How to Love The Bible w/ Fr Mike Schmitz

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so [Music] so welcome to points with aquinas how bad is that camera angle you ready i'm about to change i'm about to change it to oh now there's two of me nobody wants two of me boom welcome to pints with aquinas my name is matt fradd and today joined around the bar table with me i have father mike schmitz to discuss how to love the bible and i am pretty excited about that um i even brought a beer for such an occasion i wasn't planning on it i was trying to eat well i was like no grains today anything but grains i just super paleo and then the world started breaking apart and i just can't handle it so i'm drinking beer which probably isn't the first thing you should do when you feel like you can't handle it but shut up it's my youtube channel ah this is why it's good not to work for catholic against if i work for catholic answers i couldn't be like screw you guys i'm drinking a beer i'd get fired um all right what are we doing all right hey um before we get going i wanna say thank you to el investments because they help sponsor the show and they're awesome and so there you go um these guys are awesome i used to think that in order to invest you had to be old or like rich or super into spreadsheets or something i wasn't aware that it's something you should really consider doing there's a great group called ethos logos investments they're 100 catholic and if you decide to invest with them you're not going to be like contributing to awful things like pornography and um environmental depletion unnecessary environmental depletion and sex trafficking and embryonic stem cell research and all that so i did this little interview with the founder of el investment so we need to go check it out it's linked below el slash pints there they are there go check them out 100 catholic and you should consider doing it you don't have to be super rich and it's actually they make the process really easy after i did this five minute interview with the guy who found it i'm like okay i'm actually going to do this i feel like a grown up i'm investing so go check out el ethos logos or ethos logos slash pints and you can watch that five minute interview that i did and bob's your uncle father mike schmitz what's up hey matt how you doing i love the intro so good it's awesome uh it's just been a crazy day it's been crazy it's been just an exhausting day oh man so you had have some beer and i love it that looks like a uh it looks like it looks like patrol porter is that a porter it is yeah oh yeah keep talking yeah yeah there you go no so i i just have my coffee i know it's late at night or ladies at night but i have miles for coffee oh you're giving away too much there oh yeah no i get that is that is that political is that no everything's i do have a yeti sticker but then everything else is black rifle coffee because they keep sending you stickers when you buy their coffee and i'm like i'll take them no problem and uh this mug was a great mug clean this up keep talking yep it was great mug um out of the blue someone came by and said hey i got this mug for you i'm like that is awesome thank you um but engraved in the side is my name on both sides and which is not a problem but i'm like but i know who i am and i'm the only one who lives here so i don't know so the stickers came in handy because the mug is still awesome and i'm still grateful for it but i don't need to look at my name when i'm uh drinking my coffee um so that's my story about so when they first gave it to you did you think they were just giving you a yeti cup and then you realized oh my goodness they went to this trouble too yeah because that's like it's like engraved in silver it's not like real silver i don't think maybe it is but like it's like really well done and i thought i we've only had a conversation three times and man i'm really grateful and so i just yeah super nice do you do you have one of these have i sent you one of these you have never sent me one of those all right listen everybody who's watching the live chat right now if we hit 500 thumbs up before this interview is over i will send father mike schmitz a much better drinking vessel than he has than i have now that that looks quality i'm sure yours is good this is better that yeah i believe it um it's ceramic which means it is good for the environment i'm guessing uh but uh so i there was a freshman here three years ago because she is currently a junior who um gave me one of the most thoughtful and like hey i get you gifts i've ever received from a student because a lot of times hey they don't get me anything which is fine i'm not i'm not doing this for a gift you know whatever uh but but and then sometimes here's a gift like what i like it was i wish i could go get it for you right now it is a white man you can if you want i'll just talk to him it is well a white mug and on the white mug is a blue star in the midst of the blue star is my face and it is a mug from you sure you can't run and get it is it like episodes yes i knew it was going to be the office when you said it was a perfect gift i thought of dwight's fruit i don't know the episode where they all go to uh they where jim and dwight didn't go to kelly's uh america's got talent party oh my god and so they had their faces on this mug and jim is using andy's mug and whatever and i'm like how how did you know how did you know me so well that i gave away a lot of mugs last week and like i just i tried i'm on this minimalism kick right now it's just like trying to get rid of everything and uh and so i'm just giving away all these mugs i'm like i cannot get i cannot well i don't i wouldn't give away a mug with my face on it right secondly although some people would have it that's which would be weird i think you know it would be weird um so do you remember that line when they forgot kelly's birthday and uh dwight was in charge of setting up the room and jim's like what is this it is your birthday exclamation mark period oh period beer it is your birthday and he says it's a statement of fact it's not like she cured cancer or something yeah yeah oh man that's that's so good yes well it's so lovely to talk to you again man i love you um i want to show thank you i don't care if that's weird send me your card let me reciprocate thank you i love you too thank you hey i want to show people what's going on with you right now for for those who haven't heard about it i'm looking right now at podcast and i'm sure this fluctuates but currently the number one downloaded podcast above the daily and above true junkie crime junkie above ben shapiro shut your face is uh this guy the bible in a year how the heck did that happen other than the fact that you're awesome and you're putting out awesome content and what what's that like well i just want to say take that dave ramsey i'm not cool enough to know who that is but yeah wait yes so the uh yeah it's really exciting uh in the sense that like i'm just really grateful that so many people are wanting to read the bible um the one of the really cool things is when i have been able to i have some siblings who are listening to the podcast and they're being part of this journey of the bible in a year and a ton of former students who are doing the same thing and it's just like this is so good because um i care about them so much and just be able to to walk with them through the bible so as an example um two quick things a little sister and one of my older sisters my little sister little sister she listened to one of the first episodes you know with her her daughter she has four daughters and a little boy um and she said we got she texted me and she said we got done and lucy the four-year-old said mom that was awesome i was like oh it's so good and then my sister amy she's been trying to read through the bible she got the great adventure bible she'd been trying to do the bible timeline um and just like everybody she got stuck just kind of like even though we're following those 14 narrative books uh it's just sometimes it's hard to get through yep and she texted that yesterday i think she said i just she said i'm just so grateful because you're helping me get through some of those