How To Lock Your Bike - The RIGHT Way!

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hey guys what's going on - occurs and in today's video we're gonna be talking about bike locks so I'm gonna be talking about some basic tips for when you lock up your bikes and things that you should look out for some things that you got to be careful about and some basic advice on how you should lock up your bike what kind of lock set you want to use and generally one of the more popular locks for cyclists is you locks so this lock was sent over to us by via Velo they're the sponsor for today's video so thanks to them for sending this over we're gonna be doing a quick review on this lock and we'll be talking about some of the benefits and disadvantages of you locks one of the big pluses about this lock so far though is it comes with this frame mount so you can just lock it in place like this and it just sits right in the center of the frame these locks are generally pretty heavy and you can just keep it locked in the frame like this so you don't have to keep it on your body and your backpack which is really nice and today I'm actually with my wife to Inchon we're gonna be doing some shopping together so she's got her bike here and actually her lock is broken on her bike so we're gonna be challenging her skills today and see how well she can lock her bike if she knows the right points to look for when locking her bike so anyway let's head over to the supermarket together we got some shopping to do first things first we got to find a place to park our bike and that's one of the first important steps anyway let's go so whether you're riding your bike to work you're riding your bike to school you're riding your bike to the supermarket no matter what kind of cycling you're doing it's always a good idea to bring a lock with you and keep your bike safe while you're doing your errands so here we are who are approaching the supermarket right now and we're gonna look for a safe place to park our bike and generally when looking for a place to park your bike I like to find a place that is well-lit nearby security cameras that gives you a little bit of extra security and we've got some indoor parking in here it's always nice to be under a roof as well just in case it rains so let's go on in here and you'll see a lot of the bikes here in Japan actually have kickstand and they'll just be locked to themselves so this is actually a really bad idea but they get away with it with these bikes because they're on the cheaper end and generally the more expensive your bike is the more careful you want to be so it's certainly a good idea to lock your bike to something that's more stable that's not going to move so this is a pretty good idea but you can see this is actually not bolted to the ground this can be moved this is a really busy area so no one's really going to get away with this but the bike was expensive enough and they have a big truck they could easily bring this along with them if they wanted to so we're actually gonna go to something a bit more stable over here and you'll see we've got this rack here this is bolted into the ground this is not moving so this is where it all begins you want to have a stable point to lock your bike so here we go we're gonna line it up just right along there and get it as close as possible and let's take the lock off so this is the lock we'll be using today this is by via Velo it's a standard u-lock and this is the mount section for the bike frame mount and this is the part where the key goes in and you can actually move this so you can cover it so it doesn't get any extra mud in there or something if it's rainy you can block that entrance point you can move that around one thing I notice is that it does make a little bit of sound when you move it around like this which can make some sounds when you're going over bumps when you're riding the bike so just keep that in mind everything else though seems really solid and first things first we got to unlock it the key that it comes with it actually comes with three different keys this one's pretty cool cuz it's got a built in light it's not a really powerful light or anything but it's better than nothing so if you're in a dark area this can help you find the key hole to get the key in anyway we just put it in and pull it out like that and the most important part when you lock your bike is you always want to lock your frame first and you want to lock your frame to the solid item you go from the most expensive item first so the most expensive item is gonna be the frame unless you're on carbon wheels if you're on carbon wheels you'll they want to lock those probably first so generally it's a good idea to lock the rear wheel in the frame together so just hook it in like this and then lock it up so that's just step one but you also want to be really careful with your front wheel because if you're on a quick release front wheel that can easily be stolen so we want to lock this up as well so this lock actually comes with another cable lock and most you locks will come with this it's a double-ended cable lock like this so first we're going to loop through the wheel and I'm gonna loop through the frame again just one more time loop this on to the u lock and then close it up so this way we've got our front wheels secured to the frame secured to this lock and this locks secured to the pull the frame and the rear wheel so there we go everything should be good to go but one other thing you don't want to forget is taking your extra valuables that are attached to your bike so things like your lights things that can easily be removed you want to take those with you because these can easily be stolen and they a little bit expensive to replace anyway that's enough for my explanation let's see if my wife can replicate the success so let's take this off real quick and let's see if she can do this on her own do you in to take Isola non-date ok step [Music] Dickie must so while we're here and on the topic of locks let me show you guys some of the Japanese locks so a lot of Japanese bikes will have built-in locks like this and really it just locks the bike in place with the rear wheel it's not really safer anything cuz you can easily just throw it on the back of a pickup truck but actually on my wife's bike here she actually lost her lock so we actually had to break apart her lock here which is actually really difficult to do and now she doesn't have a working lock so let's see if this will work on her mama Teddy does let's get anything good eyesight and we're just gonna practice over here real quickly for now see if this will work there we go good to go so fortunately here in Japan people are able to get away with just locking up their frame to their rear wheel like this and you can see there's a couple different solutions so this person is actually doing a double lock they're doing the standard lock and they've got an extra wire lock here on the back and that's really mainly because of the culture here in Japan the low crime rate and everything you don't really have to worry as much as you do as other places but regardless of where you live it's always a good idea to lock your bike and keep it safe anyway we're gonna go on into the store and finish our grocery shopping I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and I'll leave some information down below about the lock that we used in today's video so thanks again to via Velo for helping sponsor today's video see you guys in the next video the name [Music] you
Channel: Two Wheel Cruise
Views: 282,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sports, cycling, bike, road bike, cyclist, bike lock, bicycle lock, stolen bike, how to lock your bike, bicycle (sports equipment), two wheel cruise, how to lock, how to lock bike, how to lock bike on bike rack, u-lock, u-lock bike like, u-like bike mount, via velo, via velo bike lock, via velo bicycle, how to use a u-lock, how to lock up your bike, bike maintenance, cycling tips, cycling beginner, cycling beginner tips, u lock, how to, bicycle (product category)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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