5 GAME-WINNING Macro Techniques That Make A HUGE DIFFERENCE - League of Legends Season 10

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[Music] hey summoners in response to even more requests we've decided to do another video on macro play my name is Nathan Inge and we're gonna be going over the top 5 macro play tips that'll help you step up your game I know I'll be using this guy cuz come on let's be honest I have no game while this stuff sounds a little bit simple it requires a lot of practice and you'll need to develop your judgment skills as well as build up the right habits for our question of the day what's something that you struggle with in terms of macro play personally I have a hard time determining if my team can win a teamfight or not at any given point of the game are you getting kicked to your own lane constantly demolished don't worry we've got you covered pro guides is a number-one proven way to quickly help you level up your League of Legends skills if you're looking for tear lists and champion guides and coaching or courses from your favorite pro players pro guides is where you'll find even players like knight blue bunny foo foo and loco dokgo support pro cads so what are you waiting for click the link and start improving right now so let's get start with the video one thing that hasn't really changed throughout the past few years is how impactful Baron is elder dragon is quite powerful this season as well I think that this is the first season where it can arguably be more worthwhile than Baron nonetheless what a lot of players failed to do is to consider how quickly they can kill Baron or dragon specifically elder dragon what if I told you that 80% of soloqueue games are won by the team that takes the first Baron would that get your attention there are two reasons why you need to always be thinking about this the more aggressive proactive reason is that you need to know when you can threaten clearing it if an opponent sends five people to secure dragon this might be a time to respond with the Baron with the team composition that takes Baron quickly it's extremely reasonable to assume that you can make the trade and punch your opponents for over-committing for an objective champions like Cassiopeia kha'zix Vayne kog'maw Camille and Kaiser allow you to take Baron a lot faster than you're normally accustomed to there's too many times in lower elo where a lot of players are afraid to pull the trigger they're scared because they've experienced one too many Baron throws or they simply aren't considering it an option whatsoever what you need to do like we just said is always consider how quickly you can take it if you know you can clear Baron quickly the risk is much lower and you should be ready to pull the trigger taking baron is essential especially in the current meta where selling games allows the elder dragon to come onto the board the other reason you to consider how quickly you can clear neutral objectives is to know when you need to hit the brakes some champions are good for certain things but bearing or elder dragon is not one of them champions like Jen or nor middling karma being on your team signals that you will not be able to slay the Beast very fast that's completely fine too but you should factor this into your own decision-making ticking these objective too slowly can be the reason you end up throwing games next up is understanding when to set up slow pushes slow pushes our great strategy to apply all stages of the game when used properly during the early game this is a great way to build roam timers apply a ton of pressure and find favorable trades against your opponents however as the game progresses they continue to remain relevant as they allow you to create pressure on the map and have more impact through macro play if you don't know too much about wave management make sure to check out one of our most popular videos the only wave control guide you'll ever need we cover everything you'll need to know about controlling minion waves anyway as the game progresses you need to consider how strong you and your opponents are depending on what champions employed committees a heart split-push may not be viable if you're playing bottling or support you may not be able to split push at all and this gets signal a free burn for your opponents instead you'll want to utilize slow pushes in these situations like we've covered in our wave control guide you can determine if a wave will slope which based on the position of where the minions meet assuming even minion numbers whichever teams sat on the map the wave is closer to is the one that will push for example if a minion wave is pushed up right outside of your bottom lanes inner turret and there's an equal number of minions the wave will naturally push towards your opponent's if left alone you can influence the speed of which the wave is pushed as well for example leave the wave alone and let a ticket central course you can also kill one or two of the enemy minions allowed to push even faster this is something that you need to apply to your gameplay look at the mini-map gather as much information as you can and determine how much time you can recently spend in the side lane if you're short on time quickly do what you want to do with the wave and rotate end of Baron is a priority for example and you already see your wave at a slow push it might be best to actually leave the wave alone and ignore it kind of like the way I've been ignoring my responsibilities and when the enemies minion wave is slowly pushing and building up see if you have a little bit more time to spare go clear that wave before the enemy team gets on the map and start making aggressive moves that way you can put out the fire before it becomes too big of a problem and other times as well you might want to recognize that it's best for you to continue to slow push while staying with the minion waves you'll want to apply pressure with the wave so that your opponent can be more inclined to try and stop you from there you can choose to attack the turret group up with team or force an objective and with that being said it's an appropriate time to talk about sidelining our next step is to make sure that as a team you're forming multiple lanes when there are no neutral objectives alive soloqueue is famous for its random aom's and nonsense but this is by no means the best or most consistent way to play the game even if you decided to partake in a REMS what if nothing happens you're just wasting time sure sometimes you'll get in a fight but playing well depends on how you play consistently when there's nothing to fight over there's no reliable way to determine a teamfight will even break out to begin with kind of like life and love you want to make sure that there's something to fight for hit those side lanes and take some time to farm before the next objective spawns players spend a lot of time running around looking for fights that may or