difficult parts and she's i just hope she said i just hope people stick it out through the old testament exactly and and that's only that's month week that's month two in leviticus so we're like we jump into it pretty quick um but that's like the whole point of the the bible in the ear is my thought when i went to ascension and said i'd really like to do this um i had a bunch of reasons for it but i thought we would just take like here's a template i mean there's there's a ton of read the bible in the ear program that's right i'm actually doing it right now on with the uh kind of augustine institute oh yeah yeah they put out yes i'm currently doing i'm so proud of myself that i haven't given up yet it's i mean i know it's only 11 days in but you have no idea how quickly i give up on things but that's it like i'm like this that's a great plan and there's a ton of great plans and they said uh that's fine but let's challenge it and they said well we have the great adventure bible timeline we have the greatest great adventure bible we have this thing that jeff cavins came up with that was let's follow the narrative books of the bible to not lose the story what if we took the time to keep the narrative thread the entire year and then put in those supplementary books in their context like the proper context oh i didn't realize this yeah so it's i there are a couple people who work for ascension who does they just took their own time and they just drill down and holy smoke because when you think of the bible timeline you think you know how many narrative books are there fourteen yeah yeah and it's that's not what you're doing you're doing all 73 books of the book yeah but you're taking those sort of supplementary books or whatever i don't know apart from the narrative and you're inserting them where the bible timeline would say like around now is when that is that's really cool god bless you i mean what a cool way to to spend your time i mean you know we could have done a father mike schmitz daily podcast and people would have been thrilled but what a more beautiful thing to do to read the word of god are you are you recording these like have you recom i mean okay let me try and formulate a question without saying five sentences at once are you recording these every week are you recording them like a month in advance how are you doing i've been i've been trying to get ahead of the ahead of the curve because yeah um stuff comes up right and they need to edit stuff like yeah you know when you're going through all the names and i don't i don't want to have a bunch of like uh uh i mean this you know kind of a thing and so uh they've been so good about saying like okay just send us the file and we'll clean up those things when you when you stumble make a little note so we know where to to edit there um so i've been getting a little ahead of it but um at the same time i've been going through it too so what i'll do is i'll record them and then as they're released each day i also will go listen because i'm like no i need hey i need to hear this myself and then b i need to hear how it sounds because it's terrible that i don't want to do it um but i've found that 1.5 speed is perfect for me like i if i listen to myself at 1.5 speed it doesn't sound like me anymore at least in my head and then and b um i sound smarter you know where it's just like you didn't even hesitate exactly you didn't even hesitate you just like kept going and like well yeah because 1.5 well that's uh that's pretty great and then i list actually the first time i listened to it was today i was driving to work and to the office i thought well i need to listen to it right so i can before i say it's great um but you also give a bit of commentary right that's crazy i mean who has time to read the bible in a year and give commentary father mike you're a beast well no so that that's an interesting thing thank you for saying that by the way um but uh so i've had everyone from family members to close friends to people i don't know at all uh email me or text me and say hey good job don't let it go to your head like you know the ratings the podcast and stuff yeah and i'm like how could i let it go i'm literally just reading the bible it's not my book exactly i'm standing i'm sitting right here in front of this microphone and saying in the beginning god created like i'm just that's it now they say yeah but you're also doing commentary well i i'm not making that up either like i'm getting it from other sources or where i have this book like this is such a great book the ancient christian commentary on scripture it's so good you've got to take the time i mean you've got to take the time to read that and that's something yeah but it's just i i just am uh so glad that um i've been able to do this so my thought would would be this was um threefold maybe fourfold i don't know you and i might have talked about this but again like in private or not on the air yeah at one point over the course of the last year like you said things are crazy and the world is burning and whatnot um in winter early spring uh one of the things i found myself doing is i was listening to it so i listen to everything like in the sense of like i don't read a book i listen to a book and i listen to podcasts listen to audio or listen to uh youtube and whatnot um like i'm making food and i'm listening to someone give a talk or an interview like this and which probably people are doing right now and uh they're driving the same thing but i found myself so i really like taking in information with my ears rather than my eyes i just get tired b um i was listening to people that i think are very wise and have a lot of insightful things to say but i found myself getting uh not only distracted but also distressed like i found myself getting like losing focus losing like okay what's the main thing in life though because here i am they're talking about burning hair and this thing going over there i'm like yeah i'm getting all ramped up political things you mean yeah political stuff cultural stuff you know all these again i'm listening to how much of this stuff do i need to know right maybe a little bit but not if i can listen to ben shapiro every day which i don't because i'm exhausted i can i can read the bible yeah keep going right so listening to these people that again i think are wise uh they have insight but i'm getting distracted and distressed and when i found myself listening to the bible because i have some like you know new testament audio whatever um i found it would reframe my view and i wasn't distressed and i wasn't distracted but i started and this is kind of like one of those things where i thought i found myself saying oh this is the difference between having the mind of the world and having the mind of christ and it just seemed so stark to me because i was getting so ramped up by the distraction and distress and even again i'm not listening to bozos i'm listening to people i think are smart but it's a difference between the mind of the world and the wisdom of the mind of christ and so my thought was i was like gosh i think i need this a and b i wonder if other people would respond to this um and so that was the big goal was to be able to say how do we a tell the story like not just all the stories but like the stories that's the bible timeline b how do we let that story let the word of god like shape our worldview and then see one of the things that keeps people from reading the bible is they get lost and so how do i then see be kind of a decent guide i can see people getting bored with the bible for the same reason i got almost bored with tenant i'm like what is happening this doesn't even make sense i don't even think they meant it to make sense you know and i think people read the bible and if you feel like this doesn't make sense anymore you you get frustrated yeah that's exactly it and so that's that third part is like that commentary at the end um even if i can't touch on everything obviously because we're reading a couple different chapters a day uh but i just like to like let's just offer a context here let's just offer a little something like for example um in numbers chapter seven just as a quick uh sidebar number chapter seven it's it