions were lost which is over 600 gold not even counting the experience but killing the tower is worth more than 600 gold isn't it that way you can set up better vision control around that area and set up flanks here's a genuine question for you all what's more reliable to carry the fantasy that your low elo teammates are going to appropriately play around that tower being down and set up picks in that area or you just getting your four items faster than everyone else and one shotting any player who comes near you the answer should be pretty obvious and that's the main problem in low elo players are very quick to path toward mid and just sit there with each other sharing everything making themselves weaker than they should be at every single stage of the game simply put you should be either in mid alone or rotating to the side lane to avoid being around other players most of the game this is how the game is played appropriately in order to not share goal of course you should definitely look to group when something worth fighting for comes up such as dragon but even then good players actually do subtle things before grouping which increases the likelihood that they'll win the game we'll cover that in just a moment at skill capped we definitely recommend side laning or split pushing in a lot of our guides but we often receive concerns such as what if my teammates just die while i'm splitting or what if they have a fed assassin i can't go to side lane without dying these are valid concerns but definitely shouldn't prevent you from learning how to side lane appropriately and let's start with the first it can feel incredibly demoralizing when your team dies while you go off to farm some side waves but it's actually not as big of a deal as you think it is especially in low elo remember how sharing gold is bad well that's naturally what occurs to the enemy team if your team is to die while you split hector constantly plays in low elo let's watch an example from one of his recent games just like you he has feeding teammates all the time as he tries to split push three of his allies die but it's actually not that big of a deal due to his farming at the start of the clip he begins with 1200 gold and after taking the tower he finishes with 1900 gold gaining a total of 700 let's count how much gold the enemy team got riven got a kill for 300 gold varus got a kill and immediately died so he got around 300 gold akali got the third kill for 300 gold lastly riven and sat shared tower gold and a minion wave so each of them got around 250 gold yes out of all of that the enemy team likely got more gold total but the player in the game who got the most gold funneled into themselves individually was hector and that was literally in one of the worst possible outcomes where most of his team died imagine if you're side laning properly and your team doesn't die the lead that you'll be getting will be much more meaningful the point of that game was that despite having a feeding team because hector's side laned properly and funneled a ton of gold onto himself he was able to carry team fights relatively easily due to how strong he was okay so your team dying doesn't matter that much but what about assassins well there's a very simple solution for that map awareness if you're against a threatening assassin just wait patiently till you see them on the map then go to the opposite side of the map from them that's it but there's an even simpler solution to that in low elo the beauty of side laning and why it's so powerful is that other players don't do it in low elo you don't have to play correctly because your opponents are not very good and don't know how to farm properly that very same kaiser game as he splits notice the scoreboard hector is both 95 cs and a level ahead of the fed enemy akali when she tries to assassinate him well it doesn't quite go as planned this is literally the biggest counter to assassins in low elo you should punish them for being weaker than they should be since they just look for random kills and don't farm well obviously we're not all challenger players though we know that a challenger can farm this well every game but most of us can't and that's fine it'll take time to learn if you feel like you're against an unavoidable and fed assassin then it's okay to not sideline as much and focus on staying safe near your own team lastly there is one final benefit to side laning that we have to discuss grouping but wait isn't that what we're avoiding well yes and no what we want to avoid is coin flip grouping which is what usually happens in low elo players just aram and then find a random fight eventually that's just a coin flip as to who will win the game then there's calculated pressure based on waves remember that pro clip we were talking about notice what happened before that dragon fight oren pushed the wave in top before recalling and heading to dragon azir moments later managed to finish shoving in the wave into bottom before heading to dragon as well this is merely an extension of our third lesson remember when you crash a wave into the enemy tower it'll usually bounce back as a slow push toward your side now notice the waves in the middle of this dragon fight both of them are bouncing back to the side of the player who pushed them in prior to the fight that's what's important in solo queue team fights are usually a coin flip they just are but by pushing waves prior to that you're guaranteed a positive outcome if you win the fight you can go claim a nice juicy wave that has been slow pushing back to your side if your team loses the fight well you still get the consolation prize of the slow pushing wave either way you've created a predictable outcome that positively influences your chance of winning the game no matter what happens of course that is if your opponent doesn't fix the wave as you climb players will start to become aware of that tactic so they'll obviously try to avoid it as soon as you crash a wave into their tower your opponent should fix the wave by shoving it all the way into your tower then you fix the wave yourself and so on the important bit here is that while one of you is fixing the wave the other is roaming trying to force a fight with a numbers advantage basically mid game macro is very simple you look to push in waves and if your opponent doesn't react then you'll get a bounce back and profit in the long run if they do you can force a numbers advantage while they fix the wave of course there is nuance to this when two players are actively trying to stop each other from doing this but we're not quite there yet and we'll cover that later on all right let's cool things down with our weekly quiz question number one we haven't specifically covered this but maybe you can guess based on previous lessons which minion should the minion dematerializer rune most commonly be used on it should mostly be used on caster creeps many mages and assassins run this rune specifically to hit certain break points which was part of our first lesson obviously it's used on caster creep since that's what breakpoints focus on question number two if you're playing a melee versus ranged matchup what should your game plan be during the first three levels it should be something along the lines of giving up cs while you're weak during level one and two and then look for an all-in while you're still healthy during level three is what we're looking for anyway that's going to wrap it up for today thanks so much for watching everyone and we'll see you next week
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 283,559
Rating: 4.9557047 out of 5
Id: BeMS-D9lGcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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