may not come when it's said they could be picking up more gold and applying pressure in a sadly if you want to fight so bad why not let the fight come to you if it doesn't you gets a free farm and maybe even take a turret like we talked about with the concept of slow pushing and rotating you can apply here as well if you prefer to partake in a Rams and fiestas which you know who doesn't like to party why not look for them after you farm to wave you can definitely get both especially in lower elo and it might require you to tap a little bit more but try reassuring your team that you will group with them once you push that side Lane first if you ever wondered why your favorite streamers or pro players can get so much farm while carrying teamfights it's because they do this they don't afk farm but they choose good times to farm waves times routine fights are least likely to happen and is subjectively a better option to spend some time in the sidelines you're going to end up not being there for some fights but know that these cases are going to be out of your control if you replace someone that runs teleport at least that'll alleviate this a bit our next tip is to identify which team has better scaling knowing that should give you a better idea of what you need to be doing are you on a timer or you're gonna need to force these intelligent fights around objectives take every inch you can while you're stronger secure those dragons take rift arrow or even an early Baron if possible if this isn't the safest move you can buy pink sand sweepers to deny your opponent's vision the uncertainty is terrifying and often times enemies will walk in blind and try to find out what you're doing if they don't then you can secure them for free since your vision denial has essentially scared your opponent's into making the wrong decisions no one whose scales better should also give you a better idea of a very simple question do you want to farm or do you want to fight if you're stronger at the moment but you will get all scaled and of course you want to fight because you can you want to win win some more and try to end the game as soon as you can instead if you know that you cannot win at the moment but you can win later then you know that it might be a smarter move to instead avoid fighting and farm up for a bit the harder stuff is what if you're weaker at the moment and you get out scale well these situations are unfortunate and difficult but the best decision would be to try and fight you can't just right-click your opponent and run it down in these situations since you're a little bit weaker you'll have to bait your opponent's into bad fights when they're at a number disadvantage and your question will spots to fight in or by catching them off guard with the pick sometimes you've been going 1 for 2 is a good thing because you get a bounty shut down and that could kind of bring you back into the game for our last macro tip you need to find the right amount of priority on Dragon players of nearly all rings are honestly tunnel visioning on dragons yes dragon souls are important but they are not and I repeat are not the deciding factor in most games I think in general too many players are over prioritizing dragons objectively speaking the only dragons are worth making some sacrifices for is your first ocean or the ones that you're denying your opponents from acquiring their dragon souls even then it's something that you have to consider very carefully if you're in the driver's seat with three dragons already you don't need to in and throw the game to secure a soul you have a few more chances to stop them later ocean dragons are arguably the best because the fact that any champion can utilize it no matter what your team composition is the versatility it provides an utility gives your entire team makes it a solid pickup in any game if the map ends up being an ocean map there definitely be polina ends of spawning so you'll have more opportunities to pick them up as if game progresses it's not objectively bad to prioritize dragons but they also have a lot of value with certain souls or buffs with certain team comps that are just way too strong denying a Djinn infernal a Soraka ocean or a Malphite mountain dragons would be so much more understandable if you ended up having to make sacrifices the reason why we think players are over prioritizing dragons is that they're often stopping whatever they're doing no matter how important and sidetracking to pick up dragons turrets literal and sometimes you're calling earlier to maintain the tempo because it have more value than over saying for a dragon especially when you pull ahead early and you're on a roll you do not want to lose your momentum by going out of the way for a dragon remember that even if fertile Dragons were nerfed the season so having sacrificed one isn't nearly as impactful as before continue pushing for turrets take a map control and prioritizing the most important objective the Nexus Baron Ashur is much more valuable for breaking through and pushing for victory so make that no matter what decisions you make your end goal is always centered around it and that my friends is gonna conclude this video thank you so much for watching guys I hope that you guess I found a strong start to the season and if you haven't no worries keep on that grind and keep watching pro guides because we got your back make sure once again and check out pro guys calm as well as our YouTube channel for more informative content again my name is Nathan Inge and you can follow me and connect with me on my Instagram at Nathan underscore IMG and if you guys are already following me I just really wanted to take this time to say that I am so beyond grateful for you guys if you won't play some League of Legends with me at neon n8d gr8 and a quick shout out to asobi and Nene cuz I've got some games in with these guys they're really great dudes and I would love to play with you guys as well I'm a bit little bit busy recently but if you add me I promise it will get some games in and with that all being said I apologize for having to go all Malachi on you you know sappy and I hope that you guys have a wonderful and amazing day good luck on the climb and I'll see you on the rift [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ProGuides Challenger League of Legends Guides
Views: 499,781
Rating: 4.9234877 out of 5
Keywords: proguides, league of legends, league of legends pro guides, Lol macro guide, mid lane macro, top lane macro, jungle macro, support macro, adc macro, league of legends macro, macro guide league of legends, lol macro, macroplay guide lol, how to macro lol, macro tricks lol, macro tips and tricks lol, how to improve macroplay lol, how to get better at macro, how to rotate in league of legends, rotation guide league of legends, lane swap guide lol
Id: nAGpW8jUqw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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