recounts how when they consecrated the temple or the tabernacle in the wilderness uh the 12 types of 12 tribes of israel came to moses and levi and moses and aaron i mean and gave like all the same things they all gave a silver platter that weighed 130 shekels they all gave a gold bowl that had this many shekels and it does it's chapter 7 goes through it 11 times or 12 times uh again and it's like wow this is incredibly this if i was reading by myself i would skip chapter seven go to chapter eight but there's this super cool note at the beginning that says that all each tribe gave i think a two oxen and a wagon and it says that to the uh so here's the tribe of levi right and there's four families in the tribe of levi there is the family of aaron sons of aaron which are the priests so you have to be a son of aaron to be a priest then there's the gershonites the uh murarites and the coethites and those are the other three families of the type of levi and they were all assigned to certain tasks um and so it says that the gersonites got like i don't know two or excellent oxen and four wagons and the mirror rights got this many ox and this many wagons like already i'm bored like what you're saying i feel like like yeah dear jim i'm bob i'm bored even tougher yeah just i'm boring myself i hope you weren't trying to excite me because i probably just offended you but all right we're getting there we're getting there all right that's what i'm saying is like the whole thing is like what i don't oh a who cares b b and d are and and three uh the co-ethics or the yeah koats don't get any they don't get any wagons don't get any ox and it's like wait why and then moses says in in deuteronomy he says because uh the where they were assigned in the tabernacle the service of the tabernacle they're assigned to the sacred objects that don't belong on a wagon they're the signs of the sacred objects that can only be carried through those acacia poles that are overlaid with gold and so it's like oh my gosh like this that makes sense okay so we could because we've already proclaimed the story of like the coethics and the mirror rights and the gershon nights whatever i'm saying and they all have their jobs but it just reminded us that wait these are the people that carry the ark like these are the people that carry the the lamp stand these people that carry the uh altar of incense that can't be put on a wagon it has to be carried by people consecrated to that task and it's just like oh i would never have noticed that yes had i not um been doing this and it's just like one of those i keep getting surprised by the things that i would beautiful thing i've always skipped always yeah numbers chapter seven um until you get to it you're like oh holy smokes when you came up with this idea um were you afraid that you'd get like three months in and then not be able to do it anymore like losing like forget it i can't do it somebody else read it well that's part of you know it's like any kind of uh commitment that you do where it's like okay let's make it public that's right okay good we gotta do it now yeah and that's part of it is is like uh yeah so definitely that's a fear that at some point something will happen that i'm not able to finish but um that's real that's a real possibility i i think i think and i want to see what you think about this but one of the number perhaps the number one reason many of us don't read the bible is we're not honest about the fact that we don't like it and don't want to and if you're i mean unless i'm honest about where i am in relation to this thing i i can never move on like if i don't like my wife and i do she's awesome right but but if i keep saying oh no no it's not that i don't want to go out on a date with you it's just i'm very busy if i don't want to face the fact that i actually don't like spending time with her then i can never heal i can never grow in that relationship i think the same thing with scripture we don't like it we feel guilty that we don't like it so we either pretend that we don't like it or we just pick up a devotional that stimulates us either intellectually or emotionally in a way that the bible doesn't seem to um and nobody wants to feel bad right so you pick up the bible you start reading you get bored you feel bad that you're bored and you feel like you're failing at this and i it's like and i think another reason we don't like reading the bible is and this is just me so i expect it's other people as well i think i have this preconceived idea of how i ought to feel when i read it totally um like inspired or insights or god speaking to me that doesn't happen a lot of the time i conclude that i'm doing this wrong because it can't be god's fault and i don't like doing things wrong it makes me feel like a failure and i don't like that so i end up doing something else yeah yeah man that's me i'll tell you no i love it because a i love the honesty it's just so good because that's probably what half of the people are more than half the people who are watching listening to us right now um that's their experience right no one likes doing something that they're not good at or they don't know what's going on um or even the fact that like if i can't like you said if i can't address the actual reason why i'm not making time to read the bible which is i don't really enjoy it i don't like it i'm not getting and also i feel like such a beginner then yeah that's gonna make a ton of sense uh that i'm never gonna i'm never gonna be able to get past that unless i'm willing to tell myself the truth so uh father romano guardini he has this book called the habits you know the virtues that lead you to god it's one of my favorite books um it's just so good and one of his virtues he says that lead us to god is the virtue of acceptance and he says if you don't have this you can't go anywhere and that virtue of acceptance being um this is the truth about me like for example if the truth is i don't like reading the bible or i don't uh like prayer i don't like whatever or i struggle with ex if i keep denying that and refusing to accept the truth about this then i will never be able to grow but if i do like you're saying like okay this is what's going on inside of me then i just acknowledge here's the raw material that i have to work with and because of that now i can move forward but until then i'm just pretending just pretending yeah yeah yeah and yeah well there's there's so much that could be said here um the narrative is of course what helps and i think recognizing that it's actually necessary it's not like an optional extra it's the only book correct me if i'm wrong it's the only book the church commands us to read so like you can you cannot read faustina's diary if you don't want to but as a christian like you you don't have the option of just choosing to not read the bible yeah yeah no it's it's um and so that's why i think that there is a let's make it as easy as possible beautiful i think that's why i think that's why people are responding to it you know when it comes to the uh people subscribing and and commenting or you know what it called uh rating it ranking it yeah um it's because like let's take out you don't have to do any work you just subscribe and press play on a regular basis like open up your mouth and i will feed you just open up your ears and shut up let it let's let it wash over um we should also have some kind of guide we should also point out which is really cool um that hallow is carrying it on their platform because i like you know we're seeing a lot of big tech cracking down on free speech which is making me nervous and a little frustrated um it's kind of cool that hello which is this amazing app that helps people pray and meditate it's a hundred percent catholic it's really well produced you've done a sleep story for them so have i i don't think anyone's gonna wanna listen to that yeah right uh there was this bloody here we are right now it's just so i we have a bunch of youth ministers who are like father i tried to listen to your sleep story and then i was going to sleep and i was like i don't need father mike spring into my ear but it's it's it's funny you write hallow is awesome hallow is really good isn't it nice i mean for so long we've complained about the fact that catholic content is so poorly produced thank god right thank god for people like ascension presents bishop robert baron's word on fire um thanks for the queen a bunch of aquinas you know uh but yeah hello yeah check it out guys mattfradd if you're interested just download it on your app uh app store or whatever until they ban them sorry i'm really pissed off today about what's going on that's going to seep into every conversation we have what else we want to say before we start taking questions from the beautiful people who are watching the show i don't know you trimmed your beard uh yeah what do you think about that it's great the long beard looked great too shut up you just it did are you kidding me the the the like the the shock of longer hair plus the well i tell you what i think i'm going to grow it again it's something like a garden for your face like as a man you know you get to kind of weed it and do things with it and i'm getting old so yeah i shaved today it's so it's all right for this show oh that's very good of you all right well dear people who are watching in the uh live chat feel free to send in your questions and i will be happy to bring them to father mike also need to point this to people uh starting tomorrow dr andrew swafford will be leading a five-part video series on salvation history over on so maybe that could be a nice way to kind of accompany father mike's daily bible thing frad starts tomorrow five part video series he's gonna go from genesis to revelation he'll actually be in the uh chat forum answering your questions and responding you to you as well we're really excited about it tonight people are interested patreon.comrad become a 10 supporter or more and you can get access to that as well all right i see look this is somebody just asked who's older uh i'm older yeah i know but you look better how old are you that's not true i'm 46 years old i'm 37 i was at i was at the gym the other day and someone said how old are you and i said 37 and they went 57 no 37 and they went oh what's gonna say you look good for 57. you bastard and how to look for 30 seconds yeah that was one day we did a we i don't know if you guys do questions at the beginning of every workout like the hey my name's matt and i'm 37. yeah you guys do that we uh there was a but then i quit that crossfit for that reason and joined another one we did where we don't talk as much so the um we did it for a while and then they haven't done that for gosh it's been two years or something but i remember i had gone there for a year and uh and at one point i introduced my age or i said my age and i'm looking around going i am the oldest person here by a lot and i thought hey here here we all are you know all those youngsters the same age and uh i mean then there's other people who are older and i that i knew they obviously were but um but i was like wow i am not the same age as you guys which i'm okay with because i want to be able to be what's it like um because crossfit does tend to be like these sort of covert christian places a lot of the time at least it is yeah what what's it like when they find out you're a priest oh um i remember the first time ever it was this young woman it was the day after ash wednesday i think maybe maybe it was ash wednesday and she walks up and she was like um ascension presents i was like i was like hi she's like i have no idea what you're talking about i was uh i was looking yesterday since i'm i i'm catholic and i i was i haven't really been in my faith recently recently and so with lent coming up i was like okay what do i need to do for for lent what should i do for lent i typed it in and your your face came up i'm like hey i work out with that guy so yeah we talked and it was the first thing so i invited her to mass you've been coming to mass then and and i just it's so here's the thing that's super interesting we might have talked about this when i was down visiting you in atlanta um i never get a chance to establish relationships prior to them knowing that i'm a priest like in just daily life yeah um like for the last 17 years that's what it is it's like oh you're a priest and then maybe i'll get to know the person who's also a perhaps to be priest this is the one place for the last three years where i probably knew people for over a year until they asked me what i do and that's nice it's been the coolest thing because then it comes up you know on a regular basis um now like even this last week uh i spent actually last week i guess uh on friday this this guy that you know we explained exchanged pleasantries every day uh he's like hey i signed up for your podcast i was like really he's like yeah a friend that i work with uh she has a daughter that you must have done ministry with and she told me about it and i listened to my first episode today and i was like that is so cool um yeah same thing happens to me you know it's like i'm almost embarrassed to say i have a podcast because it's it's like saying like i have a left foot it's like yeah everybody has one of those um everyone i'm always surprised when they say well what is it and they often come back and say i listen to it i'm always really nervous because i'm not sure what he's spoken about but what do you think yeah he hasn't followed up yet so i don't know we'll see um let's see here i'm not even going to try to say this person's name but thanks for the super chat they say would you would like to thank father mike and jeff cavins i'm following the bible in a year plan in and passing it in arabic to my awesome what does that mean to non-english speaking friends passing it in arabic what does that mean maybe she's translating it i mean what does that mean i don't know that's crazy that's awesome um this patron james thibodeaux says what's the best book of the bible for people with anxiety that's a good question i i my go-to would be the book of psalms i think uh i remember years ago there was a uh a student here actually he had just graduated and a good friend of his had gotten into a like massive massive car accident that just destroyed her life in so many ways she was in physical therapy for such a long time and she just was just in a lot of pain and he said father what's a good scripture that i can just share with her and something that i know that sometimes when you find scripture that just you know that one quote that just like speaks to you and you found it because the lord's kind of brought it to you that there's something powerful about that but sometimes when someone else just says hey i know you're in pain here is scripture that you know the lord is not forsaken or whatever the thing is um sometimes that can come across as like here is my answer here's like something trite to say yes and i said so i said so here's some things that are encouraging like when it comes to the lord who say in the new testament where uh the lord is my strength you know uh sorry oh my gosh i'm philippians um but nonetheless uh i had said you know what if you direct her to the book of psalms and hear a couple different psalms for someone who's this is the prayer of someone in the depths of distress here's the prayer of someone who's in distress but is trusting the lord yes is the prayer of someone who is in the middle of uh and being honest about their their experience but they're also thanking god um absolutely that is one of those things about the psalms it's just so honest it's like yeah it's so honest and but at the same time you know this is so unique uh psalm 88 is one of my favorite psalms of all of the psalms and it is it's the it's the the prayer of jesus in caiaphas's cell so it is the last line of the book of song they've torn holes in my hands my feet i can count on my bones even my friend who ate my bread has turned against me um the last line so every other psalm even the psalms that are just depth of despair end with and yet i will thank god and yet you know lord is my strength psalm 88 is the one where the last line is my one companion is darkness it doesn't actually turn up but then you realize yeah that makes sense this would be the prayer of jesus that he is staying faithful to his father into the father's will but that doesn't make it easy it's not it's it's it's not taking away the distress and so uh i like all the psalms but psalm 88 and so for um your patron who asked was it james um yeah who asked the question uh yeah i would say if you're dealing with anxiety the psalms one of my favorite verses is first peter 5 7 which says cast all your anxieties upon him for he cares for you what a lovely a lovely thing to meditate on all your things all your anxieties not just the big ones yeah okay uh oh this person says i want you to respond to this pride lgbtq people are in the chat love love love love love love god loves all humans cool god does love all humans that is correct yeah you're very welcome here antonella it's lovely to have you thank you for your that's awesome and also not to be that i'm sorry when i said god doesn't love all humans that could sound patronizing and i do not mean it in a patronizing way um i mean that as a that is a true statement and just like you said matt uh super glad that antoinette is here yeah victor a b says hey guys can you recommend a bible translation that is primarily based on the vulgate but also corrects the more agreed upon clear textual corruptions my three go-to translations with a fourth at the end is uh the one i read from on the podcast is the revised standard version second catholic edition which uh i think is really good it's it's a very it's a pretty quick or sorry click i don't know what the word quick was there for um it's it's a very i think accurate literal translation of scripture kind of a word for word there's the new american bible which i actually there are many times when the new american bible has a better translation even than the rsv second catholic edition because it's it for whatever reason it its dynamic equivalency translation did not uh was like super consistent and for example uh this last sunday we had the baptism of the lord yesterday gosh baptism of the lord and in the new american bible it specifically says in mark's gospel the heavens were torn open and that is the comes from the greek words schizo or schizo right so schizo schizophrenic torn mind um but the revised version i don't believe it's i think it says the heavens were opened as opposed to the american which bible says no the heavens were torn open and that is literally the word which then goes to the end of mark's gospel and when uh the temple the veil in the temple was torn into it was schizo it was torn open as well and it's interesting and you wouldn't mark that connection unless you exactly since you had that so you have the rice under version catholic edition second super good new american bible is very good um the english standard version which is probably the version you're reading through the bible yeah that's it's it is probably no i'm not actually i am reading the rsv but i do love that i love the svs yep and i really like the uh jerusalem bible yeah yeah i agree it's beautiful and there been some there were some issues with it i think at some point with translation but uh but i lo i the wording is incredible i i just it's so poetic yes and secondly i love and this might be what i love the layout the format where the text goes all the way across the page as opposed to in columns it's just like this is this it helps me get out of bible mode i see yeah and it's kind of like the i mean i i think a great question a great answer to the question which bible is the best bible for me at least superficially is the one you will read you know start there because very often we're wondering what the best bible is and we haven't even picked one up matt anderson says please ask father mike to say hi to my wife mimi and bless her for bringing me back to the church so awesome matt that's incredible mimi thank you so much for being helping matt back to the church that's phenomenal and my god bless you the name of the father son holy spirit uh now and always what a gift wow thanks for saying that matt um camo says can the same thing be said when it comes to fail falling into the same sins the thing about excellence and being honest with yourself then you can grow out of it yeah that's exactly that's in fact what that's what brother guardini was i think originally talking about when it came to uh just your struggles and so many you know i find people they waste so much energy in resisting the acknowledgement of the truth when it comes to no this is actually what you're wrestling with right now i don't want to be wrestling with this like okay i get it like let's acknowledge that too yeah but like you know so here's a bad example but it's my example right now um so i found this to be the case with a lot of people who have uh maybe some deeper seated uh whether it be psychological issues or emotional issues so um someone who has some like yeah someone who's emotionally unstable uh i i work with a lot of young people who will have you know eating disorders or have uh some issues in that area or someone who says you know they they might experience depression anxiety to a clinical level um and they spend so much energy trying to avoid dealing with those realities and rejecting like any even people come up to them and say like good friends close people they trust and say we've noticed this can we help you somehow um the amount of energy they spend in denial is is crushing to them and it becomes difficult for their friends and those people around them and it doesn't help anything so just like this person's asking it could it be said about you know sins or vices or any kind of problem person's work or dealing with a hundred percent and that's why the only way to move forward is that first acceptance acceptance doesn't mean like i guess that's me you know whatever it means okay this is what i'm dealing with how do i make it work yeah uh alex george says the hour that will change your life changed my life what's that do you know that's awesome alex uh that was a talk i gave i think at seek in 20 2013 2015. i was on the eucharist um that's awesome that thank you for cool and then he says by the way i had a dream two nights ago that i went to confession with you lol god bless cool it didn't count you still need to go to confession but that's great try la says my sister-in-law needs to deliver her baby through c-section since natural delivery will be fatal for her and the child is it considered a sin not at all no no there's nothing uh morally questionable even about a cesarean section uh let's see here kyle said uh no question i don't know why you would i don't know what that means just wanted to thank oh no question got it got it see text is tone deaf which is another argument against solar scriptura no question i just wanted to thank you both so much you are both instrumental in my return to the church enjoying matt's and father mike's podcast in southern minnesota god bless glory to jesus christ that's beautiful uh anna sito says matt i met you when you came to michigan and asked you about following god's will after feeling called youth ministry took your advice and tomorrow is my first day of serving high school group yeah i don't know if that's russian but it just sounds russian i wish i had a cool name like that like wouldn't it be cool to be called matt tolstoy yeah that'd be so much cooler than fred anyway what led you to what led you to be a diocesan priest instead of entering a religious order like the dominicans franciscans also loved your episode on godsplaining awesome there's an excellent podcast which everyone should just describe and then and father uh pine was with you last week was he already he does weekly episodes on the show everybody yes i was right so yeah last week um so i so i went to a college that had been addicting and so i like i checked out the monastery i thought this would be really cool it wasn't and it just didn't seem right uh i loved the idea of the jesuits in the sense of that back when they were founded there was like this like these are the marines of uh the priesthood and i thought that's awesome i worked as a missionary for a year after graduating college with the society of our lady the most holy trinity and those priests um are they're currently i think in so many ways like the the new marine slash green berets of of the church they're just they're phenomenal and just even their community life is is is just really something that really resonated with me not only that but then also the cfrs have always had this like they just was drawn to them me too i like to think i'm a dominican but i'm not i'm franciscan all the way and then the dominicans too i had a guy in my class who um we went through maybe we might have been three years of seminary together and then he left to pursue uh dominican vocation and now he's i think he might be in chicago and one of the the dominican friaries there um awesome guy and so i looked at all these different communities and they all had a different appeal to me and it came down to yep they're all appealing but i've grown up in my home diocese in my home parish praying this thing called the diocese and vocation prayer every single sunday of god please bless our diocese with priests and it didn't seem to make sense to me to say um oh i have a call to be a priest i should leave the diocese that you know help foster my vocation and uh yeah just go away so it was kind of a uh almost a default kind of a situation where it was like all those other things are attractive but um it doesn't make any sense to me personally at the time uh why i would go somewhere else to be a priest when my home area needs priests that's why i don't know what you think about this and it might be misunderstood so i'll be careful here but i was chatting with one diocesan priest who was of course speaking affectionately of his religious right brothers but saying you know they're religious you know where are they well they look cool and they're off there praying somewhere where he's like us to us and priests it's like we're like the dads in the family you know like you can tell when we're annoyed you know yeah we're just in the mix of things and because of that it's it can be more it can be humbling he wasn't of course pitting one against the other but do you see his point oh it's it's so good uh there is that that sense of like i remember when i talked to well father pine he had mentioned that you know he's studying um over uh where's switzerland switzerland and i thought you even said i said that's awesome that is so good because well a he's so smart and he's so articulate and he just like i just think with a gift he and the other dominicans that he lives and works with are to the church right now so i'm like yeah that's what you need to be doing you need to be doing exactly this um and at the same time like you said there is an exercise of fatherhood that is super real uh when it comes to being in a place where like i am on campus where like i just heard someone walk in because they're here always behind you like they just walked into the house because the house you can hear everything in the house um and there's something about that like today is a rough day and like oh oh he's a little bit he's either tired he's sad he's something you know and it's like yeah i mean i guess that i'll try to love you in this moment but yeah it's hard to hide when yeah you're in a family and and maybe you don't need to you know that's it so anyways helena says father mike please pray for my friend karina who wants to convert to catholicism she is a fan of yours awesome karina karina i'll be praying for karina definitely angus says i want to thank you both father mike in particular whoa he says for being so influenced for being so influential in my conversion to catholicism getting confirmed this easter wow angus that's awesome man i hear a gift but a more important question here is uh elliot says father mike what's your favorite episode of the office any strong opinion on scott's tots okay yeah so scott's tots which would be rendered useless without a computer chord oh sorry lithium battery exactly that's right yeah see you're better than me sorry no no it's okay uh without a battery they're lithium wait no wait wait wait wait wait they're lithium that was the corner so scott's tots um i feel strongly about scott's tots in the sense that i haven't i have to get kind of geeded up to watch scott's tots i can't i can't it's like it's like english office awkward yeah it is and i i'm not ashamed to admit this because i've gone through them all many many times i've scrubbed through scott's tots and over the jumped over the super uncomfortable parts parts so that's where i'm at right now wisconsin favorite um episode i would have to say if i gosh it's hard to choose which one is your favorite kid child um but uh fun run ranks up there as one of the top not only because it's a longer episode so many good lines uh but it's also it's a double episode right so it's a 42 minute episode so you already get that um one of my i mean there's so many good lines in it one of my favorite lines that i can't say of all time but is uh uh ryan says michael did this happen to happen on company property yes african company but with company property you know uh so double jeopardy we're fine michael i don't think you understand how jeopardy works well i'm sorry what is we're fine and this is so good it's the first episode where jim and pam uh you know they're in a in a relationship um but uh there are also i mean every christmas i go through all the christmas episodes every you know halloween with all the holidays i'm sorry is this an office and not a french beach beach okay here's a question that's probably going to come up how could you possibly watch a show that involves such immorality i mean there's people who are in uh you know adulterous relationships homosexual relationships uh you call yourself a priest i'm really going for the jugular father because that's what they do on youtube so i figure i'll save them the time yeah you know and here you are like watching this like shouldn't you i mean it's a serious question too like why would you expose yourself to that you know see the thing that bothers me the most maybe about any any element of that show because uh so there's a couple elements where the the uh sexual liaisons that are uh hinted at in that are almost always hinted at as being like you're doing the wrong thing almost always not always but almost always um so here's you know dwight and angela and uh michael and uh oh my gosh what's the name of the woman from the dave and buster's place oh i don't know i'll think of it later on is this the one that mike got together with the one who's the bartender yeah yes yes she's the manager so i'm a manager too manager i'm a manager um but so there there's those elements that's right that's right and they they he realized how shameful it was to be with another man's wife yeah right and uh um so there's an element there but the thing that really really bothers me uh even more than that because again they hint at them and they kind of wink at them a couple times when it comes to like jim and pam living together or whatever um again it bothers me so it's not like it doesn't bother me uh but i don't like when they take the lord's name in vain i don't like them saying god so much um it said that for whatever reason even more than any other single element of that tv show uh gets me to the point where i think sometimes like it happens at least i don't know once every couple weeks where i think is this a sign from the lord that i should not watch this show anymore like is this a kind of a thing where can i or ought i to give it a pass for the other good elements because they keep taking the lowest name in vain um so that's a good question and i i think it's a legitimate question yeah i think it is too i think my kind of standard response to a question like that would be if we were to avoid any material that did not you know contain immorality be that sexual immorality or whatever you know but then we wouldn't be able to read the bible because the bible contains sexual immorality the bible contains you know murder and the the the greatest awful thing that ever happened i mean i don't think that's exactly analogous but um i i'm with you right like i actually really enjoy the office um i think it's a lot better than a lot of shows you know there's two different analogies that i've heard right like one is like i can chew the chicken bone and spit out the bones so i can eat the chicken and fit out the bones and then i've also heard the other analogy of like a little bit of poop in brownies exactly yeah but but i to me like watching the office for a well-formed christian could can be more like spitting out the bones you know yeah whereas maybe yeah what do you think i would say this too um i've noticed a difference in me and this is just again this is just my own self-reflection uh the difference between the spitting out the bones and the the poop in the brony is i think for me the office seems a lot like feels a lot like more spitting on the bones because i haven't been watching it unreflectively i've been right right i've been trying to be to allow myself to be convicted by it i mentioned this in a talk at seek a bunch of years ago where it was it was about uh a good god bad media kind of was the name of the the talk i mentioned the the tv show how i met your mother and the very first time i ever watched this show um it was on the recommendation of a brother priest who was like oh you know father so-and-so he loves this show it's so good and i'm like oh okay i'll watch it and i sat down to watch it and it was this episode called the naked man where um this one female character goes out with this guy she doesn't like him at all but his play his move is she leaves the room and he comes she comes back in and he's naked and then they sleep together and uh and that was i was like watching going like what who this is not okay it just like it just struck me as being like so this is not okay yeah so so that i was like i'm not gonna watch the show so i never watched it well sorry so i didn't watch it a couple months paths passed and here i am at the newman house one day one night and i was turning what's on and it was on netflix i think and i was like oh i'll watch the first episode and i watched it and i was like oh it's not bad and watch the next episode not not bad and over the course of like it must have been must have happened in the second season where they have this episode the naked man maybe the third season i got all that way to that point and i remember what happened to me i remember watching the same episode that i had this actual reaction to like this is not right and watching that after i'd been desensitized over the course of two or three seasons and it happened and i almost found myself going classic robin like almost i didn't say that you know but it was one of these where i was like it didn't shock me yeah and that shocked me like it didn't bother me and that really bothered me because i realized i was giving i like these characters now and they're from giving them a pass when and there's no reason to give that action that that that decision a pass and so that's that's an example where i had to go back and think that was an example where i did not i was not unaffected like actually not like i'm like oh it's fine now but it's like it should bother me more than it's bothering me that's cool yeah you know one of the episodes of the office i really liked was the office where they all went to a hotel i forget why and there was that girl who hit on gym do you remember oh yeah she came into his bedroom one thing i loved about that is like very often like the guy is being presented as the like predator you know while the woman has to kind of stave him off it was kind of cool to see that flipped and to see jim remain faithful to pam even in a tempting moment like that i thought that was like really cool yeah it was uh uh how gosh kathy kathy is her name um how like yeah no one likes kathy now at first maybe she's okay like no as of that but then like you said he's just and he's so direct it's not even like he's going back and forth he's like nope this is not okay yeah i like that i like that yeah hey what are you gonna do now that it's off netflix and i mean okay so something about a freaking bird what kind of penguin peacock two years ago two summers ago when netflix announced that as of december 2 31 2020 the office would be off netflix um that week itunes sold the entire series for twenty dollars um and i was like i was like no way i saw it i thought this has got to be wrong you can't sell the entire series for 20 bucks and it looked like nope that was it all every season wow one low low price twenty dollars for the win yes and i so i got it and then the next week they went back to like 20 bucks 25 bucks uh per season and so well done score the rest of us have to friggin sign up to penguin and peacock whatever it is uh kevin says father mike thanks for doing the pie ball in a year podcast how do you fit it in your schedule you've said that a little bit thanks kevin that's been a challenge it's been uh um yeah it's been a little bit of a i mean it's been that good burden of like okay this is gonna be a project it's not just it doesn't just happen i have to like make it happen on a regular basis and so my big challenge has been not just to do it but to do it in such a way that uh that the commitment to it while it costs something is not uh burdensome i mean it still costs something so i guess it's gonna be burdensome but it is like still like but no this is the still has the joy of of doing it so um yeah i don't know if that answers the question but i think it does and you talked about it earlier it's not like you wake up every morning and record it and release it you also record them in batches which makes sense melissa rodriguez says father mike lately i felt like i've been losing my faith distant from god i'm wondering if you have any advice for me thank you melissa that's a great question melissa um the first thing that i would always look towards is are there any things that are like fire extinguishers in your life so if your faith is a flame right that flame needs to be both protected and fed and there are some things that we allow into our lives that that uh that kind of suck the air out of the room right so that that that sense of either it blows on the flame so much point to the point that it's hurting the flame um that can be things like uh just again bad habits that can be everything from non-moral to very moral things like so a non-moral thing might be like i just yeah i haven't been getting to bed on time i don't get up on time i haven't been going to class i mean that could be a little moral um but also things like that are immoral like i'm allowing things that i know steal my joy um into my life i i give my heart to things i should not be giving my heart to uh that thing or also i'm i'm being invited to exercise my faith but i'm not exercising it so that would be things like uh i know i mean called the prayer but i'm not praying i know i know that i need to go to confession but i haven't gotten a confession um i know that i need to say something about something or i need to act on something but i'm not doing that so the first thing is what are those fire extinguishers that are deadening my faith or what are the areas that i'm being called to act on um positively or negatively and i'm not doing those and that would be the first couple areas that i would look at um when it comes to uh it comes to like yeah i just fee i'm very weak in my faith typically i've experienced that is not necessarily a result of uh the faith itself but it's usually the result of something happening around it that is either deadening or or uh yeah diminishing my faith that's awesome thank you i'm also thinking of what pascal had to say i mean he's famous for his wager in the ponces but his one of his arguments was like okay so if it's 50 50 and you're not really sure what to do and you can't sort of instill within yourself this devotion to the lord or this belief just do what christians do that's kind of his answer i love our practice use holy water frequent the sacraments say your prayers and it's definitely been times in my life i remember like a while back just when the reality of hell hit me this was about 10 years ago now i remember thinking i kind of hope god doesn't exist like it just seems so horrible you know or i went through a time of increased like intense scrupulosity where i felt like gosh anything i do i guess which was a false view of god right but again here we are right we've already talked about this like it's so important to be honest about where we're at so that we can yeah yeah and and that's so good too because i mean think about put it in the context of any other relationship and if you were saying like i'm falling out of love with my spouse yes all right i don't feel like like okay well that that's that that doesn't uh mean something i mean it could be an indicator of something uh that something needs to change but it's not the indicator of like i made the wrong choice they don't really exist they don't really love me i have to say what's going on here well we haven't spent time together or we haven't laughed together or because what any number of things so we have to like i would say if you can localize identify and localize where this is coming from great and then the next thing like you said matt that um what you would do is say well i'm going to wait i see the problem i'm not gonna do anything about it or i see the problem and i'm not gonna take those steps that i would take if i was in love with them like no no just take those steps like um yeah here's a man who doesn't feel respected by his wife he doesn't show her love or here's a woman who doesn't feel loved and so she doesn't show respect for her husband or love her husband um and say like well just take the risk and that risk is i'm gonna do what love would do oh that's a great that's a great line yeah thanks for that um oh by the way father we have hit 500 thumbs up which means i need to send you a beer stein so after we get off the blower in a couple of minutes here sorry we're going to wrap up here text me your address and i'll okay i'll send it to you tonight or tomorrow let's do a final question here uh hey father mike and matt love your work i recently attended my first extraordinary form mass i'm curious if father mike would ever consider celebrating it great question um mac you go you've got byzantine catholic right you've been going i'm i'm a roman catholic of attendance and business in catholic church but since i'm moving to students we'll likely go to the latin mass okay gotcha so uh at the risk of disappointing everybody i hate the latin mass whoa but i i uh have um never participated in the tridentine mess or the uh or the even the nervous ordo in latin um why because up until relatively recently in my diocese we've never had an opportunity we have a number of priests in our diocese who have uh have been instructed in how to offer the mass like that in either the tridentine right or in the novus ordo in latin and went on and uh and there's a growing number of presumably diocese who do that and so because they're doing it i'm like it's great they're doing it and i will do my absolute best to offer a solemn and reverence reverent uh mass uh yeah in the novus ordo um not because i have anything against right the tradition right or the latin mass tradition latmas um but it's because there can it takes a lot i i know some priests who are very very uh conscientious about wanting to offer the mass in the basketball play they've been studying this for years and even their learning curve to get to the point where they were able to offer uh the traditional latin mass well took a long long time and i think that's great and it's a worthy pursuit for myself where i am right now um just being so busy uh i don't know that i'm called to that if my bishop we don't have bishop right now if my bishop said i want all my priests to be able to offer both the nervous ordo and the traditional land mass i would in a heartbeat do it um but just because i have to you have to choose what you do choose what you get good at whatever um that's the only reason why yeah no that's that's beautiful i was having a chat with brian holdsworth today and oh yeah yeah we were talking about how like it it's it's sad that uh we're seeing such polarization in the church and i find it quite um distasteful when i see people sort of sneering at those who attend the nervous order as if they're somehow sub-catholic or something right i remember i i gave a think of a talk a couple years ago on the mass and at one point i mentioned something in latin and i said well i might have said that wrong i i never uh learned latin in seminary because they didn't teach it when i was there yeah uh and uh it was kind of an offhand comment kind of like hey dumb me whatever is kind of making fun of myself a little bit for not knowing something you would think every priest knows but i'm like no i went through seminary this this time of many many many years of training when they didn't teach priests latin and uh again i i'm the first to acknowledge that's a deficit but i didn't realize the amount of uh people who would say like you're disqualified as a priest now like oh well crap i mean i was legitimately validly ordained i don't have to tell you yeah yeah hey you're beautiful and i love you and i'm so glad you're doing the work that you're doing and my you know have i ever texted you if i ever texted you and said like i if anything ever happens like you can come and stay stay with us let me let me make it less personal so it doesn't embarrass you i i wrote to you i wrote to my priest recently about five months ago and just out of nowhere i probably freaked him out i went i just need you to know that if you're ever caught with a prostitute or if you steal money from the church or if you kill a man you can come to my house and i will house you and clothe you probably can't lie directly because of the whole thomist thing but i will um i will love on you you know and i i just see same thing goes i mean i hope that none of that will happen but i just same here i can't stand here also that would be a that would be a unique text to get but i guess i wouldn't be overly surprised if i got it from you oh i appreciate it thank you i appreciate that i mean it's it's it's i mean there's it's there's so few people in our lives that if the whole thing fell apart yeah you know we'd have a handful of people we'd call and so i i it means a lot thank you now that that is and that thank you for saying that too because that is true i mean what a way to win the no but there is something there about like hey do you get to not be perfect and still be in my life yeah um yeah and that's and that again that's not to say i would support this or support that it's like no i would support you yeah um support me getting well yeah yeah exactly thank you ah so here's what i was drinking today it was a cow cow i was really reluctant to get it i mean you've got one chance for a beer do you really want to get a pink beer and it's it's called cow cow chocolate milk stout with peppermint and i thought well this is a bitter feminine god bless you father make sure that everybody i put a link in the description below if you guys are interested in listening to father mike schmitz's daily podcast be sure to click that and i guess you would say father if people what if they what if they're like well you know it's the it's the 11th oh i've lost i can't start now so one of the things that we did intentionally is it's day one it's day two it's day three it's not today is january 1st 2021 it's it's i like it pick it up any time i love it because i know for myself what happens is i miss the weekend i'm like oh shoot i missed i didn't do it on saturday or it got really busy on sunday and so here on monday well it's not like even though it's 11 today and you're on day seven yeah like great you're on day seven it's done that's right and also one point don't let one perfect the enemy of the good exactly what were you gonna say i cut you off i was gonna say 1.5 speed you can catch up no problem all right god bless you father thanks so much thanks so much everybody be sure to click that thumbs up button and subscribe if you want to it won't matter because youtube will cancel us in about a week but you know it'll be fun until then also don't forget that we're going to be hosting this uh five part video course with uh dr andrew swafford starting tomorrow over on patreon.comrad if you want to help us out god bless you
Channel: Pints With Aquinas
Views: 47,086
Rating: 4.9729414 out of 5
Id: W-K4G8vNXAc
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Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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